78 research outputs found

    Comparative study to access coagulation abnormalities in breast cancer

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    Background: Coagulation abnormalities such as thrombosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) are the major factors that play a major role in breast cancer. In this study, coagulation abnormalities were assessed in breast cancer patients to help the clinician in early detection of DIC and management of patients at different stages of breast cancer.Methods: 75 patients were enrolled in the study, 50 were from case group (breast cancer patients) and 25 were selected as control group subjects used to compare the results. All of these subjects undergone, General Hematological analysis i.e. differential leukocyte count hemoglobin, platelets count and total leukocyte count were performed on each of the samples collected from the subjects and Specific Hematological analysis i.e. Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT), Fibrinogen Assay, Prothrombin Time (PT), D-Dimer Detection and Fibrin Degradation Products (FDPs).Results: PT was found to be comparable in patients with breast cancer when compared with controls. Difference between control group (II) and subjects with breast cancer (I) was non-significant, fibrinogen level was found to be significantly increased (p < 0.01) in patients with different stages of breast cancer when compared with controls. FDPs were found to be significantly increased (p< 0.01) in patients of breast cancer when compared with control group. These increased levels of FDPs may be due to enhanced fibrinolysis. D-Dimers were also found to be significantly increased (p < 0.01) in patients with breast cancer when compared with controls.Conclusion: Patients with breast cancer were associated with compensated DIC state including normal PT and APTT level but increased fibrinogen and platelets count as compared to the controls. Detection of D-Dimers offers a differential analysis over other laboratory tests for DIC

    The emergence of scholarly literature on physical/social distancing related to Coronavirus: A bibliometric analysis

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    Background: The world is witnessing new public health crises due to the emergence of the novel coronavirus. This study aims to present a bibliometric analysis of research on coronavirus-related physical/social distancing.Design and Methods: In this study, a bibliometric analysis was applied to see the research productivity and its impact on coronavirus-related physical/social distancing. For this purpose, Scopus was used to retrieve the data for the analysis. A total of 2900 records was downloaded from the database for analysis.Results: The findings revealed that the top four authors published their research in the year 2020. The study ranked the British Medical Journal (BMJ) at the top position on publishing the research on the topic. Similarly, the USA took the lead in all countries in producing research on the topic. The researchers preferred the document type ‘Article’ for sharing their research, and a single authorship pattern was dominated on all other patterns.Conclusion: Plenty of bibliometric studies are available on coronavirus, but not a single study is found on coronavirus-related physical/social distancing. This study will be valuable in identifying different bibliometric dimensions on the topic

    Angioembolisation for the treatment of pseudo-aneurysm of internal maxillary artery

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    Pseudo-aneurysm of internal maxillary artery, following a road traffic accident, is a rare clinical scenario. The consequence of pseudo-aneurysm may be spontaneous rupture of the arterial wall, which may eventually lead to life-threatening hemorrhage. We report a case of a 20-year male who presented with recurrent epistaxis. CT scan was performed, which revealed a pseudo-aneurysm of the internal maxillary artery; this was successfully treated by angioembolisation. Similar cases of traumatic pseudo-aneurysms have been reported, however, none presented with recurrent epistaxis after management of pan-facial fractures. Key Words: Epistaxis, Pseudo-aneurysm, Angioembolisation, Pan-facial fracture

    The role of computed tomography for identifying mechanical bowel obstruction in a Pakistani population

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    Objective: To retrospectively review our experience of CT scan in cases with a final diagnosis of surgically confirmed mechanical bowel obstruction. Methods: It is a retrospective analytical study, done from 2003 to 2008. All adult patients having undergone laparotomy in addition to a preoperative abdominal CT scan over a 5 year period were identified through the medical records and their case notes reviewed. Taking surgery to be the gold standard for diagnosing mechanical bowel obstruction, we compared results of the CT with operative findings to determine the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of CT scans. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 16.0. Results: A total of 271 patient records were reviewed. The mean age was 46 +/- 19 years and (64%) were men. Mechanical intestinal obstruction was found in 104 patients on laparotomy and CT scan had diagnosed 97 of these. The sensitivity and specificity was 93% respectively. CT scanning correctly identified the cause of the obstruction in 72 (74%) cases. The common reasons for bowel obstruction identified by surgery were adhesions 29 (40%), neoplasm 12 (17 %) and hernias 7 (10%). Conclusion: CT scans are reliable at diagnosing intestinal obstruction with a high sensitivity and specificity but they are not as accurate at defining the etiology of the obstruction

    Ten years risk assessment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease using Astro-CHARM and pooled cohort equation in a south Asian sub-population

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    Background: Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (ASCVD) are on the rise in low and middle-income countries attributed to modern sedentary lifestyle and dietary habits. This has led to the need of assessment of the burden of at-risk population so that prevention measures can be developed. The objective of this study was to assess ten years risk assessment of ASCVD using Astro-CHARM and Pooled Cohort Equation (PCE) in a South Asian sub-population.Methods: A total of 386 residents of all six districts of Karachi with no ASCVD were enrolled in the study through an exponential non-discriminative referral snowball sampling technique. The inclusion criteria consisted of age 40 years or above and either gender. Study participants were enrolled after obtaining informed written consent and those study participants who were found to have either congenital heart disease or valvular heart diseases or ischemic heart disease were excluded from the study based on initial screening. For the calculation of 10 years risk of ACVD based on Astro-CHARM and PCE, the variables were obtained including medical history and coronary artery calcium and C-reactive protein measurements.Results: Mean estimated 10-year risk of fatal or non-fatal myocardial infarction or stroke as per the Astro-CHARM was 13.98 ± 8.01%, while mean estimated 10-year risk of fatal or non-fatal myocardial infarction or stroke as per the PCE was 22.26 ± 14.01%. Based on Astro-CHARM, 11.14% of the study participants were labeled as having high risk, while PCE estimated 20.73% of study participants as having high risk of ASCVD.Conclusion: Despite the fact that our findings showed substantial differences in ten-year risk of ASCVD between Astro-CHARM and PCE, both calculators can be used to develop a new population and specific risk estimators for this South Asian sub-population. Our study provides the first step towards developing a risk assessment guided decision-making protocol for primary prevention of ASCVD in this population

    Evaluation of Silkworm Lines against Variations in Temperature and RH for Various Parameters of Commercial Cocoon Production

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    Eleven inbred silkworm lines (M-101, M-103, M-104, M-107, Pak-1, Pak-3, Pak-2, Pak-4, PFI-1, PFI-2, and S-1) were evaluated for various parameters of cocoon production under different temperature and relative humidity conditions (25±1, 30±1, and 35±1 °C in combination with 55, 65, and 75% RH for three hrs during 4th and 5th instar. The experiment was laid out in factorial design with three replications. Significant variations in the performance of silkworm lines were noticed due to influence of temperature and RH treatment on 4th and 5th instar larvae. The silkworm lines performed significantly better when the larvae were reared at 25±1 °C with 70–80% RH while almost all the silkworm lines showed poor performance at higher temperature exposures for 3 hrs. Exposures to lower humidity (55%) during larval rearing in 4th and 5th instar at different temperatures (25±1, 30±1, and 35±1 °C) resulted in lowering the cocoon production. The cumulative evaluation index values for different traits showed that Pak-4 (61.42) was the best line followed by M-101 (59.15), Pak-2 (56.37), Pak-3 (52.83) PFI-I (52.62), and M-107(50.03). The study clearly underlines the importance of optimization of environmental conditions during larval rearing in relation to commercial cocoon production. The investigations strongly recommend that temperature and relative humidity in the range of 25-26 °C and 70–80%, respectively, are mandatory for excellent results of cocoon production and Pak-4, M-101, Pak-2, Pak-3, PFI-I, and M-107 were suitable for commercial rearing

    A homozygous p.Glu150Lys mutation in the opsin gene of two Pakistani families with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa

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    PURPOSE: To identify the gene mutations responsible for autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (arRP) in Pakistani families. METHODS: A cohort of consanguineous families with typical RP phenotype in patients was screened by homozygosity mapping using microsatellite markers that mapped close to 21 known arRP genes and five arRP loci. Mutation analysis was performed by direct sequencing of the candidate gene. RESULTS: In two families, RP21 and RP53, homozygosity mapping suggested RHO, the gene encoding rhodopsin, as a candidate disease gene on chromosome 3q21. In six out of seven affected members from the two families, direct sequencing of RHO identified a homozygous c.448G>A mutation resulting in the p.Glu150Lys amino acid change. This variant was first reported in PMK197, an Indian arRP family. Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis in RP21, RP53, and PMK197 showed a common disease-associated haplotype in the three families. CONCLUSIONS: In two consanguineous Pakistani families with typical arRP phenotype in the patients, we identified a disease-causing mutation (p.Glu150Lys) in the RHO gene. Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis suggests that the previously reported Indian family (PMK197) and the two Pakistani families studied here share the RHO p.Glu150Lys mutation due to a common ancestry

    Analysis and Intellectual Structure of the Multi-Factor Authentication in Information Security

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    This study presents the current state of research on multi-factor authentication. Authentication is one of the important traits in the security domain as it ensures that legitimate users have access to the secure resource. Attacks on authentication occur even before digital access is given, but it becomes quite challenging with remote access to secure resources. With increasing threats to single authentication schemes, 2Factor and later multi-factor authentication approaches came into practice. Several studies have been done in the multi-factor authentication discipline, and most of them proposed the best possible approaches, but there are very limited studies in the area that can comprehend all these innovative and effective approaches. Using Web of Science data of the research publications on the topic, the study adopted the bibliometric approach to find the evolution of authentication in the security domain, especially multi-factor authentication. This study finds the impact of the research in the selected domain using bibliometric analysis. This research also identifies the key research trends that most of the researchers are paying attention to. The highest number of publications on multi-factor authentication were published in 2019 while the highest number of citations were received in 2014. United States, India, and China are the leading countries publishing the most on multi-factor authentication