131 research outputs found

    Spontaneous regression of pulmonary herniation in 3 days: rare case report

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    Pulmonary herniation can be defined as protrusion of pulmonary tissue and pleura from an abnormal opening at thoracic wall, diaphragm or mediastinum. Herniation is mainly localized at thoracic, cervical and diaphragmatic regions. Congenital herniation generally occurs as a result of costal agenesis/hypogenesis or absence of intercostal muscles. It is striking that up to 30% of acquired cases occur spontaneously. It is mostly seen in patients with weakness of thoracic wall or in case of acute increase in intrathoracic pressure such as severe coughs. Blunt or penetrating traumas resulting in rib fracture or separation of costal joint cause traumatic pulmonary herniation. In our case a 45-years old female presented to emergency department with height from fall and pain at right flank. On chest radiograph, there was rib fracture at higher level on right hemithorax. No marked pneumothorax was observed. On thorax CT scan, displaced rib fracture at right upper ribs, small amount of hemithorax and parenchymal contusion were observed but no pneumothorax was seen. In addition, right hemithorax, interruption at anterolateral thoracic wall at the level of lateral segment of middle lobe and pulmonary herniation (6x3 cm in size) at the same level were observed. Routine biochemical tests were normal in the patient. During 3-days follow-up, the pain at right flank relieved gradually. Such a large pulmonary hernia is usually treated surgically. However, as we have seen in our case, spontaneous regression can be seen unexpectedly.

    Psychological adjustment in children and fencing: A descriptive research: Çocuklarda ruhsal uyum ve eskrim sporu: Betimsel bir araştırma

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    The aim of research is describe the psychological adjustment levels of fencing students at ages 6-11 through their parents and teachers. 42 male and 38 female fencing students participated in the research. In order to determine the psychological adjustment level of the participants, a personal information form and Hacettepe Psychological Adjustment Scale filled out by the parents and teachers. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and Mann Whitney-U analysis were applied to the data set. As a result of the analyzes, it was found that there was a negative correlation between sport age and psychological maladjustment levels (p <0.05). It is thought that fencing positively affect children’s psychological adjustment level. However, there was a significant difference between parent and teacher evaluations (p <0.05). It can be mentioned that teachers see children more flawlessly and in harmony while evaluating, or that children exhibit behavioral problems in the school environment at a lower rate than in the home environment.  It is thought that the obtained data can be a guide resource for longitudinal and experimental studies to be conducted on the potential of fencing sports to effect the psychological adjustment levels of children. ​Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.   Özet Araştırmanın amacı, 6-11 yaş aralığında eskrim sporu yapan çocukların nevrotik ve davranış sorun boyutları ile bunların bileşkesi olan ruhsal uyum düzeylerini, ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmaya eskrim sporu yapan 42 erkek ve 38 kız çocuk katılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan sporcuların ruhsal uyum düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla ebeveyn ve öğretmenlerine kişisel bilgi formu ve Hacettepe Ruhsal Uyum Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veri setine, tanımlayıcı istatistikler, Pearson kolerasyon çarpımı ve Mann Whitney-U analizleri uygulanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, spor yaşı ile ruhsal uyumsuzluk düzeyleri arasında negatif yönde orta düzeyde ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Eskrim sporunun çocukların ruhsal uyum düzeylerini olumlu yönde etkilediği düşünülmektedir. Bununla birlikte ebeveyn ve öğretmen değerlendirmeleri arasında ise anlamlı farklılık olduğu saptanmıştır (p<0,05). Öğretmenlerin değerlendirme yaparken çocukları daha kusursuz ve uyumlu gördükleri veya çocukların okul ortamında davranış sorunlarını ev ortamına göre daha düşük oranda sergilediklerinden söz edilebilir. Elde edilen verilerin, eskrim sporunun çocukların ruhsal uyum düzeylerini etkileme potansiyeli ile ilgili yapılacak olan boylamsal ve deneysel çalışmalara bir fikir kaynağı olabileceği düşünülmektedir

    Bioinspired Selective Surface Deposition of Fragrance Delivery Systems

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    The perception of pleasantness in many of the consumer goods is provided by volatile chemical compounds called fragrances. While the volatility of fragrances is essential to provide a pleasant olfactory response, it presents at the same time a technological problem, such that their premature evaporation and degradation may occur prior to the application during the storage. Another crucial aspect that affects the performance of the consumer goods is the deposition of these delivery systems to the target of interest. The potential strategies to improve the deposition of fragrance delivery systems are much less explored compared to their preparation and predominantly based on the physiochemical optimization of the surface/interface properties, such as hydrophobicity and charge of the existing delivery systems. However, the extent of depositions achieved using these strategies are typically modest. Phage display is an in vitro evolutionary selection technique that is widely used to identify substrate selective short peptide ligands. Although it has been predominantly used to isolate biomolecule binding ligands, its scope has been expanded in the last decade and it has also found use to identify hard and soft material binders. From this aspect, phage display may also provide short peptide ligands that can bind to i. e. cotton and hair surfaces under laundry and hair wash conditions. These ligands can be considered as a tool to improve the deposition of any fragrance delivery system upon their chemical incorporation via orthogonal functional groups. This Thesis aims to explore the feasibility of phage display identified peptides to selectively deposit fragrance delivery systems on cotton fabric and human hair surfaces and it can be subdivided into 4 Chapters. Chapter 1 provides a summary for the identification and characterization of soft matter binding peptides via phage display. Herein, soft matter will be subdivided into three general classes: synthetic polymers, small organic molecules and natural polymers. Chapter 2 proposes a general synthetic method for the preparation of water soluble peptide-polymer conjugates that proceeds at mild conditions without the requirement of peptide protecting groups. Chapter 3 describes the preparation of fragrance delivery systems that can selectively deposit onto cotton fabric under laundry wash conditions. The Chapter will first show the identification of cotton fabric binding peptides via phage display experiments. In the next steps, the strongest cotton binding peptide will be incorporated into two different model fragrance delivery systems that are based on linear polymers and nanoparticles. Chapter 4 applies the general strategy described in Chapter 3 to a more challenging task: Selectively depositing fragrance delivery systems onto hair under shampoo conditions. First, the feasibility of phage display to identify hair binding peptides under shampoo conditions will be demonstrated. Subsequently, two of the peptide-polymer conjugates described in Chapter 2 will be used as a model for hair targeting fragrance delivery systems. In the final section, the influence of the stringency of the shampoo conditions as well as the steric hindrance in the peptide terminal domains to the deposition of these peptides onto hair will be assessed

    Ülkelere Ait Genel Bilgileri ve Gezilecek Yerleri Gösteren Mobil Uygulama

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    Yüksek Lisans Bitirme ProjesiYüksek lisans bitirme tezimizde ios işletim sistemine sahip mobil cihazlarda çalışan bir uygulama oluşturdum. Bu mobil uygulamamızın amacı bir turistin veya sıradan bir vatandaşın gitmek istediği ülkeye ait genel bilgileri ve o ülkeye ait gezilecek yerleri,yapılacak aktiviteleri gösteren bir mobil cihazlarda çalışan bir uygulama yapmaktır. Bu mobil uygulamayı yaparken mühendislik birikimlerimden faydalanarak oluşturmaya gayret gösterdim. Aynı zaman da uygulama kodlarını oluştururken Apple’ın geliştirmiş olduğu “Swift” programlama dilini kullandım

    Peritoneal mesothelioma: Contribution of computerized tomography and magnetic

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    Objective: In this article, we review radiologic findingsof malignant peritoneal mesothelioma with our patientarchives. We also want to determine importance of radiologicfindings about differential diagnosis of malignantperitoneal mesothelioma.Materials and methods: We scanned our patient archiveof mesothelioma between 2008 and 2012 years. We included15 patients with peritoneal mesothelioma whounderwent computerized tomography (CT) or magneticresonance imaging (MRI) at their initial diagnosis.Results: We found peritoneal irregularity and nodularthickening in 11 patients (73.3%), diffuse peritoneal thickening(omental cake) in 5 patients (33.3%), ascites in 9patients (60%), extension of adjunct tissue and hepaticmetastases in only one patient (6.6%).Conclusion: The diagnosis of peritoenal malignant mesotheliomamay be difficult with only clinical findings. CTand MRI are helpful to diagnose and show spread of disease,but tissue biopsy is required for the definitive diagnosis.Key words: Magnetic resonance imaging, mesothelioma,peritoneum, diagnosi

    Comprehensive Analysis of Prognostic Factors Affecting Postoperative Mortality in Adult Patients Undergoing Lower Extremity Amputation due to Diabetic Foot Ulcer

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    Aim:Mortality is significantly increased in patients undergoing amputation for diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). The new biomarkers prognostic nutritional index (PNI), C-reactive protein (CRP)/albumin ratio, and comorbidities may help predict prognosis. This study aimed to determine the factors affecting mortality in DFU patients undergoing amputation.Methods:This study is a retrospective case series of patients who underwent lower extremity amputation due to DFU between 2016 and 2018. Data on demographics, clinical information, laboratory test results, comorbidities, hospital stays, re-amputations, and complications were recorded. PNI was calculated using serum albumin concentration and lymphocyte count.Results:A total of 97 patients (21 females and 76 males) were analyzed in the study, with 18 patients having bilateral lower extremity amputations (foot amputation, below-knee amputation, and above-knee amputation). The mean age was 64.48 years, and the mean follow-up period was 34.27 months. The mean length of hospital stay was 19.09 days, with a mean of 1.34 days spent in the intensive care unit. Preoperative laboratory test results showed a mean creatinine level of 1.4 mg/dL, a urea level of 55.22 mg/dL, an albumin level of 2.8 g/L, and a fasting blood glucose level of 168.8 mg/dL. The mean preoperative PNI was 39.31, and the mean CRP/albumin ratio was 42.51. Intensive care unit admission, CRP/albumin ratio, and CRP levels significantly affect 1-year postoperative mortality. The cut-off value for CRP as determined by receiver operating characteristic analysis was 89.9 mg/L. No significant association was found between comorbidities and mortality.Conclusion:We demonstrated that comorbidities and the new biomarker PNI did not affect mortality. CRP levels, intensive care unit admission, and the new predictor CRP/albumin ratio significantly affected 1-year mortality

    Recurrent hydatidiform moles: detection of a new mutation in the NLRP7 gene in the family

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    Hydatidiform moles are the most common type of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Hyperproliferative vesicular trophoblasts and imperfect fetal development are abnormal pregnancies, and recurrent hydatidiform moles are rare. Mutations in NLRP7 are responsible for recurrent hydatidiform mole. Genetic heterogeneity has been demonstrated in patients with the NLRP7 mutation. This study presents our case with gravida 11, parity 0, histopathologically diagnosed with six hydatidiform moles and five missed abortion histories at age 35. Karyotype analyses of the unrelated couple were normal. A genetic examination revealed a novel mutation of the NLRP7 gene in the patient, his brother, and his parents. Detecting a new NLRP7 mutation in recurrent hydatidiform moles cases provides further evidence for the predetermined role of NLRP7 mutations in the pathophysiology of recurrent moles hydatidiform. Based on our findings, we hope to contribute to the literature by expanding the spectrum of recurrent pregnancy loss associated with NLRP7 mutations in patients

    The LIFE TRIAD of emergency general surgery

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    Emergency General Surgery (EGS) was identified as multidisciplinary surgery performed for traumatic and non-traumatic acute conditions during the same admission in the hospital by general emergency surgeons and other specialists. It is the most diffused surgical discipline in the world. To live and grow strong EGS necessitates three fundamental parts: emergency and elective continuous surgical practice, evidence generation through clinical registries and data accrual, and indications and guidelines production: the LIFE TRIAD.Peer reviewe

    Knowledge, awareness, and attitude towards infection prevention and management among surgeons: identifying the surgeon champion

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    Abstract Despite evidence supporting the effectiveness of best practices of infection prevention and management, many surgeons worldwide fail to implement them. Evidence-based practices tend to be underused in routine practice. Surgeons with knowledge in surgical infections should provide feedback to prescribers and integrate best practices among surgeons and implement changes within their team. Identifying a local opinion leader to serve as a champion within the surgical department may be important. The “surgeon champion” can integrate best clinical practices of infection prevention and management, drive behavior change in their colleagues, and interact with both infection control teams in promoting antimicrobial stewardship.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145433/1/13017_2018_Article_198.pd