11 research outputs found

    Career Support Network

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    Seminar (44 PowerPoint Slides) Project Overview: This project is funded under the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Local Funding Partnerships Annual Program in support of innovative, community-based projects that improve the health and health care for underserved and vulnerable populations.Philadelphia currently confronts an unprecedented employment crisis. InSouth Philadelphia, the unemployment rate is 35%. Those who are unemployed present with multiple health problems that are barriers to retaining jobs and achieving economic stability. The Career Support Network was conceived to help underserved, newly-employed adults to overcome these barriers and succeed in long-term careers. It will accomplish this mission by creating an integrated, one-stop center that weaves together occupational counseling, job training, peer support, and mental and physical health services. Project Objectives: The goal of the CSN is to enable vulnerable adults with limited skills, physical and/or behavioral health problems to become independent and productive members of the community through retaining sustainable jobs. Objectives to meet these goals focus on: 1) increasing healthy lifestyle behaviors related to chronic disease prevention and/or management among program participants, 2) improving chronic disease self-management such as diabetes and hypertension, asthma, and arthritis, among program participants, and 3) assisting participants in developing skills and obtaining the supports necessary for independent productive living and job retention. Expected Outcomes: Vulnerable adults who participate in the CSN will: 1) demonstrate improved physical, mental and behavioral health through improved knowledge, skills and self-efficacy in managing chronic health conditions, practicing healthy lifestyle behaviors, and managing life and work-related stresses; 2) be employed in jobs that pay family-sustaining wages for a minimum of one year, and for those participants with a chronic disease, the absenteeism rate, due to personal illness, will be no more than 6 per year, and 3) experience a reduction in criminal recidivism rates among ex-offenders participating in the Network. Learning Objectives: Participants attending this session will be able to: 1. Organize an approach to providing chronic disease management/ prevention and work enhancement programs in a workforce development and jobs program utilizing an interdisciplinary team 2. Apply a methodology of engaging community organizations and funders to address job retention 3 Identify the challenges of incorporating chronic disease management/ prevention and work enhancement programs in a workforce development and jobs program utilizing an interdisciplinary tea

    An Innovative Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Placement: Using the Occupational Justice Framework to Enhance Refugee Resettlement in U.S. Daily Life

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    Learning Objectives Describe and discuss the occupational justice framework Describe and discuss the application of the framework to the refugee resettlement process Discuss how this non-traditional fieldwork training setting & model creates a model for development of professional habit

    An Innovative Interprofessional Team to Enhance Refugee Resettlement into U.S. Daily Life

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    The world continues to see dramatic increases in the numbers of refugees as new humanitarian crises emerge. Once approved by a host nation, the resettlement process begins. To facilitate successful resettlement, a collaborative partnership between a refugee resettlement agency and a university occupational therapy program has continued to successfully serve the needs of the partnership’s three key stakeholders; the organization; the individual refugee or family; and the clinical training of occupational therapy students. Through ongoing program development and enhancements, an innovative interprofessional team approach to resettlement has emerged. Together, with the individuals and families served, a clientcentered, interprofessional approach was implemented to collaboratively establish goals and customize intervention plans to achieve the goals. General, goals are to facilitate resettlement and integration into U.S culture, and daily function

    The Career Support Network (CSN): Workforce Programming through a New Lens

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    Challenges: Loss of Earn center as referral source Multiple IRB submissions Training/orientation at Philadelphia Prison System for working with pre-release prisoners Service team organization/scheduling Coordinating of cohorts at various stages of enrollmen

    Participatory Occupational Justice in Action: Building Programs with Newcomers

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    Overview Partner Populations & Sites Participatory Occupational Justice Framework The Gap to Social Inclusion Synthesized Findings Takeaway

    Workshop #3: Interprofessional Education Knowledge and Skills Development

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    Objectives: 1. Categorize the elements of successful interprofessional curricular design. 2. Produce an interprofessional action plan for existing courses

    An Overview and an Experience of Hotspotting

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    United States Healthcare Dilemma In the United States, a large proportion of healthcare resources and costs are utilized by a small percentage of the population. Approximately 25% of the United States healthcare costs are incurred by 1 percent of the population, while 5% are of healthcare costs are incurred by 50% of the population. The small percentage of the individuals who consume large amounts of resources has led to the term “super-utilizers.” These patients usually have complex and hard-to-manage conditions, as well as socioeconomic barriers to care, which frequently lead to potentially avoidable emergency department and hospital admissions and complications. Potential Remedy: Hotspotting Hotspotting is a new model of care by which healthcare professionals attempt to identify and better address the needs of super-utilizers. Through electronic medical records and other data means, these patients are identified so that there can be additional resources allocated to them through a multi-disciplinary and coordination of care approach that addresses their medical needs.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/jcipeposters/1010/thumbnail.jp