7,867 research outputs found

    New geometries for high spatial resolution hall probes

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    The Hall response function of symmetric and asymmetric planar Hall effect devices is investigated by scanning a magnetized tip above a sensor surface while simultaneously recording the topography and the Hall voltage. Hall sensor geometries are tailored using a Focused Ion Beam, in standard symmetric and new asymmetric geometries. With this technique we are able to reduce a single voltage probe to a narrow constriction 20 times smaller than the other device dimensions. We show that the response function is peaked above the constriction, in agreement with numerical simulations. The results suggest a new way to pattern Hall sensors for enhanced spatial resolution.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Pre- and Post-selection paradoxes and contextuality in quantum mechanics

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    Many seemingly paradoxical effects are known in the predictions for outcomes of intermediate measurements made on pre- and post-selected quantum systems. Despite appearances, these effects do not demonstrate the impossibility of a noncontextual hidden variable theory, since an explanation in terms of measurement-disturbance is possible. Nonetheless, we show that for every paradoxical effect wherein all the pre- and post- selected probabilities are 0 or 1 and the pre- and post-selected states are nonorthogonal, there is an associated proof of contextuality. This proof is obtained by considering all the measurements involved in the paradoxical effect -- the pre-selection, the post-selection, and the alternative possible intermediate measurements -- as alternative possible measurements at a single time.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. v2.0 revised in the light of referee comments, results unchange

    A Search for Distant Galactic Cepheids Toward l=60

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    We present results of a survey of a 6-square-degree region near l=60, b=0 to search for distant Milky Way Cepheids. Few MW Cepheids are known at distances >~ R_0, limiting large-scale MW disk models derived from Cepheid kinematics; this work was designed to find a sample of distant Cepheids for use in such models. The survey was conducted in the V and I bands over 8 epochs, to a limiting I~=18, with a total of ~ 5 million photometric observations of ~ 1 million stars. We present a catalog of 578 high-amplitude variables discovered in this field. Cepheid candidates were selected from this catalog on the basis of variability and color change, and observed again the following season. We confirm 10 of these candidates as Cepheids with periods from 4 to 8 days, most at distances > 3 kpc. Many of the Cepheids are heavily reddened by intervening dust, some with implied extinction A_V > 10 mag. With a future addition of infrared photometry and radial velocities, these stars alone can provide a constraint on R_0 to 8%, and in conjunction with other known Cepheids should provide good estimates of the global disk potential ellipticity.Comment: 18 pages, 4 tables, 13 figures (LaTeX / AASTeX

    Optimal Entanglement Enhancement for Mixed States

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    We consider the actions of protocols involving local quantum operations and classical communication (LQCC) on a single system consisting of two separated qubits. We give a complete description of the orbits of the space of states under LQCC and characterise the representatives with maximal entanglement of formation. We thus obtain a LQCC entanglement concentration protocol for a single given state (pure or mixed) of two qubits which is optimal in the sense that the protocol produces, with non-zero probability, a state of maximal possible entanglement of formation. This defines a new entanglement measure, the maximum extractable entanglement.Comment: Final version: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Critical Currents of Josephson-Coupled Wire Arrays

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    We calculate the current-voltage characteristics and critical current I_c^{array} of an array of Josephson-coupled superconducting wires. The array has two layers, each consisting of a set of parallel wires, arranged at right angles, such that an overdamped resistively-shunted junction forms wherever two wires cross. A uniform magnetic field equal to f flux quanta per plaquette is applied perpendicular to the layers. If f = p/q, where p and q are mutually prime integers, I_c^{array}(f) is found to have sharp peaks when q is a small integer. To an excellent approximation, it is found in a square array of n^2 plaquettes, that I_c^{array}(f) \propto (n/q)^{1/2} for sufficiently large n. This result is interpreted in terms of the commensurability between the array and the assumed q \times q unit cell of the ground state vortex lattice.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Local filtering operations on two qubits

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    We consider one single copy of a mixed state of two qubits and investigate how its entanglement changes under local quantum operations and classical communications (LQCC) of the type ρ(AB)ρ(AB)\rho'\sim (A\otimes B)\rho(A\otimes B)^{\dagger}. We consider a real matrix parameterization of the set of density matrices and show that these LQCC operations correspond to left and right multiplication by a Lorentz matrix, followed by normalization. A constructive way of bringing this matrix into a normal form is derived. This allows us to calculate explicitly the optimal local filterin operations for concentrating entanglement. Furthermore we give a complete characterization of the mixed states that can be purified arbitrary close to a Bell state. Finally we obtain a new way of calculating the entanglement of formation.Comment: 4 page

    Laser Radar Measurements of Atmospheric Potassium

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    A dye laser capable of transmitting in the near infra red region of the spectrum has been constructed to be used in conjunction with the large Mark II laser system at present in existence at Kingston, Jamaica. Preliminary measurements have been obtained of concentration of atomic potassium in the 70-100 km region of the atmosphere. The data indicates the likelihood of a double peak in the height distribution. The lower peak, which is the" larger, is at a height of about 82 kIn, the upper peak is at a height of 94 kIn. Although an exact value for the scattering cross-section has not been obtained, a reasonable approximation of this parameter yields a value of about 1-15 x 10(exp 11) m(exp -2) for the column density of atomic potassium, which is in agreement with other data