798 research outputs found

    Reconciling Present Neutrino Puzzles: Sterile Neutrinos as Mirror Neutrinos

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    We suggest that recent neutrino puzzles that are the solar and atmospheric neutrino deficits as well as the possible neutrino oscillations reported by the LSND experiment and the possibility of massive neutrinos providing the hot component of the cosmological dark matter, can all be naturally explained by assuming existence of a mirror world described by an ``electroweak'' gauge symmetry [SU(2)×U(1)][SU(2)\times U(1)]', with the breaking scale larger by about factor of 30 than the scale of the standard SU(2)×U(1)SU(2)\times U(1) model. An interesting aspect of this model is that the sterile neutrinos arise from the hidden mirror sector of the theory and thus their lightness is more natural than in the usual neutrino mass scenarios. The needed pattern of the neutrino mass matrix in this model is obtained by assuming a conserved ZKM-type global lepton number Lˉ=Le+LμLτ\bar L=L_e+L_\mu-L_\tau, which is violated by Planck scale effects. One implication of our proposal is that bulk of the dark matter in the universe is a warm dark matter consisting of few KeV mass particles rather than the 100 GeV range particles of the currently popular cold dark matter scenarios.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, no figure

    Magnetic fields in the early universe in the string approach to MHD

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    There is a reformulation of magnetohydrodynamics in which the fundamental dynamical quantities are the positions and velocities of the lines of magnetic flux in the plasma, which turn out to obey equations of motion very much like ideal strings. We use this approach to study the evolution of a primordial magnetic field generated during the radiation-dominated era in the early Universe. Causality dictates that the field lines form a tangled random network, and the string-like equations of motion, plus the assumption of perfect reconnection, inevitably lead to a self-similar solution for the magnetic field power spectrum. We present the predicted form of the power spectrum, and discuss insights gained from the string approximation, in particular the implications for the existence or not of an inverse cascade.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    The Age Of Globular Clusters In Light Of Hipparcos: Resolving the Age Problem?

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    We review five independent techniques which are used to set the distance scale to globular clusters, including subdwarf main sequence fitting utilizing the recent Hipparcos parallax catalogue. These data together all indicate that globular clusters are farther away than previously believed, implying a reduction in age estimates. This new distance scale estimate is combined with a detailed numerical Monte Carlo study designed to assess the uncertainty associated with the theoretical age-turnoff luminosity relationship in order to estimate both the absolute age and uncertainty in age of the oldest globular clusters. Our best estimate for the mean age of the oldest globular clusters is now 11.5±1.311.5\pm 1.3 Gyr, with a one-sided, 95% confidence level lower limit of 9.5 Gyr. This represents a systematic shift of over 2 σ\sigma compared to our earlier estimate, due completely to the new distance scale---which we emphasize is not just due to the Hipparcos data. This now provides a lower limit on the age of the universe which is consistent with either an open universe, or a flat, matter dominated universe (the latter requiring H_0 \le 67 \kmsmpc). Our new study also explicitly quantifies how remaining uncertainties in the distance scale and stellar evolution models translate into uncertainties in the derived globular cluster ages. Simple formulae are provided which can be used to update our age estimate as improved determinations for various quantities become available.Comment: 41 pages, including 10 eps figs, uses aaspp4.sty and flushrt.sty, submitted to Ap.J., revised to incorporate FULL Hipparcos catalogue dat

    Neutrino Oscillations: a source of Goldstone fields

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    It is proved that true Goldstone bosons develop coherent fields whenever the associated charges of the matter particles are not conserved in a macroscopic scale. The sources of the Goldstone fields are the time rates of quantum number violation. The case of neutrino flavour oscillations is studied with application to Supernovae. It is shown that if the Lepton numbers break at the Fermi scale, the neutrino potentials and oscillation patterns change in the periods of largest neutrino fluxes. In this way, electron anti-neutrino to muon anti-neutrino oscillations may occur in the first instants of neutrino emission.Comment: 12 pages, LATeX with RevTex, 1 figure, reference [4] corrected, to appear in Phys. Rev. D 1 (1998

    Testing The Friedmann Equation: The Expansion of the Universe During Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    In conventional general relativity, the expansion rate H of a Robertson-Walker universe is related to the energy density by the Friedmann equation. Aside from the present day, the only epoch at which we can constrain the expansion history in a model-independent way is during Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). We consider a simple two-parameter characterization of the behavior of H during BBN and derive constraints on this parameter space, finding that the allowed region of parameter space is essentially one-dimensional. We also study the effects of a large neutrino asymmetry within this framework. Our results provide a simple way to compare an alternative cosmology to the observational requirement of matching the primordial abundances of the light elements.Comment: 18 pages, Final version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    The Insulin Resistance Intervention after Stroke trial: a perspective on future practice and research

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    The prevention of recurrent events after ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack is well established and based on lifestyle changes, antithrombotics, statins, antihypertensives and carotid surgery. The international IRIS trial assessed whether pioglitazone, a glucose-lowering insulin-sensitizing drug, would reduce recurrent vascular events in patients with ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack. After 4.8 years, pioglitazone therapy was associated with reduced vascular events and new diabetes, and an increase in weight, oedema and bone fractures. Pioglitazone may add to the strategies for preventing further events in patients with stroke or transient ischaemic attack

    Spin-Flavour Oscillations and Neutrinos from SN1987A

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    The neutrino signal from SN1987A is analysed with respect to spin-flavour oscillations between electron antineutrinos, νˉe\bar{\nu}_{e}, and muon neutrinos, νμ\nu_{\mu}, by means of a maximum likelihood analysis. Following Jegerlehner et al. best fit values for the total energy released in neutrinos, EtE_t, and the temperature of the electron antineutrino, TνˉeT_{\bar{\nu}_{e}}, for a range of mixing parameters and progenitor models are calculated. In particular the dependence of the inferred quantities on the metallicity of the supernova is investigated and the uncertainties involved in using the neutrino signal to determine the neutrino magnetic moment are pointed out.Comment: 14 pages, RevTeX, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Constraints on Primordial Magnetic Fields

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    We reanalyze the effect of magnetic fields in BBN, incorporating several features which were omitted in previous analyses. We find that the effects of coherent magnetic fields on the weak interaction rates and the electron thermodynamic functions (\rhoe, \Pe, and \drhoedt ) are unimportant in comparison to the contribution of the magnetic field energy density in BBN. In consequence the effect of including magnetic fields in BBN is well approximated numerically by treating the additional energy density as effective neutrino number. A conservative upper bound on the primordial magnetic field, parameterized as ζ=2eBrms/(Tν2)\zeta=2eB_{rms}/(T_\nu^2), is ζ2\zeta \le 2 (ρB<0.27ρν\rho_B < 0.27 \rho_\nu). This bound can be stronger than the conventional bound coming from the Faraday rotation measures of distant quasars if the cosmological magnetic field is generated by a causal mechanism.Comment: Latex, 20 pages, 3 uuencoded figures appende