104 research outputs found

    Dokaz i izdvajanje skupine A rotavirusa iz devine teladi u Sudanu.

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    A total of 332 fecal samples were collected from 245 diarrheic as well as 75 recovered and 12 healthy camel calves in four different areas in Sudan [north (River Nile), east (Gedarif), central to south (Sennar, Blue Nile) and west (Kordofan) States]. Using ELISA, 46 samples (13.9%) were found positive for group A rotavirus. Out of 46 ELISA positive calves, we found 35 diarrheic up to 3 months of age, 7 recovered 4-6 months of age and 4 clinically healthy 8-12 months of age. Using EM, 6 out of 22 ELISA positive samples showed the well defined wheel-like structure characteristic of rotavirus. The results indicate the significant role of rotavirus in the epidemiology of camel calf diarrhea in Sudan. Attempts to isolate the camel group A rotavirus in MA104 cell culture were carried out on 21 ELISA-positive samples with successful isolation of the virus in 18. The isolated viruses were identified by ELISA and EM. Cytopathic effects (CPE) were manifested as rounding, elongation, triangulation, vacuolation and granulation of cells while the cell sheet remains intact. The CPE appeared on days 3-5 on the first to the second passages after treatment of the inocula and the cell culture media with trypsin. To our knowledge this is the first report on the isolation of camel rotavirus in cell culture.Prikupljena su 332 uzorka fecesa od 245 devine teladi s proljevom, 75 teladi oporavljene od proljeva i 12 od zdrave devine teladi sa četiri različita područja u Sudanu: sjevernoga (područje rijeke Nila), istočnoga (područje Gedarif), središnjega i južnoga (područje Sennar, Plavi Nil) te zapadnoga područja (Kordofan). Pretragom imunoenzimnim testom 46 uzoraka (13,9%) bilo je pozitivno za skupinu A rotavirusa. Od tih 46 pozitivnih životinja imunoenzimnim testom, 35 s proljevom bilo je u dobi do tri mjeseca, sedam s preboljelim proljevom bilo je u dobi od četiri do šest mjeseci, a četiri životinje u dobi od osam do 12 mjeseci bile su klinički zdrave. Elektronskom mikroskopijom dokazane su čestice karakteristične za rotavirus u šest od 22 uzorka pozitivna pretragom imunoenzimnim testom. Rezultati ukazuju na znatnu ulogu rotavirusa u epizootiologiji proljeva u devine mladunčadi u Sudanu. Skupina A rotavirusa izdvojena je na MA104 staničnoj kulturi iz 18 od 21 uzorka pozitivnoga pretragom imunoenzimnim testom. Izdvojeni virusi bili su identificirani imunoenzimnim testom i elekronskom mikroskopijom. Citopatski učinak očitovao se zaokruživanjem stanica, njihovim izduživanjem, triangulacijom, vakuolacijom i granulacijom, dok je stanični sloj ostao netaknut. Citopatski učinak javljao se za tri do pet dana u prvoj i drugoj pasaži nakon obradbe inokula i staničnog medija tripsinom. Ovo je prvo izvješće o izdvajanju rotavirusa deva u staničnoj kulturi

    Development and evaluation of a live attenuated camelpox vaccine from a local field isolate of the virus

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    Summary A strain of camelpox virus (CMLV) isolated in the Sudan was attenuated by serial passage in Vero cell monolayers for use as a future vaccine strain. The safety and potency of passage 115 virus (designated Sudan CMLV/115) was tested. Camels inoculated with CMLV/115 showed no clinical disease or skin lesions, developed low-level antibodies and cell-mediated immune response and resisted challenge with virulent wild-type CMLV. Field testing of the candidate vaccine showed that the developed vaccine induces immune response and is safe for young and pregnant camels

    Endocrine contribution to the sexual dysfunction in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease and the role of hyperprolactinemia.

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    In this study, we investigated the prevalence of sexual dysfunction among males with advanced chronic kidney disease and the effect of treating hyperprolactinemia among these patients. In this prospective study, patients were assessed with history, physical examination, hormonal assessment, and two questionnaires, IIEF and AIPE. Patients with hyperprolactinemia received treatment with cabergoline 0.5 mg once per week for 6 months and were re-evaluated. A total of 102 patients were included in this study, 75 (73.53%) were on hemodialysis, 13 (12.75%) on peritoneal dialysis and 14 (13.73%) on medical treatment alone. Ninety (88.24%) patients had premature ejaculation, 85 (83.33%) had anything from mild-to-moderate-to-severe erectile dysfunction. The incidence of hypogonadism and hyperprolactinemia was 34.4%. Patients treated with cabergoline (n = 26) showed a significant increase in LH levels (p = .003) and a significant decrease in prolactin levels (p = .003). Testosterone levels and the incidence of erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation did not improve significantly. There is a high incidence of sexual dysfunction among patients. Treatment of hyperprolactinemia is effective in correcting prolactin levels, but does not improve erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. Therefore, treating hyperprolactinemia is not an overall effective treatment for erectile dysfunction in these patients

    Genome sequencing of a camelpox vaccine reveals close similarity to modified Vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA)

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    Camelpox is a viral contagious disease of Old-World camelids sustained by Camelpox virus (CMLV). The disease is characterized by mild, local skin or severe systemic infections and may have a major economic impact due to significant losses in terms of morbidity and mortality, weight loss, and low milk yield. Prevention of camelpox is performed by vaccination. In this study, we investigated the composition of a CMLV-based, live-attenuated commercial vaccine using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. The results of this analysis revealed genomic sequences of Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA)

    Antifungal activity of amphotericin B conjugated to nanosized magnetite in the treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis

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    This study reports on in vitro and in vivo tests that sought to assess the antifungal activity of a newly developed magnetic carrier system comprising amphotericin B loaded onto the surface of pre-coated (with a double-layer of lauric acid) magnetite nanoparticles. The in vitro tests compared two drugs; i.e., this newly developed form and free amphotericin B. We found that this nanocomplex exhibited antifungal activity without cytotoxicity to human urinary cells and with low cytotoxicity to peritoneal macrophages. We also evaluated the efficacy of the nanocomplex in experimental paracoccidioidomycosis. BALB/c mice were intratracheally infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and treated with the compound for 30 or 60 days beginning the day after infection. The newly developed amphotericin B coupled with magnetic nanoparticles was effective against experimental paracoccidioidomycosis, and it did not induce clinical, biochemical or histopathological alterations. The nanocomplex also did not induce genotoxic effects in bone marrow cells. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that amphotericin B coupled to magnetic nanoparticles and stabilized with bilayer lauric acid is a promising nanotool for the treatment of the experimental paracoccidioidomycosis because it exhibited antifungal activity that was similar to that of free amphotericin B, did not induce adverse effects in therapeutic doses and allowed for a reduction in the number of applications