1,025 research outputs found

    Non-equilibrium dissociating nitrogen flow over a wedge

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    Experimental results for dissociating nitrogen flow over a wedge, obtained in a free-piston shock tunnel, are described. Interferograms of the flow show clearly the curvature of the shock wave and the rise in fringe shift after the shock associated with the dissociation. It is shown that the shock curvature at the tip of the wedge can be used to calculate the initial dissociation rate and that it is a more sensitive indication of the rate than can be obtained from fringe shift measurements under the prevailing experimental conditions. Because the freestream dissociation fraction can be adjusted in the shock tunnel, the dependence on atomic nitrogen concentration of the dissociation rate can be determined by the shock curvature method. A detailed calculation of the flow field by an inverse method, starting from the measured shock shape, shows good agreement with experiments

    The Role of Starburst-AGN composites in Luminous Infrared Galaxy Mergers: Insights from the New Optical Classification Scheme

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    We investigate the fraction of starbursts, starburst-AGN composites, Seyferts, and LINERs as a function of infrared luminosity (L_IR) and merger progress for ~500 infrared-selected galaxies. Using the new optical classifications afforded by the extremely large data set of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we find that the fraction of LINERs in IR-selected samples is rare (< 5%) compared with other spectral types. The lack of strong infrared emission in LINERs is consistent with recent optical studies suggesting that LINERs contain AGN with lower accretion rates than in Seyfert galaxies. Most previously classified infrared-luminous LINERs are classified as starburst-AGN composite galaxies in the new scheme. Starburst-AGN composites appear to "bridge" the spectral evolution from starburst to AGN in ULIRGs. The relative strength of the AGN versus starburst activity shows a significant increase at high infrared luminosity. In ULIRGs (L_IR >10^12 L_odot), starburst-AGN composite galaxies dominate at early--intermediate stages of the merger, and AGN galaxies dominate during the final merger stages. Our results are consistent with models for IR-luminous galaxies where mergers of gas-rich spirals fuel both starburst and AGN, and where the AGN becomes increasingly dominant during the final merger stages of the most luminous infrared objects.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures, 10 tables, ApJ accepte

    An Integral Field Study of Abundance Gradients in Nearby LIRGs

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    We present for the first time metallicity maps generated using data from the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) on the ANU 2.3m of 9 Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs) and discuss the abundance gradients and distribution of metals in these systems. We have carried out optical integral field spectroscopy (IFS) of several several LIRGs in various merger phases to investigate the merger process. In a major merger of two spiral galaxies with preexisting disk abundance gradients, the changing distribution of metals can be used as a tracer of gas flows in the merging system as low metallicity gas is transported from the outskirts of each galaxy to their nuclei. We employ this fact to probe merger properties by using the emission lines in our IFS data to calculate the gas-phase metallicity in each system. We create abundance maps and subsequently derive a metallicity gradient from each map. We compare our measured gradients to merger stage as well as several possible tracers of merger progress and observed nuclear abundances. We discuss our work in the context of previous abundance gradient observations and compare our results to new galaxy merger models which trace metallicity gradient. Our results agree with the observed flattening of metallicity gradients as a merger progresses. We compare our results with new theoretical predictions that include chemical enrichment. Our data show remarkable agreement with these simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 26 pages, 18 figure

    A physically-based model of the ionizing radiation from active galaxies for photoionization modeling

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    We present a simplified model of Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) continuum emission designed for photoionization modeling. The new model {\sc oxaf} reproduces the diversity of spectral shapes that arise in physically-based models. We identify and explain degeneracies in the effects of AGN parameters on model spectral shapes, with a focus on the complete degeneracy between the black hole mass and AGN luminosity. Our re-parametrized model {\sc oxaf} removes these degeneracies and accepts three parameters which directly describe the output spectral shape: the energy of the peak of the accretion disk emission EpeakE_\mathrm{peak}, the photon power-law index of the non-thermal emission Γ\Gamma, and the proportion of the total flux which is emitted in the non-thermal component pNTp_\mathrm{NT}. The parameter EpeakE_\mathrm{peak} is presented as a function of the black hole mass, AGN luminosity, and `coronal radius' of the {\sc optxagnf} model upon which {\sc oxaf} is based. We show that the soft X-ray excess does not significantly affect photoionization modeling predictions of strong emission lines in Seyfert narrow-line regions. Despite its simplicity, {\sc oxaf} accounts for opacity effects where the accretion disk is ionized because it inherits the `color correction' of {\sc optxagnf}. We use a grid of {\sc mappings} photoionization models with {\sc oxaf} ionizing spectra to demonstrate how predicted emission-line ratios on standard optical diagnostic diagrams are sensitive to each of the three {\sc oxaf} parameters. The {\sc oxaf} code is publicly available in the Astrophysics Source Code Library.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The mass-metallicity relation of local active galaxies

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    We systematically measure the gas-phase metallicities and the mass-metallicity relation of a large sample of local active galaxies for the first time. Observed emission-line fluxes from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) are compared to a four-dimensional grid of photoionization models using the Bayesian parameter estimation code NebulaBayes. For the first time we take into account arbitrary mixing between HII region and narrow-line region (NLR) emission, and the models are also varied with metallicity, ionization parameter in the NLR, and the gas pressure. The active galactic nucleus (AGN) oxygen abundance is found to increase by ΔO/H0.1\Delta {\rm O/H} \sim 0.1 dex as a function of host galaxy stellar mass over the range 10.1<logM/M<11.310.1 < \log M_* / M_\odot < 11.3. We also measure the metallicity and ionization parameter of 231000 star-forming galaxies for comparison with the sample of 7670 Seyfert 2 galaxies. A systematic offset in oxygen abundance of 0.09 dex is observed between the mass-metallicity relations of the star-forming and active galaxies. We investigate potential causes of the offset, including sample selection and the treatment in the models of diffuse ionized gas, pressure, and ionization parameter. We cannot identify the major cause(s), but suspect contributions due to deficiencies in modeling the ionizing spectra and the treatment of dust physics. Optical diagnostic diagrams are presented with the star-forming and Seyfert data colored by the inferred oxygen abundance, ionization parameter and gas pressure, clearly illustrating the trends in these quantities.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures and 1 table; accepted for publication in Ap

    NGC 839: Shocks in an M82-like Superwind

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    We present observations of NGC 839 made with the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) on the ANU 2.3m telescope. Our data cover a region 25" x 60" at a spatial resolution of ~1.5". The long axis of the field is aligned with the superwind we have discovered in this starburst galaxy. The data cover the range of 3700-7000 {\AA}, with a spectral resolution R~7000 in the red, and R~3000 in the blue. We find that the stellar component of the galaxy is strongly dominated by a fast rotating intermediate-age (~400 Myr) A-Type stellar population, while the gas is concentrated in a bi-conical polar funnel. We have generated flux distributions, emission line ratio diagnostics and velocity maps in both emission and absorption components. We interpret these in the context of a new grid of low-velocity shock models appropriate for galactic-scale outflows. These models are remarkably well fit to the data, providing for the first time model diagnostics for shocks in superwinds and strongly suggesting that shock excitation is largely responsible for the extended LINER emission in the outflowing gas in NGC 839. Our work may have important implications both for extended LINER emission seen in other galaxies, as well as in the interpretation of objects with "composite" spectra. Finally, we present a scenario for the formation of E+A galaxies based upon our observations of NGC 839, and its relation to M82.Comment: 12 pages and 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Interrogating Seyferts with NebulaBayes: Spatially probing the narrow-line region radiation fields and chemical abundances

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    NebulaBayes is a new Bayesian code that implements a general method of comparing observed emission-line fluxes to photoionization model grids. The code enables us to extract robust, spatially resolved measurements of abundances in the extended narrow line regions (ENLRs) produced by Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). We observe near-constant ionization parameters but steeply radially-declining pressures, which together imply that radiation pressure regulates the ENLR density structure on large scales. Our sample includes four `pure Seyfert' galaxies from the S7 survey that have extensive ENLRs. NGC2992 shows steep metallicity gradients from the nucleus into the ionization cones. An {\it inverse} metallicity gradient is observed in ESO138-G01, which we attribute to a recent gas inflow or minor merger. A uniformly high metallicity and hard ionizing continuum are inferred across the ENLR of Mrk573. Our analysis of IC5063 is likely affected by contamination from shock excitation, which appears to soften the inferred ionizing spectrum. The peak of the ionizing continuum E_peak is determined by the nuclear spectrum and the absorbing column between the nucleus and the ionized nebula. We cannot separate variation in this intrinsic E_peak from the effects of shock or HII region contamination, but E_peak measurements nevertheless give insights into ENLR excitation. We demonstrate the general applicability of NebulaBayes by analyzing a nuclear spectrum from the non-active galaxy NGC4691 using a HII region grid. The NLR and HII region model grids are provided with NebulaBayes for use by the astronomical community.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 29 pages with 10 figures and 3 table

    The Physical Conditions of a Lensed Star-forming Galaxy at z=1.7

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    We report rest-frame optical Keck/NIRSPEC spectroscopy of the bright lensed galaxy RCSGA 032727-132609 at z=1.7037. From precise measurements of the nebular lines, we infer a number of physical properties: redshift, extinction, star formation rate, ionization parameter, electron density, electron temperature, oxygen abundance, and N/O, Ne/O, and Ar/O abundance ratios. The limit on [O III]~4363 A tightly constrains the oxygen abundance via the "direct" or electron temperature method, for the first time in an average-metallicity galaxy at z~2. We compare this result to several standard "bright-line" O abundance diagnostics, thereby testing these empirically-calibrated diagnostics in situ. Finally, we explore the positions of lensed and unlensed galaxies in standard diagnostic diagrams, and explore the diversity of ionization conditions and mass--metallicity ratios at z=2.Comment: ApJ in press. 15 pages, 7 figure

    Kinematic classifications of local interacting galaxies: implications for the merger/disk classifications at high-z

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    The classification of galaxy mergers and isolated disks is key for understanding the relative importance of galaxy interactions and secular evolution during the assembly of galaxies. The kinematic properties of galaxies as traced by emission lines have been used to suggest the existence of a significant population of high-z star-forming galaxies consistent with isolated rotating disks. However, recent studies have cautioned that post-coalescence mergers may also display disk-like kinematics. To further investigate the robustness of merger/disk classifications based on kinematic properties, we carry out a systematic classification of 24 local (U)LIRGs spanning a range of galaxy morphologies: from isolated spiral galaxies, ongoing interacting systems, to fully merged remnants. We artificially redshift the WiFeS observations of these local (U)LIRGs to z=1.5 to make a realistic comparison with observations at high-z, and also to ensure that all galaxies have the same spatial sampling of ~900 pc. Using both kinemetry-based and visual classifications, we find that the reliability of kinematic classification shows a strong trend with the interaction stage of galaxies. Mergers with two nuclei and tidal tails have the most distinct kinematic properties compared to isolated disks, whereas a significant population of the interacting disks and merger remnants are indistinguishable from isolated disks. The high fraction of late-stage mergers showing disk-like kinematics reflects the complexity of the dynamics during galaxy interactions. However, the exact fractions of misidentified disks and mergers depend on the definition of kinematic asymmetries and the classification threshold when using kinemetry-based classifications. Our results suggest that additional indicators such as morphologies traced by stars or molecular gas are required to further constrain the merger/disk classifications at high-z.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, ApJ accepte