642 research outputs found

    Rabbit skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase. The calmodulin binding domain as a potential active site-directed inhibitory domain.

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    Journal ArticleA synthetic peptide modeled after the calmodulin (CaM)-binding domain of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase, Lys-Arg-Arg-Trp-Lys5-Lys-Asn-Phe-Ile-Ala10-Val-Ser-Ala-Ala-+ ++Asn15-Arg-Phe-Glycyl amide (M5), inhibited the CaM-independent chymotryptic fragment of the enzyme, C35 (Edelman, A. M., Takio, K., Blumenthal, D. K., Hansen, R. S., Walsh, K. A., Titani, K., and Krebs, E. G. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 11275-11285), with a Ki of 3.2 +/- 2.1 microM. Inhibition was competitive with respect to the peptide substrate Lys-Lys-Arg-Ala-Ala5-Arg-Ala-Thr-Ser-Asn10-Val-Phe-Ala and was of the noncompetitive linear mixed type with respect to ATP. M5 and homologues with a serine residue substituted at positions 9, 13, or 14 were phosphorylated with the following order of preference: M5(Ser9) greater than M5(Ser13) much greater than M5(Ser14) greater than M5. The order of preference observed agreed with that predicted by comparison of the sequence of these peptides with the phosphorylation sites of myosin P-light chains. Both inhibition of C35 by M5 and phosphorylation of M5 and its serine-substituted homologues were severely curtailed by the addition of a stoichiometric excess of CaM over peptide. Thus, synthetic peptides modeled after the CaM-binding domain of skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase can function as calmodulin-regulated active site-directed inhibitors of the enzyme

    Modifiable risk factors for dementia, and awareness of brain health behaviors: Results from the Five Lives Brain Health Ireland Survey (FLBHIS)

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    Up to 40% of dementias globally are attributable to modifiable risk factors. Many existing studies examining attitudes to brain health are limited by a failure to consider a range of pertinent risk factors and associated barriers to protective behaviors. In Ireland, self-reported knowledge of dementia is poor compared to other conditions. In this context, the current study aimed to explore exposure to and awareness of specific modifiable risk factors for dementia. We also aimed to investigate whether exposure to these risk factors is associated with demographic and socioeconomic factors. A cross-sectional survey was administered to 555 voluntary participants in February 2022. The survey captured the following information: (1) Sociodemographic factors; (2) Exposure to, as well as knowledge of modifiable risk factors for dementia, namely diet, social interaction, exercise, hypertension, sleep, depression, smoking, alcohol consumption, cognitive stimulation, hearing impairment, diabetes, air pollution, and head injury. The study population comprised 551 participants (50.3% male; 49.6% female). Mean age was 59.7 years. Modifiable risk factors for dementia were prevalent. Relative to females, male gender was significantly associated with multiple risk factors. Whilst 65.6% of participants believed that lifestyle improvements can decrease a person’s risk of developing dementia, only 31.4% believed that dementia could be prevented. Head injury (90.9%, n = 500), low mental stimulation (85.3%, n = 469), and alcohol consumption (77.8%, n = 428) were the three most commonly recognized risk factors. Awareness was significantly greater in both university groups (undergraduate and postgraduate) for multiple risk factors. Our findings demonstrate that the distribution of exposure to modifiable risk factors for dementia is unequal across gender and age groups, and that awareness levels vary across risk factors. These findings highlight that focus surrounding dementia prevention should shift toward individual risk profiling and should be tailored toward an individual’s specific needs

    Wound care challenges in children and adults with spina bifida: An open-cohort study

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    Skin breakdown is a frequent concern for individuals with spina bifida. We explored wound incidence in patients with spina bifida and how it varies across a person\u27s life span and functional neurologic level. We examined the settings in which skin breakdown most commonly occurred, looking for evidence of chronic, non-healing wounds. We also sought to develop criteria to improve wound monitoring. We identified reported wound episodes in an open-cohort study over a 13-year period, examining the hospital and outpatient clinical records of spina bifida patients at Children\u27s National Medical Center (CNMC). Current age, age at wound presentation, sex, weight, functional neurologic level, wound location, setting in which the wound was acquired, the development of a chronic wound, and presence of a shunt were recorded. Of the 376 patients in our clinical population, 123 (average age: 18.8 years, range: infancy–56 years) developed a total of 375 wounds; the majority of patients who developed one wound went on to develop one or more additional wounds, and 20 patients developed chronic wounds. Our data suggest that age bracket (adolescents), wheelchair use, and bare feet, as well as possibly obesity and reduced executive functioning, are key risk factors for wound development. These findings have led to a focused effort to increase wound education and prevention. In addition we report on our early experience using a wound care specialist to champion this initiative

    Demonstration of an Integrated Pest Management Program for Wheat in Tajikistan

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    Citation: Landis, D. A., Saidov, N., Jaliov, A., El Bouhssini, M., Kennelly, M., Bahlai, C., . . . Maredia, K. (2016). Demonstration of an Integrated Pest Management Program for Wheat in Tajikistan. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 7(1), 9. doi:10.1093/jipm/pmw010Citation: Landis, D., Saidav, N., . . . & Maredia, K. (2016). Demonstration of an Integrated Pest Management Program for Wheat in Tajikistan. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 7(1), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1093/jipm/pmw010Wheat is an important food security crop in central Asia but frequently suffers severe damage and yield losses from insect pests, pathogens, and weeds. With funding from the United States Agency for International Development, a team of scientists from three U.S. land-grant universities in collaboration with the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas and local institutions implemented an integrated pest management (IPM) demonstration program in three regions of Tajikistan from 2011 to 2014. An IPM package was developed and demonstrated in farmer fields using a combination of crop and pest management techniques including cultural practices, host plant resistance, biological control, and chemical approaches. The results from four years of demonstration/research indicated that the IPM package plots almost universally had lower pest abundance and damage and higher yields and were more profitable than the farmer practice plots. Wheat stripe rust infestation ranged from 30% to over 80% in farmer practice plots, while generally remaining below 10% in the IPM package plots. Overall yield varied among sites and years but was always at least 30% to as much as 69% greater in IPM package plots. More than 1,500 local farmers-40% women-were trained through farmer field schools and field days held at the IPM demonstration sites. In addition, students from local agricultural universities participated in on-site data collection. The IPM information generated by the project was widely disseminated to stakeholders through peer-reviewed scientific publications, bulletins and pamphlets in local languages, and via Tajik national television

    Refining a Nordmøre-grid bycatch reduction device for the Spencer Gulf penaeid-trawl fishery

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    Incremental refinements were made to a generic Nordmøre-grid to minimise bycatches of blue swimmer crabs Portunus armatus and giant cuttlefish Sepia apama, while maintaining catches of western king prawns Melicertus latisulcatus in the Spencer Gulf penaeid-trawl fishery. These refinements involved varying bar spaces, escape-exit areas and guiding-panel lengths, and were compared against a conventional trawl. Catches of teleosts and M. latisulcatus largely remained unaffected by the changes. Maximum reductions in P. armatus and S. apama bycatches (both ~90%) were achieved with a Nordmøre-grid comprising 38-mm bar spaces, 0.81- or 1.05-m2 escape exits and a 2.7-m guiding panel. Catching fewer P. armatus should reduce abrasion and crushing of M. latisulcatus in the codend and so increase the value of this targeted species. While noting some unresolved operational concerns, these results demonstrate the potential improvements in selectivity in this fishery using a Nordmøre-grid, primarily by mechanical separation

    Spectra disentangling applied to the Hyades binary Theta^2 Tau AB: new orbit, orbital parallax and component properties

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    Theta^2 Tauri is a detached and single-lined interferometric-spectroscopic binary as well as the most massive binary system of the Hyades cluster. The system revolves in an eccentric orbit with a periodicity of 140.7 days. The secondary has a similar temperature but is less evolved and fainter than the primary. It is also rotating more rapidly. Since the composite spectra are heavily blended, the direct extraction of radial velocities over the orbit of component B was hitherto unsuccessful. Using high-resolution spectroscopic data recently obtained with the Elodie (OHP, France) and Hermes (ORM, La Palma, Spain) spectrographs, and applying a spectra disentangling algorithm to three independent data sets including spectra from the Oak Ridge Observatory (USA), we derived an improved spectroscopic orbit and refined the solution by performing a combined astrometric-spectroscopic analysis based on the new spectroscopy and the long-baseline data from the Mark III optical interferometer. As a result, the velocity amplitude of the fainter component is obtained in a direct and objective way. Major progress based on this new determination includes an improved computation of the orbital parallax. Our mass ratio is in good agreement with the older estimates of Peterson et al. (1991, 1993), but the mass of the primary is 15-25% higher than the more recent estimates by Torres et al. (1997) and Armstrong et al. (2006). Due to the strategic position of the components in the turnoff region of the cluster, these new determinations imply stricter constraints for the age and the metallicity of the Hyades cluster. The location of component B can be explained by current evolutionary models, but the location of the more evolved component A is not trivially explained and requires a detailed abundance analysis of its disentangled spectrum.Comment: in press, 13 pages, 10 Postscript figures, 5 tables. Table~4 is available as online material. Keywords: astrometry - techniques: high angular resolution - stars: binaries: visual - stars: binaries: spectroscopic - stars: fundamental parameter

    Bilateral Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage in a Patient with Confirmed COVID-19

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    Bilateral basal ganglia hemorrhage is exceedingly rare. To our knowledge, our patient is the first reported case of a confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patient who had bilateral basal ganglia hemorrhage. In the absence of other risk factors for bilateral deep cerebral involvement, we suspect that COVID-19 may be contributing to these rare pathologies. Most published data represent a correlation between COVID-19 and neurologic complications, and more research is still needed to prove causation
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