1,783 research outputs found

    Thomas M. Ward, DIVINE IDEAS

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    This study compared the lower limb coordination of the previously injured leg of ACL injured participantsparticipants (ACLr, n=18), against their non-injured leg and a control (nACL, n=18) leg. The lower limb joint and segment couplings were calculated during maximal drop-jump land and unanticipated cutting task. Differences between the previously injured and nACL control leg were present in all but one of the lower limb joint and segment couplings. Differences between the previously injured and nACL control leg were present in the hip rotation - knee abduction adduction, and knee rotation knee abduction adduction couplings. The hip and thigh were the main areas where differences were reported. Altered proximal neuromuscular function may be the origin of these altered coordination patterns

    Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Late-Life Depression: Higher Global Connectivity and More Long Distance Connections

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging recordings in the resting-state (RS) from the human brain are characterized by spontaneous low-frequency fluctuations in the blood oxygenation level dependent signal that reveal functional connectivity (FC) via their spatial synchronicity. This RS study applied network analysis to compare FC between late-life depression (LLD) patients and control subjects. Raw cross-correlation matrices (CM) for LLD were characterized by higher FC. We analyzed the small-world (SW) and modular organization of these networks consisting of 110 nodes each as well as the connectivity patterns of individual nodes of the basal ganglia. Topological network measures showed no significant differences between groups. The composition of top hubs was similar between LLD and control subjects, however in the LLD group posterior medial-parietal regions were more highly connected compared to controls. In LLD, a number of brain regions showed connections with more distant neighbors leading to an increase of the average Euclidean distance between connected regions compared to controls. In addition, right caudate nucleus connectivity was more diffuse in LLD. In summary, LLD was associated with overall increased FC strength and changes in the average distance between connected nodes, but did not lead to global changes in SW or modular organization

    Community effects in regulation of translation

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    Certain forms of translational regulation, and translation itself, rely on long-range interactions between proteins bound to the different ends of mRNAs. A widespread assumption is that such interactions occur only in cis, between the two ends of a single transcript. However, certain translational regulatory defects of the Drosophila oskar (osk) mRNA can be rescued in trans. We proposed that inter-transcript interactions, promoted by assembly of the mRNAs in particles, allow regulatory elements to act in trans. Here we confirm predictions of that model and show that disruption of PTB-dependent particle assembly inhibits rescue in trans. Communication between transcripts is not limited to different osk mRNAs, as regulation imposed by cis-acting elements embedded in the osk mRNA spreads to gurken mRNA. We conclude that community effects exist in translational regulation

    EEG as a translational biomarker and outcome measure in fragile X syndrome

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    Targeted treatments for fragile X syndrome (FXS) have frequently failed to show efficacy in clinical testing, despite success at the preclinical stages. This has highlighted the need for more effective translational outcome measures. EEG differences observed in FXS, including exaggerated N1 ERP amplitudes, increased resting gamma power and reduced gamma phase-locking in the sensory cortices, have been suggested as potential biomarkers of the syndrome. These abnormalities are thought to reflect cortical hyper excitability resulting from an excitatory (glutamate) and inhibitory (GABAergic) imbalance in FXS, which has been the target of several pharmaceutical remediation studies. EEG differences observed in humans also show similarities to those seen in laboratory models of FXS, which may allow for greater translational equivalence and better predict clinical success of putative therapeutics. There is some evidence from clinical trials showing that treatment related changes in EEG may be associated with clinical improvements, but these require replication and extension to other medications. Although the use of EEG characteristics as biomarkers is still in the early phases, and further research is needed to establish its utility in clinical trials, the current research is promising and signals the emergence of an effective translational biomarker

    Plato: a localised orbital based density functional theory code

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    The Plato package allows both orthogonal and non-orthogonal tight-binding as well as density functional theory (DFT) calculations to be performed within a single framework. The package also provides extensive tools for analysing the results of simulations as well as a number of tools for creating input files. The code is based upon the ideas first discussed in Sankey and Niklewski (1989) [1] with extensions to allow high-quality DFT calculations to be performed. DFT calculations can utilise either the local density approximation or the generalised gradient approximation. Basis sets from minimal basis through to ones containing multiple radial functions per angular momenta and polarisation functions can be used. Illustrations of how the package has been employed are given along with instructions for its utilisation

    'Ode to Colin Wiggins', in Flight: Drawing Interpretations

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    ‘Ode to Colin Wiggins’ -A project by Andrew Kenny in collaboration with the National Gallery The National Gallery was founded ‘to give the people an ennobling enjoyment’ and this democratic approach to high-art was something I wanted to explore with this project. My original aim was to find out how people today gained this ‘ennobling enjoyment’ and in particular, how it related to my own specialism of Textiles for Fashion. To do this I asked my undergraduate textiles students to visit the gallery and pick out two or three paintings that appealed to them. I then filmed them at the gallery talking about what it was that they liked about them and how they inspired their own practice. I was accompanied on these interviews by Colin Wiggins, Head of Education at the NG and asked him to talk to the student and myself about each painting after the interview. I was stuck not only by Colin’s vast knowledge of the paintings, but also by how he managed to bring each one to life by connecting its story directly to the life in interests of the student. I decided that, as Colin had been such an inspiration, it might be nice to dedicate the project to him and his inspiring narratives of the paintings. To draw from this research I explored the textile medium of patchwork to represent the storytelling that I found so inspiring. My final piece, entitled ‘Ode to Colin Wiggins’ takes the form of a full-scale embroidered and printed patchwork quilt and brings together many drawings based on the interviews that I conducted. The process used to drawing the picture of Colin (featured centrally on the quilt) connects the embroidery with the paintings and the history of the paintings with their modern narratives. It was created by subverting the use of a CAD embroidery machine by attaching a paintbrush to the head of a CAD embroidery machine. The needle on the machine is prevented from going down and fabric was replaced in the embroidery hoop by paper which was dragged underneath the paintbrush producing strokes and marks which look like stitches. The embroidered and printed patches around his head, and the magazine in his arms visually represent the stories and narratives for the interviews. This work was part of a larger project executed by researchers of London College of Fashion’s Drawing Hub in collaboration with the National Gallery over the period of a year. The research was presented at a symposium in May 2013 at LCF and the results of this work and shown in an event at the National Gallery on 14th June 2013. ‘Flight: Drawing Interpretations’ was an exhibition that brought together a group of researchers from London College of Fashion who, over a period of a year, engaged directly with the collection at the National Gallery in London in response to the theme of ‘Flight’. The process of drawing as a means of investigation, of thinking and articulating ideas, played a pivotal role in the development of this research. Late Night Exhibition at the National Gallery showcased this research

    Where Next?: Mapping and Understanding the Post First Degree Destinations of Mature Disadvantaged Students in three Higher Education Institutions

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    Executive summary (draft for An Pobal conference 24/Sept/09,). The study explored the post first-degree destinations (employment, postgraduate education or otherwise) of students designated as being ‘mature disadvantaged’ in three Irish higher education institutions: NUI Maynooth, Trinity College Dublin and Technological University of Dublin. This research attempts to fill a noticeable gap in the ‘access story’ which firmly supports the entry of mature disadvantaged students to HE and has devised a range creative, innovative and targeted measures to enable matures students to stay the course but has rarely looked at how these students view HE or what happens after graduation. This is despite the fact that there is a well elaborated, and widely diffused, discourse within access policy which claims that measurable economic benefits result from such measures both for the State and the students themselves. Through extensive research amongst graduates this report outlines the economic, social and personal benefits of participation in higher education based on their stories and judgements. The report also identifies some of the continuing obstacles to access and the barriers to further progression in their career or graduate studies. Through gathering qualitative and quantitative data the study aims to: 1. Map the post-first degree destinations of those students who have entered HE via an access programme or equivalent in the past 7 years; 2. Explore the processes and experiences of these ex-students transition from HE into (or back into) workplace or other arenas; 3. Investigate the ex-students reflections on their motivations to entering HE, expectations and experiences. It is logical to assume that aims 1) & 2) are closely linked, however to be able to adequately describe and explain any outcomes, it is critical that they are located within the lifeworlds of the ex-students and particularly how their experiences of Higher Education may have shaped their destinations after their first degree. Aim 3) is a retrospective component of the study, it enables students to reflect on their experience and evaluate whether their original expectations were realized. The research specifically focused on the: • The relationship between experiences of being in HE institutions and • post degree destinations; • The relationship between type of first degree and ‘choice’ of • destination; • The kind and form of supports offered and provided by HE institutions to help students in their career decision making; • The identification of and relationship between non-HE factors (e.g. finance, family context, position in life-cycle, gender, ethnicity, geographical mobility etc) and destinations; • Short and long-term expectations of career paths; • Perceived barriers to secure graduate employment and the job application process; • Expectations and experience of the type and nature of employment post first degree. The research gathered numerical and non-numerical data. Numerical data was gathered by a detailed survey questionnaire using a sampling frame from which a stratified random sample was selected for interview. The questionnaire yielded significant information that was further explored in individual face to face interviews and focus groups. Though ambitious targets are set by state agencies for mature disadvantage progression to Higher Education (HEA, 2008) and progress has been made the research has found that the reality falls slightly short of the targets, in most institutions. Women outnumber men in accessing HE. Finance is a major factor with many graduating in debt as a result. The state support through BTEI and other grants is essential though not sufficient. The vast majority of students worked while studying. Nonetheless the vast majority, with only few exceptions, have positive experience of their years of study. They deeply value the college experience, the learning, the qualification and, more often than not, the various HE institutions to which they belonged. In part, this is linked to overcoming previous educational exclusion earlier in their lives. For many graduates one of the most important aspects of their experience of tertiary education is that it strengthened their sense of confidence and agency. This included for many the sense that they were better placed to engage in the world around them and in their communities. The effort and sacrifices made by students were considerable and personal determination and focus were the primary characteristics of the stories graduates told. Nonetheless, for most of the interviewees community based education and access programmes were a vital springboard into tertiary education. In college students relied on various supports such as grants, BTEI and access offices. Generally, graduates felt that without all, or nearly all, of these supports HE would not have been a realistic option for them. Although, financial and institutional support were important, and peer support was vital. By far, the most valued resource for these non-traditional students was the support they received from their families. This included the students’ family of origin and in particular their parents who in their early years encouraged learning, curiosity and engagement with questioning and discussion. This support continued through the years of study through financial and emotional support given by students’ own families and their siblings. One of key motivations of students was to be able to bring their learning, and their example, back into the family for their children and their partners. The financial rewards for graduates are not huge although 52% did increase their income. Though levels of unemployment are low among graduates (8%) these figures are higher than expected as a result of information available from the colleges. Many students were focused on using their qualification to escape from low status, unstimulating and low paid work. A degree was a bridge to finding work that was more meaningful, or had longer holidays, more job security and required greater levels of intellectual and emotional engagement. In particular a marked number of graduates are choosing to work and start a career in education. In general this commitment to education for themselves and their families the value placed on learning and the role they see education as having amongst peers and neighbours led us to conclude that a grassroots version of the ‘learning society’ is flourishing amongst mature disadvantaged students. The overall finding is that the experience was worth it and that the escape from poverty though a long journey is significantly consolidated by the achievement of a university degree. However, most of the graduates we met did not come from the most disadvantaged sections of Irish society and if they did had, over time, through family and work, managed to overcome high levels of deprivation before entering HE. Key findings and recommendations: • Higher Education has become increasingly normative in Irish society. Eliminating poverty means ensuring that the broad conditions for decent life are available. This includes access to higher education. • Working to eliminate poverty is a multifaceted process and interventions that enhance the ability of families to encourage, support and value learning, are crucial. Without such measures a commitment to ‘lifelong learning’ is simply rhetorical. • Improving access and increasing participation requires successful targeted activity across a broad continuum of educational spaces from schools to further education to higher education and graduation. • Continue funding for access and support from Adult Basic Education through to university. • The paths from poverty are long, incremental and take time with few guarantees that the journey will be successful. Graduates rightly perceive higher education as an important marker on this journey. The continued support for mature disadvantaged to progress needs to be sustained and enhanced, even in difficult economic times. Investment in education is part of the economic and social infrastructure. Maintaining free fees and the other modest financial supports for mature disadvantaged will yield personal, family, community and social benefits. Even though many of these benefits are not easily measured in economic terms higher education has a role in furthering social inclusion, active citizenship and community cohesion. • Widening participation, particularly for women, requires more comprehensive crèche and childcare facilities for parents. • The issue of career advice before and after degree was highlighted by many respondents. There is a need to enhance specific career supports for matures students. • Ensure wider dissemination of information about financial and social supports for disadvantaged mature students. The HEA should improve data collection and provide more disaggregated data on non-traditional students to evaluate the effectiveness of access policies
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