1,143 research outputs found

    The Liminality of Temporary Agency Work: Exploring the Dimensions of Danish Temporary Agency Workers’ Liminal Experience

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    The concept of liminality refers to the experience to be betwixt-and-between social structures and the associated positions, statuses, and roles. We advance the original use of the concept by introducing the various meanings that the experience of being in a liminal state can take. Drawing on political anthropology we identify the dimensions of ‘types of subjects,’ ‘time,’ ‘space,’ and ‘scale’ in order to analytically unlock the liminal experience. Exemplifying our concept we present the findings from an own study of temporary agency workers in Denmark. Exploring the workers’ interpretations allows us to illustrate to what extent their employment situation constitutes a multi-dimensional liminal experience between established social structures and employment categories. The article emphasizes the complexity of the liminal experience. Theoretically and empirically, we show the many meanings along which liminality can unfold in organizational and work-related contexts. We argue that future studies should explore the various dimensions in other contexts of passages from one relatively stable state to another. In doing so, similarities and differences between various liminal experiences and the role the various dimensions play could be identified

    The Liminality of Temporary Agency Work: Exploring the Dimensions of Danish Temporary Agency Workers’ Liminal Experience

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    The concept of liminality refers to the experience to be betwixt-and-between social structures and the associated positions, statuses, and roles. We advance the original use of the concept by introducing the various meanings that the experience of being in a liminal state can take. Drawing on political anthropology we identify the dimensions of ‘types of subjects,’ ‘time,’ ‘space,’ and ‘scale’ in order to analytically unlock the liminal experience. Exemplifying our concept we present the findings from an own study of temporary agency workers in Denmark. Exploring the workers’ interpretations allows us to illustrate to what extent their employment situation constitutes a multi-dimensional liminal experience between established social structures and employment categories. The article emphasizes the complexity of the liminal experience. Theoretically and empirically, we show the many meanings along which liminality can unfold in organizational and work-related contexts. We argue that future studies should explore the various dimensions in other contexts of passages from one relatively stable state to another. In doing so, similarities and differences between various liminal experiences and the role the various dimensions play could be identified

    Viraalikasvun suunnitteleminen

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    This research study was conducted for a Finnish high-technology start-up company Viima Solutions Oy. The objective was to give recommendations for Viima Solutions Oy to drive their growth using viral growth tactics. To reach this objective, the author performed a systematic literature review on the existing literature, empirical research consisting of ten semi-structured interviews, profiled the case company, carried out rigorous analysis on the findings and analysed the case company in the context of virality. A framework for engineering viral growth was formulated. The framework includes macro-level analysis of the company and micro-level steps for generating viral growth tactics. The analysis is done by utilising the Pillars of Virality, which is a framework formulated by the author as a result of this research study. There are seven pillars of virality. Each pillar increases the probability of achieving viral growth. Identifying the pillars that are prevalent in one’s company reveals the strengths that pertain in that company. One should develop their product and business model so that every pillar is exploited. Furthermore, the pillars can be affected by factors that weaken them. Applicable viral growth tactics are primarily generated to strengthen the weaknesses of the pillars. The tactics are generated by utilising existing frameworks, which were connected together as a result of this research study. The author suggests the Pillars of Virality and the framework for engineering viral growth to be generalizable, which contributes to the existing literature by filling the information gap that prevailed on engineering viral growth.Tämä diplomityö on tehty toimeksiantona Viima Solutions Oy:lle. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli suositella kyseiselle yritykselle taktiikoita viraalikasvun aikaansaamiseksi, jotka vauhdittaisivat yrityksen kasvua entisestään. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi työn tekijä suoritti systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen, sekä empiirisen tutkimuksen. Empiirinen tutkimus koostui kymmenestä haastattelusta, tulosten analysoinnista sekä yrityksen profiloinnista ja viraaliuden elementtien analysoinnista. Suositusten tekemistä varten tekijä laati viitekehyksen viraalikasvun suunnittelemiseksi. Viitekehys pitää sisällään yrityksen analysoinnin makro-tasolla, jonka pohjalta voidaan laatia taktiikoita viraalikasvun aikaansaamiseksi. Yrityksen analyysi tehtiin tällä tekijän laatimalla viitekehyksellä. Tämä viitekehys, nimeltään Viraalisuuden pilarit, koostuu seitsemästä pilarista, joista jokainen toimii viraalikasvun saavuttamisen todennäköisyyttä kasvattavana tekijänä. Pilarit kuvastavat yrityksen vahvuuksia. Liiketoiminta ja tuotteet pitäisi kehittää niin, että jokainen pilari hyödynnetään. Vahvuuksien lisäksi kyseinen viitekehys ottaa huomioon myös pilareita heikentäviä tekijöitä. Viraalikasvun taktiikoita laaditaan ensisijaisesti heikentyneiden pilareiden vahvistamiseksi. Taktiikoiden laatimisessa hyödynnettiin myös olemassa olevia viitekehyksiä, joita yhdistettiin tutkimuksen tuloksiin. Viraalisuuden pilarit ja viitekehys viraalikasvun suunnittelemiseksi ovat yleistettävissä ja siten täydentävät viraalikasvun suunnittelemisen kirjallisuudessa olevia puutteita

    Paediatric Contacts of Adult COVID-19 Patients: Clinical Parameters, Risk Factors, and Outcome

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    Background. There is insufficient data in Pakistan and in South Asia regarding paediatric COVID-19 demographics and related parameters. The main aim of this study was to assess the paediatric population exposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection, their clinical parameters, risk factors, and outcome. Methods. This was a descriptive retrospective study conducted at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences and Federal General Hospital Islamabad from 23rd July 2020 to 22nd August 2020. All paediatric contacts (≤13 years) of one hundred adult COVID-19 patients were included. Data of the index cases was taken from the medical records. Paediatric data was collected on the phone using a predesigned proforma. Results. There were 137 paediatric contacts of 100 adult COVID-19 index cases. The index cases were predominantly males (67%) and belonged to the middle socioeconomic class (89%), and 14% succumbed to the disease. Females had more paediatric contacts. The mean age of contacts was 6.6 years, and the majority (80%) developed no symptoms. Among the symptomatic contacts, fever and cough were the most common symptoms. None of the contacts developed dyspnoea or required hospitalization. Majority of the contacts had been vaccinated with the BCG vaccine. Testing for COVID-19 was done in only 77 (56%) contacts, 25 (32%) by the government team, and 52 (67%) privately. A higher number of symptomatic contacts were positive (15/17 (88%)) as compared to that of the asymptomatic contacts (6/60 (10%)) (p = 0:002). Development of symptoms in the contacts was associated with the history of respiratory illnesses, recurrent infections, use of hematinics, a positive COVID-test result, and health professionals being index cases (p ≤ 0:01). Parents with higher education and in the health profession and the families of symptomatic contacts reported better compliance with quarantine regulations. Conclusion. A significant number of children were exposed to adult COVID-19 patients. Most paediatric contacts remained asymptomatic. Children with preexisting medical conditions and with parents in health profession were susceptible to infection.publishedVersio

    Structural evolution of continental rifting, quantitative analysis of fault populations: insights from the central Kenya rift, central and north main Ethiopian rift

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    The aim of the current research is to provide new insights into the evolution of normal faults and their implications on continental rift evolution in order to inform our understanding of the north to south rift propagation of the east African rift system (EARS). Therefore, three different rift segments representing different stages of continental rifting have been selected along the EARS, namely; the central Kenya rift representing an early stage of continental rifting, the central main Ethiopian rift (CMER) as an intermediate stage and the northern Ethiopian rift (NMER) exemplifying a late stage. Digital Elevation Model DEM with 30m horizontal resolution and Google Earth images are the main data used for this study. A large dataset of fault size attributes of the present-day fault geometry was built from 2130 faults scarps that were identified and manually mapped from DEM surface of the three areas, in order to conduct a quantitative and statistical analysis on scaling relations of fault populations, spatial strain distribution and to assess the role of pre-existing structures on fault development. Estimations of extensional strain along the three rift segments revealed a general progressive increase of strain from south to north. In the central Kenya rift, fault length and throw populations exhibited a power-law distribution, the fractal dimension of fault throw populations showed a decrease with increasing strain, while the fractal dimension of fault length populations remained almost constant, which may imply that the fault system in this central Kenya rift develop in accordance to near constant length fault growth model. Analysis of the spatial distribution of strain exhibits a rather distributed faulting deformation in the southernmost part of the central Kenya rift, and more localized deformation on rift flanks towards the north. As for the central main Ethiopian rift (CMER) and the northern main Ethiopian rift (NMER), the cumulative distributions for length and displacement populations fit to both exponential and log-normal functions, which is a function of limited crustal layers thickness. The observed decrease of average fault lengths and increasing average fault throws and D/L ratio in the NMER as opposed to the CMER may have occurred after reaching the maximum fault length at an earlier stage of development, which would again be in line with the coherent fault model. The domain of deformation moved from being rather localized at and near rift margins in the southern segment (CMER) to a more distributed domain of faulting deformation across the northern rift segment (NMER). This is in contrast to domains of deformation observed in the central Kenya rift as we move from south to north. The possible influence of the underlying Precambrian basement structures on the orientation of Cenozoic fault on the surface has been investigated and discussed in the light of existing experimental models, and that suggests the presence of basement influence in the central Kenya rift, whereas such influence is not as evident within the CMER and NMER segments. Generally, in the present thesis, the quantitative and statistical analysis of scaling properties of fault populations in the EARS demonstrates how these properties can provide new insights into the evolution of different stages of continental rifting

    Human Resource Development Factors Among Civil Services Employees In Ministry Of Health, Gaza Strip Palestine

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    Human resource development (HRD) can be influenced by many dimensions aside from those in the definitions of HRD, where common central factors focus on the skills and abilities of employees. In addition, the activities are aimed at achieving the organizational goals of increasing productivity. Bentuk pembangunan sumber manusia (PSM) boleh dipengaruhi oleh banyak dimensi sebagai tambahan kepada definisi PSM itu sendiri. Biasanya, faktor-faktor utama yang menjadi fokus adalah kemahiran dan kebolehan kakitangan

    Determination of the Paleostress Orientations and Magnitudes for Missan Structures, Southeastern Iraq

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    استخدمت طريقة التعامد الثنائي وطريقة مخطط موهر لتحديد اتجاة قيم الاجهاد القديم في تراكيب ميسان جنوب شرق العراق. حددت اتجاهات وقيم الاجهادات الرئيسة بواسطة قياس الحزوز على مستويات الصدوع. استنتج قياس اتجاة الاجهاد الرئيس بطرق مختلفة. حددت قيم واتجاهات الاجهادات القديمة في منطقة الدراسة والتي كان الاجهاد الرئيسي الاعظم افقي (1 σ) وكانت قيمة (3600 , 4360, 4650, 4750 و 5700) بار, كان الاجهاد الرئيسي المتوسط افقي (2σ) وكانت قيمة (1528, 1842, 1962.5 , 1998.5 و 2390.5) بار وكان الاجهاد الرئيسي الاصغر (3σ)  شبة عمودي وكانت قيمة (544, 676, 725, 753 و 919) بار. بينت هذة الدراسة ان المنطقة تقع في النطاق غير المستقر لان  اقطاب الصدوع المقاسة تقع في منطقة اعادة التنشيط في دوائر موهر.                                                                          The use of  Right dihedral method and Mohr diagram method allow determination of the paleostress orientation and its magnitude in Missan structures, Southeastern Iraq. The principal stress orientations and its magnitudes have been determined by the measure of the striation on the faults planes. The measurement of orientation of the principal stress was deduced by different graphical methods, the horizontal maximum principal stresses (σ1) magnitudes were (3600, 4360,4650, 4750 and 5700) bars, the horizontal  intermediate  principal stresses (σ2) magnitudes   were (1528, 1842,1962.5, 1998.5 and 2390.5) bars and the vertical minimum principal stresses (σ3) magnitudes were (544, 676,725, 753 and 919) bars. This study shows that area is located within the unstable region since the poles of measured faults lie in the area of reactivated faults in Mohr diagram

    Voice Identity Finder Using the Back Propagation Algorithm of an Artificial Neural Network

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    AbstractVoice recognition systems are used to distinguish different sorts of voices. However, recognizing a voice is not always successful due to the presence of different parameters. Hence, there is a need to create a set of estimation criteria and a learning process using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The learning process performed using ANN allows the system to mimic how the brain learns to understand and differentiate among voices. The key to undergo this learning is to specify the free parameters that will be adapted through this process of simulation. Accordingly, this system will store the knowledge processed after performing the back propagation learning and will be able to identify the corresponding voices. The proposed learning allows the user to enter a number of different voices to the system through a microphone

    Diagnostic predictive values of the hain genotype MTBDRsl assay in mycobacterial strains isolated from Sudan

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    Introduction: hain GenoType MTBDRsl is nucleic acid amplification assay based on reverse hybridization with specific oligonucleotide probes on nitrocellulose strips. MTBDRsl identifies M. tuberculosis complex and detects resistance to fluoroquinolone, second line injectable drugs and ethambutol evident as mutations of gyrA, rrs and embB genes respectively. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the Hain GenoType MTBDRsl Assay using 1% proportion method on LJ medium as gold standard. Methods: a total of 52 rifampicin resistant (RR) isolates were tested for second line drug sensitivity by 1% proportion method and by MTBDRsl assay. Results: two strains were identified as mycobacteria other than tuberculosis MOTT and the rest were Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex MTBC. Five of the MTBC isolates (5/50; 10%) showed resistance to at least one second line drug and one isolate (1/50; 2%) was XDR. XDR strain was concordantly detected by the two methods. One of two Kanamycin-resistant isolates showed discordant result. Ofloxacin showed one false positive and one false negative result. Most discrepancies were detected with Ethambutol. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were respectively as follows: Ethambutol (63.3.4%, 85.7%, 94.4% and 62%): for Kanamycin (67%, 100%, 100% and 97.9%): for Amikacin and Capreomycin (100%, 100%, 100% and 100%): for Ofloxacin (75%, 97.5%, 75% and 97.8%). For XDR isolate the values were (100%, 100%, 100% and 100%) respectively. Conclusion: MTBDRsl showed high specificity and negative predictive values making it acceptable and time-saving for early presumptive detection of resistance to second-line drugs in Sudan