2,442 research outputs found

    Noise reduction in a Mach 5 wind tunnel with a rectangular rod-wall sound shield

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    A rod wall sound shield was tested over a range of Reynolds numbers of 0.5 x 10 to the 7th power to 8.0 x 10 to the 7th power per meter. The model consisted of a rectangular array of longitudinal rods with boundary-layer suction through gaps between the rods. Suitable measurement techniques were used to determine properties of the flow and acoustic disturbance in the shield and transition in the rod boundary layers. Measurements indicated that for a Reynolds number of 1.5 x 10 to the 9th power the noise in the shielded region was significantly reduced, but only when the flow is mostly laminar on the rods. Actual nozzle input noise measured on the nozzle centerline before reflection at the shield walls was attenuated only slightly even when the rod boundary layer were laminar. At a lower Reynolds number, nozzle input noise at noise levels in the shield were still too high for application to a quiet tunnel. At Reynolds numbers above 2.0 x 10 the the 7th power per meter, measured noise levels were generally higher than nozzle input levels, probably due to transition in the rod boundary layers. The small attenuation of nozzle input noise at intermediate Reynolds numbers for laminar rod layers at the acoustic origins is apparently due to high frequencies of noise

    Electron-Acoustic Phonon Energy Loss Rate in Multi-Component Electron Systems with Symmetric and Asymmetric Coupling Constants

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    We consider electron-phonon (\textit{e-ph}) energy loss rate in 3D and 2D multi-component electron systems in semiconductors. We allow general asymmetry in the \textit{e-ph} coupling constants (matrix elements), i.e., we allow that the coupling depends on the electron sub-system index. We derive a multi-component \textit{e-ph}power loss formula, which takes into account the asymmetric coupling and links the total \textit{e-ph} energy loss rate to the density response matrix of the total electron system. We write the density response matrix within mean field approximation, which leads to coexistence of\ symmetric energy loss rate FS(T)F_{S}(T) and asymmetric energy loss rate FA(T)F_{A}(T) with total energy loss rate F(T)=FS(T)+FA(T) F(T)=F_{S}(T)+F_{A}(T) at temperature TT. The symmetric component F_{S}(T) isequivalenttotheconventionalsinglesubsystemenergylossrateintheliterature,andintheBlochGru¨neisenlimitwereproduceasetofwellknownpowerlaws is equivalent to the conventional single-sub-system energy loss rate in the literature, and in the Bloch-Gr\"{u}neisen limit we reproduce a set of well-known power laws F_{S}(T)\propto T^{n_{S}},wheretheprefactorandpower, where the prefactor and power n_{S}dependonelectronsystemdimensionalityandelectronmeanfreepath.For depend on electron system dimensionality and electron mean free path. For F_{A}(T)weproduceanewsetofpowerlawsFA(T)TnA we produce a new set of power laws F_{A}(T)\propto T^{n_{A}}. Screening strongly reduces the symmetric coupling, but the asymmetric coupling is unscreened, provided that the inter-sub-system Coulomb interactions are strong. The lack of screening enhances FA(T)F_{A}(T) and the total energy loss rate F(T)F(T). Especially, in the strong screening limit we find FA(T)FS(T)F_{A}(T)\gg F_{S}(T). A canonical example of strongly asymmetric \textit{e-ph} matrix elements is the deformation potential coupling in many-valley semiconductors.Comment: v2: Typos corrected. Some notations changed. Section III.C is embedded in Section III.B. Paper accepted to PR

    Instantaneous Normal Mode analysis of liquid HF

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    We present an Instantaneous Normal Modes analysis of liquid HF aimed to clarify the origin of peculiar dynamical properties which are supposed to stem from the arrangement of molecules in linear hydrogen-bonded network. The present study shows that this approach is an unique tool for the understanding of the spectral features revealed in the analysis of both single molecule and collective quantities. For the system under investigation we demonstrate the relevance of hydrogen-bonding ``stretching'' and fast librational motion in the interpretation of these features.Comment: REVTeX, 7 pages, 5 eps figures included. Minor changes in the text and in a figure. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    The Potential Energy Landscape and Mechanisms of Diffusion in Liquids

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    The mechanism of diffusion in supercooled liquids is investigated from the potential energy landscape point of view, with emphasis on the crossover from high- to low-T dynamics. Molecular dynamics simulations with a time dependent mapping to the associated local mininum or inherent structure (IS) are performed on unit-density Lennard-Jones (LJ). New dynamical quantities introduced include r2_{is}(t), the mean-square displacement (MSD) within a basin of attraction of an IS, R2(t), the MSD of the IS itself, and g_{loc}(t) the mean waiting time in a cooperative region. At intermediate T, r2_{is}(t) posesses an interval of linear t-dependence allowing calculation of an intrabasin diffusion constant D_{is}. Near T_{c} diffusion is intrabasin dominated with D = D_{is}. Below T_{c} the local waiting time tau_{loc} exceeds the time, tau_{pl}, needed for the system to explore the basin, indicating the action of barriers. The distinction between motion among the IS below T_{c} and saddle, or border dynamics above T_{c} is discussed.Comment: submitted to pr

    Inherent-Structure Dynamics and Diffusion in Liquids

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    The self-diffusion constant D is expressed in terms of transitions among the local minima of the potential (inherent structure, IS) and their correlations. The formulae are evaluated and tested against simulation in the supercooled, unit-density Lennard-Jones liquid. The approximation of uncorrelated IS-transition (IST) vectors, D_{0}, greatly exceeds D in the upper temperature range, but merges with simulation at reduced T ~ 0.50. Since uncorrelated IST are associated with a hopping mechanism, the condition D ~ D_{0} provides a new way to identify the crossover to hopping. The results suggest that theories of diffusion in deeply supercooled liquids may be based on weakly correlated IST.Comment: submitted to PR

    Single spin universal Boolean logic

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    Recent advances in manipulating single electron spins in quantum dots have brought us close to the realization of classical logic gates based on representing binary bits in spin polarizations of single electrons. Here, we show that a linear array of three quantum dots, each containing a single spin polarized electron, and with nearest neighbor exchange coupling, acts as the universal NAND gate. The energy dissipated during switching this gate is the Landauer-Shannon limit of kTln(1/p) [T = ambient temperature and p = intrinsic gate error probability]. With present day technology, p = 1E-9 is achievable above 1 K temperature. Even with this small intrinsic error probability, the energy dissipated during switching the NAND gate is only ~ 21 kT, while today's nanoscale transistors dissipate about 40,000 - 50,000 kT when they switch

    Instantaneous Normal Mode Analysis of Supercooled Water

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    We use the instantaneous normal mode approach to provide a description of the local curvature of the potential energy surface of a model for water. We focus on the region of the phase diagram in which the dynamics may be described by the mode-coupling theory. We find, surprisingly, that the diffusion constant depends mainly on the fraction of directions in configuration space connecting different local minima, supporting the conjecture that the dynamics are controlled by the geometric properties of configuration space. Furthermore, we find an unexpected relation between the number of basins accessed in equilibrium and the connectivity between them.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Saddles in the energy landscape probed by supercooled liquids

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    We numerically investigate the supercooled dynamics of two simple model liquids exploiting the partition of the multi-dimension configuration space in basins of attraction of the stationary points (inherent saddles) of the potential energy surface. We find that the inherent saddles order and potential energy are well defined functions of the temperature T. Moreover, decreasing T, the saddle order vanishes at the same temperature (T_MCT) where the inverse diffusivity appears to diverge as a power law. This allows a topological interpretation of T_MCT: it marks the transition from a dynamics between basins of saddles (T>T_MCT) to a dynamics between basins of minima (T<T_MCT).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published on PR

    Mean-atom-trajectory model for the velocity autocorrelation function of monatomic liquids

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    We present a model for the motion of an average atom in a liquid or supercooled liquid state and apply it to calculations of the velocity autocorrelation function Z(t)Z(t) and diffusion coefficient DD. The model trajectory consists of oscillations at a distribution of frequencies characteristic of the normal modes of a single potential valley, interspersed with position- and velocity-conserving transits to similar adjacent valleys. The resulting predictions for Z(t)Z(t) and DD agree remarkably well with MD simulations of Na at up to almost three times its melting temperature. Two independent processes in the model relax velocity autocorrelations: (a) dephasing due to the presence of many frequency components, which operates at all temperatures but which produces no diffusion, and (b) the transit process, which increases with increasing temperature and which produces diffusion. Because the model provides a single-atom trajectory in real space and time, including transits, it may be used to calculate all single-atom correlation functions.Comment: LaTeX, 8 figs. This is an updated version of cond-mat/0002057 and cond-mat/0002058 combined Minor changes made to coincide with published versio