18 research outputs found

    Translokacija i retranslokacija kadmijuma u grašku (Pisum sativum L.)

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    Under semi-controlled conditions, we studied cadmium (Cd) translocation and retranslocation in the aphylla pea cultivar Jezero at two stages of growth and development. The applied Cd concentrations were 0 (control), 10-7 and 10-5 M Cd and the age of plants at the time of treatment was 26 and 63 days. The application of Cd via the root lasted for 48 h. The plants were analyzed immediately after the treatment, 38 days later and at maturity. Dry matter mass and Cd contents were determined in individual plant organs. The results showed that dry mass had decreased noticeably depending on the Cd concentration used and plant age. The decrease of dry matter mass in both vegetative and generative plant organs was more significant when Cd was applied at flowering (63 day-old plants) than when the plants were younger (25 day-old). In all the treatments, the highest Cd content was found in the root. The translocation of Cd from the root to the aboveground vegetative and generative plant parts took place and it was relatively more intensive at the lower Cd concentration than at the higher one. The possibility that a minor amount of Cd was retranslocated from the leaves to the seeds and pods could not be ruled out either.Proučavana je translokacija i retranslokaiija kadmijuma (Cd) u afila tipu graška sorte Jezero, u dva stadijuma rasta i razvića, u polukontrolisanim uslovima. Primenjene koncentracije Cd bile su 0 (kontrola), 10-7 i 10-5 M Cd, a starost biljaka u vreme tretmana bila je 26 i 63 dana. Tretmani Cd preko ko-rena trajali su po 48 h. Biljke su analizirane neposredno nakon tretmana, 38 dana kasnije i u fazi zrelosti. Suva masa biljaka i sadržaj Cd određeni su u pojedinačnim biljnim organima. Rezultati su pokazali da se masa suve materije značajno smanjila u zavisnosti od primenjene koncentracije Cd i starosti biljaka. Smanjenje mase suve materije i vegetativnih i generativnih organa bilo je značajnije kada je Cd primenjivan u fazi cvetanja (63 dana stare biljke) nego kada su biljke bile mlađe (25 dana stare). Kod svih tretmana, najviši sadržaj Cd utvrđen je u korenu. Takođe, došlo je do translokacije Cd iz korena u nadzemne vegetativne i generativne biljne organe i ovaj proces je bio relativno intenzivniji kada je primenjena koncentracija Cd bila niža. Mogućnost da je došlo do retranslokacije minimalnih količina Cd iz listova u mahune takođe ne može biti isključena

    Uticaj koncentracija Cd i faze rastenja na i razvića navodni režim biljaka

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    Effect of Cd on water relations in pea plants was investigated in semi-controlled conditions in a glasshouse. After growing on nutrient solution, plants were treated with 10-7 or 10-5M Cd 25 or 63 days after seed germination. Treatments with Cd lasted for 48 hours. After treatment plants were harvested and analyzed on water relation parameters. Cd treatment decreased plant transpiration, root area, nitrate-reductase activity respiration intensity, chloroplast pigment content and increased water potential, stomata diffusive resistance and proline content. Plants treated 25 days after germination decreased respiration and water potential more intensely, while plants treated 63 days after treatment severely decreased relative water content, plant transpiration, stomata diffusive resistance proline content, chloroplast pigment content and nitrate-reductase activity.Uticaj koncentracija Cd na vodni režim biljaka graška je ispitan u staklari u polukontrolisanim uslovima. Biljke su gajene na potpunom hranjivom rastvoru a zatim je deo biljaka, 25 odnosno 63 dana nakon klijanja tretiran sa Cd u koncentracije 10-7 ili 10-5M. Biljke su bile izlagane Cd 48h nakon čega su analizirane na pokazatelje vodnog režima. Tretman Cd smanjio je intenzitet transpiracije, površinu korena, aktivnost nitrat-reduktaze, intenzitet disanja i sadržaj pigmenata hloroplasta, a povećao vodni potencijal, difuzni otpor stoma i ukupan sadržaj prolina. Izlaganje biljaka Cd 25 dana nakon klijanja imalo je izraženiji efekat na intenzitet disanja i vodni potencijal a 63 dana nakon klijanja intenzivnije je menjalo relativni sadržaj vode intenzitet transpiracije, difuzni otpor stoma, ukupan sadržaj prolina aktivnost nitrat-reduktaze i sadržaj pigmenata

    Determination of nickel content in the semimembranosus muscle of pigs produced in Vojvodina

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    The content of nickel was investigated in the M. semimembranosus of sixty-nine pigs from ten different genetic lines produced in Vojvodina. Nickel was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after mineralization by dry ashing. The difference in the nickel content in the analyzed muscle tissues among different genetic lines of pigs was not significant (P > 0.05). Nickel levels ranged from 12.93 to 80.18 μg/100 g, with a general average of 32.41 μg/100 g. The average level of nickel was found to be higher than the levels observed in pork in some developed countries

    Quality of Root Vegetables during Prolonged Storage

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    The objective of this study was to develop postharvest techniques and technologies of the most important root vegetables: carrots, celeriac and parsnip. Investigations included the effect of harvest maturity (harvest at November or January) and postharvest washing treatments (hot water, H2O2 and NaOCl and non-washed-control) of carrots (Daucus carota ’Bolero F1’), parsnip (Pastinaca sativa ‘Banatski dugi’) and celeriac (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum ‘Mentor’) roots and effects on their quantitative and qualitative changes during different storage conditions (S-1; 0°C and 98% RH or S-2; 0-2°C and 85-92% RH). Water loss and quality changes in these vegetables roots were monitored after 120 and 180 days of storage period (SP). At the end of SP the percentage of water loss ranged from 3.20% (from first harvest inside the S-1 with H2O2 treatment) in carrot to 39.29% (from first harvest inside the S-2 in control) in celeriac root. The dry matter content (DM) increased during storage period. Total sugar content (TSC) in the roots depends on year and harvest time. During SP, total sugar content increased more in S-2 cooling room. The parsnip root was characterized by more hardness texture relative to the carrot and celeriac roots. During SP carrot root loses the flexibility. The most effective method of maintaining quality of root vegetables is optimal harvest time followed by prestorage washing treatments (H2O2 or NaOCl) and storage at optimum temperature (0 ºC) with a high relative humidity 98%

    Analysis of interrelations between wheat protein fractions composition and its technological quality by combined multivariate and univariate statistics

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    Data on protein fractions' proportion, obtained with RP-HPLC and technological quality parameters for 29 wheat cultivars grown in Serbia and Croatia, were used for studying of interrelations among wheat protein fractions with different solubility and molecular weight properties by multivariate (PCA) analysis. Obtained trends were used as the base for investigations related to differentiation of technological quality among wheat cultivars with different combination of protein fractions' compositions using univariate statistics (ANOVA followed by Duncan's test) in order to draw out information about interrelations between protein fractions proportion in wheat cultivars and their technological quality. Analysis based on the first four PCA factors (89.04% of variability) pointed out interdependencies between: 1) high content of albumins and globulins, low gliadins content and gliadins/glutenins ratio, high omega-gliadins, LMW glutenins and low alpha-gliadins share in total protein with low water absorption, high energy and high resistance to extensibility ratio, 2) high albumin and globulin content and high proportion of omega-gliadins in total protein and low extensigraph extensibility, 3) high share of high molecular weight glutenins (HMW-GS) in total proteins, high extensigraph resistance/extensibility ratio and 4) high gamma-gliadins share in total protein and low extensigraph resistance/extensibility ratio

    Effects of Wheat Bug ( Eurygaster

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    The effects of wheat bug infestation (Eurygaster spp. and Aelia spp.) on the composition of wheat gluten proteins and its influence on flour technological quality were investigated in the present study. Wheat samples of six wheat varieties, collected from two localities in northern Serbia, were characterized by significantly different level of wheat bug infestation. Composition of wheat gluten proteins was determined using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE), while the selected parameters of technological quality were determined according to standard and modified empirical rheological methods (Farinograph, Extensograph, Alveograph, and Gluten Index). The surface morphology of the selected samples was viewed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Wheat from wheat bug-infested locality regardless of the variety had deteriorated technological quality expressed with higher Farinograph softening degree, lower or immeasurable Extensograph energy, and Alveograph deformation energy. The most important changes in the gluten proteins composition of bug-infested wheat were related to gliadin subunits with molecular weights below 75 kDa, which consequently caused deterioration of uniaxial and biaxial extensibility and dough softening during mixing

    Comparative Study of the Nutritional and Chemical Composition of New Oil Rape, Safflower and Mustard Seed Varieties Developed and Grown in Serbia

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    Oilseed crops are widely cultivated and are related to nutrition and human health as valuable nutraceutical sources with valuable biological properties. The growing demand for oil plants used in human and animal nutrition or for the processing industry has contributed to the diversification and development of a new variety of oil crops. Increased oil crop diversity, besides ensuring reduced sensitivity to pests and climate conditions, has also led to improved nutritional values. In order to enable oil crop cultivation to become commercially sustainable, a comprehensive characterization of newly created varieties of oilseeds, including their nutritional and chemical composition, is required. In this study, two varieties of safflower and white and black mustard were investigated as alternative oil species for nutritional parameters, mainly protein, fat, carbohydrate, moisture, ash, polyphenols, flavonoids, chlorophylls contents, acids and mineral composition, and compared with those of two different genotypes of rapeseeds as a traditional oil crop plant. The proximate analysis found that the highest oil content was found in the oil rape NS Svetlana genotype (33.23%), while the lowest was in black mustard (25.37%). The protein content varies from around 26% in safflower samples to 34.63%, determined in white mustard. High content of unsaturated fatty acids and low content of saturated fatty acid was observed in the analyzed samples. In mineral analysis, the dominant elements were phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, in descending order. The observed oil crops are also good sources of microelements, including iron, copper, manganese and zinc, accompanied by high antioxidant activity due to the presence of significant amounts of polyphenolic and flavonoid compound

    Effect of Cd on content and distribution of some macro- and micronutrients in pea plants differing in age

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    Contents and distribution of N, K, Mg, Cu, Mn and Zn in pea plants treated with Cd at different age was investigated. Plants were treated with 10-7 or 10-5 M Cd for 48h 25th or 63rd days after seed germination. Results showed that more Cd was accumulated in plants treated with Cd at latter stages of growth and development. Treatments with both concentration of Cd caused accumulation of Cd in roots. Contents and distribution of the investigated macro- and micronutrients depended on Cd concentration and plant age

    Mineral composition of selected Salvia species growing wild in the Vojvodina Province

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    Composition of mineral elements has been investigated in three Salvia species (Lumiaceae) growing wild in the Vojvodina Province (Serbia), as well as in a commercial phytopreparation (tea) of Salvia officinalis L. We determined concentrations of micro- and macroelements in dried plant material in order to evaluate their nutritive and medicinal value and to indicate an easily accessible natural source that could be used as a possible food supplement. The study showed that the plants were well supplied with essential elements. Concentrations of potentially harmful heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr) were below their respective toxic levels. From the nutritive and medicinal aspects, the investigated Salvia species may be considered as a natural source of essential microelements, especially Fe and Cu, with a low capacity for heavy metal accumulation

    Some quality parameters of land snail meat - Helix pomatia

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    Considering the tradition in our regions to collect land snails (Helix pomatia) for export, which is "disrupted" by social control resulting in limited possibilities to develop this attractive activity, there is a great interest lately for land snail breeding and fattening at farms. For this reason it is necessary to investigate systematically the possibilities to develop this activity in a longer period and in larger areas. The first investigations, although covering only nutritive and health safety aspects of the edible parts yielded the results presented in this work. Chemical composition, the content of some elements and organochlorine insecticides were followed as unavoidable in human living and environment