254 research outputs found
Digital instruments for school learning. Given the speed with which the modern world changes
and digital tools become part of everyday life, even the teaching and learning of them must be
introduced to the lower age \u2013 at primary school.
But before developing the skills in the pupils, the teachers in the first place must know how to
use digital tools, knowing how to use them in the teaching of subjects other than the computer
Digital competence is then required not only for the business purpose, but more and more often
we are faced with the need to know how to learn and improve our knowledge in the professional field
through digital tools.
Based on this analysis we formulated our research question: how prepared are the students of
primary education in the digital environment? Could they think and write projects for children in the
area of knowledge of the territory through digital tools?
To help our students prepare and achieve this goal during the course of Educational Psychology
with the students of the fourth year of Primary Educationat the University of Macerata, we have
created the \u201cDigital education and discovery of the territory\u201d workshop, proposing to the students
to use some innovative tools and thinking about how they could be included in the activity of primary
schools that concern the study of the territory they belong to (the city, the province, the region).
The work has been dividedinto 3 phases.
During the first phase, tools were presented that would be used (The application MyCicero
developed in our Marche region, Maps of OpenStreetMaps and Vikidia)
The second phase was both individual and collective work on the cognitive map that concerned
the term \u201cPromoting the territory\u201d.The theme of promotion and knowledge of the territory it belongs
to is part of the primary school curriculum and certainly help schildren to understand their roots and
appreciate them.
During the third phase the students had to think and write a project that they could help the
pupils learn something about their own territory through the digital tools mentioned above.
The digitalage or information era, as we understand it, is the historical phase characterized by
the widespread diffusion of the various digital products and the whole series of social, economic and
political changes that occurred with the advent of the digitization of most of the access to
Today\u2019s children are already born in the digital age and must be ready to use it also in learning
that makes our work in the preparation of their future Teachers even more important
Влияние минералов на биосовместимость воды с организмом человека
Influence on water of various minerals is investigated. It is established that biocompatibility of water without minerals with a human body improves in the following sequence: plumbingИсследовано воздействие на воду различных минералов. Установлено, что биосовместимость с организмом человека у неминерализованной воды улучшается в следующей последовательности: водопроводная < дистиллированная < пропущенная через фильтр Никкен < вода Росинка < родниковая. Кроме того, что родниковая вода является лучшей по биосовместимости, она приводит к восстановлению до нормы минеральное состояние и радиоактивную нагрузку человека. Анализируется эффект положительного воздействия кремниевой воды на здоровье человека
Non-linear determined methodology of professional-pedagogic education
The article describes the approach to professional-pedagogic education’s designing on the base of non-linear determined methodologyВ статье рассматривается подход к проектированию профессионально-педагогического образования на основе нелинейно-детерминированной методологи
Местное самоуправление в системе российской государственности: проблемы и перспективы
Essay. The subject of this research is to provide an elaborate analysis of current municipal reform in the RF and assess its impact on the self-government place, the role and development trends within the system of the Russian statehood. This paper aims either prove or disprove a hypothesis about the impact of adopted legal regulations on local self-government in the RF in view of the amendments to the RF Constitution, and make a contribution to scientific understanding of this issue.Methodology. The research methodology is built by combining such methods of scientific knowledge as analysis (to study normative legal acts on the research topic), synthesis (to analyse theoretical sources and make generalizations), comparative legal method (to study and compare legal norms), logical method (to identify the peculiarities of the research object), system-structural approach (to define the role of local self-government in the Russian statehood), the method of legal hermeneutics (to provide an interpretation of legal documents) and the synergistic method which allowed to analyse the system of local government in cooperation with state authorities.Results. Local self-government shall be recognized as the basis of a democratic regime and present-day Russian statehood. The adoption of the 1993 Constitution resulted in numerous normative acts which regulate the system of local self-government, including The Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the General Principles of Local Self-Government Organization in the Russian Federation”. However, regular changes to this law regarding local self-government have raised a number of concerns about uncertainty and contradictions in the legal system. Thus, along with positive effects of ongoing reforms, there are some negative trends including current tightening of local self-government officials’ liability in Russia as well as the increasing gap between the population and local self-government, uncertainty of legal solutions and enforcement practice. Members of the expert community, municipalities and practitioners have high hopes for the new legal framework in the field of local self-government, which is being developed following the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020. As a result, strengthening and expansion of local self-government powers are expected, which will increase citizens’ involvement in resolving issues of local importance. However, draft law No. 40361-8 on local self-government submitted to the State Duma on December 16, 2021, provides for the liquidation of the settlement level and the reduction in the number of lower-level local self-government bodies. As a result, the gap between the population and local self-government bodies has highly increased. In addition, the draft law strengthened responsibility of the heads of municipalities to the highest officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which implies more dependence of lower-level authorities on the state.Conclusion. Legislation is rapidly adjusting to the existing realities rather than establishing a legal basis for local self-government development. In order to restore the essence of local self-government, deformed as a result of systematic changes in the legal basis of local self-government, it is necessary to improve the submitted bill, strengthening local self-government as a factor in the sustainable development of a democratic Russian state.В связи с проводимой в Российской Федерации муниципальной реформой, затрагивающей основы местного самоуправления, проводится анализ места и роли местного самоуправления в системе российской государственности, выявляются существующие проблемы, препятствующие развитию местного самоуправления как демократического института, прогнозируется дальнейшая судьба местного самоуправления в условиях формирования нового законодательства, даются предложения совершенствованию правовой базы в сфере местного самоуправления
High frequency polarization switching of a thin ferroelectric film
We consider both experimentally and analytically the transient oscillatory
process that arises when a rapid change in voltage is applied to a
ferroelectric thin film deposited on an substrate.
High frequency () polarization oscillations are observed
in the ferroelectric sample. These can be understood using a simple
field-polarization model. In particular we obtain analytic expressions for the
oscillation frequency and the decay time of the polarization fluctuation in
terms of the material parameters. These estimations agree well with the
experimental results
The paper presents experimental findings on the influence of caramel color on the UV absorption spectra of tannin-containing liquids. The presence of caramel color in alcohol-containing brandy-type liquids is demonstrated to affect optical density at 280 nm, and therefore the results of spectrophotometric determination of tannins in brandies. A comprehensive approach incorporating a range of techniques, suсh as chemical testing for tannins, UV absorption spectroscopy, and quantitative permanganometric determination of tannins, is shown to be appropriate for the study of phenolic compounds.Приведены экспериментальные данные о влиянии сахарного колера на УФ-спектр жидкостей, содержащих танины. Показано, что присутствие колера в спиртосодержащих жидкостях типа коньяков оказывает значительное влияние на величину оптической плотности при 280 нм, а следовательно, и на результаты количественного определения танинов в коньяках спектрофотометрическим методом. При исследовании соединений фенольной природы целесообразным представляется комплексный подход, включающий ряд методик: химическое тестирование на наличие танинов, регистрацию и анализ спектра в УФ-области, количественное определение дубильных веществ перманганатометрическим методом
Problems of Russia’s Integration into the Legal Framework of Europe
In the article the authors examine the issues of legal interaction between Russia and the European Court of Human Rights on the basis of generalization of empirical results obtained during the sociological survey of groups of respondents of different professional backgrounds. The blocks of legislative and law enforcement problems that need to be resolved are highlighted. The conclusion is made about the need to transform and unify the existing Russian legislation and law enforcement practices, relying on the practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the practice of national courts. Legislative proposals and law enforcement recommendations are formulated based on the results of the study. In the article, on the basis of generalization of empirical results obtained during the sociological survey of groups of respondents with different professional backgrounds, the authors examine the issues of Russia’s interaction with the European Court of Human Rights. The blocks of legislative and law enforcement problems that need to be resolved are highlighted. Drawing on the practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the practice of national courts, it is concluded that it is necessary to transform and unify the existing Russian legislation and law enforcement practice. The results of the study formulate legislative proposals and enforcement recommendations.
Keywords: justice, civil proceedings, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, European Court of Human Rights, law enforcement, case la
Assessment of Test Quality in German for Bachelor Students on the Basis of Common European Framework in Foreign Language
According to the Concept of modernization of Russian education accepted by the Ministry of education of Russian Federation the main task of modernization of education is to provide the modern education quality. Nowadays there is a problem of objective assessment of the level of academic achievements of students in higher educational institutions of Russia. In the absence of high-quality test materials one can not speak about the objective assessment of the quality of the results obtained in the educational process. Nowadays there are a lot of researches on the assessment of test tasks in English. The actuality of our work is to develop an algorithm for assessment of the quality of test materials in German to identify the level of formation of different language skills of the students of higher educational institutions in accordance with the Сommon European Framework in knowledge of foreign languages. The article involves the development, experimental testing in forming the mode of the algorithm, which allows to assess the quality of test tasks in German, developed with the requirements of the Common European Framework, verifying its effectiveness on the basis of monitoring data. The results of the research will have practical value: the developed algorithm can be widely used in educational practice. The obtained algorithm will allow improving tests and developing new quality tests, which will be able to assess the level of language skills of students at the end of study of discipline "German language" in different courses of study. Normative documents and certification of test materials will be used to assess the quality of test tasks used in the final assessment of students of higher educational institutions.
DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p38
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