15 research outputs found

    Effect of Cooperative Learning on English Reading Skill at Elementary Level in the Subject of English

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    Cooperative learning strategies are used for developing English reading comprehension among students in classroom situation such as jigsaw, STAD and CIRC. By using strategies of cooperative learning students can comprehend ideas easily in learning process. Reading skill is important for using and understanding English language. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of cooperative learning on achievement, English reading of the Grade 7th students.  Total number of students were 64 in both sections who were studying in Grade 7th in Govt Girls high School Faizpure, Sheikhupura. It was a Quasi-Experimental study with a Non-equivalent control group, pre-test and post-test design. By using the procedure of tossing experimental and control groups were selected randomly. Experimental group was taught by using strategies of cooperative learning such as STAD and Jigsaw. Researcher taught the control group by using grammar translation method. Researcher put her best efforts for developing questionnaire with the help of text book and experts who confirmed validity of instrument. Data was analyzed through 21-version of SPSS, comparison of pre-test and post-test was examined to know mean score of students who were taught through cooperative learning and grammar translation method. Hence, it is concluded that STAD and Jigsaw strategies of cooperative learning has significant effect on English reading comprehension of the Grade 7th students.      The findings of study and recommendations were described to improve students' reading skill by using cooperative learning techniques in English classroom

    Relationship of Achievement Goal Orientation of University Teachers with their Qualification at Work Engagement and Organizational Commitment

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    The study was exploring the relationship between achievement goal with teachers’ qualifications at work engagement and organizational commitment. Correlation research design was adopted along with quantitative approach. Participants of the study were selected from universities located in central Punjab from two districts (Lahore and Faisalabad). Sample of the current study was taken 159 public and private university teachers through stratified sampling technique. Pearson r, one-way ANOVA was used to analyse the data. The findings of the study indicated that there was a moderate positive correlation between male and female teachers qualification. Qualification wise difference was existed between public and private university teachers regarding work engagement and organizational commitment in terms of their qualification was found

    Perceptions of Elementary School Teachers about Effect of Physical and Emotional Violence on Students' Performance

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    Physical and emotional violence has become a serious problem in schools. Teachers are important part of the whole education system, therefore, their insights into school violence are essential to understand the problem. This study aimed to investigate the teachers’ perceptions about the effect of physical and emotional violence on students’ academic performance. A causal-comparative research design based on a cross-sectional survey was used. A self-developed and validated questionnaire was used to measure the level of teachers’ perceptions about physical and emotional violence and its effect on students’ academic performance. The reliability index (Cronbach’s alpha) of the questionnaire was 0.92. All the teachers of the public high schools of Lahore city were the population of the study. A sample of 300 teachers was taken through simple random sampling technique. Data were analyzed by applying descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that teachers thought that many practices related to emotional and physical violence had positive effects on students’ performance. Majority of the teachers responded that they had to use many of the practices in order to put students’ attention towards their learning which ultimately improved their performance. Result of correlation analysis also confirmed that teachers’ practices related to physical and emotional violence were positively associated with students’ academic performance. It was also found that the physical and emotional violence was a significant predictor of students’ academic performance. On the basis of these results, it is recommended that school education department should conduct seminars and training workshops to educate teachers about negative effects of violent practices they are using to improve students’ performance. Keywords: Emotional violence, physical violence, academic performance Physical and emotional violence has become a serious problem in schools. Teachers are important part of the whole education system, therefore, their insights into school violence are essential to understand the problem. This study aimed to investigate the teachers’ perceptions about the effect of physical and emotional violence on students’ academic performance. A causal-comparative research design based on a cross-sectional survey was used. A self-developed and validated questionnaire was used to measure the level of teachers’ perceptions about physical and emotional violence and its effect on students’ academic performance. The reliability index (Cronbach’s alpha) of the questionnaire was 0.92. All the teachers of the public high schools of Lahore city were the population of the study. A sample of 300 teachers was taken through simple random sampling technique. Data were analyzed by applying descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that teachers thought that many practices related to emotional and physical violence had positive effects on students’ performance. Majority of the teachers responded that they had to use many of the practices in order to put students’ attention towards their learning which ultimately improved their performance. Result of correlation analysis also confirmed that teachers’ practices related to physical and emotional violence were positively associated with students’ academic performance. It was also found that the physical and emotional violence was a significant predictor of students’ academic performance. On the basis of these results, it is recommended that school education department should conduct seminars and training workshops to educate teachers about negative effects of violent practices they are using to improve students’ performance

    Perceptions of Male and Female Teachers About Organizational Culture of Paragon City Schools System Lahore

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    The study was aimed to investigate the perceptions of male and female teachers about organizational culture of Paragon City School System Lahore. Teachers who were taught students of grade 4-12 were the population of this study. Sample was comprised of 171 teachers selected through census sampling technique. 43 teachers were male and 128 teachers were female in the sample. A Likert type instrument was developed in which 13 statements were related to tacit assumption, 10 statements with values and 9 statements were relevant to the norms. Reliability of the instrument items was 0.818 which showed that the questionnaire was accurate. Findings of the study indicated that male and female teachers have differences of opinions regarding human nature, human relationships, openness, intimacy, teamwork, support colleagues, and students’ help, is being valued in DHA school system in Lahore. Whereas no significant difference regarding truth and reality, trust, cooperation, criticism on principal, and handling discipline, between male and female teachers. It is recommended that principal would create a school culture where discipline handling, criticism on principal, cooperation and trust between teachers may develop

    Identification of Institutionalized Violence in Elementary Schools

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    Violence unfolds itself in relation to the persons and activities within a specific institution, including violence from custodial authorities such as correctional officers and symbolic violence such as isolation and restriction to developmental resources. This study aims to identify the institutionalized violence prevailing in elementary schools in Punjab. Four subjects were selected at elementary level. Three male and three female elementary school teachers were selected for interview to identify the institutionalized violence. Semi structured interview protocol was used as tool of the study.  Semi structured questions were developed around the following themes: inequalities in number of teaching period, discrimination in time table, demoralization, demotivation in academic activities and imposing extra duties, discrimination in leave and relaxation. The findings of the study revealed that discrimination practices of head teachers are demotivating elementary school teachers which may affect students and school performance. On the basis of findings it is recommended that training might be arranged for improving the teachers’ performance

    Effect of Cooperative Learning on English Reading Skill at Elementary Level in the Subject of English

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    Cooperative learning strategies are used for developing English reading comprehension among students in classroom situation such as jigsaw, STAD and CIRC. By using strategies of cooperative learning students can comprehend ideas easily in learning process. Reading skill is important for using and understanding English language. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of cooperative learning on achievement, English reading of the Grade 7 th students. Total number of students were 64 in both sections who were studying in Grade 7th in Govt. Girls High School Faizpure, Sheikhupura. It was a Quasi-Experimental study with a Nonequivalent control group, pre-test and post-test design. By using the procedure of tossing experimental and control groups were selected randomly. Experimental group was taught by using strategies of cooperative learning such as STAD and Jigsaw. Researcher taught the control group by using grammar translation method. Researcher put her best efforts for developing questionnaire with the help of text book and experts who confirmed validity of instrument. Data was analyzed through 21-version of SPSS, comparison of pre-test and post-test was examined to know mean score of students who were taught through cooperative learning and grammar translation method. Hence, it is concluded that STAD and Jigsaw strategies of cooperative learning has significant effect on English reading comprehension of the Grade 7th students. The findings of study and recommendations were described to improve students' reading skill by using cooperative learning techniques in English classroom

    Role of Principals' Motivational Strategies and Performance of Elementary Schools Teachers Regarding their Academic Qualification

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    School heads used techniques of motivation for increasing the performance of teachers in teaching learning process. Head teachers encourage teachers to perform their duties devotedly by using different techniques. This study aimed  to find  the effect of  principals' motivational strategies on the performance of teachers on the basis of  their academic qualifications. All elementary  teachers working in  60 public schools of district Sheikhpura were the population of the study. Six hundred  elementary teachers were selected for sample  by using the technique of cluster random sampling. The study was  conducted to examine the effect of motivational techniques  used by schools'  principals  to develop  performance of  teachers on the basis of  their academic qualification . A   standardized research instrument as questionnaire was comprised of 48 items  from eight  most important techniques of motivation. Data of statistical analysis showed  significant difference  exist among  factors such as appreciation, recognition, performance appraisal, monetary benefits and rewards and  promotion.  It is recommended that heads may offer award and gifts to teachers for developing their  performance in academic activities

    Work-Family and Family-Work Conflict among Elementary School Teachers in Pakistan

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     The study was aimed to investigate thework-family and family-work conflict among elementary school teachers of Sheikhupuradistrict in Pakistan. Study was descriptive in nature. All the public elementary school teachers of Sheikhupura were considered the population. A sample of 886 ESTs was selected through simple random sampling technique. The 550 ESTs (males =185 and females= 385) had responded.A self-developed questionnaire was used to collect data by the researcher. The questionnaire was divided into two sub-dimensions as work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict. Reliability value for the sub-dimensions of work-to-family conflict (α=.81) and family-to-work conflict (α=.87) was good. Results revealed that the elementary school teachers were experiencing work-family conflict at moderate level. Elementary school teachers were experiencing more work-family conflict than the family-work conflict. A significant difference found in the level of work-family and family-work conflict between male and female elementary school teachers. It was shown that female ESTs were facing more work-to-family and family-to-work conflict than male ESTs.&nbsp

    Effect of head teachers' motivational techniques on elementary school teachers' performance on the Basis of their Age

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    Motivational techniques are effective in improving quality of education. The substantive purpose of the study was to identify the effects of motivational techniques used by elementary school head teachers on the performance of teachers in district Sheikhupura. A survey was conducted through cluster random sampling technique to collect data from 600 elementary school teachers working in District Sheikhpura.  A questionnaire with nine main constructs was used to elicit teachers' responses about effectiveness of their head teachers motivational techniques. Data were analyzed through SPSS version 20. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to identify mean difference in teachers' performance due to motivational techniques used by their heads on the basis of their age group. Findings of the study indicated  that there was a significant difference in teachers' performance on the basis of  their age group on motivational techniques  used by their heads such as feedback, recognition, performance appraisal, working condition  delegation of powers. On the basis of  findings it is recommended that the  government should conduct regular training for the head teachers on motivational techniques through the ministry of education to equip them with skills and knowledge needed in their managerial role. The teachers should be motivated to work to enhance their performance

    Relationships between Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Job Satisfaction of Female Faculty of Private Universities of Lahore City

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    Present study was aimed to explore relationship between work-family-conflict and job satisfaction of female faculty of private universities of Lahore city. Study was quantitative in nature. Correlation research design was used to find out “relationship between work-family-conflict and job satisfaction of female faculty of private universities of Lahore city.” Population was comprised of all the female private universities of Lahore. Sample was consisted of 450 female private university teachers of Lahore. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to analyse the data. Findings of the study indicated that there was significant strong positive correlation existed between work-family-conflict and job satisfaction among university teachers. A significant mean difference was found between work-family-conflict and job satisfaction in terms of their gender, age and experience. It is recommended that work-family-conflict at workplace should be managed for teachers’ job satisfaction in private universities