7,327 research outputs found

    A consideration of some geographical factors influencing the distribution of population in British Columbia

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    In 1931 the population of British Columbia numbered 694,000. Considering the large area of the Province, the total is small, but that may be considered a natural consequence of the generally mountainous character of the region. Two important facts emerge from an examination of the settlement of British Columbia :- 1) that settlement in the region was retarded, being practically negligible until the second half of the Nineteenth Century, so that the size of the present population is indicative of rapid development. 2) that the distribution of population even on land apparently suitable for settlement is highly irregular; for example, the Province includes one area of dense urban and rural settlement in the Lower Mainland, but large areas of relatively level land in the centre of the Province are still sparsely settled. This thesis attempts to put forward a geographical explanation of these two points, and also to suggest future developments which may lead to a re-distribution of the population. The Economic development of the area has occurred only within the last hundred years, for even as late as 1818 so little was known of the resources of the North-West of America that the Governments of U.S.A. and Canada agreed to share equally the trade of the whole region "West of the Rockies and North of California," Within less than thirty years, however, such an arrangement proved impossible, owing to the penetration of the region by pioneers, (mainly mining prospectors) and it was necessary to delimit the area for which each Government was responsible, 49 N. lat. was chosen as the dividing line, and British interests were concentrated on the area to the North of it. At the time of the first Census in 1871, the colony contained 35,000 people, 25,000 of whom were American Indians, so that, though immigration occurred it took place slowly during the middle of the century, At the end of the next thirty years the population numbered 178,000, and the rate of increase has been still more rapid in the last three decades. The present population consists mainly of immigrants from the British isles, particularly from England, Non-British Europeans form 14% of the total, Scandinavians, French, Italians and Germans being the most numerous, but they do not form any well-marked national groups, and their presence has not caused any political problems to arise, Asiatics form 7.2% of the population, and their presence has led to racial animosity on the part of the workers, and has increased the interest which, from its position, British. Columbia would naturally feel in Pacific political questions. In an endeavour to solve the problems which are apparent, an examination has been made of the position of the province, of the topographical, geological and climatic conditions found and of the natural resources which have successively become open to exploitation. Detailed investigation of the conditions prevailing in the more densely populated areas of the Province has been made, in order to emphasize the advantages which the latter possess which enable them to support a large proportion of the population.<p

    Quantitative analysis of ruminal methanogenic microbial populations in beef cattle divergent in phenotypic residual feed intake (RFI) offered contrasting diets

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    peer-reviewedBackground Methane (CH4) emissions in cattle are an undesirable end product of rumen methanogenic fermentative activity as they are associated not only with negative environmental impacts but also with reduced host feed efficiency. The aim of this study was to quantify total and specific rumen microbial methanogenic populations in beef cattle divergently selected for residual feed intake (RFI) while offered (i) a low energy high forage (HF) diet followed by (ii) a high energy low forage (LF) diet. Ruminal fluid was collected from 14 high (H) and 14 low (L) RFI animals across both dietary periods. Quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis was conducted to quantify the abundance of total and specific rumen methanogenic microbes. Spearman correlation analysis was used to investigate the association between the relative abundance of methanogens and animal performance, rumen fermentation variables and diet digestibility. Results Abundance of methanogens, did not differ between RFI phenotypes. However, relative abundance of total and specific methanogen species was affected (P < 0.05) by diet type, with greater abundance observed while animals were offered the LF compared to the HF diet. Conclusions These findings suggest that differences in abundance of specific rumen methanogen species may not contribute to variation in CH4 emissions between efficient and inefficient animals, however dietary manipulation can influence the abundance of total and specific methanogen species.Funding for the development and main work of this research was provided under the National Development Plan, through the Research Stimulus Fund, administered by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, Ireland RSF 05 224

    Personal Branding Selebgram Balita Tatan (@Jrsugianto) Di Sosial Media Instagram

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    Tatan merupakan selebgram Balita yang berasal dari keluarga non-artis dengan followers terbanyak sebesar 3,5 juta. Followers yang banyak merupakan ciri-ciri dari seseorang yang memiliki ciri khas. Ciri khas sendiri merupakan ka­rakteristik personal branding. Fenomena terbentuknya personal branding Tatan menarik untuk diteliti. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif analisis konten, dipe­r­oleh model V dalam membentuk personal branding. Personal branding ter­ben­tuk dari identity yang terdiri dari role standart dan role style dan positioning yang ter­diri dari script, appearance, manner, dan verbal yang dilakukan secara konsisten. Model Hasil penelitian ini memberikan manfaat akademis mengenai proses ter­bentuknya personal branding dan praktisi dalam membentuk personal branding yang membutuhkan tahap identity dan positioning yang dilakukan secara konsisten

    When care is left to roam: Carers' experiences of grassroots nonprofit services in Ireland

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    Increasingly countries are turning to nonprofit organisations to provide health and social care, particularly for people with disabilities. Alongside this change, debates continue about how states should manage the relationship with such organisations. Should features of the old-style "welfare" model be retained? Should aspects of the "new public management" model be chosen to measure the impact of the work? Yet others argue that grassroots organisations should form the basis of a service provision system. In the context of these debates, Ireland serves as an interesting case study of the system of care that can emerge when the state operates a "relaxed control" approach. This paper takes the perspectives of users themselves: family carers who are accessing services for a disabled adult child, to examine the effects of this approach on the ground. We show how geography played a central role in shaping these experiences, and discuss how we can learn from the Irish context. Rather than arguing for narrowly defined contractual measures, we conclude by proposing a renewed focus on relationship building with the aim of effective system operation, in the future of care services

    An investigation of children's peer trust across culture: is the composition of peer trust universal?

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    The components of children's trust in same-gender peers (trust beliefs, ascribed trustworthiness, and dyadic reciprocal trust) were examined in samples of 8- to 11-year-olds from the UK, Italy, and Japan. Trust was assessed by children's ratings of the extent to which same-gender classmates kept promises and kept secrets. Social relations analyses confirmed that children from each country showed significant: (a) actor variance demonstrating reliable individual differences in trust beliefs, (b) partner variance demonstrating reliable individual differences in ascribed trustworthiness, and (c ) relationship variance demonstrating unique relationships between interaction partners. Cultural differences in trust beliefs and ascribed trustworthiness also emerged and these differences were attributed to the tendency for children from cultures that value societal goals to share personal information with the peer group

    Intelligent and adaptive tutoring for active learning and training environments

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    Active learning facilitated through interactive and adaptive learning environments differs substantially from traditional instructor-oriented, classroom-based teaching. We present a Web-based e-learning environment that integrates knowledge learning and skills training. How these tools are used most effectively is still an open question. We propose knowledge-level interaction and adaptive feedback and guidance as central features. We discuss these features and evaluate the effectiveness of this Web-based environment, focusing on different aspects of learning behaviour and tool usage. Motivation, acceptance of the approach, learning organisation and actual tool usage are aspects of behaviour that require different evaluation techniques to be used

    Is Hot IT a False Economy? An Analysis of Server and Data Center Energy Efficiency as Temperatures Rise

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    As demand for digital services grows, there is need to improve efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of data centers. The largest energy consumer in any data center is the IT, followed by the systems dedicated to cooling. Aiming to improve efficiency, and driven by metrics like PUE, there is a trend towards running data centers hotter to reduce the cooling energy. There is little research investigating the effect this will have on the IT beyond failure rates. To ensure overall efficiency is improving, we must view the data center as a system of systems, taking a holistic view rather than focusing on individual sub-systems. In this paper we use industry standard benchmarks and a wind-tunnel to profile typical enterprise IT. We analyze the effect of environmental conditions on IT efficiency, showing minor increases in temperature or pressure impact the efficiency of servers. Using an idealized, simulated data center case study we show that the interaction between cooling systems, server behaviour and local climate are non-trivial and increasing temperatures has potential to worsen efficiency

    Co-creativity Evaluation Analysis: C2Learn project delierable No. D5.4.2

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    Deliverable 5.4.2 is the final installment of a document describing the outcomes of qualitative and quantitative Co-creativity Evaluation Analysis of data and information gathered through the pilot activities (M21, M30 and M36 cycles), following the methodology defined by T2.3. Led by the UEDIN team, in close collaboration with OU, EA and BMBF it sets out in detail the qualitative and quantitative analysis performed, according to the defined conceptual foundations and assessment methodology of the project (D2.3.1-2), leading to a synthesis of the pilot findings. This is complemented by a review of the Socratic Dialogue tool, in light of the pilot findings

    Co-creativity Evaluation Analysis: C2Learn project delierable No. D5.4.2

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    Deliverable 5.4.2 is the final installment of a document describing the outcomes of qualitative and quantitative Co-creativity Evaluation Analysis of data and information gathered through the pilot activities (M21, M30 and M36 cycles), following the methodology defined by T2.3. Led by the UEDIN team, in close collaboration with OU, EA and BMBF it sets out in detail the qualitative and quantitative analysis performed, according to the defined conceptual foundations and assessment methodology of the project (D2.3.1-2), leading to a synthesis of the pilot findings. This is complemented by a review of the Socratic Dialogue tool, in light of the pilot findings

    Plane of nutrition affects the phylogenetic diversity and relative abundance of transcriptionally active methanogens in the bovine rumen

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    peer-reviewedMethane generated during enteric fermentation in ruminant livestock species is a major contributor to global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. A period of moderate feed restriction followed by ad libitum access to feed is widely applied in cattle management to exploit the animal’s compensatory growth potential and reduce feed costs. In the present study, we utilised microbial RNA from rumen digesta samples to assess the phylogenetic diversity of transcriptionally active methanogens from feed-restricted and non-restricted animals. To determine the contribution of different rumen methanogens to methanogenesis during dietary restriction of cattle, we conducted high-throughput mcrA cDNA amplicon sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq and analysed both the abundance and phylogenetic origin of different mcrA cDNA sequences. When compared to their unrestricted contemporaries, in feed-restricted animals, the methanogenic activity, based on mcrA transcript abundance, of Methanobrevibacter gottschalkii clade increased while the methanogenic activity of the Methanobrevibacter ruminantium clade and members of the Methanomassiliicoccaceae family decreased. This study shows that the quantity of feed consumed can evoke large effects on the composition of methanogenically active species in the rumen of cattle. These data potentially have major implications for targeted CH4 mitigation approaches such as anti-methanogen vaccines and/or tailored dietary management
