15 research outputs found

    Classifying Single Stars and Spectroscopic Binaries Using Optical Stellar Templates

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    Stellar spectral classification is a fundamental tool of modern astronomy, providing insight into physical characteristics such as effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity. Accurate and fast spectral typing is an integral need for large all-sky spectroscopic surveys like the SDSS and LAMOST. Here, we present the next version of PyHammer, stellar spectral classification software that uses optical spectral templates and spectral line index measurements. PyHammer v2.0 extends the classification power to include carbon (C) stars, DA white dwarf (WD) stars, and also double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2). This release also includes a new empirical library of luminosity-normalized spectra that can be used to flux calibrate observed spectra, or to create synthetic SB2 spectra. We have generated physically reasonable SB2 combinations as templates, adding to PyHammer the ability to spectrally type SB2s. We test classification success rates on SB2 spectra, generated from the SDSS, across a wide range of spectral types and signal-to-noise ratios. Within the defined range of pairings described, more than 95%95\% of SB2s are correctly classified.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables; accepted to ApJ

    Contemporaneous Observations of HαH\alpha Luminosities and Photometric Amplitudes for M Dwarfs

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    While many M dwarfs are known to have strong magnetic fields and high levels of magnetic activity, we are still unsure about the properties of their starspots and the origin of their magnetic dynamos. Both starspots and chromospheric heating are generated by the surface magnetic field; they produce photometric variability and Halpha emission, respectively. Connecting brightness variations to magnetic activity therefore provides a means to examine M dwarf magnetism. We survey 30 M dwarfs previously identified as fast rotating stars (Prot < 10 days). We present time-series optical photometry from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and contemporaneous optical spectra obtained using the Ohio State Multi-Object Spectrograph (OSMOS) on the 2.4m Hiltner telescope at MDM Observatory in Arizona. We measure rotation periods and photometric amplitudes from TESS light curves using Gaussian Processes. From the OSMOS spectra, we calculate the equivalent width of Halpha, and LHalpha/Lbol. We find a weak positive correlation between Halpha luminosity and the semi-amplitude, Rvar p=0.005_{-0.005}^{+0.075}. We also observe short-term variability (between 20-45 minutes) in Halpha equivalent widths and possible enhancement from flares consistent to recent literature.Comment: 19 pages, 9 Figures, 2 Tables, Poster Presented at Cool Stars 21, Publication post-copy editin

    Radii of 88 M subdwarfs and updated radius relations for low-metallicity M-dwarf stars

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    M subdwarfs are low-metallicity M dwarfs that typically inhabit the halo population of the Galaxy. Metallicity controls the opacity of stellar atmospheres; in metal-poor stars, hydrostatic equilibrium is reached at a smaller radius, leading to smaller radii for a given effective temperature. We compile a sample of 88 stars that span spectral classes K7 to M6 and include stars with metallicity classes from solar-metallicity dwarf stars to the lowest metallicity ultra subdwarfs to test how metallicity changes the stellar radius. We fit models to Palomar Double Spectrograph (DBSP) optical spectra to derive effective temperatures (T_ eff) and we measure bolometric luminosities (L_ bol) by combining broad wavelength-coverage photometry with Gaia parallaxes. Radii are then computed by combining the T_ eff and L_ bol using the Stefan–Boltzman law. We find that for a given temperature, ultra subdwarfs can be as much as five times smaller than their solar-metallicity counterparts. We present color-radius and color-surface brightness relations that extend down to [Fe/H] of −2.0 dex, in order to aid the radius determination of M subdwarfs, which will be especially important for the WFIRST exoplanetary microlensing survey.Published versio

    Effective Temperatures of Low-Mass Stars from High-Resolution H-band Spectroscopy

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    High-resolution, near-infrared spectra will be the primary tool for finding and characterizing Earth-like planets around low-mass stars. Yet, the properties of exoplanets can not be precisely determined without accurate and precise measurements of the host star. Spectra obtained with the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrometer (IGRINS) simultaneously provide diagnostics for most stellar parameters, but the first step in any analysis is the determination of the effective temperature. Here we report the calibration of high-resolution H-band spectra to accurately determine effective temperature for stars between 4000-3000 K (∌\simK8--M5) using absorption line depths of Fe I, OH, and Al I. The field star sample used here contains 254 K and M stars with temperatures derived using BT-Settl synthetic spectra. We use 106 stars with precise temperatures in the literature to calibrate our method with typical errors of about 140 K, and systematic uncertainties less than ∌\sim120 K. For the broadest applicability, we present Teff_{\rm eff}--line-depth-ratio relationships, which we test on 12 members of the TW Hydrae Association and at spectral resolving powers between ∌\sim10,000--120,000. These ratios offer a simple but accurate measure of effective temperature in cool stars that is distance and reddening independent.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures and 3 tables. Accepted in Ap

    Transmission spectroscopy of the ultra-hot Jupiter MASCARA-4 b: Disentangling the hydrostatic and exospheric regimes of ultra-hot Jupiters

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    Ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs), rendering the hottest planetary atmospheres, offer great opportunities of detailed characterisation with high-resolution spectroscopy. MASCARA-4 b is a recently discovered close-in gas giant belonging to this category. In order to refine system and planet parameters, we carried out radial velocity measurements and transit photometry with the CORALIE spectrograph and EulerCam at the Swiss 1.2m Euler telescope. We observed two transits of MASCARA-4 b with the high-resolution spectrograph ESPRESSO at ESO's Very Large Telescope. We searched for atomic, ionic, and molecular species via individual absorption lines and cross-correlation techniques. These results are compared to literature studies on UHJs characterised to date. With CORALIE and EulerCam observations, we updated the mass of MASCARA-4 b (1.675 +/- 0.241 Jupiter masses) as well as other system and planet parameters. In the transmission spectrum derived from ESPRESSO observations, we resolve excess absorption by Hα\alpha, HÎČ\beta, Na D1 & D2, Ca+ H & K, and a few strong individual lines of Mg, Fe and Fe+. We also present the cross-correlation detection of Mg, Ca, Cr, Fe and Fe+. The absorption strength of Fe+ significantly exceeds the prediction from a hydrostatic atmospheric model, as commonly observed in other UHJs. We attribute this to the presence of Fe+ in the exosphere due to hydrodynamic outflows. This is further supported by the positive correlation of absorption strengths of Fe+ with the Hα\alpha line. Comparing transmission signatures of various species in the UHJ population allows us to disentangle the hydrostatic regime (as traced via the absorption by Mg and Fe) from the exospheres (as probed by Hα\alpha and Fe+) of the strongly irradiated atmospheres.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted to A&

    Magnetic inflation and Stellar Mass. II. On the radii of wingle, rapidly rotating, fully convective M-dwarf stars

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    Main-sequence, fully convective M dwarfs in eclipsing binaries are observed to be larger than stellar evolutionary models predict by as much as 10%–15%. A proposed explanation for this discrepancy involves effects from strong magnetic fields, induced by rapid rotation via the dynamo process. Although, a handful of single, slowly rotating M dwarfs with radius measurements from interferometry also appear to be larger than models predict, suggesting that rotation or binarity specifically may not be the sole cause of the discrepancy. We test whether single, rapidly rotating, fully convective stars are also larger than expected by measuring their Rsin⁡iR\sin i distribution. We combine photometric rotation periods from the literature with rotational broadening (vsin⁡iv\sin i) measurements reported in this work for a sample of 88 rapidly rotating M dwarf stars. Using a Bayesian framework, we find that stellar evolutionary models underestimate the radii by 10 \% \mbox{--}15{ \% }_{-2.5}^{+3}, but that at higher masses (0.18 < M < 0.4 M Sun), the discrepancy is only about 6% and comparable to results from interferometry and eclipsing binaries. At the lowest masses (0.08 < M < 0.18 M Sun), we find that the discrepancy between observations and theory is 13%–18%, and we argue that the discrepancy is unlikely to be due to effects from age. Furthermore, we find no statistically significant radius discrepancy between our sample and the handful of M dwarfs with interferometric radii. We conclude that neither rotation nor binarity are responsible for the inflated radii of fully convective M dwarfs, and that all fully convective M dwarfs are larger than models predict.The authors would like to thank the referee for the thoughtful report, which greatly improved the manuscript. The authors would also like to thank Lisa Prato and Larissa Nofi for IGRINS training, and Heidi Larson, Jason Sanborn, and Andrew Hayslip for operating the DCT during our observations. We would also like to thank Jen Winters, Jonathan Irwin, Paul Dalba, Mark Veyette, Eunkyu Han, and Andrew Vanderburg for useful discussions and helpful comments on this work. Some of this work was supported by the NASA Exoplanet Research Program (XRP) under grant No. NNX15AG08G issued through the Science Mission Directorate.These results made use of the Lowell Observatory's Discovery Channel Telescope, supported by Discovery Communications, Inc., Boston University, the University of Maryland, the University of Toledo and Northern Arizona University; the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph (IGRINS) that was developed under a collaboration between the University of Texas at Austin and the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) with the financial support of the US National Science Foundation under grant AST-1229522, of the University of Texas at Austin, and of the Korean GMT Project of KASI; data taken at The McDonald Observatory of The University of Texas at Austin; and data products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by NASA and the NSF. (NNX15AG08G - NASA Exoplanet Research Program (XRP); Discovery Communications, Inc.; Boston University; University of Maryland; University of Toledo; Northern Arizona University; AST-1229522 - US National Science Foundation; University of Texas at Austin; Korean GMT Project of KASI; NASA; NSF

    A Model for (Quasi-)Periodic Multiwavelength Photometric Variability in Young Stellar Objects

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    We present radiation transfer models of rotating young stellar objects (YSOs) with hotspots in their atmospheres, inner disk warps and other 3-D effects in the nearby circumstellar environment. Our models are based on the geometry expected from the magneto-accretion theory, where material moving inward in the disk flows along magnetic field lines to the star and creates stellar hotspots upon impact. Due to rotation of the star and magnetosphere, the disk is variably illuminated. We compare our model light curves to data from the Spitzer YSOVAR project (Morales-Calderon et al. 2014, Cody et al. 2014) to determine if these processes can explain the variability observed at optical and mid-infrared wavelengths in young stars. We focus on those variables exhibiting "dipper" behavior that may be periodic, quasi-periodic, or aperiodic. We find that the stellar hotspot size and temperature affects the optical and near-infrared light curves, while the shape and vertical extent of the inner disk warp affects the mid-IR light curve variations. Clumpy disk distributions with non-uniform fractal density structure produce more stochastic light curves. We conclude that the magneto-accretion theory is consistent with certain aspects of the multi-wavelength photometric variability exhibited by low-mass YSOs. More detailed modeling of individual sources can be used to better determine the stellar hotspot and inner disk geometries of particular sources.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Confirmation of Asymmetric Iron Absorption in WASP-76b with HARPS

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    Hot Jupiters are predicted to have hot, clear daysides and cooler, cloudy nightsides. Recently, an asymmetric signature of iron absorption has been resolved in the transmission spectrum of WASP-76b using ESPRESSO on ESO's Very large Telescope. This feature is interpreted as being due to condensation of iron on the nightside, resulting in a different absorption signature from the evening than from the morning limb of the planet. It represents the first time that a chemical gradient has been observed across the surface of a single exoplanet. In this work, we confirm the presence of the asymmetric iron feature using archival HARPS data of four transits. The detection shows that such features can also be resolved by observing multiple transits on smaller telescopes. By increasing the number of planets where these condensation features are detected, we can make chemical comparisons between exoplanets and map condensation across a range of parameters for the first time.Comment: 7 page, 3 figures. Accepted to ApJ

    Characterizing the Protolunar Disk of the Accreting Companion GQ Lupi B

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    GQ Lup B is a young and accreting, substellar companion that appears to drive a spiral arm in the circumstellar disk of its host star. We report high-contrast imaging observations of GQ Lup B with VLT/NACO at 4-5 ÎŒ\mum and medium-resolution integral field spectroscopy with VLT/MUSE. The optical spectrum is consistent with an M9 spectral type, shows characteristics of a low-gravity atmosphere, and exhibits strong Hα\alpha emission. The H−Mâ€ČH-M' color is ≳\gtrsim1 mag redder than field dwarfs with similar spectral types and a detailed analysis of the spectral energy distribution (SED) from optical to mid-infrared wavelengths reveals excess emission in the Lâ€ČL', NB4.05, and Mâ€ČM' bands. The excess flux is well described by a blackbody component with Tdisk≈460T_\mathrm{disk} \approx 460 K and Rdisk≈65 RJR_\mathrm{disk} \approx 65\,R_\mathrm{J} and is expected to trace continuum emission from small grains in a protolunar disk. We derive an extinction of AV≈2.3A_V \approx 2.3 mag from the broadband SED with a suspected origin in the vicinity of the companion. We also combine 15 yr of astrometric measurements and constrain the mutual inclination with the circumstellar disk to 84±984 \pm 9 deg, indicating a tumultuous dynamical evolution or a stellar-like formation pathway. From the measured Hα\alpha flux and the estimated companion mass, Mp≈30 MJM_\mathrm{p} \approx 30\,M_\mathrm{J}, we derive an accretion rate of M˙≈10−6.5 MJ yr−1\dot{M} \approx 10^{-6.5}\,M_\mathrm{J}\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}. We speculate that the disk is in a transitional stage in which the assembly of satellites from a pebble reservoir has opened a central cavity while GQ Lup B is in the final stages of its formation.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A