800 research outputs found

    Leveraging Semantic Web Service Descriptions for Validation by Automated Functional Testing

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    Recent years have seen the utilisation of Semantic Web Service descriptions for automating a wide range of service-related activities, with a primary focus on service discovery, composition, execution and mediation. An important area which so far has received less attention is service validation, whereby advertised services are proven to conform to required behavioural specifications. This paper proposes a method for validation of service-oriented systems through automated functional testing. The method leverages ontology-based and rule-based descriptions of service inputs, outputs, preconditions and effects (IOPE) for constructing a stateful EFSM specification. The specification is subsequently utilised for functional testing and validation using the proven Stream X-machine (SXM) testing methodology. Complete functional test sets are generated automatically at an abstract level and are then applied to concrete Web services, using test drivers created from the Web service descriptions. The testing method comes with completeness guarantees and provides a strong method for validating the behaviour of Web services

    Study of pure annihilation type decays BDsKB \to D_s^{*} K

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    In this work, we calculate the rare decays B0DsK+B^0 \to D_s^{*-} K^+ and B+Ds+Kˉ0B^+ \to D_s^{*+} \bar{K}^0 in perturbative QCD approach with Sudakov resummation. We give the branching ratio of 10510^{-5} for B0DsK+B^0 \to D_s^{*-}K^+, which will be tested soon in BB factories. The decay B+Ds+Kˉ0B^+ \to D_s^{*+} \bar{K}^0 has a very small branching ratio at O(108){\cal O}(10^{-8}), due to the suppression from CKM matrix elements VubVcd|V_{ub}^* V_{cd}|. It may be sensitive to new physics contributions.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Fundamental groups of open K3 surfaces, Enriques surfaces and Fano 3-folds

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    We investigate when the fundamental group of the smooth part of a K3 surface or Enriques surface with Du Val singularities, is finite. As a corollary we give an effective upper bound for the order of the fundamental group of the smooth part of a certain Fano 3-fold. This result supports Conjecture A below, while Conjecture A (or alternatively the rational connectedness conjecture in [KoMiMo] which is still open when the dimension is at least 4) would imply that every log terminal Fano variety has a finite fundamental group (now a Theorem of S. Takayama).Comment: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, to appear; 24 page

    Final-state interaction and s-quark helicity conservation in B -> J/psi K*

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    The Section of charm quark spin conservation is deleted since it involves more dynamical assumptions than previously stated. A few comments are added in view of new experimental results.Comment: To replace the earlier version of hep-ph/0106354. Minor additions and one deletion with no change in the main argument nor the conclusio

    Study of color suppressed modes B0Dˉ()0η()B^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta^{(\prime)}

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    The color suppressed modes B0Dˉ()0η()B^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta^{(\prime)} are analyzed in perturbative QCD approach. We find that the dominant contribution is from the non-factorizable diagrams. The branching ratios calculated in our approach for B0Dˉ()0ηB^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta agree with current experiments. By neglecting the gluonic contribution, we predict the branching ratios of B0Dˉ()0ηB^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta' are at the comparable size of B0Dˉ()0π0B^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \pi^0, but smaller than that of B0Dˉ()0ηB^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta .Comment: revtex, 5 pages, axodraw.st

    Perturbative SO(10) Grand Unification

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    We consider a phenomenologically viable SO(10) grand unification model of the unification scale MGM_G around 101610^{16} GeV which reproduces the MSSM at low energy and allows perturbative calculations up to the Planck scale MPM_P or the string scale MstM_{st}. Both requirements strongly restrict a choice of Higgs representations in a model. We propose a simple SO(10) model with a set of Higgs representations {2×10+16ˉ+16+45}\{2 \times {\bf 10} + {\bf \bar{16}} + {\bf 16} + {\bf 45} \} and show its phenomenological viability. This model can indeed reproduce the low-energy experimental data relating the charged fermion masses and mixings. Neutrino oscillation data can be consistently incorporated in the model, leading to the right-handed neutrino mass scale MRMG2/MPM_R \simeq M_G^2/M_P. Furthermore, there exists a parameter region which results the proton life time consistent with the experimental results.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, section5 was slightly modifie

    Charmless two-body B decays: A global analysis with QCD factorization

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    In this paper, we perform a global analysis of BPPB \to PP and PVPV decays with the QCD factorization approach. It is encouraging to observe that the predictions of QCD factorization are in good agreement with experiment. The best fit γ\gamma is around 7979^\circ. The penguin-to-tree ratio Pππ/Tππ|P_{\pi \pi}/T_{\pi \pi}| of π+π\pi^+ \pi^- decays is preferred to be larger than 0.3. We also show the confidence levels for some interesting channels: B0π0π0B^0 \to \pi^0 \pi^0, K+KK^+ K^- and B+ωπ+B^+ \to \omega \pi^+, ωK+\omega K^+. For BπKB \to \pi K^\ast decays, they are expected to have smaller branching ratios with more precise measurements.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Vector-pseudoscalar two-meson distribution amplitudes in three-body BB meson decays

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    We study three-body nonleptonic decays BVVPB\to VVP by introducing two-meson distribution amplitudes for the vector-pseudoscalar pair, such that the analysis is simplified into the one for two-body decays. The twist-2 and twist-3 ϕK\phi K two-meson distribution amplitudes, associated with longitudinally and transversely polarized ϕ\phi mesons, are constrained by the experimental data of the τϕKν\tau\to\phi K\nu and BϕKγB\to\phi K\gamma branching ratios. We then predict the BϕKγB\to\phi K\gamma and BϕϕKB\to\phi\phi K decay spectra in the ϕK\phi K invariant mass. Since the resonant contribution in the ϕK\phi K channel is negligible, the above decay spectra provide a clean test for the application of two-meson distribution amplitudes to three-body BB meson decays.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, Revtex4, version to appear in PR