1,179 research outputs found

    Constitutional rights to supervised drug injection facilities in Canada

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    أصدرت المحكمة العليا بكندا في 30 سبتمبر 2011 أمراً للحكومة الكندية بمواصلة إعفاء مراكز حقن العقاقير المخدرة الخاضعة للرقابة في مدينة فانكوفر من القوانين الجنائية الكندية الخاصة بالعقاقير. لقد استمر عمل هذه العيادة التي تضاربت حولها الآراء، والمعروفة باسم Insite ، لمدة ثماني سنوات في أكثر الأحياء التي تعاني من المشاكل الاجتماعية والتحديات الاقتصادية بسبب الإدمان على المخدرات غير المشروعة. ويعد مركز Insite من المراكز الأولى من نوعها في أمريكا الشمالية، بالرغم من استمرار عمل مراكز حقن المخدرات الخاضعة للرقابة في أوروبا وأستراليا. في هذه المقالة، نستعرض ما أقرته المحكمة بناءً على النتائج الوقائعية لهذه العيادة والأساس الدستوري الذي استند إليه الرفض القضائي لسياسة الحكومة الصحية والجنائية. كما نناقش الآثار المترتبة على هذا القرار بالنسبة إلى المراكز المماثلة في جميع أنحاء كنداOn September 30, 2011, the Supreme Court of Canada ordered the government of Canada to continue to exempt Vancouver's supervised narcotic injection facility from Canada's criminal drug laws. The controversial clinic, known as Insite, had operated for eight years in one of the country's most socially troubled and economically challenged neighbourhoods struggling with addictions to illegal drugs. Insite was the first of its kind in North America, although supervised drug injection facilities continue in Europe and Australia. In this article we describe what the court accepted as the factual outcomes of this clinic and the constitutional basis for this judicial rejection of government health and criminal policy. We also consider the implications of this decision for similar facilities across Canada

    European Methodology for Inspection Qualification - An Overview for the Non-specialist

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    The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the European Network for Inspection and Qualification (ENIQ) Qualification Methodology and how the process of Inspection Qualification is commonly applied within Europe and elsewhere. It is intended as a reference source for a wide audience of engineers and technical staff such as safety engineers, stress analysts etc. who may not be routinely involved with either non-destructive examination or inspection qualification, but who may benefit from a greater understanding and appreciation of the ENIQ Qualification Methodology. It will also benefit those personnel who have a responsibility to provide practical assistance in the preparation of the qualification process.JRC.DDG.F.5-Safety of present nuclear reactor

    Cell biological mechanisms of activity-dependent synapse to nucleus translocation of CRTC1 in neurons.

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    Previous studies have revealed a critical role for CREB-regulated transcriptional coactivator (CRTC1) in regulating neuronal gene expression during learning and memory. CRTC1 localizes to synapses but undergoes activity-dependent nuclear translocation to regulate the transcription of CREB target genes. Here we investigate the long-distance retrograde transport of CRTC1 in hippocampal neurons. We show that local elevations in calcium, triggered by activation of glutamate receptors and L-type voltage-gated calcium channels, initiate active, dynein-mediated retrograde transport of CRTC1 along microtubules. We identify a nuclear localization signal within CRTC1, and characterize three conserved serine residues whose dephosphorylation is required for nuclear import. Domain analysis reveals that the amino-terminal third of CRTC1 contains all of the signals required for regulated nucleocytoplasmic trafficking. We fuse this region to Dendra2 to generate a reporter construct and perform live-cell imaging coupled with local uncaging of glutamate and photoconversion to characterize the dynamics of stimulus-induced retrograde transport and nuclear accumulation

    Brexit Report - Impact on Business Models of Scottish Companies

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    The Brexit Business Model Report is a preliminary assessment of research, interviews and survey results regarding the impact of Brexit on the business models of Scottish companies as they prepare for post-Brexit scenarios. The survey was used to compile data to support research questions gathered during the research and interview process for this graduate class project. Questions were designed to assess how Brexit is impacting the ability of Scottish companies in the areas of business model, contingency planning, supply chain, staffing, innovation, global reach, risk assessment, and opportunities. The questions reflected areas of the business model that may have present and future implications. The answers help measure the Brexit impact on Scottish firms’ business models and the potential for international growth. The upper management of Scottish companies from the “Insider Top 500” list, “FactSet list, and various trade organizations were selected to receive the survey. The focus of this study was on the potential impact of Brexit on Scottish companies’ business models. The survey findings show the importance of understanding the elements of a business model in the Brexit context (see Additional File, Executive Summary below for Business Model Brexit Implications on Scottish Companies based on Key Findings table)

    Constraining the Progenitor Companion of the Nearby Type Ia SN 2011fe with a Nebular Spectrum at +981 Days

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    We present an optical nebular spectrum of the nearby Type Ia supernova 2011fe, obtained 981 days after explosion. SN 2011fe exhibits little evolution since the +593 day optical spectrum, but there are several curious aspects in this new extremely late-time regime. We suggest that the persistence of the 5800\sim5800~\AA\ feature is due to Na I D, and that a new emission feature at 7300\sim7300~\AA\ may be [Ca II]. Also, we discuss whether the new emission feature at 6400\sim6400~\AA\ might be [Fe I] or the high-velocity hydrogen predicted by Mazzali et al. The nebular feature at 5200~\AA\ exhibits a linear velocity evolution of 350\sim350 km s1\rm km\ s^{-1} per 100 days from at least +220 to +980 days, but the line's shape also changes in this time, suggesting that line blending contributes to the evolution. At 1000\sim 1000 days after explosion, flux from the SN has declined to a point where contribution from a luminous secondary could be detected. In this work we make the first observational tests for a post-impact remnant star and constrain its temperature and luminosity to T104T \gtrsim 10^4 K\rm K and L104L \lesssim 10^4 L\rm L_{\odot}. Additionally, we do not see any evidence for narrow Hα\alpha emission in our spectrum. We conclude that observations continue to strongly exclude many single-degenerate scenarios for SN 2011fe.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, published by MNRA

    Staff engagement for practice change in long-term care: evaluating the Feasible and Sustainable Culture Change Initiative (FASCCI) model

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    Context: Interventions aimed at increasing the provision of person-centred care in long-term care (LTC) homes, that do not address contextual and system issues, most often fail. Promoting positive change in LTC homes requires requires a multilevel, systems approach. Objectives: Evaluate the effectiveness of the Feasible and Sustainable Culture Change Initiative (FASCCI) model for improving the provision of person-centred mealtime practices in a LTC home. Methods: A single-group, time series design was used to assess the impact of the FASCCI model for change on outcome measures across four time periods (pre-intervention, 2-month, 4-month and 6-month follow-up). Differences in scores from baseline were assessed utilizing Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Interviews (n = 21) were also conducted to examine treatment fidelity and to ascertain the study participants’ perceptions of the process for making improvements using the FASCCI model. Findings: We observed increases in care staff’s capacity to consistently provide relational and person-centred care during mealtimes. Mealtime environment scores started increasing immediately following the intervention, with statistically significant improvements in all mealtime environment scales by six-months, including: the physical environment (W = 55.00, p = 0.008); social environment (W = 55.00, p = 0.008); relationship-centred care (W = 45.00, p = 0.014); and overall quality of dining environment (W = 55.00, p = 0.010). Analysis of data from qualitative interviews demonstrated that use of the FASCCI model resulted in improved team leadership, communication, and collaborative decision-making. Limitations: Generalizability is limited due to the small sample size and use of convenience sampling methods. Implications: Outcomes indicate that the FASCCI model seems promising in its ability to improve PCC mealtime practices in LTC homes and is worthy of a larger scale study. The results further demonstrate the value of supportive team environments in quality dementia care