6 research outputs found

    Investigando o papel mediador da agilidade organizacional no efeito do capital intelectual sobre o desempenho do enfermeiro no Hospital Shahid Beheshti de Yasuj

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    Aim and literature: organizations face an environment which is characterized by increasing complexity and globalization and dynamism in the ultra-competitive era. So, the main aim of the present study is analyzing the effect of intellectual capital on nurses' job performance by considering the mediating role of organizational agility.The present research is an applied, descriptive, survey and correlative research in terms of its aim and methodology which was conducted in 2017 periodically. The statistical population of this study included the nurses of Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Yasuj. They were 320 persons at the time of study. The sample size was 174 persons which were selected by a stratified- randomized method. The standard questionnaire was used for gathering information. The validity and reliability of this questionnaire was confirmed. Pearson correlation test, structural equations modeling and bootstrap test were used for analyzing the relationship between variables, measuring the fit of the research model and testing the hypotheses by SPSS and Smart Pls software respectively. Results suggested that the proposed model of research has a good fit and these results are in accordance with positive and significant effect of intellectual capital on nurses' job performance. Findings of this research also showed that intellectual capital has a direct, positive and significant effect on nurses' job performance with the moderating role of agility. The results showed that hospital agility can be an important factor in improving the nurses' job performance and thus strengthening the intellectual capital of the hospital.Objetivo y literatura: las organizaciones se enfrentan a un entorno caracterizado por el aumento de la complejidad y la globalización y el dinamismo en la era ultracompetitiva. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal del presente estudio es analizar el efecto del capital intelectual en el desempeño laboral de las enfermeras al considerar el papel mediador de la agilidad organizacional.  La presente investigación es una investigación aplicada, descriptiva, encuesta y correlativa en términos de su objetivo y metodología que se llevó a cabo en 2017 periódicamente. La población estadística de este estudio incluyó a las enfermeras del Hospital Shahid Beheshti de Yasuj. Eran 320 personas en el momento del estudio. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 174 personas que fueron seleccionadas por un método estratificado y aleatorizado. El cuestionario estándar se usó para recopilar información. La validez y fiabilidad de este cuestionario fue confirmada. La prueba de correlación de Pearson, el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales y la prueba de arranque se usaron para analizar la relación entre variables, medir el ajuste del modelo de investigación y probar las hipótesis mediante el software SPSS y Smart Pls, respectivamente. los resultados sugirieron que el modelo propuesto de investigación encaja bien y estos resultados están de acuerdo con el efecto positivo y significativo del capital intelectual en el desempeño laboral de las enfermeras. Los resultados de esta investigación también mostraron que el capital intelectual tiene un efecto directo, positivo y significativo en el desempeño laboral de las enfermeras con el papel moderador de la agilidad. Los resultados mostraron que la agilidad hospitalaria puede ser un factor importante para mejorar el desempeño laboral de las enfermeras y así fortalecer el capital intelectual del hospital.O objetivo principal do presente estudo é avaliar o comprometimento organizacional de professores do ensino médio baseado na teoria de Herzberg sobre a motivação dos fatores. Um método de pesquisa descritiva é usado neste estudo. A população estatística deste estudo inclui os professores da escola secundária da administração educacional da cidade de Jahrom. Havia 330 pessoas no momento do estudo. O tamanho da amostra foi de 178 pessoas, de acordo com a tabela de Kerjesi-Morgan, e a amostragem foi realizada por método estratificado e randomizado. Dois problemas de comprometimento organizacional (Allen e Meyer) e motivação foram utilizados pelas razões dos fatores (expectativa de trabalho) (Lussier) para coletar informações. A validade e confiabilidade dos questionários foram confirmadas. indicadores SIRS como média e desvio padrão, amostra teste t, coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, t-teste em amostras independentes, análise de regressão multivariada e análise de variância através das partes de estatística descritiva e estatística inferencial para analisar os dados respectivamente. Os resultados dos dados analisados mostraram que existe uma relação significativa entre fatores de higiene motivacional e comprometimento organizacional. Não há diferença significativa entre os fatores de higiene de professores do sexo masculino e feminino, mas a taxa de fatores de higiene das professoras é maior do que a dos professores do sexo masculino. Tampouco há uma diferença significativa entre o comprometimento da organização do professor, mas a taxa de professores com mais do que a categoria de professores com bacharelado e mestrado em artes

    Comparando inteligência espiritual e inteligência emocional de enfermeiros gerentes com o comprometimento de enfermeiros da Universidade Yasuj de ciências médicas

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    Aim and literature: Nowadays, nursing is considered as one of the important occupations in the field of healthcare which also includes an important and great part of the population who are working in the field of treatment apart from its key importance. Therefore, the main aim of the present study is comparing spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence of nurse managers with commitment of nurses of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences.The present study is an applied and analytical research that was conducted in 1396 periodically. The statistical population of this study included the nurses of hospitals of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences. They were 740 persons at the time of study. The sample size was 253 persons which were selected by a stratified- randomized method and Cochran formula. The standard questionnaire was used for gathering information. The validity and reliability of this questionnaire was confirmed. Indexes such as mean and standard deviation, Multivariable Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) Pearson correlative coefficient and hierarchical analysis regression using SPSS 22.0 software of two parts of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used for analyzing the data.results showed that emotional intelligence is prioritized while comparing spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence of nurse managers and there is a significant difference between the control component of emotions and feelings. The results also show that spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence have a positive and significant effect on nursing commitment.The results showed that spiritual and emotional intelligence could be an important factor in increasing nurses' commitment and increasing their job satisfaction consequently which necessitates nurses to be in a care and healthy environment.Objetivo y literatura: Hoy en día, la enfermería se considera una de las ocupaciones importantes en el campo de la salud, que también incluye a una parte importante y grande de la población que trabaja en el campo del tratamiento, además de su importancia clave. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal del presente estudio es comparar la inteligencia espiritual y la inteligencia emocional de los gerentes de enfermería con el compromiso de las enfermeras de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Yasuj.El presente estudio es una investigación aplicada y analítica que se realizó en 1396 periódicamente. La población estadística de este estudio incluyó a las enfermeras de los hospitales de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Yasuj. Eran 740 personas en el momento del estudio. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 253 personas, que se seleccionaron mediante un método estratificado aleatorizado y fórmula de Cochran. El cuestionario estándar se usó para recopilar información. La validez y fiabilidad de este cuestionario fue confirmada. Índices tales como media y desviación estándar, Análisis de varianza multivariable (MANOVA), coeficiente correlativo de Pearson y regresión de análisis jerárquico utilizando el software SPSS 22.0 de dos partes de estadística descriptiva y estadística inferencial se utilizaron para analizar los datos.los resultados mostraron que se prioriza la inteligencia emocional al comparar la inteligencia espiritual y la inteligencia emocional de los gerentes de enfermería, y existe una diferencia significativa entre el componente de control de las emociones y los sentimientos. Los resultados también muestran que la inteligencia espiritual y la inteligencia emocional tienen un efecto positivo y significativo en el compromiso de enfermería.Los resultados mostraron que la inteligencia espiritual y emocional podría ser un factor importante para aumentar el compromiso de las enfermeras y aumentar su satisfacción laboral, lo que exige que las enfermeras se encuentren en un entorno cuidado y saludable.Objectivo e literatura: Hoje, a enfermagem é considerada uma das principais ocupações no campo da saúde, que inclui também uma parte importante e grande da população que trabalha no campo do tratamento, além de sua importância fundamental. Portanto, o principal objetivo deste estudo é comparar a inteligência espiritual e inteligência emocional dos gerentes de enfermagem com o compromisso dos enfermeiros na Universidade de Ciências Médicas Yasuj.O presente estudo é uma pesquisa aplicada e analítico realizado regularmente em 1396. A população estatística deste estudo incluiu enfermeiros de hospitais de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Yasuj. Havia 740 pessoas no momento do estudo. O tamanho da amostra foi de 253 pessoas que foram escolhidos pelo método randomizado estratificada fórmula Cochran. O questionário padrão foi usado para coletar informações. A validade e confiabilidade deste questionário foram confirmadas. Índices, tais como média e desvio padrão, análise multivariada de variância (MANOVA), correlativo Pearson e regressão análise hierárquica utilizando SPSS 22.0 partes de duas estatística descritiva e estatística inferencial de software foram usadas para analisar os dados.Os resultados mostraram que a inteligência emocional quando se comparam inteligência espiritual e inteligência emocional dos gerentes de enfermagem é priorizada, e há uma diferença significativa entre o componente de emoções e sentimentos de controle. Os resultados também mostram que a inteligência espiritual e inteligência emocional têm um efeito positivo e significativo sobre o compromisso de enfermagem.Os resultados mostraram que a inteligência espiritual e emocional poderia ser um grande compromisso de aumentar enfermeiros e aumentar o seu fator de satisfação com o trabalho, o que exige que os enfermeiros estão em um ambiente de carinho e saudável

    The effects of empathy skills training on nursing students’ empathy and attitudes toward elderly people

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    Abstract Background Nursing students’ empathy and positive attitudes toward elderly people could help provide improved elderly care in their future practice. This study aimed to investigate the effects of empathy skills training on nursing students’ empathy and attitudes toward elderly people. Methods This quasi-experimental study was conducted in Yasuj, Iran in 2014. The sample consisted of 63 students at Hazrat Zeinab Nursing and Midwifery School who were randomly divided into a control (n = 31) and an intervention group (n = 32). The intervention group attended an eight-hour workshop on empathy skills that was presented through lectures, demonstration, group discussions, scenarios, and questioning. The data were collected using the Persian versions of Kogan’s Attitudes towards Old People Scale and Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy-Health Professionals Version. Then, the data were entered into the SPSS software, version 19 and were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, t-test, and repeated measures analysis of variance. Results The results showed that the empathy skills training program had a significant impact on the students’ mean scores of empathy and attitudes toward elderly people (p < 0.001). The intervention group’s mean score of empathy increased from 77.8 (SD = 10.7) before the intervention to 86 (SD = 7.3) immediately after that and 85.2 (SD = 8.9) 2 months later. Their mean score of attitude also increased from 110.8 (SD = 10.9) before the intervention to 155.2 (SD = 23.4) immediately after the intervention and 158.6 (SD = 23.2) 2 months later. Additionally, the empathy and attitude scores of the intervention group were significantly higher than those for control group immediately and 2 months after the intervention. Conclusions Empathy skills training improved the nursing students’ empathy and attitudes towards elderly people. Therefore, empathy training is recommended to be incorporated into the undergraduate nursing curriculum

    TheEffectofUsingOliveOilandFishOilProphylactic Dressings on Heel Pressure Injury Development in Critically Ill Patients

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    Introduction and Aim: Prevention of pressure injuries in patients hospitalized in intensive care units is significantly important. Therefore, in the present study, the effect of using olive oil and fish oil prophylactic dressings on the development of heel pressure injuries was investigated. Methods: The present study was a clinical trial conducted in the intensive care unit of Shahid Beheshti Hospital, in Yasuj. Fifty patients, who were at moderate to high risk of pressure injuries development, were randomly divided into two groups based on the mean score of the Braden scale. In one group, patients’ heels were dressed using olive oil prophylactic dressing, and in the other group, patients’ heels were dressed using fish oil prophylactic dressing. The dressings were changed 3 times a day. Collected data were then analyzed using SPSS v16. Results: No significant difference was determined in demographic variables among the two groups (p<0.05). In terms of the development of heel pressure injuries, none of the patients in the olive oil and fish oil groups had pressure injuries. Conclusion: Therewerenostatisticallysignificantdifferencesineithertreatmentgrouprelated to heel pressure injuries outcomes during the 7 days observed in the study. Additionally, both dressings had the same effects. Further studies are recommended in this regard