730 research outputs found

    Disney Buyout

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    Disney Buyout A man listens to the radio to find out that the White House has been bought out by Disney. *Edited/adapted for the performance by Tim Brown and Thomas Edward

    WRF-Model Performance for Wind Power Forecasting in the Coast Ranges of Central California

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    This study describes the verification of modeled low-level atmospheric conditions in the complex terrain surrounding the Altamont Pass wind farm near Livermore, California, USA. The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) was used to (1) simulate the Coast Range near-surface winds, and (2) simulate low-level flow and available wind power in the Altamont Pass. Standard statistical verifications were performed against low-level wind speed observations at seventeen sites. Available wind power was calculated using equivalent wind speed and was evaluated for six areas within Altamont Pass. The overall results include good model performance for the regional near-surface winds, acceptable to good model performance for the Altamont Pass low-level winds, and good model performance for Altamont Pass capacity factor simulations. More specifically, while modeled hour-to-hour variance was not exact, WRF-modeled wind speeds were close to those observed. Combined with agreement between both modeled and observed wind direction and atmospheric stability, WRF modeled capacity factors were within the range of observed capacity factors in 93 % of the instances. Therefore, WRF modeled winds and derived wind power can be used as a wind power forecasting tool for Altamont Pass and possibly other coastal complex terrain regions

    Self-unloading, unmanned, reusable lunar lander project

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    A payload delivery system will be required to support the buildup and operation of a manned lunar base. In response, a self-unloading, unmanned, reusable lunar lander was conceptually designed. The lander will deliver a 7000 kg payload, with the same dimensions as a space station logistics module, from low lunar orbit to any location on the surface of the moon. The technical aspects of the design is introduced as well as the management structure and project cost

    Biphasic euchromatin-to-heterochromatin transition on the KSHV genome following de novo infection.

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    The establishment of latency is an essential step for the life-long persistent infection and pathogenesis of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV). While the KSHV genome is chromatin-free in the virions, the viral DNA in latently infected cells has a chromatin structure with activating and repressive histone modifications that promote latent gene expression but suppress lytic gene expression. Here, we report a comprehensive epigenetic study of the recruitment of chromatin regulatory factors onto the KSHV genome during the pre-latency phase of KSHV infection. This demonstrates that the KSHV genome undergoes a biphasic chromatinization following de novo infection. Initially, a transcriptionally active chromatin (euchromatin), characterized by high levels of the H3K4me3 and acetylated H3K27 (H3K27ac) activating histone marks, was deposited on the viral episome and accompanied by the transient induction of a limited number of lytic genes. Interestingly, temporary expression of the RTA protein facilitated the increase of H3K4me3 and H3K27ac occupancy on the KSHV episome during de novo infection. Between 24-72 hours post-infection, as the levels of these activating histone marks declined on the KSHV genome, the levels of the repressive H3K27me3 and H2AK119ub histone marks increased concomitantly with the decline of lytic gene expression. Importantly, this transition to heterochromatin was dependent on both Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 and 2. In contrast, upon infection of human gingiva-derived epithelial cells, the KSHV genome underwent a transcription-active euchromatinization, resulting in efficient lytic gene expression. Our data demonstrate that the KSHV genome undergoes a temporally-ordered biphasic euchromatin-to-heterochromatin transition in endothelial cells, leading to latent infection, whereas KSHV preferentially adopts a transcriptionally active euchromatin in oral epithelial cells, resulting in lytic gene expression. Our results suggest that the differential epigenetic modification of the KSHV genome in distinct cell types is a potential determining factor for latent infection versus lytic replication of KSHV

    Positional differences in reactive hyperemia provide insight into initial phase of exercise hyperemia.

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    Studies have reported a greater blood flow response to muscle contractions when the limb is below the heart compared with above the heart, and these results have been interpreted as evidence for a skeletal muscle pump contribution to exercise hyperemia. If limb position affects the blood flow response to other vascular challenges such as reactive hyperemia, this interpretation may not be correct. We hypothesized that the magnitude of reactive hyperemia would be greater with the limb below the heart. Brachial artery blood flow (Doppler ultrasound) and blood pressure (finger-cuff plethysmography) were measured in 10 healthy volunteers. Subjects lay supine with one arm supported in two different positions: above or below the heart. Reactive hyperemia was produced by occlusion of arterial inflow for varying durations: 0.5 min, 1 min, 2 min, or 5 min in randomized order. Peak increases in blood flow were 77 ± 11, 178 ± 24, 291 ± 25, and 398 ± 33 ml/min above the heart and 96 ± 19, 279 ± 62, 550 ± 60, and 711 ± 69 ml/min below the heart (P \u3c 0.05). Thus a standard stimulus (vascular occlusion) elicited different responses depending on limb position. To determine whether these differences were due to mechanisms intrinsic to the arterial wall, a second set of experiments was performed in which acute intraluminal pressure reduction for 0.5 min, 1 min, 2 min, or 5 min was performed in isolated rat soleus feed arteries (n = 12). The magnitude of dilation upon pressure restoration was greater when acute pressure reduction occurred from 85 mmHg (mimicking pressure in the arm below the heart; 28.3 ± 7.9, 37.5 ± 5.9, 55.1 ± 9.9, and 68.9 ± 8.6% dilation) than from 48 mmHg (mimicking pressure in the arm above the heart; 20.8 ± 4.8, 22.6 ± 4.4, 31.2 ± 5.8, and 49.2 ± 7.1% dilation). These data support the hypothesis that arm position differences in reactive hyperemia are at least partially mediated by mechanisms intrinsic to the arterial wall. Overall, these results suggest the need to reevaluate studies employing positional changes to examine muscle pump influences on exercise hyperemia


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    Proyek Perumahan Mutiara Arteri yang terletak di Jalan Gajah Raya, Kecamatan Gayam Sari, Kota Semarang merupakan lokasi penelitian. Pemilihan lokasi berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa tanah tersebut dahulunya merupakan sawah dan rawa-rawa dengan kondisi tanah yang kurang layak dijadikan lokasi pembangunan. Hal ini disebabkan kondisi tanah yang dilunakkan dan jenuh air sehingga berdampak adanya perubahan kondisi tanah menjadi tanah lunak. Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui karakterisitik tanah di lokasi penelitian, jangka waktu dan besar penurunan konsolidasi primer, daya dukung pondasi pada lokasi penelitian sebelum dan sesudah konsolidasi berdasarkan hasil uji CPTu dengan menggunakan program PLAXIS. Dalam penelitian ini pengujian tanah dibagi menjadi 2 kondisi yaitu dengan muka air pada kedalaman 2 meter (muka air asli) dan kedalaman 1,5 meter (saat kondisi hujan). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa karakterisitik tanah di lokasi penelitian pada kedalaman 0 – 2 meter merupakan tanah timbunan, 5 – 9 meter merupakan tanah pasir, sedangkan pada kedalaman > 9 meter merupakan tanah lempung berlanau dengan konsistensi soft to medium. Dengan kondisi muka air tanah pada kedalaman 2 meter sehingga waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengalami konsolidasi 50% (U50) adalah 1856 hari dengan penurunan lokal sebesar 64,07 cm, dan penurunan pondasi sebesar 4,65 cm. Saat terkonsolidasi 90% (U90), sehingga waktu yang dibutuhkan sebesar 3919 hari dengan penurunan lokal sebesar 70,96 cm, dan penurunan pondasi sebesar 6,3 cm. Saat terkonsolidasi 100% (U100), waktu yang dibutuhkan sebesar 6333 hari dengan penurunan lokal sebesar 72,21 cm, dan penurunan pondasi sebesar 6,74 cm. Saat sebelum dikonsolidasi besar daya dukung ijin sebesar 73 kN/m2, daya daya dukung ultimate sebesar 270 kN/m2 dan faktor kemanan sebesar 3,6; sedangkan setelah di konsolidasi besar daya dukung ijin sebesar 88 kN/m2, daya daya dukung ultimate sebesar 300 kN/m2 dan faktor kemanan sebesar 3,4. Pada kondisi muka air tanah pada kedalaman 1,5 meter waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengalami konsolidasi 50% (U50) adalah 1877 hari dengan penurunan lokal sebesar 63,35 cm, dan penurunan pondasi sebesar 5 cm. Saat terkonsolidasi 90% (U90), waktu yang dibutuhkan sebesar 4009 hari dengan penurunan lokal sebesar 71,57 cm, dan penurunan pondasi sebesar 6,97 cm. Saat terkonsolidasi 100% (U100), waktu yang dibutuhkan sebesar 6385 hari dengan penurunan lokal sebesar 73,02 cm, dan penurunan pondasi sebesar 6,74 cm. Saat sebelum dikonsolidasi besar daya dukung ijin sebesar 50 kN/m2, daya daya dukung ultimit sebesar 248 kN/m2