1,361 research outputs found

    Coulomb crystal mass spectrometry in a digital ion trap

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    We present a mass spectrometric technique for identifying the masses and relative abundances of Coulomb-crystallized ions held in a linear Paul trap. A digital radio-frequency wave form is employed to generate the trapping potential, as this can be cleanly switched off, and static dipolar fields are subsequently applied to the trap electrodes for ion ejection. Close to 100% detection efficiency is demonstrated for Ca+ and CaF+ ions from bicomponent Ca+ − CaF+ Coulomb crystals prepared by the reaction of Ca+ with CH3F. A quantitative linear relationship is observed between ion number and the corresponding integrated time-of-flight (TOF) peak, independent of the ionic species. The technique is applicable to a diverse range of multicomponent Coulomb crystals—demonstrated here for Ca+ − NH3+ − NH4+ and Ca+ − CaOH+ − CaOD+ crystals—and will facilitate the measurement of ion-molecule reaction rates and branching ratios in complicated reaction systems

    Complete phase retrieval of photoelectron wavepackets

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    Coherent, broadband pulses of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light provide a new and exciting tool for exploring attosecond electron dynamics. Using photoelectron streaking, interferometric spectrograms can be generated that contain a wealth of information about the phase properties of the photoionization process. If properly retrieved, this phase information reveals attosecond dynamics during photoelectron emission such as multielectron dynamics and resonance processes. However, until now, the full retrieval of the continuous electron wavepacket phase from isolated attosecond pulses has remained challenging. Here, after elucidating key approximations and limitations that hinder one from extracting the coherent electron wavepacket dynamics using available retrieval algorithms, we present a new method called Absolute Complex Dipole transmission matrix element reConstruction (ACDC). We apply the ACDC method to experimental spectrograms to resolve the phase and group delay difference between photoelectrons emitted from Ne and Ar. Our results reveal subtle dynamics in this group delay difference of photoelectrons emitted form Ar. These group delay dynamics were not resolvable with prior methods that were only able to extract phase information at discrete energy levels, emphasizing the importance of a complete and continuous phase retrieval technique such as ACDC. Here we also make this new ACDC retrieval algorithm available with appropriate citation in return

    Warming Increases Pollen Lipid Concentration in an Invasive Thistle, with Minor Effects on the Associated Floral-Visitor Community

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    Climate warming is likely to change the ways in which plants interact with their insect mutualists, for example through changes in phytochemistry. In particular, this may have implications for the ways in which we manage noxious weeds, which may spread more quickly if they experience stronger mutualistic interactions. We grew the invasive nodding thistle, Carduus nutans, in two experimental treatments in the field: either passively warmed with open top chambers or at ambient temperatures. We collected pollen from thistles in each treatment and analysed the total protein, lipid, and carbohydrate content. We observed no difference in the pollen protein or carbohydrate content, but the total lipid content of the pollen was significantly higher in warmed plants. We conducted a total of 12.75 h of observations of putatively mutualistic, flower-visiting insects. In addition, we spent 4.17 h collecting bees that visited thistle inflorescences in the treatments, allowing us to identify them to species. We found a significant increase in the abundance of flower-visiting insects in the observations, but not bee abundance in collections. In addition, there was no treatment effect on the number of flower-visiting morphotypes in the observations, or bee species richness in the collections. However, a nonparametric test did identify a significant effect of warming on the composition of flower-visiting morphotypes in observations and bee species in collections. Overall, the warming treatment significantly increased lipid content of the pollen, but had relatively weak effects on insect visitation patterns. However, these effects may be amplified at larger spatial and temporal scales or higher temperatures

    Isolating attosecond electron dynamics in molecules where nuclei move fast

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    Capturing electronic dynamics in real time has been the ultimate goal of attosecond science since its beginning. While for atomic targets the existing measurement techniques have been thoroughly validated, in molecules there are open questions due to the inevitable copresence of moving nuclei, which are not always mere spectators of the phototriggered electron dynamics. Previous work has shown that not only can nuclear motion affect the way electrons move in a molecule, but it can also lead to contradictory interpretations depending on the chosen experimental approach. In this Letter we investigate how nuclear motion affects and eventually distorts the electronic dynamics measured by using two of the most popular attosecond techniques, reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transitions and attosecond streaking. Both methods are employed, in combination with ab initio theoretical calculations, to retrieve photoionization delays in the dissociative ionization of H2, H2 → H+ + H + E -, in the region of the Q1 series of autoionizing states, where nuclear motion plays a prominent role. We find that the experimental reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transitions results are very sensitive to bond softening around the Q1 threshold (27.8 eV), even at relatively low infrared (IR) intensity (I0 ∼ 1.4 × 1011 W/cm2), due to the long duration of the probe pulse that is inherent to this technique. Streaking, on the other hand, seems to be a better choice to isolate attosecond electron dynamics, since shorter pulses can be used, thus reducing the role of bond softening. This conclusion is supported by very good agreement between our streaking measurements and the results of accurate theoretical calculations. Additionally, the streaking technique offers the necessary energy resolution to accurately retrieve the fast-oscillating phase of the photoionization matrix elements, an essential requirement for extending this technique to even more complicated molecular target

    Dopamine neuronal loss contributes to memory and reward dysfunction in a model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Alterations of the dopaminergic (DAergic) system are frequently reported in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and are commonly linked to cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms. However, the cause of DAergic system dysfunction in AD remains to be elucidated. We investigated alterations of the midbrain DAergic system in the Tg2576 mouse model of AD, overexpressing a mutated human amyloid precursor protein (APPswe). Here, we found an age-dependent DAergic neuron loss in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) at pre-plaque stages, although substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) DAergic neurons were intact. The selective VTA DAergic neuron degeneration results in lower DA outflow in the hippocampus and nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell. The progression of DAergic cell death correlates with impairments in CA1 synaptic plasticity, memory performance and food reward processing. We conclude that in this mouse model of AD, degeneration of VTA DAergic neurons at pre-plaque stages contributes to memory deficits and dysfunction of reward processing

    Taxonomic shifts in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities with shade and soil nitrogen across conventionally managed and organic coffee agroecosystems

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    The composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities should reflect not only responses to host and soil environments, but also differences in functional roles and costs vs. benefits among arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The coffee agroecosystem allows exploration of the effects of both light and soil fertility on AMF communities, because of the variation in shade and soil nutrients farmers generate through field management. We used high-throughput ITS2 sequencing to characterize the AMF communities of coffee roots in 25 fields in Costa Rica that ranged from organic management with high shade and no chemical fertilizers to conventionally managed fields with minimal shade and high N fertilization, and examined relationships between AMF communities and soil and shade parameters with partial correlations, NMDS, PERMANOVA, and partial least squares analysis. Gigasporaceae and Acaulosporaceae dominated coffee AMF communities in terms of relative abundance and richness, respectively. Gigasporaceae richness was greatest in conventionally managed fields, while Glomeraceae richness was greatest in organic fields. While total AMF richness and root colonization did not differ between organic and conventionally managed fields, AMF community composition did; these differences were correlated with soil nitrate and shade. OTUs differing in relative abundance between conventionally managed and organic fields segregated into four groups: Gigasporaceae associated with high light and nitrate availability, Acaulosporaceae with high light and low nitrate availability, Acaulosporaceae and a single relative of Rhizophagus fasciculatus with shade and low nitrate availability, and Claroideoglomus/Glomus with conventionally managed fields but uncorrelated with shade and soil variables. The association of closely related taxa with similar shade and light availabilities is consistent with phylogenetic trait conservatism in AM fungi

    Preclinical Testing of Erlotinib in a Transgenic Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma Mouse Model

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma is an aggressive childhood malignancy, accounting for more than 50% of all soft-tissue sarcomas in children. Even with extensive therapy, the survival rate among alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma patients with advanced disease is only 20%. The receptor tyrosine kinase Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) has been found to be expressed and activated in human rhabdomyosarcomas. In this study we have used a genetically engineered mouse model for alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS) which faithfully recapitulates the human disease by activating the pathognomic Pax3:Fkhr fusion gene and inactivating p53 in the maturing myoblasts. We have demonstrated that tumors from our mouse model of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma express EGFR at both the mRNA and protein levels. We then tested the EGFR inhibitor, Erlotinib, for its efficacy in this mouse model of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Surprisingly, Erlotinib had no effect on tumor progression, yet mice treated with Erlotinib showed 10–20% loss of body weight. These results suggest that EGFR might not be an a priori monotherapy target in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma

    Contrasting patterns of functional diversity in coffee root fungal communities associated with organic and conventionally managed fields

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    The structure and function of fungal communities in the coffee rhizosphere are influenced by crop environment. Because coffee can be grown along a management continuum from conventional application of pesticides and fertilizers in full sun to organic management in a shaded understory, we used coffee fields to hold host constant while comparing rhizosphere fungal communities under markedly different environmental conditions with regard to shade and inputs. We characterized the shade and soil environment in 25 fields under conventional, organic, or transitional management in two regions of Costa Rica. We amplified the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region of fungal DNA from coffee roots in these fields and characterized the rhizosphere fungal community via high-throughput sequencing. Sequences were assigned to guilds to determine differences in functional diversity and trophic structure among coffee field environments. Organic fields had more shade, a greater richness of shade tree species, and more leaf litter and were less acidic, with lower soil nitrate availability and higher soil copper, calcium, and magnesium availability than conventionally managed fields, although differences between organic and conventionally managed fields in shade and calcium and magnesium availability depended on region. Differences in richness and community composition of rhizosphere fungi between organic and conventionally managed fields were also correlated with shade, soil acidity, and nitrate and copper availability. Trophic structure differed with coffee field management. Saprotrophs, plant pathogens, and mycoparasites were more diverse, and plant pathogens were more abundant, in organic than in conventionally managed fields, while saprotroph-plant pathogens were more abundant in conventionally managed fields. These differences reflected environmental differences and depended on region