2 research outputs found

    Plasmin generation potential and recanalization in acute ischaemic stroke; an observational cohort study of stroke biobank samples

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    Rationale: More than half of patients who receive thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke fail to recanalize. Elucidating biological factors which predict recanalization could identify therapeutic targets for increasing thrombolysis success. Hypothesis: We hypothesize that individual patient plasmin potential, as measured by in vitro response to recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA), is a biomarker of rt-PA response, and that patients with greater plasmin response are more likely to recanalize early. Methods: This study will use historical samples from the Barcelona Stroke Thrombolysis Biobank, comprised of 350 pre-thrombolysis plasma samples from ischaemic stroke patients who received serial transcranial-Doppler (TCD) measurements before and after thrombolysis. The plasmin potential of each patient will be measured using the level of plasmin-antiplasmin complex (PAP) generated after in-vitro addition of rt-PA. Levels of antiplasmin, plasminogen, t-PA activity, and PAI-1 activity will also be determined. Association between plasmin potential variables and time to recanalization [assessed on serial TCD using the thrombolysis in brain ischemia (TIBI) score] will be assessed using Cox proportional hazards models, adjusted for potential confounders. Outcomes: The primary outcome will be time to recanalization detected by TCD (defined as TIBI ≥4). Secondary outcomes will be recanalization within 6-h and recanalization and/or haemorrhagic transformation at 24-h. This analysis will utilize an expanded cohort including ~120 patients from the Targeting Optimal Thrombolysis Outcomes (TOTO) study. Discussion: If association between proteolytic response to rt-PA and recanalization is confirmed, future clinical treatment may customize thrombolytic therapy to maximize outcomes and minimize adverse effects for individual patients.Thomas Lillicrap … Timothy Kleinig … Simon Koblar, Monica Anne Hamilton-Bruce … et al

    Tranexamic acid alters the immunophenotype of phagocytes after lower limb surgery

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    Background: Tranexamic acid (TXA) is an antifibrinolytic agent frequently used in elective surgery to reduce blood loss. We recently found it also acts as a potent immune-modulator in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Methods: Patients undergoing lower limb surgery were enrolled into the “Tranexamic Acid in Lower Limb Arthroplasty” (TALLAS) pilot study. The cellular immune response was characterised longitudinally pre- and postoperatively using full blood examination (FBE) and comprehensive immune cell phenotyping by flowcytometry. Red blood cells and platelets were determined in the FBE and levels of T cell cytokines and the plasmin-antiplasmin complex determined using ELISA. Results: TXA administration increased the proportion of circulating CD141+ conventional dendritic cells (cDC) on post-operative day (POD) 3. It also reduced the expression of CD83 and TNFR2 on classical monocytes and levels of circulating IL-10 at the end of surgery (EOS) time point, whilst increasing the expression of CCR4 on natural killer (NK) cells at EOS, and reducing TNFR2 on POD-3 on NK cells. Red blood cells and platelets were decreased to a lower extent at POD-1 in the TXA group, representing reduced blood loss. Conclusion: In this investigation we have extended our examination on the immunomodulatory effects of TXA in surgery by also characterising the end of surgery time point and including B cells and neutrophils in our immune analysis, elucidating new immunophenotypic changes in phagocytes as well as NK cells. This study enhances our understanding of TXA-mediated effects on the haemostatic and immune response in surgery, validating changes in important functional immune cell subsets in orthopaedic patients.Dominik F. Draxler, Gryselda Hanafi, Saffanah Zahra, Fiona McCutcheon, Heidi Ho, Charithani B. Keragala, Zikou Liu, David Daly, Thomas Painter, Sophia Wallace, Magdalena Plebanski, Paul S. Myles, and Robert L. Medcal