1,088 research outputs found

    Photopolarization of Fucus zygotes is determined by time sensitive vectorial addition of environmental cues during axis amplification

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    Fucoid zygotes have been extensively used to study cell polarization and asymmetrical cell division. Fertilized eggs are responsive to different environmental cues (e.g., light, gravity) for a long period before the polarity is fixed and the cells germinate accordingly. First, it is commonly believed that the direction and sense of the polarization vector are established simultaneously as indicated by the formation of an F-actin patch. Secondly, upon reorientation of the zygote, a new polar gradient is formed and it is assumed that the position of the future rhizoid pole is only influenced by the latter. Here we tested these two hypotheses investigating photopolarization in Fucus zygotes by reorienting zygotes 90 degrees relative to a unilateral light source at different time points during the first cell cycle. We conclude that fixation of direction and sense of the polarization vector is indeed established simultaneously. However, the experiments yielded a distribution of polarization axes that cannot be explained if only the last environmental cue is supposed to determine the polarization axis. We conclude that our observations, together with published findings, can only be explained by assuming imprinting of the different polarization vectors and their integration as a vectorial sum at the moment of axis fixation. This way cells will average different serially perceived cues resulting in a polarization vector representative of the dynamic intertidal environment, instead of betting exclusively on the perceived vector at the moment of axis fixation

    Digital Advertising and News: Who Advertises on News Sites and How Much Those Ads Are Targeted

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    Analyzes trends in advertising in twenty-two news operations, including shifts to digital advertising, use of consumer data to target ads, types of ads, and industries represented among advertisers by media type

    Understanding the Participatory News Consumer

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    Analyzes survey findings on the impact of social media and mobile connectivity on news consumption behavior by demographics and political affiliation. Examines sources; topics; participation by sharing, commenting on, or creating news; and views on media

    Devolution or delegation? What the revolt of the metro mayors over lockdown tells us about English devolution

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    Michael Kenny and Tom Kelsey discuss the possible constitutional impact of the recent standoff between Andy Burnham and Boris Johnson. They explain why it will take a crisis of much greater proportion and longevity to pave the way for meaningful devolution within England. The public row between central government and the leaders of Greater Manchester over the ... Continue

    Acute Effects of the Wim Hof Breathing Method on Repeated Sprint Ability: A Pilot Study

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    The Wim Hof breathing method (WHBM) combines periods of hyperventilation (HV) followed by voluntary breath-holds (BH) at low lung volume. It has been increasingly adopted by coaches and their athletes to improve performance, but there was no published research on its effects. We determined the feasibility of implementing a single WHBM session before repeated sprinting performance and evaluated any acute ergogenic effects. Fifteen amateur runners performed a single WHBM session prior to a Repeated Ability Sprint Test (RAST) in comparison to voluntary HV or spontaneous breathing (SB) (control) in a randomized cross-over design. Gas exchange, heart rate, and finger pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2) were monitored. Despite large physiological effects in the SpO2 and expired carbon dioxide (VCO2) levels of both HV and WHBM, no significant positive or negative condition effects were found on RAST peak power, average power, or fatigue index. Finger SpO2 dropped to 60 ± 12% at the end of the BHs. Upon the last HV in the WHBM and HV conditions, end-tidal CO2 partial pressure (PETCO2) values were 19 ± 3 and 17 ± 3 mmHg, indicative of respiratory alkalosis with estimated arterial pH increases of +0.171 and of +0.181, respectively. Upon completion of RAST, 8 min cumulated expired carbon dioxide volumes in the WHBM and HV were greater than in SB, suggesting lingering carbon dioxide stores depletion. These findings indicate that despite large physiological effects, a single WHBM session does not improve anaerobic performance in repeated sprinting exercise

    3D Monte Carlo radiation transfer modelling of photodynamic therapy

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    We acknowledge the support of the UK Engineering and Physics Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for funding through a studentship for C L Campbell as well as the Alfred Stewart Trust.The effects of ageing and skin type on Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) for different treatment methods have been theoretically investigated. A multilayered Monte Carlo Radiation Transfer model is presented where both daylight activated PDT and conventional PDT are compared. It was found that light penetrates deeper through older skin with a lighter complexion, which translates into a deeper effective treatment depth. The effect of ageing was found to be larger for darker skin types. The investigation further strengthens the usage of daylight as a potential light source for PDT where effective treatment depths of about 2 mm can be achieved.Publisher PD

    Incidence of childhood CNS tumours in Britain and variation in rates by definition of malignant behaviour: population-based study.

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    BACKGROUND: Intracranial and intraspinal tumours are the most numerous solid tumours in children. Some recently defined subtypes are relatively frequent in childhood. Many cancer registries routinely ascertain CNS tumours of all behaviours, while others only cover malignant neoplasms. Some behaviour codes have changed between revisions of the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, including pilocytic astrocytoma, downgraded to uncertain behaviour in ICD-O-3. METHODS: We used data from the population-based National Registry of Childhood Tumours, which routinely included non-malignant CNS tumours, to document the occurrence of CNS tumours among children aged < 15 years in Great Britain during 2001-2010 and to document the descriptive epidemiology of childhood CNS tumours over the 40-year period 1971-2010, during which several new entities were accommodated in successive editions of the WHO Classification and revisions of ICD-O. Eligible cases were all those with a diagnosis included in Groups III (CNS tumours) and Xa (CNS germ-cell tumours) of the International Classification of Childhood Cancer, Third Edition. The population at risk was derived from annual mid-year estimates by sex and single year of age compiled by the Office for National Statistics and its predecessors. Incidence rates were calculated for age groups 0, 1-4, 5-9 and 10-14 years, and age-standardised rates were calculated using the weights of the world standard population. RESULTS: Age-standardised incidence in 2001-10 was 40.1 per million. Astrocytomas accounted for 41%, embryonal tumours for 17%, other gliomas for 10%, ependymomas for 7%, rarer subtypes for 20% and unspecified tumours for 5%. Incidence of tumours classified as malignant and non-malignant by ICD-O-3 increased by 30 and 137% respectively between 1971-75 and 2006-10. CONCLUSIONS: Total incidence was similar to that in other large western countries. Deficits of some, predominantly low-grade, tumours or differences in their age distribution compared with the United States and Nordic countries are compatible with delayed diagnosis. Complete registration regardless of tumour behaviour is essential for assessing burden of disease and changes over time. This is particularly important for pilocytic astrocytoma, because of its recent downgrading to non-malignant and time trends in the proportion of astrocytomas with specified subtype

    Quadruped Pupper Robotics: Dynamics and Control

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    The purpose of this project is to provide insights on the Pupper Robot, from Hands-On Robotics (handsonrobotics.org), for future studies and research. The Hands-On Robotics (HOR) team aims to provide robotics kits and educational curricula to explore agile locomotion, motor control, and AI for community colleges and high schools. We worked with the HOR team in this project to help them better achieve their goals. The main objectives of this project include: 1. Build the robot and analyze the dynamical behaviors of the robot. 2. Investigate the robot control from both hardware and software perspectives. 3. Design a new gait for the Pupper Robot. 4. Create an implementation guide for future groups, documenting knowledge we have learned during the project. By the end of this project, we achieved the following: A. Built a fully functioning robot. B. Investigated the theoretical underpinnings of quadruped robots, including inverse kinematics and gait generation theories. C. Understood and reflected on the control structure of the robot. D. Implemented a new jumping gait which allows the robot to leap forward and land on balance. E. Composed detailed guides on robot building instructions, controller files installation, simulator installation, and simulator modifications