3,115 research outputs found

    B-52 stability augmentation system reliability

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    The B-52 SAS (Stability Augmentation System) was developed and retrofitted to nearly 300 aircraft. It actively controls B-52 structural bending, provides improved yaw and pitch damping through sensors and electronic control channels, and puts complete reliance on hydraulic control power for rudder and elevators. The system has experienced over 300,000 flight hours and has exhibited service reliability comparable to the results of the reliability test program. Development experience points out numerous lessons with potential application in the mechanization and development of advanced technology control systems of high reliability

    Aircrew-aircraft integration: A summary of US Army research programs and plans

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    A review of selected programs which illustrate the research efforts of the U.S. Army Aeromechanics Laboratory in the area of aircrew-aircraft integration is presented. Plans for research programs to support the development of future military rotorcraft are also described. The crew of a combat helicopter must, in general, perform two major functions during the conduct of a particular mission: flightpath control and mission management. Accordingly, the research programs described are being conducted in the same two major categories: (1) flightpath control, which encompasses the areas of handling qualities, stability and control, and displays for the pilot's control of the rotorcraft's flightpath, and (2) mission management, which includes human factors and cockpit integration research topics related to performance of navigation, communication, and aircraft systems management tasks

    Helicopter simulation validation using flight data

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    A joint NASA/Army effort to perform a systematic ground-based piloted simulation validation assessment is described. The best available mathematical model for the subject helicopter (UH-60A Black Hawk) was programmed for real-time operation. Flight data were obtained to validate the math model, and to develop models for the pilot control strategy while performing mission-type tasks. The validated math model is to be combined with motion and visual systems to perform ground based simulation. Comparisons of the control strategy obtained in flight with that obtained on the simulator are to be used as the basis for assessing the fidelity of the results obtained in the simulator

    Rotorcraft handling-qualities design criteria development

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    Joint NASA/Army efforts at the Ames Research Center to develop rotorcraft handling-qualities design criteria began in earnest in 1975. Notable results were the UH-1H VSTOLAND variable stability helicopter, the VFA-2 camera-and-terrain-board simulator visual system, and the generic helicopter real-time mathematical model, ARMCOP. An initial series of handling-qualities studies was conducted to assess the effects of rotor design parameters, interaxis coupling, and various levels of stability and control augmentation. The ability to conduct in-flight handling-qualities research was enhanced by the development of the NASA/Army CH-47 variable-stability helicopter. Research programs conducted using this vehicle include vertical-response investigations, hover augmentation systems, and the effects of control-force characteristics. The handling-qualities data base was judged to be sufficient to allow an update of the military helicopter handling-qualities specification, MIL-H-8501. These efforts, including not only the in-house experimental work but also contracted research and collaborative programs performed under the auspices of various international agreements. The report concludes by reviewing the topics that are currently most in need of work, and the plans for addressing these topics

    Geoglossomycetes cl. nov., Geoglossales ord. nov. and taxa above class rank in the Ascomycota Tree of Life

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    Featuring a high level of taxon sampling across Ascomycota, we evaluate a multi-gene phylogeny and propose a novel order and class in Ascomycota. We describe two new taxa, Geoglossomycetes and Geoglossales, to host three earth tongue genera: Geoglossum, Trichoglossum and Sarcoleotia as a lineage of ‘Leotiomyceta’. Correspondingly, we confirm that these genera are not closely related to the genera Neolecta, Mitrula, Cudonia, Microglossum, Thuemenidum, Spathularia and Bryoglossum, all of which have been previously placed within the Geoglossaceae. We also propose a non-hierarchical system for naming well-resolved nodes, such as ‘Saccharomyceta’, ‘Dothideomyceta’, and ‘Sordariomyceta’ for supraordinal nodes, within the current phylogeny, acting as rankless taxa. As part of this revision, the continued use of ‘Leotiomyceta’, now as a rankless taxon, is proposed

    Calonectria spp. causing leaf spot, crown and root rot of ornamental plants in Tunisia

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    Calonectria spp. are important pathogens of ornamental plants in nurseries, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. They are commonly associated with a wide range of disease symptoms of roots, leaves and shoots. During a recent survey in Tunisia, a number of Calonectria spp. were isolated from tissues of ornamental plants showing symptoms of leaf spot, crown and root rot. The aim of this study was to identify these Calonectria spp. using morphological and DNA sequence comparisons. Two previously undescribed Calonectria spp., C. pseudomexicana sp. nov. and C. tunisiana sp. nov., were recognised. Calonectria mexicana and C. polizzii are newly reported for the African continent. Pathogenicity tests with all four Calonectria spp. showed that they are able to cause disease on seedlings of Callistemon spp., Dodonaea viscosa, Metrosideros spp. and Myrtus communis

    Optical-Path-Difference Linear Mechanism for the Panchromatic Fourier Transform Spectrometer

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    A document discusses a mechanism that uses flex-pivots in a parallelogram arrangement to provide frictionless motion with an unlimited lifetime. A voicecoil actuator drives the parallelogram over the required 5-cm travel. An optical position sensor provides feedback for a servo loop that keeps the velocity within 1 percent of expected value. Residual tip/tilt error is compensated for by a piezo actuator that drives the interferometer mirror. This mechanism builds on previous work that targeted ground-based measurements. The main novelty aspects include cryogenic and vacuum operation, high reliability for spaceflight, compactness of the design, optical layout compatible with the needs of an imaging FTS (i.e. wide overall field-of-view), and mirror optical coatings to cover very broad wavelength range (i.e., 0.26 to 15 m)

    A Storage Ring for Neutral Atoms

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    We have demonstrated a storage ring for ultra-cold neutral atoms. Atoms with mean velocities of 1 m/s corresponding to kinetic energies of ~100 neV are confined to a 2 cm diameter ring by magnetic forces produced by two current-carrying wires. Up to 10^6 atoms are loaded at a time in the ring, and 7 revolutions are clearly observed. Additionally, we have demonstrated multiple loading of the ring and deterministic manipulation of the longitudinal velocity distribution of the atoms using applied laser pulses. Applications of this ring include large area atom interferometers and cw monochromatic atomic beam generation.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Wave function recombination instability in cold atom interferometers

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    Cold atom interferometers use guiding potentials that split the wave function of the Bose-Einstein condensate and then recombine it. We present theoretical analysis of the wave function recombination instability that is due to the weak nonlinearity of the condensate. It is most pronounced when the accumulated phase difference between the arms of the interferometer is close to an odd multiple of PI and consists in exponential amplification of the weak ground state mode by the strong first excited mode. The instability exists for both trapped-atom and beam interferometers.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Propagation of Bose-Einstein condensates in a magnetic waveguide

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    Gaseous Bose-Einstein condensates of 2-3 million atoms were loaded into a microfabricated magnetic trap using optical tweezers. Subsequently, the condensates were released into a magnetic waveguide and propagated 12 mm. Single-mode propagation was observed along homogeneous segments of the waveguide. Inhomogeneities in the guiding potential arose from geometric deformations of the microfabricated wires and caused strong transverse excitations. Such deformations may restrict the waveguide physics that can be explored with propagating condensates.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure