231 research outputs found

    Information decomposition of multichannel EMG to map functional interactions in the distributed motor system

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    The central nervous system needs to coordinate multiple muscles during postural control. Functional coordination is established through the neural circuitry that interconnects different muscles. Here we used multivariate information decomposition of multichannel EMG acquired from 14 healthy participants during postural tasks to investigate the neural interactions between muscles. A set of information measures were estimated from an instantaneous linear regression model and a time-lagged VAR model fitted to the EMG envelopes of 36 muscles. We used network analysis to quantify the structure of functional interactions between muscles and compared them across experimental conditions. Conditional mutual information and transfer entropy revealed sparse networks dominated by local connections between muscles. We observed significant changes in muscle networks across postural tasks localized to the muscles involved in performing those tasks. Information decomposition revealed distinct patterns in task-related changes: unimanual and bimanual pointing were associated with reduced transfer to the pectoralis major muscles, but an increase in total information compared to no pointing, while postural instability resulted in increased information, information transfer and information storage in the abductor longus muscles compared to normal stability. These findings show robust patterns of directed interactions between muscles that are task-dependent and can be assessed from surface EMG recorded during static postural tasks. We discuss directed muscle networks in terms of the neural circuitry involved in generating muscle activity and suggest that task-related effects may reflect gain modulations of spinal reflex pathways

    An Investigation of Students’ Attitudes and Motivations Toward Online Learning

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    This study investigated students’ attitudes and motivations toward online learning. Students in the online course, Introduction to the Visual Arts, were asked to complete questionnaires administered during the first and last week of the online course. A group of questions on Attitude was asked on both surveys. Questions on Interest, Self-management, and Locus of Control were asked only at the beginning of the course. The end of class survey included questions on Study Process Approach. Students in the study were found to have a strong internal Locus of Control. A significant correlation was found between a more internal locus of control and relying on surface strategies for learning. Another significant result was found on the Attitude pre- and post-course comparison regarding missing interaction with other students and getting more information through an online course. Generally, students’ attitude toward online learning was more positive during the last week of the course than in the first week. The study showed that this online course provided a sufficient amount of student to instructor interaction, a high amount of student to material interaction, and a low amount of student to student interaction

    Resonant Tank Motor Model For Voltage Reflection Simulations With PWM Drives

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    Reflected wave transient voltages that are impressed on drive output cables and low voltage AC induction motors are normally simulated with steep fronted dv/dt pulse waveforms from PWM voltage source inverters. System simulation arises from a need to correlate reflected wave peak voltage and risetime with the dielectric insulation capability of both the motor and cable. To obtain reasonable results, accurate models of each component must be employed. This investigation concentrates on parameter identification for a high frequency resonant tank motor model from fractional to several hundred horsepower

    Anatomical network analysis of the musculoskeletal system reveals integration loss and parcellation boost during the fins-to-limbs transition

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    Tetrapods evolved from within the lobe-finned fishes around 370 Ma. The evolution of limbs from lobe-fins entailed a major re-organization of the skeletal and muscular anatomy of appendages in early tetrapods. Concurrently, a degree of similarity between pectoral and pelvic appendages also evolved. Here, we compared the anatomy of appendages in extant lobe-finned fishes (Latimeria and Neoceratodus) and anatomically plesiomorphic amphibians (Ambystoma, Salamandra) and amniotes (Sphenodon) to trace and reconstruct the musculoskeletal changes that took place during the fins-to-limbs transition. We quantified the anatomy of appendages using network analysis. First, we built network models—in which nodes represent bones and muscles, and links represent their anatomical connections—and then we measured network parameters related to their anatomical integration, heterogeneity, and modularity. Our results reveal an evolutionary transition toward less integrated, more modular appendages. We interpret this transition as a diversification of muscle functions in tetrapods compared to lobe-finned fishes. Limbs and lobe-fins show also a greater similarity between their pectoral and pelvic appendages than ray-fins do. These findings on extant species provide a basis for future quantitative and comprehensive reconstructions of the anatomy of limbs in early tetrapod fossils, and a way to better understand the fins-to-limbs transition

    Lateralized modulation of cortical beta power during human gait is related to arm swing

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    Human gait is a complex behavior requiring dynamic control of upper and lower extremities that is accompanied by cortical activity in multiple brain areas. We investigated the contribution of beta (15–30 Hz) and gamma (30–50 Hz) band electroencephalography (EEG) activity during specific phases of the gait cycle, comparing treadmill walking with and without arm swing. Modulations of spectral power in the beta band during early double support and swing phases source-localized to the sensorimotor cortex ipsilateral, but not contralateral, to the leading leg. The lateralization disappeared in the condition with constrained arms, together with an increase of activity in bilateral supplementary motor areas. By contrast, gamma band modulations that localized to the presumed leg area of sensorimotor cortex around the heel-strike events were unaffected by arm movement. Our findings demonstrate that arm swing is accompanied by considerable cortical activation that should not be neglected in gait-related neuroimaging studies

    Zika virus infection and Guillain-Barré syndrome in three patients from Suriname

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    We present three patients from Suriname who were diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) during the Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak in this country. One patient had a positive ZIKV urine real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) result. The other two patients had a negative ZIKV urine qRT-PCR but a positive virus neutralization test and presence of IgG antibodies against ZIKV in the serum. Considering the evidence of a past ZIKV infection and absence of evidence for recent infections with the most common preceding infections of GBS, it is very likely that these GBS cases were triggered by ZIKV

    A series hybrid “real inertia” energy storage system

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    The wide scale market penetration of numerous renewable energy technologies is dependent, at least in part, on developing reliable energy storage methods that can alleviate concerns over potentially interrupted and uncertain supplies. Many challenges need to be overcome, not least among them is allowing capacity for the wide range of time scales required to ensure grid stability. In thermal power plant, high frequency/short duration demand fluctuations, acting at the milliseconds to several seconds time scale, are addressed passively by the inertia of the grid. Here, grid inertia can be thought of as the mechanical inertia of spinning steel in steam and gas turbines. This allows time for active control measures to take effect at the tens of second to hours time scale and for the system to recover without a supply frequency deviation that is noticeable to the customer. It is of paramount importance that, as thermal plant is retired, renewable energy generation and storage systems account for the loss of this inertia. In the literature, strategies to address the loss of “real” inertia have often relied on emulation rather than actual replacement. The present work focuses on the preliminary development of a novel energy storage system that makes use of real inertia to address short term supply/demand imbalances while simultaneously allowing for extended depths of discharge. The concept looks to combine flywheel and compressed fluid energy stores in order to power a synchronous generator. By combining these energy storage technologies through a differential drive unit, DDU, it is anticipated that the benefits of high system inertia can be exploited in the short term while allowing energy to be continually extracted from the flywheel in the long term during storage discharge. The use of a DDU makes the present design particularly novel and distinct from other hybrid systems. In essence, this inclusion allows energy to be extracted entirely from the flywheel, inducing “real” inertia, or entirely from the secondary store, inducing “synthetic” inertia, or some combination of the two. Fundamental sizing calculations for a 50MW system with 20MWh of storage capacity are presented and used to design a suitable control system that allows for the operation of both primary flywheel and secondary compressed fluid energy stores. The transient behaviour of the system is simulated for several charge/discharge time profiles to demonstrate response stability for the system. Comments on system turnaround efficiency, which is dependent upon loading history but for the intended applications can be considered to be greater than 90% are also made here, along with a case study application to an isolated Californian solar powered grid
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