119 research outputs found

    3-4.5 μm continuously tunable single mode VECSEL

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    We present continuously tunable Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSEL) in the mid-infrared. The structure based on IV-VI semiconductors is epitaxially grown on a Si-substrates. The VECSEL emit one single mode, which is mode hop-free tunable over 50-100nm around the center wavelength. In this work, two different devices are presented, emitting at 3.4μm and 3.9μm, respectively. The lasers operate near room temperature with thermoelectric stabilization. They are optically pumped, yielding an output power >10mWp. The axial symmetric emission beam has a half divergence angle of <3.3

    5-μm vertical external-cavity surface-emitting laser (VECSEL) forspectroscopic applications

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    Mid-IR tunable VECSELs (Vertical External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers) emitting at 4-7 μm wavelengths and suitable for spectroscopic sensing applications are described. They are realized with lead-chalcogenide (IV-VI) narrow band gap materials. The active part, a single 0.6-2-μm thick PbTe or PbSe gain layer, is grown onto an epitaxial Bragg mirror consisting of two or three Pb1−y EuyTe/BaF2 quarter-wavelength layer pairs. All layers are deposited by MBE in a single run employing a BaF2 or Si substrate, no further processing is needed. The cavity is completed with an external curved top mirror, which is again realized with an epitaxial Bragg structure. Pumping is performed optically with a 1.5-μm laser. Maximum output power for pulsed operation is currently up to >1 Wp at −173°C and >10 mW at 10°C. In continuous wave (CW) operation, 18 mW at 100 K are reached. Still higher operating temperatures and/or powers are expected with better heat-removal structures and better designs employing QW (Quantum-Wells). Advantages of mid-IR VECSELs compared to edge-emitting lasers are their very good beam quality (circular beam with 15 μm are accessible with Pb1−y XyZ (X=Sr, Eu, Sn, Z=Se, Te) and/or including Q

    Dynamics of nanosecond laser pulse propagation and of associated instabilities in a magnetized underdense plasma

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    The propagation and energy coupling of intense laser beams in plasmas are critical issues in laser-driven inertial confinement fusion. Applying magnetic fields to such a setup has been evoked to enhance fuel confinement and heating, and mitigate laser energy losses. Here we report on experimental measurements demonstrating improved transmission and increased smoothing of a high-power laser beam propagating in an underdense magnetized plasma. We also measure enhanced backscattering, which our simulations show is due to hot electrons confinement, thus leading to reduced target preheating

    Inefficient Magnetic-Field Amplification in Supersonic Laser-Plasma Turbulence

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    We report a laser-plasma experiment that was carried out at the LMJ-PETAL facility and realized the first magnetized, turbulent, supersonic (Maturb 2.5) plasma with a large magnetic Reynolds number (Rm 45) in the laboratory. Initial seed magnetic fields were amplified, but only moderately so, and did not become dynamically significant. A notable absence of magnetic energy at scales smaller than the outer scale of the turbulent cascade was also observed. Our results support the notion that moderately supersonic, low-magnetic-Prandtl-number plasma turbulence is inefficient at amplifying magnetic fields compared to its subsonic, incompressible counterpart

    PDA-Based Glyconanomicelles for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Active Targeting Via Mannose and Asialoglycoprotein Receptors

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth most common neoplasia and the fourth most common cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. Sorafenib is the first-line molecular therapy for patients in an advanced stage of HCC. However, the recommended clinical dose of Sorafenib is associated with several complications, which derive from its lack of cell specificity and its very low water solubility. To circumvent these drawbacks, in the present study we developed two sugar-coated polydiacetylene-based nanomicelles-Sorafenib carriers targeting mannose and asialoglycoprotein receptors (MR and ASGPR, respectively). The strategies allowed the inducement of apoptosis and reduction of cell proliferation at a nanomolar, instead of micromolar, range in liver cancer cells. The study showed that, contrary to literature data, Sorafenib included into the pMicMan (Man = mannose) vector (targeting MR) is more efficient than pMicGal (Gal = galactose) (targeting ASGPR). Indeed, pMicMan increased the endosomal incorporation with an increased intracellular Sorafenib concentration that induced apoptosis and reduced cell proliferation at a low concentration range (10-20 nM).Financial support was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTQ2016-78580-C2-1-R to N.K.) and the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI13/00021, PI16/00090, and PI19/01266 to J.M.) both cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) from FEDER and the European Social Fund (ESF), as well by the Andalusian Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation (P07-FQM-2774 to N.K., CV20-04221 to N.K. P20_00882 to N.K. and CTS-6264 to J.M.), the PAIDI Program from the Andalusian Government (FQM-313 to N.K., CV20-04221 to N.K., P20_00882 to N.K., P20_00882 to N.K., and CTS-0664 to J.M.), the Andalusian Ministry of Health (PI-00025-2013, and PI-0198-2016 to J.M.), and the CSIC (CSIC–COV19-047). We thank the Biomedical Research Network Center for Liver and Digestive Diseases founded by the ISCIII and cofinanced by FEDER “A way to achieve Europe” and ERDF for their financial support. The COST action CA-18132 “Functional Glyconanomaterials for the Development of Diagnostic and Targeted Therapeutic Probe” is also acknowledged. E.R.B., C.C.A., and P. de la C.-O. were supported by FPU predoctoral fellowship (FPU15/04267, FPU17/00190, and FPU17/00026) from Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. E.N.-V. was supported by the predoctoral i-PFIS IIS-enterprise contract in science and technologies in health (IFI18/00014) from ISCiii.Peer reviewe