6,697 research outputs found

    Pattern densities in fluid dimer models

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    In this paper, we introduce a family of observables for the dimer model on a bi-periodic bipartite planar graph, called pattern density fields. We study the scaling limit of these objects for liquid and gaseous Gibbs measures of the dimer model, and prove that they converge to a linear combination of a derivative of the Gaussian massless free field and an independent white noise.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figure

    Forming the Dusty Ring in HR 4796A

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    We describe planetesimal accretion calculations for the dusty ring observed in the nearby A0 star HR 4796A. Models with initial masses of 10-20 times the minimum mass solar nebula produce a ring of width 7-15 AU and height 0.3-0.6 AU at 70 AU in roughly 10 Myr. The ring has a radial optical depth of 1. These results agree with limits derived from infrared images and from the excess infrared luminosity.Comment: 6 pages, including 2 figures and 1 table; ApJ Letters, in pres

    Terrestrial Planet Formation I. The Transition from Oligarchic Growth to Chaotic Growth

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    We use a hybrid, multiannulus, n-body-coagulation code to investigate the growth of km-sized planetesimals at 0.4-2 AU around a solar-type star. After a short runaway growth phase, protoplanets with masses of roughly 10^26 g and larger form throughout the grid. When (i) the mass in these `oligarchs' is roughly comparable to the mass in planetesimals and (ii) the surface density in oligarchs exceeds 2-3 g/sq cm at 1 AU, strong dynamical interactions among oligarchs produce a high merger rate which leads to the formation of several terrestrial planets. In disks with lower surface density, milder interactions produce several lower mass planets. In all disks, the planet formation timescale is roughly 10-100 Myr, similar to estimates derived from the cratering record and radiometric data.Comment: Astronomical Journal, accepted; 22 pages + 15 figures in ps format; eps figures at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~kenyon/dl/ revised version clarifies evolution and justifies choice of promotion masse

    Detecting the Dusty Debris of Terrestrial Planet Formation

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    We use a multiannulus accretion code to investigate debris disks in the terrestrial zone, at 0.7-1.3 AU around a 1 solar mass star. Terrestrial planet formation produces a bright dusty ring of debris with a lifetime of at least 1 Myr. The early phases of terrestrial planet formation are observable with current facilities; the late stages require more advanced instruments with adaptive optics.Comment: 11 pages of text, 3 figures, accepted for ApJ Letters, additional info at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~kenyon/pf/terra/td

    Flight craft Patent

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    Designing spacecraft for flight into space, atmospheric reentry, and landing at selected site

    Studies on disease transmission in spacecraft environments

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    The effects of the Skylab gas mixtures on general health and immunocompetence of mice and ferrets subjected to the Skylab space cabin environment (SCE) were initially studied in a stainless steel low pressure facility which was maintained at gas ratios of 30% nitrogen and 70% oxygen under 5 psia, and which consisted of two subchambers, that permitted mutual isolation of experimental groups and/or selective removal of animals without return of the entire cabin to ambient pressure was developed. The studies demonstrated that ferrets immunized with Brucella Strain 19 prior to being housed in SCE had decreased synthesis of IgG compared to their respective controls. The possibility of latent infections being responsible for stress-induced upper respiratory diseases of astronauts required that the role of neutralizing antibody as a function of antibody affinity/avidity be investigated. The model consisted of Aleutian disease virus (ADV) which infects ferrets and mink resulting in nonneutralized immune complexes. These studies demonstrated that early antibody to ADV had lower affinity/avidity than late antibody with respect to chronicity. These studies culminated in a description of antibody affinity, first isolation of ADV and its cultivation in vitro

    Biological activity of lunar soil Final report, 7 Jan. - 31 Oct. 1970

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    Development of clinical pathology procedures for detection of diseases in germfree mice and detection of titanium in lymphoid structures of hamsters, mice, and rat

    Studies of effects of closed microbial ecology. Report of 180-day test period

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    Experiments were performed to determine the influence closed microbial ecologies have on modification or simplification of natural intestinal flora of ferrets in a closed environmental system. On the basis of previous tests in which certain species (Salmonella and Bacteroides) were decreased at 90 days of enclosure, a second trial was constructed for 180-day tests. In this trial there was little difference in the 8 major classes of intestinal flora between animals in the Open and Closed environmental groups except for the level of Lactobacillus. It is of extreme importance to note that when both Open and Closed groups contracted hemorrhagic gastritis, the interrelationship of this agent with other intestinal flora produced a more profound effect on animals from the Closed Group, particularly with reference to Lactobacillus levels