8 research outputs found

    Orientierungen und Studierfähigkeit

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    Untersucht wurde die Öffnung der Hochschulweiterbildung aus Perspektive der Studierenden. In einer qualitativen Studie konnte die Studierfähigkeit von Studierenden in die Typen, akademisch orientierten Bildungsaufsteiger:innen, im Studium Angekommenen und prekär Studierenden, rekonstruiert und in einer anschließenden quantitativen Studie überprüft werden. Die Studierfähigkeit bildet die Passung der Studiengangskultur zum Herkunftsmilieu der Studierenden ab und das Erleben des Studierens sowie der Orientierungsrahmen sind die wesentlichen Dimensionen hierfür

    Gender Differences in the Comorbidity of ADHD Symptoms and Specific Learning Disorders in a Population-Based Sample

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    Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often exhibit comorbid specific learning disorders. In clinical samples, comorbidity in girls with ADHD tends to be more common than in boys with ADHD. However, this is not the case in studies of random samples. In this paper gender differences in the comorbidity of ADHD symptoms and learning disorders in reading, spelling and math are explored in a population-based sample of 2605 3rd and 4th graders (1304 girls) without symptoms of ADHD and 415 (141 girls) with symptoms of ADHD. Girls with ADHD symptoms had higher ratios of comorbid math disorders than boys with ADHD symptoms, but not with reading or spelling disorders. Math achievement was predicted by gender and by symptoms of inattention. Girls with ADHD symptoms and math disorders received the same amount of additional support from teachers or therapists as boys with ADHD symptoms and math disorders. Our results highlight the importance of exploring the increased comorbidity of specific learning disorders in children with ADHD symptoms and especially with math disorders in girls with ADHD symptoms. Implications for providing suitable interventions and preventing the accumulation of academic problems are discussed

    Predicting ADHD symptoms and diagnosis at age 14 from objective activity levels at age 7 in a large UK cohort

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    Hyperactivity is one of the three core symptoms in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Diagnosing ADHD typically involves self-report, third party report and observations. Objective activity data can make a valuable contribution to the diagnostic process. Small actigraphy studies in clinical samples have shown that children with ADHD move more than children without ADHD. However, differences in physical activity between children with and without ADHD have not been assessed in large community samples or longitudinally. This study used data from the Millennium Cohort Study to test whether symptoms of ADHD (parent-rating Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) and ADHD diagnosis at age 14 (reported by parents) could be predicted from objective activity data (measured with actigraphs) at age 7 in N = 6675 children (final N = 5251). Regressions showed that less sedentary behavior at age 7 predicted more ADHD symptoms at age 14 (β =  − 0.002, CI  − 0.004 to  − 0.001). The result remained significant when controlled for ADHD symptoms at age 7, sex, BMI, month of birth, SES and ethnicity (β  =  − 0.001, CI  − 0.003 to  − 0.0003). ADHD diagnosis at age 14 was also significantly predicted by less sedentary behavior at age 7 (β  =  − 0.008). Our findings show that symptoms of ADHD can be predicted by objective activity data 5 years in advance and suggest that actigraphy could be a useful instrument aiding an ADHD diagnosis. Interestingly, the results indicate that the key difference between children with and without ADHD lies in reduced sedentary activity, i.e., times of rest

    The association between non-obscene socially inappropriate behavior with attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms,conduct problems, and risky decision making in a large sample of adolescents

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    Non-obscene, socially inappropriate behavior (NOSI) is recognized as part of the tic disorder spectrum but has received little attention from researchers to date. A study in 87 patients with Tourette Syndrome showed that comorbid ADHD and conduct disorder were also associated with an increase in socially inappropriate behavior. This study used data from the Millennium Cohort Study to investigate the relationship between NOSI and emotional symptoms, conduct problems and hyperactivity /inattention as assessed by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in 1280 youths, aged 14 years. Furthermore, the relationship between NOSI and decision making processes as assessed by the Cambridge Gambling Task (CGT) was investigated. Hyperactivity /inattention and conduct problems were significantly associated with NOSI, emotional problems were not. Risk taking was significantly associated with misbehaving in lessons but not with being rude or noisy in public. The results replicate and confirm the association of NOSI with ADHD and conduct problems in a large sample, although it should be stressed that the size of the association was small. The results also suggest that some inappropriate behaviors are related to risk taking behavior, while others are not

    EF Touch – Testbatterie zur Erfassung der exekutiven Funktionen bei 3- bis 5- Jährigen

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    <jats:p> Zusammenfassung: Vorschulkinder mit guten exekutiven Funktionen (EF) haben auch gute individuelle Voraussetzungen für die Schulbereitschaft und den Schulerfolg. Bislang fehlt jedoch im deutschsprachigen Raum eine Testbatterie für Kinder im Vorschulalter. Ziel der Arbeit war es daher, die Testbatterie EF Touch ( Willoughby & Blair, 2015 ) auf ihre Nutzbarkeit für den deutschen Sprachraum zu überprüfen. Die EF Touch wurde in einer Konstruktionsstichprobe von N = 90 Kindern (50 Mädchen; M-Alter = 3.39 Jahre, SD = 0.78) erprobt. Alle Aufgaben wiesen akzeptable bis sehr gute interne Konsistenzen auf (α = .51 – .93), die meisten korrelierten signifikant miteinander ( r = .39 – .51). Die zugrundeliegende Strukur der EF war erwartungsgemäß einfaktoriell. Zusätzlich zeigte sich ein signifikanter Zusammenhang ( r = -.43) mit der Elterneinschätzung der EF im Fragebogen BRIEF-P ( Daseking & Petermann, 2013 ). Es ergaben sich bei allen Aufgaben bessere Ergebnisse bei älteren Kindern. Nachdem die Nutzbarkeit der Testbatterie im deutschen Sprachraum gezeigt werden konnte, wird im nächsten Schritt eine repräsentative Normstichprobe erhoben. </jats:p&gt

    Selective impairment of attentional set shifting in adults with ADHD

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    Abstract Background Task switch protocols are frequently used in the assessment of cognitive control, both in clinical and non-clinical populations. These protocols frequently confound task switch and attentional set shift. The current study investigated the ability of adult ADHD patients to shift attentional set in the context of switching tasks. Method We tested 38 adults with ADHD and 39 control adults with an extensive diagnostic battery and a task switch protocol without proactive interference. The experiment combined orthogonally task-switch vs. repetition, and attentional set shift vs. no shift. Each experimental stimulus had global and local features (Hierarchical/“Navon” stimuli), associated with corresponding attentional sets. Results ADHD patients were slower than controls in task switch trials with a simultaneous shift of attention between global/local attentional sets. This also correlated significantly with diagnostic scales for ADHD symptoms. The patients had more variable reaction times, but when the attentional set was kept constant neither were they significantly slower nor showed higher task switch costs. Conclusion ADHD is associated with a deficit in flexible deployment of attention to varying sources of stimulus information

    Temporal discounting in adolescents and adults with Tourette syndrome

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    Tourette syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with hyperactivity in dopaminergic networks. Dopaminergic hyperactivity in the basal ganglia has previously been linked to increased sensitivity to positive reinforcement and increases in choice impulsivity. In this study, we examine whether this extends to changes in temporal discounting, where impulsivity is operationalized as an increased preference for smaller-but-sooner over larger-but-later rewards. We assessed intertemporal choice in two studies including nineteen adolescents (age: mean[sd] = 14.21[+/- 2.37], 13 male subjects) and twenty-five adult patients (age: mean[sd] = 29.88 [+/- 9.03]; 19 male subjects) with Tourette syndrome and healthy age- and education matched controls. Computational modeling using exponential and hyperbolic discounting models via hierarchical Bayesian parameter estimation revealed reduced temporal discounting in adolescent patients, and no evidence for differences in adult patients. Results are discussed with respect to neural models of temporal discounting, dopaminergic alterations in Tourette syndrome and the developmental trajectory of temporal discounting. Specifically, adolescents might show attenuated discounting due to improved inhibitory functions that also affect choice impulsivity and/or the developmental trajectory of executive control functions. Future studies would benefit from a longitudinal approach to further elucidate the developmental trajectory of these effects