363 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry Breaking and Inflation from Higher Curvature Supergravity

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    The generic embedding of the R+R2R+R^2 higher curvature theory into old-minimal supergravity leads to models with rich vacuum structure in addition to its well-known inflationary properties. When the model enjoys an exact R-symmetry, there is an inflationary phase with a single supersymmetric Minkowski vacuum. This appears to be a special case of a more generic set-up, which in principle may include R-symmetry violating terms which are still of pure supergravity origin. By including the latter terms, we find new supersymmetry breaking vacua compatible with single-field inflationary trajectories. We discuss explicitly two such models and we illustrate how the inflaton is driven towards the supersymmetry breaking vacuum after the inflationary phase. In these models the gravitino mass is of the same order as the inflaton mass. Therefore, pure higher curvature supergravity may not only accommodate the proper inflaton field, but it may also provide the appropriate hidden sector for supersymmetry breaking after inflation has ended.Comment: 41 pages, 21 figures, published versio

    Octonionic Gravitational Instantons

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    We construct eight-dimensional gravitational instantons by solving appropriate self-duality equations for the spin-connection. The particular gravitational instanton we present has Spin(7)Spin(7) holonomy and, in a sense, it is the eight-dimensional analog of the Eguchi-Hanson 4D space. It has a removable bolt singularity which is topologically S^4 and its boundary at infinity is the squashed S^7. We also lift our solutions to ten and eleven dimensions and construct fundamental string and membrane configurations that preserve 1/16 of the original supersymmetries.Comment: 17 pages, latex, no figures. References to earlier works adde

    4d-Flat Compactifications With Brane Vorticities

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    We present solutions in six-dimensional gravity coupled to a sigma model, in the presence of three-brane sources. The space transverse to the branes is a compact non-singular manifold. The example of O(3) sigma model in the presence of two three-branes is worked out in detail. We show that the four-dimensional flatness is obtained with a single condition involving the brane tensions, which are in general different and may be both positive, and another characteristic of the branes, vorticity. We speculate that the adjustment of the effective four-dimensional cosmological constant may occur through the exchange of vorticity between the branes. We then give exact instanton type solutions for sigma models targeted on a general K\"ahler manifold, and elaborate in this framework on multi-instantons of the O(3) sigma model. The latter have branes, possibly with vorticities, at the instanton positions, thus generalizing our two-brane solution.Comment: 8 pages. New references added and minor typos are correcte

    Beta-functions in Yang-Mills Theory from Non-critical String

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    The renormalization group equations of the Yang-Mills theory are examined in the non-critical string theory according to the framework of the holography. Under a simple ansatz for the tachyon, we could find several interesting solutions which are classified by the value of the tachyon potential at the vacuum. We show two typical, asymptotic-free solutions which are different in their infrared behaviors. For both types of solutions, we could obtain quark-confinement potential from the Wilson-loop. The stability of the tachyon and the ZigZag symmetry are also discussed for these solutions.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Yang-Mills theory from non-critical string

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    The correspondence of the non-critical string theory and the Yang-Mills theory is examined according to the recent Polyakov's proposal, and two possible solutions of the bulk equations are addressed near the fixed points of the pure Yang-Mills theory: (i) One solution asymptotically approaches to the AdS space at the ultraviolet limit where the conformally invariant field theory is realized. (ii) The second one approaches to the flat space in both the infrared and the ultraviolet limits. The area law of the Wilson-loop and the asymptotic freedom with logarithmic behaviour are seen in the respective limit.Comment: 17 pages, no figure, Late

    Braneworld inflation

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    We discuss various realizations of the four dimensional braneworld inflation in warped geometries of string theory. In all models the inflaton field is represented by a Dp probe brane scalar specifying its position in the warped throat of the compactification manifold. We study existing inflationary throat local geometries, and construct a new example. The inflationary brane is either a D3- or a D5-brane of type IIB string theory. In the latter case the inflationary brane is wrapping a two-cycle of the compactification manifold. We discuss some phenomenological aspects of the model where slow-roll conditions are under computational control.Comment: 31 pages + 6 figures, v2: published PRD versio

    Cosmic Acceleration Driven by Mirage Inhomogeneities

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    A cosmological model based on an inhomogeneous D3-brane moving in an AdS_5 X S_5 bulk is introduced. Although there is no special points in the bulk, the brane Universe has a center and is isotropic around it. The model has an accelerating expansion and its effective cosmological constant is inversely proportional to the distance from the center, giving a possible geometrical origin for the smallness of a present-day cosmological constant. Besides, if our model is considered as an alternative of early time acceleration, it is shown that the early stage accelerating phase ends in a dust dominated FRW homogeneous Universe. Mirage-driven acceleration thus provides a dark matter component for the brane Universe final state. We finally show that the model fulfills the current constraints on inhomogeneities.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, IOP style. v2, changed style, minor corrections, references added, version accepted in Class. Quant. Gra

    Vector field localization and negative tension branes

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    It is shown that negative tension branes in higher dimensions may lead to an effective lower dimensional theory where the gauge-invariant vector fields associated with the fluctuations of the metric are always massless and localized on the brane. Explicit five-dimensional examples of this phenomenon are provided. Furthermore, it is shown that higher dimensional gauge fields can also be localized on these configurations with the zero mode separated from the massive tower by a gap.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX style; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Gauge-invariant fluctuations of scalar branes

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    A generalization of the Bardeen formalism to the case of warped geometries is presented. The system determining the gauge-invariant fluctuations of the metric induced by the scalar fluctuations of the brane is reduced to a set of Schr\"odinger-like equations for the Bardeen potentials and for the canonical normal modes of the scalar-tensor action. Scalar, vector and tensor modes of the geometry are classified according to four-dimensional Lorentz transformations. While the tensor modes of the geometry live on the brane determining the corrections to Newton law, the scalar and and vector fluctuations exhibit non normalizable zero modes and are, consequently, not localized on the brane. The spectrum of the massive modes of the fluctuations is analyzed using supersymmetric quantum mechanics.Comment: 29 pages in Latex styl

    Curvature Dependence of Running Gauge Coupling and Confinement in AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We construct IIB supergravity (viewed as dilatonic gravity) background with non-trivial dilaton and with curved four-dimensional space. Such a background may describe another vacuum of maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory or strong coupling regime of (non)-supersymmetric gauge theory with (power-like) running gauge coupling which depends on curvature. Curvature dependent quark-antiquark potential is calculated where the geometry type of hyperbolic (or de Sitter universe) shows (or not) the tendency of the confinement. Generalization of IIB supergravity background with non-constant axion is presented. Quark-antiquark potential being again curvature-dependent has a possibility to produce the standard area law for large separations.Comment: LaTeX file, 24 pages, presentation is improve