27 research outputs found

    Eesti 7-13 aastaste õpilaste liikumisaktiivsus ja kehaliselt mitteaktiivne aeg erinevates koolipäeva osades ja vastavus liikumisaktiivsuse soovitustele

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneEesti õpilaste liikumisaktiivsus koolipäeval – milline on olukord? Eesti õpilaste liikumisaktiivsuse tase on murettekitavalt madal – vaid veerand Eesti 7-13 aastastest õpilastest liigub igal koolipäev tervise seisukohalt piisavalt, samas kui ligikaudu viiendik õpilastest ei täida soovituslikku liikumisaktiivsust mitte ühelgi koolipäeval. Sellisele tulemuseni jõudis uuring, kus mõõdeti liikumisanduritega üle Eesti 636 õpilase liikumisaktiivsust koolipäevadel. Vastavalt nii riiklikule kui ka rahvusvahelistele soovitustele peaksid õpilased liikuma iga päev vähemalt 60 minutit intensiivsusega, mis tekitab soojatunde ja toob kaasa hingamise sagenemise. Lisaks soovitatakse veeta võimalikult vähe aega istudes. Kuna õpilased veedavad palju aega koolis, on koolil oluline roll õpilaste liikumisaktiivsuse toetamisel ning istuva aja vähendamisel. Uuringus osalenud õpilased kogusid veerand päevasest aktiivsest liikumisest koolis, samas kui naaberriigis Soomes on vastav näitaja pea poole suurem. Vaadates liikumisaktiivsust erinevates ainetundides nähtus, et valdavat osa ainetunde iseloomustab pikk istumisaeg ehk enamik ainetunnist veedeti istudes. Samas eri riikide tulemused on näidanud, et liikumise ja tunni teema lõimimine võimaldab ka ainetundidel oluliselt panustada päevase soovituslikku liikumisaktiivsuse taseme saavutamisesse. Nagu võis eeldada, oli koolis kõige aktiivsemaks tunniks kehaline kasvatus, kus kolmandik tunnist veedeti soovitusliku intensiivsuse tasemega. Samas üllatuslikult kolmandik kehalise kasvatuse tunnist olid õpilased kehaliselt mitteaktiivsed ehk istusid, seisid. Sellele vaatamata oli õpilaste päevane liikumisaktiivsuse tase oluliselt kõrgem nendel päevadel kui osaleti kehalise kasvatuse tunnis ning seda sõltumata treeningutel osalemisest.The levels of physical activity of Estonian students – what is the situation? The levels of physical activity of Estonian students are distressing as only a quarter of Estonian 7-13 year-old students have healthy physical activity levels and approximately fifth of students do not meet the physical activity recommendations on any of the day, based on a physical activity study where 636 students all over Estonia were measured with accelerometers. According to national and international recommendations, students should accumulate a minimum of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day and minimize their sedentary time. School has been identified as an important setting in supporting the physical activity levels of students and reducing their sedentary time as students spend a lot of their time at school. In current research students accumulated a quarter of daily physical activity in school, whereas in Finland this indicator is approximately twice as high. When looking at lessons, the majority of lesson time is spent as sedentary, while results from other countries indicate that integrating lesson context with physical activity enables to support daily physical activity levels. As it can be assumed, the physical activity lesson was the most active lesson in school, where students had intensive physical activity for a third of lesson time. Surprisingly, another third of physical education lesson was spent as sedentary. Despite this, the physical activity levels were higher on days when students attended the physical education, regardless their sport participation. These results indicated that school is an unused resource in supporting the physical activity levels of students and reducing their sedentary time. Therefore, there is a need to support the schools in creating physical activity opportunities through implementing active (and longer) recess, integrating lesson context with physical activity, adding extra physical education lessons to the curriculum and creating opportunities for active transport

    Physical activity and functional motor skills of primary school children in Estonia

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the physical activity (PA) and functional motor skills in 7–9-year-old children, and to find out whether participation in organized sport enhances their motor skills and fulfils the requirements for PA. To assess PA, all 38 participants (18 boys, 20 girls; mean age 8.1±0.7 years) used accelerometer and accelerometer diary during one week. Average time per day spent in sedentary, light and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was calculated. To measure motor skills, MABC-2 was used. Also, parental PA and educational level were recorded with questionnaire. PA of children was not associated with their motor skills (p>0.05). Recommendations for daily PA were fulfilled by two children (5.3%), seven children (18.4%) did not meet the recommendations in any of the measured days. Both, boys and girls spent significantly more time in sedentary on schooldays than on weekend-days (F=23.122, p0.05) with PA or motor skills. Also, parent and child PA were not significantly correlated. Average PA of children is lower than recommended. However, PA was not correlated with motor skills. The higher was parental educational level, the higher were motor skills of their child

    Kehakultuuriteaduskonna lõpetanute suremus

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    Kehakultuuriteaduskonna lõpetanute suremus Eestis 1983–2010

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    Eesmärk. Hinnata kehakultuuriteaduskonna lõpetanute suhtelist surmariski võrreldes Eesti kogurahvastikuga 1983–2010. Metoodika. Kohorti kuulus 2418 meest ja 2370 naist, kes lõpetasid ajavahemikul 1960–2007 Tallinna Ülikooli terviseteaduste ja spordi instituudi või 1948–2007 Tartu Ülikooli kehakultuuriteaduskonna. Iga isiku jälgimine algas ülikooli lõpetamise hetkest või 01.01.1983, kui ülikool lõpetati enne 1983. aastat. Isikuid jälgiti kas surmani, emigreerumiseni või 31.12.2010, sõltuvalt sellest, mis esines kõige varem. Emigreerumise fakt ja kuupäev tehti kindlaks linkimisel rahvastikuregistriga, surmapõhjused ja -kuupäev saadi surmapõhjuste registrist. Surmariski kohordis mõõdeti standarditud suremusmääraga (SMR). Tulemused. Kehakultuuriteaduskonna lõpetanud meestel registreeriti 305 ja naistel 132 surmajuhtu. Nii meeste kui ka naiste üldsuremus oli madalam vastavalt kogu mees- või naisrahvastiku suremusest (SMR = 0,42; 95% uv 0,37–0,46 meestel ja SMR = 0,55; 95% uv 0,45–0,64 naistel). Meestel ja naistel ilmnes madalam surmarisk vereringeelundite haiguste ja välispõhjuste korral. Lisaks täheldati meestel madalamat surmariski hingamiselundite haiguste ja pahaloomuliste kasvajate puhul ning madalamat valitud alkoholisõltuvatest põhjustest tingitud surmariski. Ühegi vaadeldud surmapõhjuse osas ei esinenud uuritutel kõrgemat suremust võrreldes kogurahvastikuga. Järeldused. Kehakultuuriteaduskonna lõpetanud mehi ja naisi iseloomustab madalam suremus võrreldes kogurahvastikuga. Eesti Arst 2013; 92(8):444–45

    Antropometrijske i fiziološke odrednice izvedbe trčanja u trkača na srednje i duge pruge

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    The aim of the present study was to compare anthropometric, body composition and physiological parameters in middle- and long-distance runners of the same performance level and to identify variables that could predict the probability of being either a middle- or a long-distance runner. National-level middle-(n=20, body mass M=70.5, SD=6.3 kg, body height M=1.80, SD=0.04 m,) and long- (n=20, body mass M=69.0, SD=4.5 kg, body height M=1.81, SD=0.05 m) distance runners performed an incremental test on a treadmill. Anthropometric and body composition parameters were measured and different body length and mass ratios were calculated. Middle- and long-distance runners did not differ (p>.05) in their leg mass, length proportions, in their measured anthropometric or body composition parameters, except for the lower leg length. Performance in middle-distance runners was best described by the lower leg to upper leg mass ratio (Adj R2=.41; p<.05) and the second ventilatory threshold time (Adj R2=.33; p<.05), while the performance in long-distance runners was best described by the total time on a treadmill (Adj R2=.36; p<.05). The constructed model showed that VO2maxtime (OR=1.01, 95% CI 1.001-1.012) and age (OR=1.57; 95% CI 1.065-2.310) classified middle- and long-distance runners in their specialties. In conclusion, the results of the present study demonstrate the relevance of specific anthropometric parameters in predicting middle- but not longdistance running performance.Cilj je ovoga rada bio usporediti antropometrijske i fiziološke parametre te sastav tijela trkača na srednje i duge pruge koji su slične kvalitetne razine te identificirati varijable koje bi mogle prognozirati vjerojatnost njihova pripadanja skupini srednjoprugaša ili dugoprugaša. Trkači nacionalnog ranga koji trče na srednje (n=20, tjelesna masa M=70,5 kg, SD=6,3 kg, tjelesna visina M=1,80 m, SD=0,04 m) i duge pruge (n=20, tjelesna masa M=69,0 kg, SD=4,5 kg, tjelesna visina M=1,81 m, SD=0,05 m) podvrgnuti su progresivnom testu opterećenja. Izmjerene su antropometrijske karakteristike i sastav tijela te su izračunati omjeri longitudinalnih dimenzija različitih dijelova tijela i njihove mase. Srednjoprugaši i dugoprugaši se nisu razlikovali (p>0,05) u masi nogu, proporcijama dužine te izmjerenim antropometrijskim parametrima ili varijablama sastava tijela. Izvedba trčanja na srednje pruge najbolje je definirana pomoću varijable omjer mase potkoljenice i mase natkoljenice (Adj R2=0,41; p<0,05) te vremena postizanja drugog ventilacijskog praga (Adj R2=0,33; p<0,05), dok je uspješnost trčanja u dugoprugaša bila najbolje definirana pomoću varijable ukupno vrijeme trčanja na progresivnom testu opterećenja (Adj R2=0,36; p<0,05). Konstruirani model je pokazao da su vrijeme postizanja VO2max na progresivnom testu opterećenja (OR=1,01, 95% CI 1.001-1.012) i dob trkača (OR=1,57; 95% CI 1.065-2.310) najviše pridonijeli klasifikaciji trkača u njihove discipline. Zaključno, rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazali su na važnost specifičnih antropometrijskih karakteristika u predviđanju uspješnosti u trčanju na srednje pruge, ali ne i u trčanju na duge pruge

    Pacing strategy of the finishers of the world marathon majors series

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    The purpose of the study was to describe pacing patterns of the finishers of the World Marathon Majors series and the effect of sex and age on the pacing pattern. The finishers of the World Marathon Majors series, a total of 69 814 male runners and 46 856 female runners with finishing time ≤ 6 hours were included in the analysis. Difference in pacing (dev%) was calculated as a difference between the first and second half of the marathon and expressed as a percentage of time. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evaluate the differences within and between the marathon time groups. The differences between the first and second half of the marathon by sex and age group were analysed using linear regression. The average difference between the first and second half of the marathon was 3.44±2.67% for male and 2.81±2.10% for female runners. Male runners with finishing times of 3:00 (h:min) and females with 4:00 (h:min) or slower had the significantly faster first half of the marathon compared to the evenly paced marathon (p=.038 and p=.001, respectively). Regression analysis revealed that female runners had 0.26% smaller difference between the first and second half of the race compared to male runners (R2=0.256; p<.001) when controlled for age and time group. Also, veterans (40 years and older) paced more evenly compared to non-veterans (R2=0.256; p<.001). In conclusion, irrespective of sex and age, faster finishers maintain a more constant velocity than the slower ones. In addition, women and veterans present more even pacing strategy compared to men and non-veterans, respectively

    Changes in leisure-time physical activity levels and perceived barriers among Estonian adults over a two-year period

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    The aim of this study is to describe the changes in leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) levels among the Estonian adult population in the years 2013–2015 in order to examine the relationships between LTPA level and socioeconomic status (SES) and health indicators, and also to explore perceived barriers to LTPA. Data from the National Physical Activity Survey were used. The sample consisted of 1009 participants aged 15–69 in 2013 and 1004 respondents in 2015. The proportion of Estonian adults exercising regularly at least four times per week increased from 39% in 2013 to 45% in 2015. Being in the older age groups increased the odds for physical inactivity 2.07–4.74 times compared to the youngest age group (15–24) (p&lt;0.01). Having primary, basic, or secondary education increased the odds of being inactive 2.33–3.14 times compared to respondents with higher education (p &lt; 0.01). The most prevalent barriers to physical activity reported by inactive adults were: 1) the absence of interest or unwillingness to make an effort, 2) tiredness at work, and 3) lack of time. In conclusion, despite a slight positive trend, LTPA levels are low. As the perceived barriers depend on age, public health strategies should involve age-specific solutions, especially for older adults

    Eesti õpilaste liikumisaktiivsus koolipäeva jooksul

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    Taust ja eesmärgid. Aktiivne liikumine peaks kuuluma kõigi laste ja noorte igapäevaellu, kuna see toetab mitmekülgselt nende arengut ja heaolu. Uuringu eesmärk oli kirjeldada I ja II kooliastme õpilaste liikumisaktiivsuse (LA) taset ja kehaliselt mitteaktiivse aja (KMA) osakaalu koolipäeva eri osades.Metoodika. LA taseme selgitamiseks viidi detsembrist 2014 kuni maini 2015 läbi mõõtmised I ja II kooliastme õpilaste hulgas üle-eestilise juhuvalimi põhjal valitud 13 koolis. Õpilased (n = 636) kandsid aktseleromeetrit ja täitsid liikumispäevikut seitsmel järjestikusel päeval.Tulemused. I kooliastmes liikus LA soovituste kohaselt 29,3% ja II kooliastmes 17,5% (p = 0,003) õpilastest ning KMA moodustas kogu ärkveloleku ajast vastavalt 54,8% ja 62,7% (p &lt; 0,001). Koolis viibitud ajast moodustas mõõdukas kuni tugev liikumisaktiivsus (MTLA) ligikaudu veerandi kogu päeva MTLAst (I kooliaste 23,6%; II kooliaste 28,5%). Kehalise kasvatuse tunnist 28,3% moodustas MTLA ning 29,5% oli KMA.Järeldused. Laste aktiivse liikumise osa koolipäeva jooksul moodustab olulise osa kogu päeva liikumisaktiivsusest, kuid siiski on õpilaste üldine LA tase madal. Seetõttu on vaja planeerida ja ellu viia tõenduspõhiseid sekkumisi, mis toetaks õpilaste liikumisaktiivsust ning vähendaks KMAd koolipäeva eri osades.Eesti Arst 2016; 95(11):716–72

    Effects of EPO on blood parameters and running performance in Kenyan athletes

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    Introduction: Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo) administration enhances oxygen carrying capacity and performance at sea level. It remains unknown whether similar effects would be observed in chronic altitude-adapted endurance runners. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of rHuEpo on hematological and performance parameters in chronic altitude-adapted endurance runners as compared to sea level athletes. Methods: Twenty well-trained Kenyan endurance runners (KEN) living and training at approximately 2150 m received rHuEpo injections of 50 IU·kg−1 body mass every 2 d for 4 wk and responses compared with another cohort (SCO) that underwent an identical protocol at sea level. Blood samples were obtained at baseline, during rHuEpo administration and 4 wk after the final injection. A maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max) test and 3000-m time trial was performed before, immediately after and 4 wk after the final rHuEpo injection. Results: Hematocrit (HCT) and hemoglobin concentration (HGB) were higher in KEN compared to SCO before rHuEpo but similar at the end of administration. Before rHuEpo administration, KEN had higher V˙O2max and faster time trial performance compared to SCO. After rHuEpo administration, there was a similar increase in V˙O2max and time trial performance in both cohorts; most effects of rHuEpo were maintained 4 wk after the final rHuEpo injection in both cohorts. Conclusions: Four weeks of rHuEpo increased the HGB and HCT of Kenyan endurance runners to a lesser extent than in SCO (~17% vs ~10%, respectively) and these alterations were associated with similar improvements in running performance immediately after the rHuEpo administration (~5%) and 4 wk after rHuEpo (~3%)

    Technology adoption review for ageing well: analysis of technical solutions

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    While several technological solutions are available for older adults to improve their wellbeing and quality of life, little is known about the gaps between the needs, provided solutions, and their adoption from a more pragmatic perspective. This paper reports on reviewing existing technological solutions for older adults, which span the work life, life in the community, and wellbeing at home. We analyzed 50 different solutions to uncover both negative and positive features of these solutions from the perspective of the impact of technology adoption on the quality of life of older adults. Our approach harnesses holistic reasoning to determine the most suitable technologies available today and provides suggestions for improvement toward designing and implementing better solutions