20,675 research outputs found

    Electrotransport in metals electroluminescence in zinc telluride

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    (i) ELECTROTRANSPORT IN METALS The effects of an applied electric field on diffusion in metals is discussed. Frequently, under high current densities, and for temperatures in the diffusion range, a directed displacement of the diffusion species results. This mass transport is described by the term electrotransport. The major theoretical considerations relevant to the development of this topic are described, with particular emphasis on derivations which have been applied to the interpretation of experimental results. Previous experimental investigations of electrotransport in metals are reviewed.The results of experiments on electrotransport of indium, using a radioactive isotope technique, are presented. The investigations are concerned with the electrotransport of the isotope In114m in solid gold, thin gold films and thin indium films. Electrotransport phenomena in thin films have not previously been investigated in any detail. The results are amenable to interpretation in terms of the interaction of electrons with an activated complex associated with the diffusing species.(ii) ELECTROLUMINESCENCE IN ZINC TELLURIDE This section reports on the electroluminescent properties of the II VI semiconducting compound zinc telluride. Previous investigations into the preparation of zinc telluride crystals and the optical, electrical and electroluminescent properties of the material are reviewed. The results of an experimental programme concerned with the preparation of zinc telluride crystals and the electroluminescent properties of devices fabricated from several forms of the material are presented. Relatively simple contacting and processing techniques are utilised and the electroluminescence is primarily associated with metal :semiconductor junctions and contact barrier regions. Particular emphasis is placed on the observation of room- temperature electroluminescence in zinc telluride as this has not been the subject of previous detailed investigation. The incorporation of oxygen in the crystals results in radiative recombinations in which temperature quenching of the emission is not pro- nounced. This results in considerable improvement in room- tempera- ture emission efficiencies; the associated emission is located in the red region of the visible spectrum. Other forms of zinc telluride investigated include nominally undoped and semi -insulating single crystals and also polycrystalline material. The potential of electroluminescent devices based on these various forms of zinc telluride as room -temperature visible emitters is evaluated. Possible mechanisms of electroluminescence are discussed

    Methyl 2-amino-5-iso­propyl-1,3-thia­zole-4-carboxyl­ate

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    The title compound, C8H12N2O2S, forms a supramolecular network based on N-HN hydrogen-bonded centrosymmetric dimers that are linked in turn by N-HO contacts

    Effect of a Spin-1/2 Impurity on the Spin-1 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain

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    Low-lying excited states as well as the ground state of the spin-1 antiferro- magnetic Heisenberg chain with a spin-1/2 impurity are investigated by means of a variational method and a method of numerical diagonalization. It is shown that 1) the impurity spin brings about massive modes in the Haldane gap, 2) when the the impurity-host coupling is sufficiently weak, the phenomenological Hamiltonian used by Hagiwara {\it et al.} in the analysis of ESR experimental results for NENP containing a small amount of spin-1/2 Cu impurities is equivalent to a more realistic Hamiltonian, as far as the energies of the low-lying states are concerned, 3) the results obtained by the variational method are in semi-quantitatively good agreement with those obtained by the numerical diagonalization.Comment: 11 pages, plain TeX (Postscript figures are included), KU-CCS-93-00

    CPT- and B-Violation: The p-pbar Sector

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    The CPT symmetry of relativistic quantum field theory requires the total lifetimes of particles and antiparticles be equal. Detection of pbar lifetime shorter than tau_p > O(10^32) yr would signal breakdown of CPT invariance, in combination with B-violation. The best current limit on tau_pbar, inferred from cosmic ray measurements, is about one Myr, placing lower limits on CPT-violating scales that depend on the exact mechanism. Paths to CPT breakdown within and outside ordinary quantum mechanics are sketched. Many of the limiting CPT-violating scales in pbar decay lie within the weak-to-Planck range.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, .sty file included; based on contribution to CPT98 Conference; minor changes, accepted by Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Fabrication and properties of gallium phosphide variable colour displays

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    The unique properties of single-junction gallium phosphide devices incorporating both red and green radiative recombination centers were investigated in application to the fabrication of monolithic 5 x 7 displays capable of displaying symbolic and alphanumeric information in a multicolor format. A number of potentially suitable material preparation techniques were evaluated in terms of both material properties and device performance. Optimum results were obtained for double liquid-phase-epitaxial process in which an open-tube dipping technique was used for n-layer growth and a sealed tipping procedure for subsequent p-layer growth. It was demonstrated that to prepare devices exhibiting a satisfactory range of dominant wavelengths which can be perceived as distinct emission colors extending from the red through green region of the visible spectrum involves a compromise between the material properties necessary for efficient red emission and those considered optimum for efficient green emission

    Planet formation around low mass stars: the moving snow line and super-Earths

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    We develop a semi-analytic model for planet formation during the pre-main sequence contraction phase of a low mass star. During this evolution, the stellar magnetosphere maintains a fixed ratio between the inner disk radius and the stellar radius. As the star contracts at constant effective temperature, the `snow line', which separates regions of rocky planet formation from regions of icy planet formation, moves inward. This process enables rapid formation of icy protoplanets that collide and merge into super-Earths before the star reaches the main sequence. The masses and orbits of these super-Earths are consistent with super-Earths detected in recent microlensing experiments.Comment: accepted by ApJ Letter

    Phase Diagram of the Spin-One Heisenberg System with Dimerization and Frustration

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    We use the density matrix renormalization group method to study the ground state properties of an antiferromagnetic spin-11 chain with a next-nearest neighbor exchange J2 J_2 ~ and an alternation δ\delta of the nearest neighbor exchanges. We find a line running from a gapless point at (J2,δ)=(0,0.25±0.01)(J_2 , \delta) = (0, 0.25 \pm 0.01) upto an almost gapless point at (0.725±0.01,0(0.725 \pm 0.01, 0 such that the open chain ground state is 44-fold degenerate below the line and is unique above it. A disorder line 2J2+δ=12 J_2 + \delta = 1 runs from δ=0\delta =0 to about δ=0.136\delta =0.136. To the left of this line, the peak in the structure factor S(q)S(q) is at π\pi, while to the right of the line, it is at less than π\pi.Comment: 11 pages, plain TeX, 3 figures available on reques

    Solitonic excitations in the Haldane phase of a S=1 chain

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    We study low-lying excitations in the 1D S=1S=1 antiferromagnetic valence-bond-solid (VBS) model. In a numerical calculation on finite systems the lowest excitations are found to form a discrete triplet branch, separated from the higher-lying continuum. The dispersion of these triplet excitations can be satisfactorily reproduced by assuming approximate wave functions. These wave functions are shown to correspond to moving hidden domain walls, i.e. to one-soliton excitations.Comment: RevTex 3.0, 24 pages, 2 figures on request by fax or mai

    The superconducting phase transition and gauge dependence

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    The gauge dependence of the renormalization group functions of the Ginzburg-Landau model is investigated. The analysis is done by means of the Ward-Takahashi identities. After defining the local superconducting order parameter, it is shown that its exponent β\beta is in fact gauge independent. This happens because in d=3d=3 the Landau gauge is the only gauge having a physical meaning, a property not shared by the four-dimensional model where any gauge choice is possible. The analysis is done in both the context of the ϵ\epsilon-expansion and in the fixed dimension approach. It is pointed out the differences that arise in both of these approaches concerning the gauge dependence.Comment: RevTex, 3 pages, no figures; accepted for publication in PRB; this paper is a short version of cond-mat/990527

    Quantum Field Theory of Forward Rates with Stochastic Volatility

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    In a recent formulation of a quantum field theory of forward rates, the volatility of the forward rates was taken to be deterministic. The field theory of the forward rates is generalized to the case of stochastic volatility. Two cases are analyzed, firstly when volatility is taken to be a function of the forward rates, and secondly when volatility is taken to be an independent quantum field. Since volatiltiy is a positive valued quantum field, the full theory turns out to be an interacting nonlinear quantum field theory in two dimensions. The state space and Hamiltonian for the interacting theory are obtained, and shown to have a nontrivial structure due to the manifold moving with a constant velocity. The no arbitrage condition is reformulated in terms of the Hamiltonian of the system, and then exactly solved for the nonlinear interacting case.Comment: 7 Figure