111 research outputs found

    Frequency and Perinatal outcome in patients with tight Nuchal Cord

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    Background: The nuchal cord is often blamed for problems that are encountered during delivery and is often cited as a major cause of fetal distress and perinatal mortality. However, the actual significance of nuchal cord on the outcome of an infant is controversial. Objective: To determine the frequency of tight nuchal cord in patients with fetal distress and to determine the perinatal outcome in patients with nuchal cord. Material & Methods: Study Design: Descriptive cross sectional Setting: Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Fatima Memorial Hospital, Lahore Duration: Six months i.e. From: September 2014___ to May 2015 Results: In our study, out of 350 cases, 62%(n=217) were between 18-30 years of age and 38%(n=133) were between 31-35 years. the mean age was 27.86±4.60 years, frequency of patients having tight nuchal cord, in patients with fetal distress presenting in a tertiary care hospital was calculated as 32%(n=112). Frequency of perinatal outcome in patients having tight nuchal cord was recorded which shows that 34 (30.36%) had emergency cesarean section, 39 (34.82%) had APGAR score <7 at 1 min and 9 (8.04%) had APGAR score at 5 mins. Conclusion: We concluded that the frequency of patients having tight nuchal cord, in patients with fetal distress presenting in a tertiary care hospital is higher while emergency cesarean section and APGAR score <7 at 1 minute are the most common adverse perinatal outcome among these patients

    Association Between Placenta Previa and Preeclampsia

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    Background: To determine association between placenta previa and pre-eclampsia in pregnant women presenting to a tertiary care hospital.Methods: In this prospective study 187 pregnant women with placenta previa and 187 pregnant, total 374, women without placenta previa were enrolled. Ultrasonography examination was performed on all patients to ascertain the attachment of placenta on uterine wall. All patients were followed every fourth week till 38th weeks. Pre-eclampsia was labelled if mean of three readings of blood pressure was more than 139/89 in a pregnant woman with history of normal blood pressure before pregnancy and proteinuria on urine laboratory examination.Results: Mean age was 27.23 ± 3.633 and ranged from 21 to 43 years. Primipara were 45.7% and 54.3% were multipara. Eight patients (2.1%) were having pre-eclampsia. All patients belonged to non- placenta previa group. Relative risk came out 1.045 ranging from1.014 to 1.077 at 95% confidence interval. There was no effect of age and parity on the association.Conclusion: There is a protective association between placenta previa and pre-eclampsia in pregnant women

    Striatal Dopamine Dynamics Upon Manganese Accumulation

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    STRIATAL DOPAMINE DYNAMICS UPON MANGANESE ACCUMULATION by MADIHA KHALID August 2013 Advisor: Dr. Tiffany Mathews Major: Chemistry (Analytical) Degree: Doctor of Philosophy Although manganese (Mn) is fundamental for many biological processes, exposure to excess amounts leads to a neurological disorder termed manganism. Due to its symptomatic similarity to Parkinson\u27s disease, as well its preferential accumulation in dopamine rich brain regions, alterations in the dopamine system are implicated in the onset of manganism. In my research, Mn overexposure is mimicked via subcutaneous administration of manganese chloride to C57BL/6 mice over the course of seven days using a protocol that has been shown to result in accumulation of Mn in the basal ganglia. The subsequent short and long term effects of this treatment on striatal dopamine function were evaluated 1, 7, and 21 days after treatment cessation. This work used a variety of complementary analytical methods to take a multifaceted approach in studying the Mn-treated animals. The first study used fast scan cyclic voltammetry, microdialysis, and tissue content analysis to characterize the dopamine system after the sub-acute treatment protocol. Behavioral tests were subsequently used to elucidate any phenotypic differences in the treated mice as compared to controls. Finally, pharmacological studies were conducted to test the hypothesis of intraneuronal dysfunction to explain the changes observed in the first study. Overall, these findings revealed that the dopamine system in the striatum has lower extracellular levels of dopamine after Mn accumulation due to a functional defect in the release mechanism that is apparent within a week of treatment. Interestingly, most behavioral changes appear to manifest within 24 hours of treatment, when no dopamine change is observed, indicating the involvement of other neurotransmitter systems in the onset of motor deficits following Mn exposure. Finally, by methodically evaluating the quantity and functionality of dopamine vesicles at the axon terminal, we were able to provide evidence against the theory that dopamine release following Mn accumulation is due to an inability of the reserve pool of dopamine to mobilize to the terminal for release

    Anatomical location of inferior alveolar canal in different age groups in local population

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    Objective: To assess the radiographic location of the inferior alveolar canal and its association with age and gender. Methodology: This observational study was conducted at the dental department of Isra University Hospital Hyderabad, in the time duration of six months (Sep-2015 to Feb-2016). All the adult patients aged ≥18 years with permanent teeth underwent diagnostic quality imaging with suitable contrast and density, presence of first molar, 1st & 2nd premolar and canine in images, superimposition of structures and either of gender were included. Patients underwent panoramic digital imaging. The manufacturer’s guide-based images were produced using panoramic machine (digital) to assess multi-pattern of inferior dental canal using software “OWANDY OPG I-MAX TOUCH OSP and Quick vision to get histogram equalization and gray values. The entire data was entered in self-made proforma and was analyzed by using SPSS 20th version. Results: Overall 70 patients were studied; their mean age was 28.23+12.43 years, females were found in the majority (57.14%). Most of the patients (54.28%) were seen with inferior alveolar variations of Type I, followed by 21.42% Type II, 14.28% type III and 10% with Type IV. According to the site of mandibular canal locations; 21 of 70 had right side, 15 had left side and 34 had bilateral. There was statistically no significant variance in the appearance of inferior alveolar nerve according to age and gender. Conclusion: Localized superior and inferior borders were 54.28% in our population to avoid injury during the maxillofacial surgery or during dental implant procedures. There was an insignificant difference in location according to age and gende

    Rare presentation of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) and neurogenic stunned myocardium in a patient after emergency cesarean section

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    Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) is clinically characterized by seizures, lethargy, nausea and visual impairment. These findings are thought to be due to vasogenic edema, predominantly in the posterior cerebral hemispheres and are reversible with appropriate management. Neurogenicstunned myocardium is a syndrome of reversible left ventricular dysfunction, associated with excessive sympathetic discharge states like pheochromocytoma, high-grade subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), status epilepticus and significant emotional stress. Here, we report a case of PRES and Neurogenic-stunned myocardium occurring simultaneously in a 25 year old primigravida at 34 weeks of gestation with twin pregnancy who presented to the emergency department with eclampsia and fetal distress. A careful review of literature did not return any report where these two conditions co-existed in an obstetric patient

    Process Matching: Performance Trade-Off Between Summary and Full-Length Descriptions

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    Business process models are used by modeling experts to concisely depict the workflow of an organization that plays a pivotal role in the development of ERP systems. A growing number of organizations also maintain the textual process descriptions of these process models as the descriptions are understandable across the board. A recent study has revealed that these textual descriptions can also be used for an accurate process model search. However, the use of textual descriptions is a resource-intensive task due to the sheer size of the descriptions. To that end, in this paper, we have proposed an approach that relies on the use of summary textual descriptions, instead of full-length descriptions, to enhance the performance of process matching. To evaluate the proposed approach, we have used four diverse text summarization techniques, including a state-of-the-art deep learning based technique, for generating summary descriptions, and seven text-matching techniques for finding relevant process specifications. Our empirical study has established that the Vector Space Model is the most effective technique for process matching. Furthermore, the use of Lingo generated summaries, at a compression rate of 50 %, can achieve a higher efficiency as well as effectiveness than the full-length textual process descriptions

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding dengue fever among adults of high and low socioeconomic groups

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    OBJECTIVE: To ascertain the knowledge, attitudes and practices of selected adult population in Pakistan regarding Dengue Fever.METHODS: A cross sectional survey was conducted among selected communities with different socio-economic backgrounds in Karachi, Pakistan. A sample size of 440 adults (aged 18 years and above) were interviewed using a pre-tested questionnaire regarding their knowledge, attitude and practices about dengue fever. A composite scoring system, based on the answers given in the questionnaire, was used to establish the level of awareness in the population. The division of the higher and lower socio-economic groups was based on their income and locality; both these variables were determined as a part of our survey.RESULTS: Data from 400 respondents (244 males, 156 females) was used for primary analysis. About thirty five percent of the sample had adequate knowledge about dengue fever and its vector. Knowledge had significant associations with education (p = 0.004) and socioeconomic status (p = 0.02). The high socioeconomic group showed better preventive practices.CONCLUSION: Knowledge of dengue is inadequate in the low socioeconomic class. Better preventive practices against the vector are prevalent in the high socioeconomic group. Hence, a greater focus should be accorded to the low socioeconomic areas in future health campaigns

    Radiological locations of mental foramen in local population

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    Objective: To evaluate the accurate radiographic location of the mental foramen and its prevalence by gender and different age groups.Methodology: This Cross-sectional study was conducted at dental department at ISRA University Hospital Hyderabad, from September 2014 to Feb 2015. We studied 70 patients. All patients > 18 years age and both sex and presence of the canine, first premolar, second premolar and first molar in the images were included. Detailed patients’ history was taken and detailed clinical examination was done. Patients were subject to relevant investigation panoramic digital images. All the data was recorded in the proforma.Results: Out of total 70 patients included in this study 30 were male (42.85%) and 40 females (57.14%); with male to female ratio of 1:1.3. The mean age was 22+3.20 years. Mental foramen on radiographic were visible below first premolar in 35(50%) cases followed by mental foramen at below 2nd premolar in 30(42.85 %) cases and below first premolar in 5(7.14%) cases. Variation in the inferior alveolar canal observed. Variation in the inferior alveolar canal was Bifid canal only in two patients.Conclusion: Mental foramen on radiographic were visible below first premolar 50%, below 2nd premolar 42.85% and below first premolar in 7.14%. While no significant relationship was found with gender and age

    Radiological locations of mental foramen in local population

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    Objective: To evaluate the accurate radiographic location of the mental foramen and its prevalence by gender and different age groups.Methodology: This Cross-sectional study was conducted at dental department at ISRA University Hospital Hyderabad, from September 2014 to Feb 2015. We studied 70 patients. All patients > 18 years age and both sex and presence of the canine, first premolar, second premolar and first molar in the images were included. Detailed patients’ history was taken and detailed clinical examination was done. Patients were subject to relevant investigation panoramic digital images. All the data was recorded in the proforma.Results: Out of total 70 patients included in this study 30 were male (42.85%) and 40 females (57.14%); with male to female ratio of 1:1.3. The mean age was 22+3.20 years. Mental foramen on radiographic were visible below first premolar in 35(50%) cases followed by mental foramen at below 2nd premolar in 30(42.85 %) cases and below first premolar in 5(7.14%) cases. Variation in the inferior alveolar canal observed. Variation in the inferior alveolar canal was Bifid canal only in two patients.Conclusion: Mental foramen on radiographic were visible below first premolar 50%, below 2nd premolar 42.85% and below first premolar in 7.14%. While no significant relationship was found with gender and age
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