32 research outputs found

    Circulating Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Is Associated with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a Middle-Aged Normal Population

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    Background: Elevated levels of circulating matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) have been demonstrated in patients with established coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim of this study was to analyse levels of MMP-9 in a population free from symptomatic CAD and investigate their associations with cardiovascular (CV) risk factors, including C-reactive protein (CRP).   Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in a population based random sample aged 45–69 (n = 345, 50% women). MMP-9 levels were measured in EDTA-plasma using an ELISA-method. CV risk factors were measured using questionnaires and standard laboratory methods. Results: Plasma MMP-9 was detectable in all participants, mean 38.9 ng/mL (SD 22.1 ng/mL). Among individuals without reported symptomatic CAD a positive association (p&lt;0.001) was seen, for both men and women, of MMP-9 levels regarding total risk load of eight CV risk factors i.e. blood pressure, dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake. The association was significant also after adjustment for CRP, and was not driven by a single risk factor alone. In regression models adjusted for age, sex, smoking, alcohol intake and CRP, elevated MMP-9 levels were independently positively associated with systolic blood pressure (p = 0.037), smoking (p&lt;0.001), alcohol intake (p = 0.003) and CRP (p&lt;0.001). The correlation coefficient between MMP-9 and CRP was r = 0.24 (p&lt;0.001).   Conclusions: In a population without reported symptomatic CAD, MMP-9 levels were associated with total CV risk load as well as with single risk factors. This was found also after adjustment for CRP  Original Publication: Peter Garvin, Lennart Nilsson, John Carstensen, Lena Jonasson and Margareta Kristenson, Circulating Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Is Associated with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a Middle-Aged Normal Population, 2008, PLoS ONE, (3), 3, e1774. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0001774 Licensee: Public Library of Science (PLoS) http://www.plos.org/</p

    Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk: results from three cohort studies in the DIETSCAN project

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    OBJECTIVE: Only a few consistent findings on individual foods or nutrients that influence breast cancer risk have emerged thus far. Since people do not consume individual foods but certain combinations of them, the analysis of dietary patterns may offer an additional aspect for assessing associations between diet and diseases such as breast cancer. It is also important to examine whether the relationships between dietary patterns and breast cancer risk are consistent across populations. METHODS: We examined the risk of breast cancer with two dietary patterns, identified as "Vegetables" (VEG) and "Pork, Processed Meat, Potatoes" (PPP), common to all cohorts of the DIETSCAN project. During 7 to 13 years of follow-up, three of the cohorts--the Netherlands Cohort Study on diet and cancer (NLCS), the Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC), and the Ormoni e Dieta nella Eziologia dei Tumori (Italy-ORDET)--provided data on 3271 breast cancer cases with complete information on their baseline diet measured by a validated food frequency questionnaire. RESULTS: After adjustment for potential confounders, VEG was not associated with the risk of breast cancer across all cohorts. PPP was also not associated with the risk of breast cancer in SMC and ORDET, but a high PPP score tended to be inversely associated with breast cancer in the NLCS study (RR = 0.69; 95% CI, 0.52-0.92, highest versus lowest quartile). PPP differed in one aspect between the cohorts: butter loaded positively on the pattern in all cohorts except NLCS, in which butter loaded negatively and appeared to be substituted by low-fat margarine loading positively. CONCLUSION: In general, the dietary patterns showed consistent results across the three cohorts except for the possible protective effect of PPP in the NLCS cohort, which could be explained by a difference in that pattern for NLCS. The results supported the suggestion derived from traditional epidemiology that relatively recent diet may not have an important role in the etiology of breast cancer

    Childhood diet and behavioural problems: results from the ALSPAC cohort

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether a ‘junk food’ diet at 81 months of age is associated with the development of behavioural problems over the following 16 months. SUBJECTS/METHODS: The study used data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) and 12,942 children were included. The main outcome measure was behavioural problems, measured using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). SDQ scores were available at 81 and 97 months of age. Child-based dietary data were collected at 81 months by food frequency questionnaire; from this a ‘junk food’ score was derived, and mean weekly non-milk extrinsic sugar (NMES) intake estimated. Statistical analyses examined the associations between dietary exposures at 81 months and SDQ outcomes at 97 months. Children with SDQ scores suggesting behavioural problems at baseline were excluded in order to identify new cases. Adjustments were made for potential confounders such as socioeconomic status. RESULTS: Unadjusted analyses suggested associations between the ‘junk food’ score at 81 months and both total difficulties and pro-social behaviour at 97 months. However, adjustment for baseline SDQ scores attenuated these associations, with confidence intervals including the null for both total difficulties [OR(95% CI):1.05(0.92,1.21);P=0.45] and pro-social behaviour [1.13(1.00,1.26);P=0.04]. Adjustment for other potential confounders further attenuated the effects. Adjustment for confounders similarly attenuated modest associations between NMES intake and behavioural problems. CONCLUSIONS: There was no evidence to support an association between a ‘junk food’ diet at 81 months of age and behavioural problems 16 months later