568 research outputs found

    Frequency of α-particles from 239PuO2 in lung cells

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    Concepts of microdosimetry

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    This is the first part of an investigation of microdosimetric concepts relevant to numerical calculations. The definitions of the microdosimetric quantities are reviewed and formalized, and some additional conventions are adopted. The common interpretation of the quantities in terms of energy imparted to spherical sites is contrasted with their interpretation as the result of a diffusion process applied to the initial spatial pattern of energy transfers in the irradiated medium

    An algorithm for LET-analysis

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    An algorithm for the derivation of LET-distributions from pulse- height spectra obtained with proportional counters is described. The method is based on Fourier transformation: it is applicable to spherical as well as non-spherical proportional counters. The relation between the energy mean, LD, of LET and the energy mean, yD, of the lineal energy density is given

    Radially restricted linear energy transfer for high-energy protons: A new analytical approach

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    Radially restricted linear energy transfer (LET) is a basic physical parameter relevant to radiation biology and radiation protection. In this report a convenient method is presented for the analytical computation of this quantity without the need for complicated simulation. The method uses the energy-re-stricted LETL, as recently redefined in a 1993 ICRU draft document and supplements it by a relatively simple term that represents the energy of fast rays lost within distancer from the track core. The method provides a better fit than other models and is valid over the entire range of radial distance from track center to the maximum radial distance traveled by the most energetic secondary electrons.L r computed by this approach differs only a few percent from the values Contribution to the international symposium on heavy ions research: space, radiation protection and therapy, 21–24 March 1994, Sophia-Antipolis, Franc

    Der Zeitfaktor

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    Critical levels of energy degradation

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    The variance-covariance method: Microdosimetry in time-varying low dose-rate radiation fields

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    The variance-covariance method is employed at low doses and in radiation fields of low dose rates from an241Am (4 nGy/s) and a90Sr (300 nGy/s) source. The preliminary applications and results illustrate some of the potential of the method, and show that the dose average of lineal energy or energy imparted can be determined over a wide range of doses and dose rates. The dose averages obtained with the variance-covariance method in time-varying fields, for which the conventional variance method is not suitable, agree well with results obtained under the condition of constant dose rate. The results are compared to data obtained in terms of the conventional single-event measurements. The method has evident advantages, such as facility and speed of measurement

    Computation of microdosimetric distributions for small sites

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    Object of this study is the computation of microdosimetric functions for sites which are too small to permit experimental determination of the distributions by Rossi-counters. The calculations are performed on simulated tracks generated by Monte-Carlo techniques. The first part of the article deals with the computational procedure. The second part presents numerical results for protons of energies 0.5, 5, 20 MeV and for site diameters of 5, 10, 100 nm

    Studies of the dose-effect relation

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    Dose-effect relations and, specifically, cell survival curves are surveyed with emphasis on the interplay of the random factors — biological variability, stochastic reaction of the cell, and the statistics of energy deposition —that co-determine their shape. The global parameters mean inactivation dose, , and coefficient of variance, V, represent this interplay better than conventional parameters. Mechanisms such as lesion interaction, misrepair, repair overload, or repair depletion have been invoked to explain sigmoid dose dependencies, but these notions are partly synonymous and are largely undistinguishable on the basis of observed dose dependencies. All dose dependencies reflect, to varying degree, the microdosimetric fluctuations of energy deposition, and these have certain implications, e.g. the linearity of the dose dependence at small doses, that apply regardless of unresolved molecular mechanisms of cellular radiation action

    Comparison of X-ray and gamma-ray dose-response curves for pink somatic mutations in Tradescantia clone 02

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    Microdosimetric data indicate that the mean specific energy,zeta, produced by individual charged particles from X rays and gamma rays is different for the two radiation qualities by nearly a factor of two. In order to test whether this influences the initial, linear component in the dose-effect relations, a comparison was made between dose-response curves for pink somatic mutations inTradescantia clone 02 stamen hairs following X and gamma irradiations. Absorbed doses ranged from 2.66 to 300 rad. The results are in agreement with predictions made on the basis of microdosimetric data. At low doses gamma rays are substantially less effective than X rays. The RBE of gamma rays vs. X rays at low doses was approximately 0.6, a value lower than those usually reported in other experimental systems
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