214 research outputs found

    Parallel vs. Sequential Belief Propagation Decoding of LDPC Codes over GF(q) and Markov Sources

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    A sequential updating scheme (SUS) for belief propagation (BP) decoding of LDPC codes over Galois fields, GF(q)GF(q), and correlated Markov sources is proposed, and compared with the standard parallel updating scheme (PUS). A thorough experimental study of various transmission settings indicates that the convergence rate, in iterations, of the BP algorithm (and subsequently its complexity) for the SUS is about one half of that for the PUS, independent of the finite field size qq. Moreover, this 1/2 factor appears regardless of the correlations of the source and the channel's noise model, while the error correction performance remains unchanged. These results may imply on the 'universality' of the one half convergence speed-up of SUS decoding

    A dynamical symmetry triad in high-harmonic generation revealed by attosecond recollision control

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    A key element of optical spectroscopy is the link between observable selection rules and the underlying symmetries of an investigated physical system. Typically, selection rules directly relate to the sample properties probed by light, yielding information on crystalline structure or chirality, for example. Considering light-matter coupling more broadly may extend the scope of detectable symmetries, to also include those directly arising from the interaction. In this letter, we experimentally demonstrate an emerging class of symmetries in the electromagnetic field emitted by a strongly driven atomic system. Specifically, generating high-harmonic radiation with attosecond-controlled two-color fields, we find different sets of allowed and forbidden harmonic orders. Generalizing symmetry considerations of circularly polarized high-harmonic generation, we interpret these selection rules as a complete triad of dynamical symmetries. We expect such emergent symmetries also for multi-atomic and condensed-matter systems, encoded in the spectral and spatial features of the radiation field. Notably, the observed phenomenon gives robust access to chiral processes with few-attosecond time precision

    Interlocked attosecond pulse trains in slightly bi-elliptical high harmonic generation

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    The ellipticity of high harmonics driven by bi-chromatic (e.g. w - 2w) fully tuned by varying the polarization of the pump components. In order to start revealing the underlying mechanism of this control, we explore a relatively simple regime of this scheme that still gives rise to full control over the harmonics ellipticities. In this regime, the pumps are only slightly elliptical and the high harmonic radiation consists of two (different) interlocked attosecond pulse trains (APTs). We formulate a semi-analytic model that maps the high harmonic ellipticity to properties of the APTs harmonic decompositions. Utilizing this model, we reconstruct these APTs variables from measurements of the high harmonics ellipticities. This ellipticity-resolved spectroscopy of interlocked APTs may be useful for ultrafast probing of chiral degrees of freedom

    Coupling ideality of free electrons with photonic integrated waveguides

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    Recently, integrated photonics has brought new capabilities to electron microscopy and been used to demonstrate efficient electron phase modulation and electron-photon correlations. Here, we quantitatively analyze the interaction strength between a free electron and a photonic integrated circuit with a heterogeneous structure. We adopt a dissipative QED treatment and show that with proper electron beam positioning and waveguide geometry, one can achieve near-unity coupling ideality to a well-defined spatial-temporal waveguide mode. Furthermore, we show that the frequency and waveform of the coupled mode can be tailored to the application. These features show that photonic integrated waveguides are a promising platform for free-electron quantum optics with applications like high-fidelity electron-photon entanglement, heralded single-electron and photon state synthesis

    Helicity-selective phase-matching and quasi-phase matching of circularly polarized high-order harmonics: Towards chiral attosecond pulses

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    Phase matching of circularly polarized high-order harmonics driven by counter-rotating bi-chromatic lasers was recently predicted theoretically and demonstrated experimentally. In that work, phase matching was analyzed by assuming that the total energy, spin angular momentum and linear momentum of the photons participating in the process are conserved. Here we propose a new perspective on phase matching of circularly polarized high harmonics. We derive an extended phase matching condition by requiring a new propagation matching condition between the classical vectorial bi-chromatic laser pump and harmonics fields. This allows us to include the influence of the laser pulse envelopes on phase matching. We find that the helicity dependent phase matching facilitates generation of high harmonics beams with a high degree of chirality. Indeed, we present an experimentally measured chiral spectrum that can support a train of attosecond pulses with a high degree of circular polarization. Moreover, while the degree of circularity of the most intense pulse approaches unity, all other pulses exhibit reduced circularity. This feature suggests the possibility of using a train of attosecond pulses as an isolated attosecond probe for chiral-sensitive experiments

    Optical coherence transfer mediated by free electrons

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    We theoretically investigate the quantum-coherence properties of the cathodoluminescence (CL) emission produced by a temporally modulated electron beam. Specifically, we consider the quantum-optical correlations of CL produced by electrons that are previously shaped by a laser field. Our main prediction is the presence of phase correlations between the emitted CL field and the electron-modulating laser, even though the emission intensity and spectral profile are independent of the electron state. In addition, the coherence of the CL field extends to harmonics of the laser frequency. Since electron beams can be focused to below 1 Ã…, their ability to transfer optical coherence could enable the ultra-precise excitation, manipulation, and spectrally resolved probing of nanoscale quantum systems

    Controlling free electrons with optical whispering-gallery modes

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    Free-electron beams are versatile probes of microscopic structure and composition1,2, and have revolutionized atomic-scale imaging in several fields, from solid-state physics to structural biology3. Over the past decade, the manipulation and interaction of electrons with optical fields have enabled considerable progress in imaging methods4, near-field electron acceleration5,6, and four-dimensional microscopy techniques with high temporal and spatial resolution7. However, electron beams typically couple only weakly to optical excitations, and emerging applications in electron control and sensing8,9,10,11 require large enhancements using tailored fields and interactions. Here we couple a free-electron beam to a travelling-wave resonant cavity mode. The enhanced interaction with the optical whispering-gallery modes of dielectric microresonators induces a strong phase modulation on co-propagating electrons, which leads to a spectral broadening of 700 electronvolts, corresponding to the absorption and emission of hundreds of photons. By mapping the near-field interaction with ultrashort electron pulses in space and time, we trace the lifetime of the the microresonator following a femtosecond excitation and observe the spectral response of the cavity. The natural matching of free electrons to these quintessential optical modes could enable the application of integrated photonics technology in electron microscopy, with broad implications for attosecond structuring, probing quantum emitters and possible electron–light entanglement

    Nanoscale magnetic imaging using circularly polarized high-harmonic radiation

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    This work demonstrates nanoscale magnetic imaging using bright circularly polarized high-harmonic radiation. We utilize the magneto-optical contrast of worm-like magnetic domains in a Co/Pd multilayer structure, obtaining quantitative amplitude and phase maps by lensless imaging. A diffraction-limited spatial resolution of 49 nm is achieved with iterative phase reconstruction enhanced by a holographic mask. Harnessing the exceptional coherence of high harmonics, this approach will facilitate quantitative, element-specific, and spatially resolved studies of ultrafast magnetization dynamics, advancing both fundamental and applied aspects of nanoscale magnetism

    Integrated photonics enables continuous-beam electron phase modulation

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    Integrated photonics facilitates extensive control over fundamental light–matter interactions in manifold quantum systems including atoms1, trapped ions2,3, quantum dots4 and defect centres5. Ultrafast electron microscopy has recently made free-electron beams the subject of laser-based quantum manipulation and characterization6,7,8,9,10,11, enabling the observation of free-electron quantum walks12,13,14, attosecond electron pulses10,15,16,17 and holographic electromagnetic imaging18. Chip-based photonics19,20 promises unique applications in nanoscale quantum control and sensing but remains to be realized in electron microscopy. Here we merge integrated photonics with electron microscopy, demonstrating coherent phase modulation of a continuous electron beam using a silicon nitride microresonator. The high-finesse (Q0 ≈ 106) cavity enhancement and a waveguide designed for phase matching lead to efficient electron–light scattering at extremely low, continuous-wave optical powers. Specifically, we fully deplete the initial electron state at a cavity-coupled power of only 5.35 microwatts and generate >500 electron energy sidebands for several milliwatts. Moreover, we probe unidirectional intracavity fields with microelectronvolt resolution in electron-energy-gain spectroscopy21. The fibre-coupled photonic structures feature single-optical-mode electron–light interaction with full control over the input and output light. This approach establishes a versatile and highly efficient framework for enhanced electron beam control in the context of laser phase plates22, beam modulators and continuous-wave attosecond pulse trains23, resonantly enhanced spectroscopy24,25,26 and dielectric laser acceleration19,20,27. Our work introduces a universal platform for exploring free-electron quantum optics28,29,30,31, with potential future developments in strong coupling, local quantum probing and electron–photon entanglement
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