3 research outputs found

    Initiation of aberrant DNA methylation patterns and heterogeneity in precancerous lesions of human hepatocellular cancer

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    <p>While intratumor heterogeneity contributes to disease progression, metastasis, and resistance to chemotherapy, it also provides a route to understanding the evolution and drivers of disease. Defects in epigenetic landscapes are intimately linked to pathogenesis of a variety of human diseases, with epigenetic deregulation promoting tumorigenesis. Understanding epigenetic heterogeneity is crucial in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), where epigenetic alterations are frequent, early, and pathogenic events. We determined genome-wide DNA methylation and copy number variation leveraging the Infinium 450K in a series of regenerative nodules from within single patient livers. Bioinformatics strategies were used to ascertain within-patient heterogeneity, link epigenetic changes to clinical features, and determine their relevance to disease pathogenesis. Our data demonstrate that DNA methylation and copy number alterations evolve during the pre-neoplastic phase of HCC and independently segregate regenerative nodules into distinct clusters. Regenerative nodules with a high frequency of epigenetic changes have significantly lower copy number variation, suggesting that individual nodules have differential enrichment of epigenetic and genetic components, with both contributing to disease progression. Regenerative nodules were scored based on ‘epigenetic progression’ with higher scores associated with increased proliferation measured by Ki67 staining. Early events observed in epigenetically ‘aggressive’ nodules are enriched for genes involved in liver cancer. Our study demonstrates that marked epigenetic and genetic heterogeneity exists in early pre-neoplastic liver tissue within individual patients, emphasizing the potential contributions of each mechanism to driving liver disease progression, and it unveils strategies for identifying epigenetic drivers of hepatocellular carcinoma.</p

    Nucleosome positioning changes during human embryonic stem cell differentiation

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    <p>Nucleosomes are the basic unit of chromatin. Nucleosome positioning (NP) plays a key role in transcriptional regulation and other biological processes. To better understand NP we used MNase-seq to investigate changes that occur as human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) transition to nascent mesoderm and then to smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Compared to differentiated cell derivatives, nucleosome occupancy at promoters and other notable genic sites, such as exon/intron junctions and adjacent regions, in hESCs shows a stronger correlation with transcript abundance and is less influenced by sequence content. Upon hESC differentiation, genes being silenced, but not genes being activated, display a substantial change in nucleosome occupancy at their promoters. Genome-wide, we detected a shift of NP to regions of higher G+C content as hESCs differentiate to SMCs. Notably, genomic regions with higher nucleosome occupancy harbor twice as many G↔C changes but fewer than half A↔T changes, compared to regions with lower nucleosome occupancy. Finally, our analysis indicates that the hESC genome is not rearranged and has a sequence mutation rate resembling normal human genomes. Our study reveals another unique feature of hESC chromatin, and sheds light on the relationship between nucleosome occupancy and sequence G+C content.</p

    High fat diet and exercise lead to a disrupted and pathogenic DNA methylome in mouse liver

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    <p>High-fat diet consumption and sedentary lifestyle elevates risk for obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and cancer. Exercise training conveys health benefits in populations with or without these chronic conditions. Diet and exercise regulate gene expression by mediating epigenetic mechanisms in many tissues; however, such effects are poorly documented in the liver, a central metabolic organ. To dissect the consequences of diet and exercise on the liver epigenome, we measured DNA methylation, using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing, and transcription, using RNA-seq, in mice maintained on a fast food diet with sedentary lifestyle or exercise, compared with control diet with and without exercise. Our analyses reveal that genome-wide differential DNA methylation and expression of gene clusters are induced by diet and/or exercise. A combination of fast food and exercise triggers extensive gene alterations, with enrichment of carbohydrate/lipid metabolic pathways and muscle developmental processes. Through evaluation of putative protective effects of exercise on diet-induced DNA methylation, we show that hypermethylation is effectively prevented, especially at promoters and enhancers, whereas hypomethylation is only partially attenuated. We assessed diet-induced DNA methylation changes associated with liver cancer-related epigenetic modifications and identified significant increases at liver-specific enhancers in fast food groups, suggesting partial loss of liver cell identity. Hypermethylation at a subset of gene promoters was associated with inhibition of tissue development and promotion of carcinogenic processes. Our study demonstrates extensive reprogramming of the epigenome by diet and exercise, emphasizing the functional relevance of epigenetic mechanisms as an interface between lifestyle modifications and phenotypic alterations.</p