3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the comparison of anti-depressant effects of oral fluoxetine and riluzole in albino rats by using the forced swimming test model

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    Background: Depression is a group of disorders results from a combination of multiple etiologic factors- genetic, biochemical, psychodynamic and socio-environmental. A depression consists of following clinical features as sadness, apathy, changes in sleep pattern, impaired concentration, feeling of shame or guilt and thoughts of dying or death. Fluoxetine and riluzole both are used for the treatment of depression in human being. Fluoxetine is SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and riluzole is anxiolytic and mood stabilizer.Methods: Healthy male albino rats weighing between 150-200 grams were taken for the present study. Study animals were divided into three groups randomly with each group consisting of ten animals. Drugs were powdered with help of mortar and pestle and mixed in gum acacia solution. Appropriate volume of the freshly prepared solution was administered orally daily between 9 am to 10 am to all animal as per their individual body weight. Group A administered 1ml of 0.9% normal saline orally and serves as control group. Group B administered 0.4 mg of fluoxetine orally. Group C administered 2 mg of riluzole orally. Animals were evaluated for antidepressant activity using model- forced swimming test.Results: The results in the forced swimming test were assessed by duration of immobility in last 4 minutes of total 6 minute test duration. Antidepressant activity is indicated by the reduction in the duration of immobility i.e. lesser the duration more the efficacy. The results have been expressed as mean±standard deviation of duration of immobility in seconds during 6 minute period.Conclusions: There was significant difference in antidepressant activity of fluoxetine with antidepressant activity of riluzole. Riluzole showed antidepressant activity after two weeks of starting the drugs

    Comparative study of hypoglycemic effects of oral vildagliptin and voglibose on fasting blood sugar level in albino rats

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which there is increased blood sugar level, glycosuria, dyslipidemia and sometimes ketonemia occurs. Increased blood sugar level leads to characteristic symptoms such as polydipsia, polyurea, blurring of vision, polyphagia and weight loss.Methods: Healthy male Wister rats weighing between 150-250 gm were taken. Total 2 groups A and B were prepared and each group contains 6 animals. Group A was administered voglibose as 0.6 mg/70 kg body weight. Group B was administered vildagliptin as 100 mg/70 kg body weight. Diabetes was induced in group A and B by administration of 120 mg/kg body weight of nicotinamide and 60 mg/kg body weight of streptozocin intraperitoneally. Streptozocin was administered after 15-20 minutes of administration of nicotinamide. After 72 hours of streptozotocin injection, fasting blood glucose level was determined and induction of diabetes was confirmed. The fasting blood samples were collected from all the groups on further days 7, 14, 21 and 28 day to determine the glucose level by glucometer. Results: The decline in fasting blood sugar level by voglibose was 36.4% on day 7, 40.2% on day 14, 43.94% on day 21 and 46.4% on day 28. The reduction in Fasting blood sugar level by vildagliptin was 49% on day 7, 52.25% on day 14 and 54% on day 21 and 28. Thus in group B rats, decline was maximal on day 7 and little fall was recorded on subsequent days. It suggests good efficacy as vildagliptin normalized the blood glucose level effectively.  Conclusions: Vildagliptin was found significantly more effective in lowering fasting blood glucose level than voglibose

    To study the cost variation analysis of oral H2 receptor blockers available in different brands in Indian pharmaceutical market

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    Background: Aim of the study was to study percentage price variations among different brands of the commonly prescribed H2 receptor blockers.Methods: The maximum and minimum price of each brand of the drug in INR was noted by using CIMS January to April 2018 edition, Drug Today April to June 2018 Vol-1. The price ratio and the percentage price variation for individual drug brands was calculated. The price of 10 tablets/capsules were calculated. At last the price ratio and percentage price variation of various brands were compared.Results: Percentage variation in price for H2 receptor blockers marketed in India was found to be tablet cimetidine 200mg:81.89, tablet cimetidine 400mg:91.27, tablet ranitidine 150mg:295.64, tablet ranitidine 300mg:123.19, tablet famotidine 20mg:939.62, tablet famotidine 40mg:1110.09, tablet roxatidine 75mg:38.65, tablet roxatidine 150mg:21.85.Conclusions: H2 receptor blocker is the most common drug prescribed for prolonged period in case of gastritis, Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), peptic ulcer. If a costly brand is prescribed, the patients have to pay more money unnecessarily for their treatment. The doctors prescribing these drugs should be aware of these variations in price to reduce the price of drug therapy