206 research outputs found


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    Objective: To investigate the biochemical events that are associated with the skin softening, cleansing and wound healing properties of the cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) sap extract.Methods: Preparation of cucumber sap extract (CSE). Assay of CSE for proteolytic activity, plasma re-calcification time, APTT, PT, thrombin-like activity, plasmin-like activity, and effect on platelet aggregation and wound healing property by physical, biochemical and histological examinations. Appropriate positive and negative controls were maintained wherever necessary.Results: CSE decreased the plasma re-calcification time and prothrombin time (PT) and showed factor VII (pro-convertin) like activity. EGTA or EDTA pre-treated CSE did not alter the plasma recalcification time and PT. CSE readily hydrolyzed the plasma clot and azocasein; while, IAA pre-treated CSE did not hydrolyze the plasma clot and azocasein. CSE inhibited the agonists collagen, ADP and epinephrine induced platelet aggregation in PRP in the order epinephrine>collagen>ADP with the respective IC50 of 22 ± 2.5, 20 ± 3 and 11 ± 2 µg/ml. PMSF pre-treated but not IAA and EDTA pre-treated CSE lost the platelet aggregation inhibition property. Further, CSE augmented wound healing process including the scar removal in a mouse model. The SOD, CAT, GSH activities and hydroxyproline, hexosamine and hexuronic acid contents were increased while, NO, LPO and MPO activities were decreased compared to control values. Histological study revealed accelerated wound healing involving epithelialisation and re-formation of skin following CSE treatment compared to Neosporin.Conclusion: CSE contain metallo-, serine and cysteine proteases, and interfere in clot formation, dissolution and wound healing process, which validates the use of cucumber as cosmetics and to treat wounds by traditional healers.Â

    Record of stranded whales along Karnataka coast

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    A whale was stranded in the beach of Guijerbettu, Udupi district, Karnataka on 21.12.2001 . The whale was found in live condition. Thelocal person tried to rescue it but was in vain and later it died. The whale was identified as Balaenopteramusculus (Blue whale). Few vertebrae have been collected and preserved in the museum of Mangalore Research Centre of CMFRI for future identification up to the species level. Another whale (genus : Balaenoptera) was stranded in Kota, Udupi district, Karnataka near the shore of Arama temple on 11.08.2004 in decayed condition

    Major and minor fisheries harbours of India 2. Fisheries harbours and fishery in Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka and Goa States

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    Karnataka Is the fifth largest producer of marine fish In the country. The total coastal length of Karnataka is 300 km, and has got a rich continental shel

    Major and minor fisheries harbours of India 3. The fisheries harbours and fishery in south Karnataka

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    The status of the fisheries harbours, number and type of fishing vessels operating from minor and major fisheries harbours in the region are given in Table 1. There are 3 major harbours and 4 minor harbours in the region

    Fishery, biology and population characteristics of longtail tuna, Thunnus tonggol (Bleeker, 1851) caught along the Indian coast

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    The longtail tuna, Thunnus tonggol, Bleeker, 1851 is an economically important species from commercial and recreational point of view. The species inhabit shelf and oceanic waters of tropical and temperate regions of the Indo-Pacific between 47° N and 33° S (Froese and Pauly, 2009) and generally occupy neritic areas of the oceans close to land masses (Yesaki, 1994)

    Long lining for deep sea sharks at Malpe — A lucrative fishery

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    Recent introduction of long lining for deep sea sharks at Malpe Kolam found as considerable success venture. This is particularly significant at a time when there is no scops for further expansion of trawl or purse seine fishery along this coast. Moreover, this diversification of fishing effort for the exploitation of the unexploited resources of the deep sea sharks of the inshore and offshore waters of the South Kanara coast is a new development

    Fishery and bionomics of the little tuna, Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849) exploited from Indian waters

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    Euthynnus affinis, with an average annual landing of 40,757 t during 2006-2010 formed the bulk (65.1%) of the total coastal tuna catch of the country. The fishery, biology, growth and stock structure of E. affinis was studied in detail. Hooks and lines, gillnets and purseseines were the major gears exploiting the fish. Fishery was sustained mainly by 1 - 2 year old fishes (34 to 50 cm). Size at first maturity was estimated at 37.7 cm and fecundity was 3,08,150 eggs. Spawning was observed round the year with peaks during July-August and November-January. E. affinis was found to be a nonselective generalist feeder foraging on fishes, crustaceans and molluscs. The length–weight is given by the relationship 0.0254 L2.889 with no significant difference between males and females. Age and growth were estimated using length based methods. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated were L∞ = 81.92 cm, annual K= 0.56 and t0 = -0.0317. Mortality estimates were M= 0.93 and Z = 1.68 and F= 0.75 with the exploitation rate E=0.45. The maximum sustainable yield estimated was higher than the average annual catch indicating scope for further exploitation

    An unusual catch of sharks in a purse seine at Malpe, Karnataka

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    An unusual catch of sharks in a purse seine fishery at Malpe on the Dakshlna Kannada coast in Karnataka On 10-10-1990 was observed. A single purse seine boat landed approximately 3.5 tonnes of sharks together with the seerflsh Scomberomorous commerson, (400 kg), catfish Tachysurus serratus (100 kg) and the kingfish Rachycentron canadus (100 kg) . The sharks were identified as the black-tip shark Carcharhtnus limbatus

    Methotrexate promotes platelet apoptosis via JNK-mediated mitochondrial damage: Alleviation by N-acetylcysteine and N-acetylcysteine amide

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    Thrombocytopenia in methotrexate (MTX)-treated cancer and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients connotes the interference of MTX with platelets. Hence, it seemed appealing to appraise the effect of MTX on platelets. Thereby, the mechanism of action of MTX on platelets was dissected. MTX (10 μM) induced activation of pro-apoptotic proteins Bid, Bax and Bad through JNK phosphorylation leading to Îm dissipation, cytochrome c release and caspase activation, culminating in apoptosis. The use of specific inhibitor for JNK abrogates the MTX-induced activation of pro-apoptotic proteins and downstream events confirming JNK phosphorylation by MTX as a key event. We also demonstrate that platelet mitochondria as prime sources of ROS which plays a central role in MTX-induced apoptosis. Further, MTX induces oxidative stress by altering the levels of ROS and glutathione cycle. In parallel, the clinically approved thiol antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and its derivative N-acetylcysteine amide (NACA) proficiently alleviate MTX-induced platelet apoptosis and oxidative damage. These findings underpin the dearth of research on interference of therapeutic drugs with platelets, despite their importance in human health and disease. Therefore, the use of antioxidants as supplementary therapy seems to be a safe bet in pathologies associated with altered platelet functions. © 2015 Paul et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Biology and fishery of the bullet tuna, Auxis rochei (Risso, 1810) in Indian waters

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    Auxis rochei, popularly known as the bullet tuna, is the smallest of all tuna species available in Indian waters. Its distribution is reported from all maritime states but it forms a fishery of commercial importance only in the south-west region (Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka) with targeted fishery being carried out in southern Kerala. The average annual catch (2006- 2010) is estimated at 3,131 t, constituting 2.8% of the total tuna landings. Commercial exploitation is mainly by gillnets and small hook and lines with the 0-1 yr old fishes comprising bulk of the commercial catch. The length-weight relationship was estimated as W=0.0076L3.249 with no significant difference between the sexes. Size at first maturity was estimated at 23.6 cm and fecundity estimated was 12,03,258. A. rochei spawns throughout the year with peak during July-September. Zooplankton, fishes and crustaceans were the dominant food items recorded. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated were L∞= 42.3 cm, K= 0.61 yr-1 and t0= -0.0337. Mortality estimates were M=1.18 and Z=5.90 and F=4.72 with a high exploitation rate of E=0.80, calling for appropriate management measures to be adopted for continued exploitation at sustainable levels