165 research outputs found

    Moving towards a knowledge-based economy: What is needed to enable science, technology and innovation in post-revolutionary Egypt.

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the current state of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in Egypt. Provide a careful view of the obstacles and challenges Egypt is facing in enhancing its STI system and how this is hindering Egypt’s transformation to a knowledge-based economy. Applying qualitative methods through in-depth interviews with the different experts from the field along with research conducted helped develop policy recommendations that could act as a road map that guide us in our pursuit for revolutionary transformation. The research findings indicate that the process of transformation to a knowledge-based economy is a holistic process; it requires full commitment and participation from government, policy makers and the people, it requires a vision that would unite the efforts and hard work towards achieving a certain goal to be able to reap the success of many of the exemplary attempts initiated, and requires bottom-up approach in setting the ground, changing the culture and building the right foundation that would lead us to a sustainable knowledge-based society

    Depression in migrant workers and nationals of Qatar: An exploratory cross-cultural study

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of depressive symptoms among migrants and non-migrants living in Qatar and identify variables associated with depressive symptomology in these groups, including culture of origin, time living in country and perceived quality of life. In addition, we tested if the latter two variables moderated the effect of culture of origin on depressive symptomology in the migrant groups. Subject and Methods: A telephone survey of a probability-based sample of 2,520 participants was conducted in February 2016. The sample was divided into three groups based on nationality and income: labour migrants (LMs), white-collar migrants (WCMs) and non-migrants or Qatari nationals (QNs). Participants completed the Whooley two-question test for depression. Results: The odds of depression were significantly increased in LMs (OR = 3.31, 95% CI = 2.36–4.65) and WCMs (OR = 1.40, 95% CI = 1.04–1.90) compared with non-migrants. Among LMs, having a problem with current employer in the last 3 months was also associated with depressive symptoms (OR = 2.10, 95% CI = 1.14–3.84). Culture of origin was significantly associated with depressive symptoms including South Asians (OR = 3.12, p < .001), East Asians (OR = 0.52, p = .013) and Westerners (OR = 0.45, p = .044) relative to Arabs. LM status remained strongly associated with depressive symptoms independent of culture of origin (OR = 2.02, p < .001). Conclusion: Perceived quality of life, but not length of stay, appears to be an important variable in explaining differences in symptoms between some cultural groups. Findings from this study highlight the importance of the context of migration and culture of origin as potential determinants of depressive symptomology in the host country

    Is There A Difference Between Domestic And Foreign Risk Premium? The Case Of China Stock Market

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    This article studies the dynamic return and market price of risk for Chinese stocks (A-B shares). A Multivariate DCC-GARCH model is used to capture the feature of time-varying volatility in stock returns. We show evidence of different pricing mechanisms explained by the difference in the expected return and market price of risk between A and B shares. However, the significance of the difference between market prices of risk disappears if GARCH models are used

    Potential psychosocial influences on gender differences in physical activity among Qatari adolescents: a first insight through descriptive observation

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    Adolescents in Qatar have some of the highest levels of inactivity and gender inequality in physical activity (PA) among all adolescents in the world. Contextual psychosocial influences remain unknown to date. The current study is a secondary analysis of 1,157 Qatari students (13 to 20 years of age) who completed a national cross-sectional survey. Males reported significantly higher daily PA than females (p < 0.0001) and increasing daily PA with personal importance for PA (p = 0.0140). However, compared to females, significantly higher proportion of daily active males were in the lowest level of self-efficacy (p = 0.0096), body shape satisfaction (p = 0.0003), likeness of body in pictures (p = 0.0011), and highest levels of psychological distress (p = 0.0313). Our results support positive association between adverse psychosocial constructs and daily PA in both genders; poor psychosocial profile was more pronounced among adolescent males. Future strategies aiming to increase PA should take into consideration these differences

    "Toxic pleasures”: A study of eating out behavior in Arab female university students and its associations with psychological distress and disordered eating

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    University years are a critical period in which young people establish independence and adopt lasting health behaviors. The aim of this study was to estimate the associations between eating out, psychological distress, and disordered eating behaviors among young Arab females in Qatar a rapidly developing small nation. A cross-sectional probability-based survey of 1615 Qatar University's female students assessed the frequency of eating out (main independent variable) and other eating behaviors in relation to two main dependent variables, disordered eating and psychological distress, which were measured using the Eating Attitudes Test and the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, respectively. Multivariable logistic-regression analyses were used to estimate these two main associations with and without adjustment for other potential confounding variables, including the main effects of psychological distress and disordered eating on each other. Of the students, 45% reported eating out 3 times or more a week. Furthermore, approximately 18% screened positive for disordered eating and 33% reported high levels of psychological distress in the past 30 days. After adjustment for other variables, eating out 5 times or more a week was not significantly associated with the odds of disordered eating (OR 1.21, p=0.32). However, eating out 5 times or more per week was significantly associated with odds of having psychological distress (OR 1.46, p=0.03). Both psychological distress and disordered eating were strongly associated with each other (OR 2.58, p < 0.001)

    The Evolution Of Risk Premiums In Emerging Stock Markets: The Case Of Latin America And Asia Region

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    This paper employs a conditional version of the International Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM) to investigate the determinants of regional integration of stock markets in Latin America and Asia over the period 1996-2008. This model allows for three sources of time-varying risks: common international market risk, exchange rate risk, and regional market risk. At the empirical level, we make use of the asymmetric multivariate BEKK-GARCH of Baba et al.’s (1990) process to simultaneously estimate the ICAPM. Our results show that the currency risk premium is the most important component of the total premium followed by the global market premium. As for the regional risk, our findings show that it is significantly priced for our studied emerging regions but its contribution to the total risk premium is weak

    Stigma associated with mental illness: perspectives of university students in Qatar

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    Stigma in relation to mental illness is one of the main factors inhibiting people from seeking help. Studies have been undertaken looking into the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs (KAB) about mental illness among residents in Qatar; however, none have looked specifically at students in higher education. The aim of this study was to understand the KAB toward mental illness among students at a Qatari university and determine if there are any differences based on gender, nationality, and college type. A convenience sample of students from all genders, colleges, and nationalities was approached to participate in a survey that consisted of four sections: demographic, beliefs, attitudes, and help-seeking and treatment preferences associated with mental illness. Chi-square testing was performed to test for differences in the distribution of proportions of our primary outcomes (students' beliefs, attitudes, and help-seeking and treatment preferences). A total of 282 students completed the survey. The majority of the participating students were females (59.3%), non-Qataris (64.3%), and enrolled in science-based colleges (62.7%). Beliefs reflecting poor mental health literacy, such as "medications to treat mental illness can cause addiction", "mental illness is not like any other illness", or that "mental illness is a punishment from God", were reported by a majority of students (84.4%, 56.7%, and 50.2%, respectively). Stigmatizing attitudes that were endorsed by a majority of students included believing that people with mental illness cannot have regular jobs (60.2%), that people with mental illness are dangerous (65.7%), and that they would not marry someone with a mental illness (88.9%). Additionally, 33.6% of students indicated they would be ashamed to mention if someone in their family or they themself, had a mental illness. A vast majority of students (86.3%) indicated to prefer family and friend's support as treatment options. Significant differences in KAB about mental illness between genders, colleges, and college type were found only for a few items. The findings of this study suggest that a high percentage of students reported KAB about mental illness, that are considered stigmatizing. Students' KAB about mental illness was consistent with that reported by the general population in Qatar. Nevertheless, the sample was small and as such, larger studies from a randomly selected population are needed to confirm these findings

    Testing Western Media Icons Influence on Arab Women’s Body Size and Shape Ideals: An Experimental Approach

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    Western media globalization is implicated in the spread of the thin body ideal to traditional societies. Qatar—a small conservative Middle-Eastern country—has recently witnessed rapid Westernization, but the influence of Western media icons on women’s body image dissatisfaction has rarely been studied here. A 2 (celebrity or model) × 3 (thin, average, or heavy) plus a control condition between-subject experiment tested the primary hypothesis that exposure to images of thin Western models or celebrities promotes a thinner body ideal compared to neutral images. A sample of young women (n = 1145) was randomly assigned to experimental images as part of an online survey. After exposure to images, participants rated their current and desired body size and shape, reported celebrity liking, and evaluated their favorite celebrity’s body. We found little support for the desire of thinness. Viewing thin- and average-sized celebrities was significantly associated with desiring a heavier and a thinner look (respectively) among those favoring thin celebrities. Images of thin models induced the desire for a curvaceous body figure with hips especially among those favoring celebrities with hips. The findings highlight important nuances in the influence of Western media icons on body image among women in a non-Western culture

    Associations between weight loss difficulty, disordered eating behaviors and poor weight loss outcomes in Arab female university students

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    Little is known about the impact of eating behaviors on weight management efforts among college students in non-Western settings. This study aimed to explore the relationship between eating behaviors, weight loss outcomes, and perceived weight loss difficulties (PWLD) among young Arab women trying to lose weight. A cross-sectional probability sample was used to recruit female university students aged 18 years and older in the state of Qatar. Participants (N = 937) completed an online survey measuring their attitudes and behaviors towards healthy eating, body image, and weight loss. More than two third (67.2%) reported facing difficulties when trying to lose weight and around one-third (31.2%) screened positive for disordered eating. Chi-squared and logistic regression analyses showed a strong and independent association between unsuccessful weight loss including lack of weight loss or maintenance after weight loss attempts, and PWLD (OR 8.6, p = .002). In addition, eating meals a few hours before sleeping (OR 1.98; p = .02) and having disordered eating (OR 2.28; p = .02) were positively associated with PWLD. BMI, weight loss goal and skipping breakfast were not associated with PWLD after adjustment for all covariates. Future studies are needed to develop better tools to comprehensively assess PWLD and validate against short- and long-term measured weight loss outcomes