28 research outputs found


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan salah satu program kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh LPPMP dengan tujuan untuk mempersiapkan dan menghasilkan tenaga kependidikan (guru) yang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan secara profesional, sehingga pelaksanaan PPL ini akan sangat membantu mahasiswa dalam memasuki dunia kependidikan dan sebagai sarana untuk menerapkan ilmu yang telah diperoleh selama mengikuti perkuliahan. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (PPL UNY) dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Kasihan Bantul yang berlokasi di Jalan Bugisan Selatan, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan berlangsung selama kurang lebih 2 bulan, terhitung sejak tanggal 15 Juli 2016 sampai dengan 15 September 2016. Pelaksanaan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan dimulai dari observasi hingga praktik mengajar yang terbagi menjadi beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan mengajar, pelaksanaan mengajar, dan evaluasi hasil mengajar. Kegiatan praktik mengajar di kelas dilaksanakan setelah konsultasi Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) kepada guru pembimbing terlebih dahulu. Selain itu, praktikan juga berperan dalam kegiatan sekolah lainnya seperti piket di ruang piket, membantu bagian Tata Usaha (TU), perpustakaan, UKS, dan membantu pelaksanaan Lomba Sekolah Sehat dan berbagai kegiatan insidental lainnya. Dengan adanya pelaksanaan program Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan diharapkan praktikan memiliki bekal untuk menjadi tenaga pendidik (guru) yang profesional. Adapun hasil yang dicapai selama pelaksanaan program Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan mahasiswa memperoleh pengalaman, keterampilan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah dan berbagai kegiatan non mengajar lainnya. Adapun manfaat yang dapat dirasakan oleh mahasiswa berupa penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan praktik keguruan dalam bidang pendidikan Sosiologi yang diperoleh selama mengikuti perkuliahan di Universitas. Dalam pelaksanakan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan terdapat beberapa kendala, salah satunya terkait penerapan kurikulum dan jadwal kegiatan belajar mengajar di SMA Negeri 1 Kasihan. Namun demikian, kendala tersebut dapat diatasi dengan berkonsultasi kepada guru pembimbing dan DPL jurusan, disertai dengan semangat dan kerjasama yang baik dari berbagai pihak yang terkait

    Ancient goat genomes reveal mosaic domestication in the Fertile Crescent.

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    Current genetic data are equivocal as to whether goat domestication occurred multiple times or was a singular process. We generated genomic data from 83 ancient goats (51 with genome-wide coverage) from Paleolithic to Medieval contexts throughout the Near East. Our findings demonstrate that multiple divergent ancient wild goat sources were domesticated in a dispersed process that resulted in genetically and geographically distinct Neolithic goat populations, echoing contemporaneous human divergence across the region. These early goat populations contributed differently to modern goats in Asia, Africa, and Europe. We also detect early selection for pigmentation, stature, reproduction, milking, and response to dietary change, providing 8000-year-old evidence for human agency in molding genome variation within a partner species

    Ancient goat genomes reveal mosaic domestication in the Fertile Crescent

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    Current genetic data are equivocal as to whether goat domestication occurred multiple times or was a singular process. We generated genomic data from 83 ancient goats (51 with genome-wide coverage) from Paleolithic to Medieval contexts throughout the Near East. Our findings demonstrate that multiple divergent ancient wild goat sources were domesticated in a dispersed process that resulted in genetically and geographically distinct Neolithic goat populations, echoing contemporaneous human divergence across the region. These early goat populations contributed differently to modern goats in Asia, Africa, and Europe. We also detect early selection for pigmentation, stature, reproduction, milking, and response to dietary change, providing 8000-year-old evidence for human agency in molding genome variation within a partner species

    TUMBUHAN UNTUK PENGOBATAN: 87 Jenis Penyakit dengan Penanganan Herbal

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    120 hlm; illus;15,5 x 22 c

    Advances and Challenges in Studying Hepatitis B Virus In Vitro

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a small DNA virus that infects the liver. Current anti-HBV drugs efficiently suppress viral replication but do not eradicate the virus due to the persistence of its episomal DNA. Efforts to develop reliable in vitro systems to model HBV infection, an imperative tool for studying HBV biology and its interactions with the host, have been hampered by major limitations at the level of the virus, the host and infection readouts. This review summarizes major milestones in the development of in vitro systems to study HBV. Recent advances in our understanding of HBV biology, such as the discovery of the bile-acid pump sodium-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) as a receptor for HBV, enabled the establishment of NTCP expressing hepatoma cell lines permissive for HBV infection. Furthermore, advanced tissue engineering techniques facilitate now the establishment of HBV infection systems based on primary human hepatocytes that maintain their phenotype and permissiveness for infection over time. The ability to differentiate inducible pluripotent stem cells into hepatocyte-like cells opens the door for studying HBV in a more isogenic background, as well. Thus, the recent advances in in vitro models for HBV infection holds promise for a better understanding of virus-host interactions and for future development of more definitive anti-viral drugs

    Advances and Challenges in Studying Hepatitis B Virus In Vitro

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a small DNA virus that infects the liver. Current anti-HBV drugs efficiently suppress viral replication but do not eradicate the virus due to the persistence of its episomal DNA. Efforts to develop reliable in vitro systems to model HBV infection, an imperative tool for studying HBV biology and its interactions with the host, have been hampered by major limitations at the level of the virus, the host and infection readouts. This review summarizes major milestones in the development of in vitro systems to study HBV. Recent advances in our understanding of HBV biology, such as the discovery of the bile-acid pump sodium-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) as a receptor for HBV, enabled the establishment of NTCP expressing hepatoma cell lines permissive for HBV infection. Furthermore, advanced tissue engineering techniques facilitate now the establishment of HBV infection systems based on primary human hepatocytes that maintain their phenotype and permissiveness for infection over time. The ability to differentiate inducible pluripotent stem cells into hepatocyte-like cells opens the door for studying HBV in a more isogenic background, as well. Thus, the recent advances in in vitro models for HBV infection holds promise for a better understanding of virus-host interactions and for future development of more definitive anti-viral drugs

    Inhibition of pMAPK14 Overcomes Resistance to Sorafenib in Hepatoma Cells with Hepatitis B Virus

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) targets the liver and is a major driver for liver cancer. Clinical data suggest that HBV infection is associated with reduced response to treatment with the multi-kinase inhibitor sorafenib, the first available molecularly targeted anti-hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) drug. Given that Raf is one of the major targets of sorafenib, we investigated the activation state of the Raf-Mek-Erk pathway in the presence of HBV and in response to sorafenib. Here we show that hepatoma cells with replicating HBV are less susceptible to sorafenib inhibitory effect as compared to cells in which HBV expression is suppressed. However, although HBV replication is associated with increased level of pErk, its blockade only modestly augments sorafenib effect. In contrast, the phosphorylated form of the pro-oncogenic Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 14 (pMAPK14), a protein kinase that was recently linked to sorafenib resistance, is induced in sorafenib-treated hepatoma cells in association with HBV X protein expression. Knocking down pMAPK14 results in augmentation of the therapeutic efficacy of sorafenib and largely alleviates resistance to sorafenib in the presence of HBV. Thus, this study suggests that HBV promotes HCC resistance to sorafenib. Combining pMAPK14 inhibitors with sorafenib may be beneficial in patients with HBV-associated HCC