48 research outputs found

    Ergonomic Intervention Decreases the Load of Learning and Increases the Students Performances

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    Most students\u27 activities in respect to the implementation of the academic curriculumare done at home. In fact, conventional activity done by the students in boardinghouse ofMinahasa tradition showed unfavorable risks to students based on the load of learning withindicators of musculoskeletal complaints, boredom, and fatigue. Consequently, thestudents were not yet able to attain the intended performance. To overcome the problems,it has made the efforts of ergonomics intervention. In order to test the capability of theergonomics interventions, it had been done a research with the hypothesis, the ergonomicsinterventions on the activity in boardinghouse of Minahasa tradition: normalizes the bodytemperature; decreases the musculoskeletal complaints; decreases the level of boredom;decreases the level of fatigue; increases the accuracy of working; increases the speed ofworking; increases the constancy of working; and increases the results of working of thestudents. This research was done in two periods by utilizing the treatment by subjectdesign. The first and second period was done during four weeks, without and withergonomic intervention. The subjects utilized in the research were as many as 15 persons.The measurements of dependent variables were done before and after doing the activity.The results of the research showed that the ergonomics interventions on the learningactivities in boardinghouse could decrease load of learning significantly (p<0.05): the bodytemperature became normal, the musculoskeletal complaints decreased 44.79%; the levelof boredom decreased 9.79%; the level of fatigue decreased 15.20%; the accuracy ofworking decreased 55.06%; the speed of working decreased 17.32%; the constancy ofworking decreased 30.72%; and the results of working of the students increased 131.44%.It can be concluded that the ergonomics interventions can: decrease the load of learning ofthe students and increase the performance of the students

    Pengaruh Tata Ruang Toko, Variasi Produk, Desain Produk Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Pada Zero Outlet Singaraja

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    This study plans to determine the relationship between store layout, product variety, product design and service quality on repurchase interest at Zero Outlet Singaraja. The information checking strategy used in this exploration is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by looking at the differences in SEM, known as visual rendition 3.0 Partial Least Square (PLS). The consequence of this research shows that the store layout related to repurchase intention is positive and sig. where the result is 0.215 with t-count > 1.96. The impact of product variations on repurchase intention is positive and sig. where the result is 0.285 with a t-statistic value > 1.96, which is 2.769 and a large level of 0.002. The effect of product design on repurchase intention with positive values ​​and sig. where the coefficient is 0.235 and the t-statistic > 1.96, with a critical degree of 0.049 < 0.050. The effect of service quality on repurchase interest is positive and sig. where the coefficient is 0.203 and the t statistic is 2.147 with a standard t table value of 1.96 with sig. 0.032 < 0.050.   Keywords : Store Layout, Product Variation, Product Design, Service Quality, Repurchase Interest &nbsp

    Interval Running Exercise Reduces Running TIME of 800 Meters Dash Without Causing Increased Level of Sgot – Sgpt in Male Students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Manado State University

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    The effort to gain best achievement in sports by means of exercise has twodilemmatic sides, both for the coaches and sport promoters. On one side, exercise shouldbe done intensely and maximally, but on the other side, it is a known fact that excessiveand maximal exercises can damage the body organs. The purposes of this study were toobserve the side effects of interval running exercise of 800 meters, to find out level offatigue by examining lactate acid produced by each model, and to assess the negativeeffects on organs as indicated by the level of SGOT-SGPT. The exercise model appliedin the study comprised interval running of 2 x 800 meters, 4 x 400 meters, 8 x 200meters, 16 x 100 meters and one standard of comparison exercise, which was runningexercise of 2 x 800 meters with passive rest. This study was true experimental usingrandomized pre-test-post-test control group design. Samples of this study were 27 malestudents of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Manado State University, who were dividedinto five groups. Group 1 was with interval running exercise of 2 x 800 meters. Group 2was assigned to interval running exercise of 4 x 400 meters. Group 3 was with intervalrunning exercise of 8 x 200 meters. Group 4 was with interval running exercise of 16 x100 meters. Group 5 as comparison standard was with running exercise of 2 x 800 meterspassive rest. All the exercise models were carried out for six weeks, each with afrequency of three times a week. Results of the study showed that the five groupsdemonstrated reduction of running time of 800 meters dash (p<0.05), lactate acidproduction differed in some of the groups (p>0.05), levels of SGOT and SGPT of allgroups did not show significant increase (p>0.05). From the above findings, it can beconcluded that all exercise models of interval running 2 x 800 meters, 4 x 400 meters, 8 x200 meters, 16 x 100 meters and 2 x 800 meters with passive rest lowered the runningtime of 800 meters dash and did not increase level of SGOT-SGPT

    Tamarillo Consumption Associated with Increased Acetylcholinesterase Activity and Improved Oxidative Stress Markers in Farmers Exposed to Daily Pesticide-related Activities in Baturiti, Bali, Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: The behavior of pesticide use that does not meet the standards will increase the risk of pesticide intoxication among farmers. The main content of pesticides, namely, organophosphates and carbamate, has been widely known to be the main culprit of the negative side effect through inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme. However, this effect theoretically could be reduced by exogenous antioxidants properties provided in tamarillo fruit. AIM: This study aims to determine the effect of tamarillo consumption on the AChE activity and biomarkers of oxidative stress among farmers who exposed daily pesticide-related activity. METHODS: A randomized, open-label clinical trial was conducted among 40 farmers in the Baturiti, Tabanan Regency, Bali, Indonesia, during March–August 2018. The respondents were randomly divided into two groups: (1) Groups of farmers without tamarillo juice supplementation (control), and groups of farmers who were given pure tamarillotamarillo juice 250 ml/day every day for 2 weeks (intervention). Measurement of AChE, malondialdehyde (MDA), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels was carried out at the beginning and the end of the study. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 17 for windows. RESULTS: Bioactive compound assessment found several antioxidant properties such as flavonoid, tocopherol, polyphenol, β-carotene, ascorbic acid, citric acid, and anthocyanin. The study participants were dominated by male and the distribution of gender between control and intervention groups was comparable (p > 0.05). There were also no significant differences in age, height, weight, body mass index, land area, duration of being farmers, spraying frequency, and smoking history (p > 0.05). However, bivariate analysis between control and intervention groups found a statistically significant difference in SOD (MD: 23.31 ± 15.89 nmol/l; 95% CI: 14.13–32.49; p < 0.0001), MDA (MD: 81.82 ± 62.45 nmol/l; 95% CI: 45.76–117.88; p < 0.0001), and AChE (MD: 341.61 ± 206.44 nmol/min/ml; p < 0.0001) levels. CONCLUSION: Tamarillo consumption associated with increased AChE activity and improved oxidative stress through increased SOD and decreased MDA levels among farmers


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    Asthma gymnastics is one type of exercise therapy that conducted in groups (exercise group) that involving activities of body movement or an essential activity to help the process of respiratory rehabilitation in patients with asthma and it is one of the supporting element in the treatment of asthma. Asthma is a lung disease with characteristics: a reversible airway (but incomplete in some patients) spontaneously or treatment; Inflammation of the airways; Increased airway response to various stimuli (hyperreactivity). This study aims to find out whether asthma gymnastic can reduce the frequency of recurrence of asthma, increase oxygen saturation and physical fitness in patients with asthma in Lung polyclinic of Wangaya hospital Denpasar. This study is an experimental study with the pre and post test control group design. Number of samples were 30 people with asthma consist of 15 patients with asthma as treatment group and 15 patients with asthma as control group. The results showed that in the treatment group have improvement on well controlled relapse and decrease of well uncontrolled relapse. Based on the value Mann Whitney test p = 0.008, it means asthma gymnastics can reduce recurrence in patients with bronchial asthma. Effect of asthma gymnastic on oxygen saturation in treatment group by mean values of % SpO2 increased from 95.1 to 96.5. By using the Mann Whitney p = 0.001, it means asthma gymnastics can improve oxygen saturation in patients with bronchial asthma. Conclusion that administration of asthma gymnastics training for three times a week for eight weeks can reduce the frequency of recurrence, improve oxygen saturation and physical fitness in patients with asthma. Asthma gymnastics will be expected to conduct by asthma sufferer regularly in an effort to control the frequency of asthma attacks effectively

    Application of RULA Analysis on Work Posture Improvement to Reduce Workers\u27 Fatigue and Musculoskeletal Complaints and to Accelerate Processing TIME of Wok Molding

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    The aim of the research was to analyze the work posture of the workers using the RULA method. The research was conducted experimentally by applying the treatment by subject design using 12 samples which were given two treatments; wok molding workers with the former molding facility (P0), and wok molding workers with the new molding facility with the ergonomic intervention (PI). Conclusion of this research is the RULA analysis result on the work posture of placing the end work on the temporary place (P0) gave a score of 7. This score shows a high-risk level and needs work posture improvement immediately. The work on PI showed the RULA score of 3, which means that there is a decrease from a high risk at a low-risk level. The average time needed to mold a wok on P0 was 1.46 minutes/unit, and on PI was 1.23 minutes/unit or down 18.7%. Therefore it recommended for wok molding worker to use ergonomic work posture (PI)

    Quality of Working Life of Palm Tappers in Eastern Indonesia

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    Palm tappers are workers who spend a lot of time with their work. The conditions of work and the working environment greatly affect their working life. So far attention and assessment of the quality of work life palm tappers still very limited. This study to determine the palm tapper


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    Setiap pekerjaan memiliki beban kerja, yang jumlahnya akan berbeda. Idealnya, beban kerja yang diterima oleh pekerja sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Sejumlah dampak buruk dapat terjadi jika beban pekerjaan telah melampaui kapasitas fisik dan mental yang dimiliki pekerja, diantaranya yaitu kelelahan kerja dan gangguan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melaksanakan studi literatur secara sistematis, untuk mengetahui metode pengukuran beban kerja serta intervensi perbaikan yang dilakukan.  Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur secara sistematis melalui basis data seperti Google scholar, Researchgate, Ripositori Indonesia-Neliti, serta referensi lainnya, dengan menggunakan kata kunci beban kerja dan intervensi ergonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode pengukuran beban kerja fisik dengan pendekatan fisiologis diantaranya menggunakan pengukuran denyut nadi/jantung, %HRR, %CVL dan konsumsi oksigen. Sedangkan pengukuran beban kerja mental dengan pendekatan psikologis diantaranya menggunakan kuesioner SWAT dan NASA-TLX. Intervensi  ergonomi dalam perbaikan kerja dapat menurunkan beban kerja. Terdapat celah penelitian mengembangkan pengukuran beban kerja secara real time pada bidang transportasi. 

    Adult Women Perception Towards Obesity and Its Intervention Strategies in the Community

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    Obesity was one of the health problems experienced in the society, especially in adult women and the number was increasing rapidly every year. The various factors contribute to the obesity occurrence in adult women and appropriate obesity prevention strategies must be taken. With reference to being needed exploring the obesity perception, its causes, and impact as well as countermeasures strategies based on the needs of the society itself. The study was intended to explore the society perception regarding obesity, ideal weight, and strategies that the society wanted in overcoming obesity. The study was a qualitative study. It was conducted in March-July 2017. The research subjects (participants) were women 25-50 years old, the leader of the Family Welfare education organization, and health workers (nutritionist) in Denpasar city about 22 people. The data were collected included obesity and weight perception, social determinants, the impact of obesity and opinions on obesity prevention strategies. The data were collected through the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) process in adult women, in-depth interviews with the leader of the Family Welfare education organization, and society leaders. It was analyzed and presented descriptively. The results showed that most of the participants stated obesity was identical to overweight. Obesity was a health problem that has an impact on the onset of chronic diseases e.g., diabetes, therefore, less of confidence self. An ideal weight was proportional become a desire. The most participants perceived themselves as fat and far from ideal. They did not want to be fat, however, the various inhibiting factors, unlike dietary habit, were difficult to change, the availability of fast food that was very easily accessible, work, less of exercise, transportation occurred lack of movement. They generally want a comprehensive program through eating arrangements, exercise regularly, education at improving knowledge, and education at balancing menu processing skills. It was carried out together by involving social groups in the community

    The improvement of work posture using rapid upper limb assessment: analysis to decrease subjective disorders of strawberry farmers in Bali

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    The workload was predicted based on work pulse that was measured using 10 beats method on the radial artery with a stopwatch. The indication of subjective disorders was measured based on the farmers’ general fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders before and after work. General fatigue was measured using 30 Items Self-Rating Questionnaire Industrial Fatigue Research Committee from Japan Association of Industrial Health, while musculoskeletal disorders were measured using NIOSH Nordic Body Map Subjective Filling. Environment temperature was measured using sling Psychrometer. The noise was measured using Gossen’s sound level meter. Statistical analysis to find out the mean difference of the data before and after work was analyzed using t-Paired test with significance level of 5%. RULA result recommended changing from bending work posture using the old tool into standing work posture using new hole maker