36 research outputs found


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    The mol­ecular skeleton of the title mol­ecule, C11H6I2S9, is nearly planar [maximum deviation 0.052 (3) Å] except for the two methyl groups. In the crystal, mol­ecules related by translation along b axis are associated into columns through π–π inter­actions between the five-membered rings, with a centroid–centroid distance of 3.593 (5) Å. Inter­action between adjacent columns is accomplished by short S⋯I contacts of 3.2099 (4) Å


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    The mol­ecular framework of the title compound, C11H7IOS8, is almost planar [maximum deviation = 0.040 (4) Å], except for the two methyl­sulfanyl groups, which are twisted relative to the mol­ecular skeleton, making C—S—C—C torsion angles of 144.1 (8) and −141.3 (8)°. In the crystal, mol­ecules are stacked alternately in opposite orientations, forming a one-dimensional column parallel to [110]. The primary inter­actions between mol­ecules comprising the columns are of the S⋯S type [3.554 (1) Å]. Inter­actions between columns are of the S⋯S type [3.411 (1) along b and 3.444 (1) Å along c], as well as S⋯I contacts [3.435 (2) Å]


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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C9H4S7, contains two independent mol­ecules, in one of which the central five-membered ring is disordered over two orientations in a 0.924 (3):0.076 (3) ratio. The mol­ecular skeleton is almost planar: the average distance of the atoms from their mean plane is 0.128 (7) Å in the ordered mol­ecule, and 0.088 (5) and 0.123 (2) Å in the major and minor disorder components, respectively. The ordered and disordered mol­ecules form separate columns by stacking along the b axis. Adjacent columns inter­act via short S⋯S [3.33 (2), 3.434 (3), 3.444 (2), 3.503 (2), 3.519 (3) and 3.53 (4) Å] and S⋯H [2.814 (2), 2.87 (7), 2.92 (2), 2.9269 (18), 2.93 (2), 2.94 (2), 2.939 (2), 2.967 (2) and 2.974 (1) Å] contacts