370 research outputs found

    Fourier Coefficients of a Class of Eta Quotients of Weight 12 with Level 12

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    Recently, Williams and then Yao, Xia and Jin discovered explicit formulas for the coefficients of the Fourier series expansions of a class of eta quotients. Williams expressed all coefficients of 126 eta quotients in terms of σ(n),σ(n/2),σ(n/3) and σ(n/6) and Yao, Xia and Jin, following the method of proof of Williams, expressed only even coefficients of 104 eta quotients in terms of σ3(n),σ3(n/2),σ3(n/3) and σ3(n/6). Here, we will express the even Fourier coefficients of 2 eta quotients i.e., the Fourier coefficients of the sum, f(q)+f(-q), of 2 eta quotients in terms of σ5(n),σ5(n/2),σ5(n/3),σ5(n/4),σ5(n/6),σ5(n/12),σ11(n),σ11(n/2),σ11(n/3),σ11(n/4),σ11(n/6),σ11(n/12),Ï„(n)(tau function),Ï„(n/2),Ï„(n/3),Ï„(n/4),Ï„(n/6),Ï„(n/12) and the odd Fourier coefficients of 393 eta quotients in terms of σ5(n),σ5(n/2),σ5(n/3),σ5(n/4),σ5(n/6),σ5(n/12),σ11(n),σ11(n/2),σ11(n/3),σ11(n/4),σ11(n/6),σ11(n/12),Ï„(n),Ï„(n/2),Ï„(n/3),Ï„(n/4),Ï„(n/6),Ï„(n/12) and f13,...,f19

    Impact of R&D Expences on Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from the Bist Information Technology Index

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    The relationship between R&D expenses and firm performance has been discussed and carefully studied for many years.  Vast amount of research have been carried to figure out whether this relationship exist or not. Some researchers suggest that there is no relationship between R&D expenses and firm performance, others put forward the existence of negative or positive realtionship. It can be asserted that possible existence as an useful information can be consumed by managers to increase the market value of firms. In that respect, the main aim of this research is to reveal the relationship between R&D and  firm performance by taking into account 10 companies that are listed on the BIST Information Index for 5 years periods (between 2009 and 2013). In order to accomplish this purpose, we employed pooled regresion model and cross sectional time series analysis technique. In general, although negative and positive coefficients are found, almost, all of them is not statistically significant. In other words, according to outcomes, it can be claimed that there is no  relationship  between R&D and firm performance which is line with previous studies

    Food Quality Certificates and a Research on Effect of Food Quality Certificates to Determinate Ignored Level of Buying Behavioral: A Case Study in HITIT University Feas Business Department

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    Nowadays, food and food industry has become one of the most important sectors for manufacturers and consumers.  Many countries of the world including Turkey have been developed and implemented many standards for food safety and presentation of food to ensure safe consumption. In this study, we studied on the most common of these standards through HACCP and ISO 22000 standards. The purpose of this study is, to determine students' awareness and ignores of level of food quality and food quality certification during their food shopping. This research has conducted with survey in the Hittite University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business Administration by 256 students are attending to this department. Department student number is 775 in totally. We have determined some hypotheses in the context of research and we applied cluster analysis, chi-square analysis and correlation analysis to the research. According to results of a significant relationship was found between hypotheses. We considered 260 students. After calculating with 0,95 confidence interval and 0,05 tolerance we have to reach 258 students. We used the Cronbach’s Alfa for testing the reliability of survey. Cronbach’s Alfa is settled between 0 and 1 and for reliability of scale and it must be over 0,60 for acceptance to survey. Our survey’s scale has been 0,79 and we can said that, it is a reliable scale for this survey study. According to result of research, there is no relationship between demographic specialties of students and ignored of food and quality legislation. But there is relationship between sexuality and ignored of food and quality legislation. JEL Codes: M31, M39 Keywords: Quality, Food Safety, Food Quality Standards, HACCP, ISO 2200


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    The working capital like cash and liquid assets runs the facilities and supports daily activities of firms. This kind of capital is essential to continuity of activities, increase of volume, maintain credibility, reduce impacts of risks and to overcome with extraordinary situation. The working capital management is very important for making profits from activities, especially for dynamic sectors like aviation.The aviation industry which airline companies operate is a very dynamic sector. In this sector working capital has to be managed very professionally and carefully by airline companies. This study aims to assess the airline companies’ working capital in terms of effectiveness. Airline companies which shares traded on BIST will be sample of this study


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    There are a lot of factors, which ones affect to the growth of economy. According to some economists mention that one of those factors is the foreign direct investment. In this study we examined the impact of the foreign direct investments to Turkey’s economic growth which ones come to Turkey during 2003-2013 periods. Data’s were obtained from the websites of official institutions of related organizations that includes 2003-2013 periods. The relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth was tested by using Granger causality analyzes. In conclusion, in 2003-2013 periods, there has been no significant causal relationship between economic growth and foreign direct investment in Turkey

    The Effects Of Global Economic Crisis of 2008 to Financial Statements and Liquidity Ratios Which Companies are Settled In BIST Energy Sector (2005-2013 Term Review)

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    Abstract. Aim of this study is to compare and analyze whether the 2008 global economic crisis affected the balance of the energy companies which are listed in the İstanbul Stock Exchange and have shown continuity in 2005-2013 period by using a variety of analyzing methods. Companies that demonstrate continuity between the years 2005-2013 were not assessed in this study. Horizontal and vertical analyses were made on the financial statements of the companies which are evaluated and liquidity ratios were assessed. As a result of the analysis the companies have been found to be affected to different degrees by the crisis

    Expansion for Who, Markets or the Poor?

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    Abstract: In this study we examine the impacts of monetary expansion policies executed by the Federal Reserve on poverty in the United States of America. It has been discussed in various studies that the Fed’s expansionary monetary policies create a less positive impact on economy as a whole than financial sector. In this study, the expansionary effects of policies on the poor living in America will be discussed. The main thesis of the study is that the poor living in the United States benefited less from expansionary monetary policies than either financial sector or the US economy as a whole. When discussing the thesis of the study both employed and unemployed poor will be discussed. Therefore, it will be questioned that the decrease in the unemployment rate is the indicator of the fight against poverty. Indicators such as indices and interest rates in the financial markets, and indicators such as growth rates and unemployment rates in the non-financial markets are regarded as essential indicators but as for poverty it’s hard to find such regarded indicators. Unfortunately, there are not too many statistics about the poor living in the United States in the reports of the international organizations. Thus the main trouble of the study is that international comparisons are almost impossible. Therefore, various indicators produced by the U.S. government agencies of various indicators will be used in this study

    Structural analysis and functional characteristics of greenhouses in the Mediterranean region of Turkey

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    This study was carried out to determine the structural analysis and functional characteristics of the greenhouses in the Mediterranean region where 87% of the greenhouse production area in Turkey is concentrated. Information about types, material and construction properties, placement and arrangement of greenhouses in the research area was gathered by questionnaires; then greenhouses in enterprises were divided into three groups based on the covering material, load bearing materials anddirectional placement. Five greenhouse types with the most economic cross-section were selected and loads acting on structural members of these were calculated. The stretch ratios, resulting from loads acting on beams of each greenhouse, were analyzed by SAP2000 program. Also, the stretch ratios as per whether greenhouse types and covering materials have a statistically significant effect were examined. According to the obtained data, it was found that all of the selected greenhouses could notcarry the dead and/or dynamic loads safely. It was also obtained that covering material has a significant effect on dead loads but not on dynamic loads at 0.05 probability levels whereas dead and dynamicloads were significantly affected by structural materials of the  greenhouses


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    In this study, the financial performances of SMEs listed in the BIST SME Industrial Index are evaluated by using TOPSIS multicriteria decision-making method. The data of the study acquired from annual financial statements that reported between the 2016-2018 period. Financial performance ranks of SMEs are determined for each year and thus comparative financial performances of SMEs are detected.BIST SME Industrial Index is an index that includes stocks of industrial SMEs traded in BIST Stars, BIST Main, and BIST Emerging Companies markets. SMEs have great importance for the Turkish economy, with their dynamizing roles and with their crucial roles in regional development and job creation. According to the Turkey Statistical Institute data, Turkish SMEs constitute 99.8 % of all enterprises in Turkey. At the same time, Turkish SMEs provide 72.7% of total employment, 62% of total sales, and 58% of the total investments of the Turkish Economy.Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is one of the multicriteria decision-making methods that commonly used in the evaluation of financial performances of firms. The TOPSIS method is based on two main points: the positive ideal solution and the negative ideal solution. With the help of the TOPSIS method, the distances positive ideal solutions and negative ideal solutions of all options are calculated. Options are ranked according to their proximity to the positive ideal solution and their distance to the negative ideal solution.

    The Women Employees within the Frame of Social Responsibility and an Analyse

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    Abstract: In many resources, corporate social responsibility is defined as an organization's ethic and responsible attitude towards all the partners in and outside of the instruction, it’s taking the decisions accordingly and apply them.In the researches that have been carried out recently, the concept of "partner" stands out. Institutions have relations with some certain partners such as consumers, advertisers and workers and so on as these groups include women as well. That is the reason why the studies should be carried out considering the women.This concept has a great role in increasing the number of the social responsibility projects of the institutions that put emphasize on women.Although Turkey signed CEDAW (Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women) which is a legally binding contract and many contracts of ILO which aimed at protecting the equality of men and women, and made some certain laws to protect the equality, it was the 126th country of 130 countries according to the Index of Gender Mainstreaming report published by WEF (World Economic Forum) in 2013. In this regard, the need to replace women in the centre of social responsibility projects is inevitable
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