2,014 research outputs found

    Conformal Invariance = Finiteness and Beta Deformed N=4 SYM Theory

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    We claim that if by a choice of the couplings the theory can be made conformally invariant (vanishing of the beta functions) it is automatically finite and vice versa. This is demonstrated by explicit example in supersymmetric gauge theory. The formalism is then applied to the beta deformed N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM theory and it is shown that the requirement of conformal invariance = finiteness can be achieved for any complex parameter of deformations.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 1 figure axodraw styl

    Effective Gravitational Field of Black Holes

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    The problem of interpretation of the \hbar^0-order part of radiative corrections to the effective gravitational field is considered. It is shown that variations of the Feynman parameter in gauge conditions fixing the general covariance are equivalent to spacetime diffeomorphisms. This result is proved for arbitrary gauge conditions at the one-loop order. It implies that the gravitational radiative corrections of the order \hbar^0 to the spacetime metric can be physically interpreted in a purely classical manner. As an example, the effective gravitational field of a black hole is calculated in the first post-Newtonian approximation, and the secular precession of a test particle orbit in this field is determined.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 1 eps figure. Proof of the theorem and typos correcte

    Two-logarithm matrix model with an external field

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    We investigate the two-logarithm matrix model with the potential XΛ+αlog(1+X)+βlog(1X)X\Lambda+\alpha\log(1+X)+\beta\log(1-X) related to an exactly solvable Kazakov-Migdal model. In the proper normalization, using Virasoro constraints, we prove the equivalence of this model and the Kontsevich-Penner matrix model and construct the 1/N-expansion solution of this model.Comment: 15pp., LaTeX, no figures, reference adde

    Challenges of D=6 N=(1,1) SYM Theory

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    Maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories have several remarkable properties, among which are the cancellation of UV divergences, factorization of higher loop corrections and possible integrability. Much attention has been attracted to the N=4 D=4 SYM theory. The N=(1,1) D=6 SYM theory possesses similar properties but is nonrenomalizable and serves as a toy model for supergravity. We consider the on-shell four point scattering amplitude and analyze its perturbative expansion within the spin-helicity and superspace formalism. The integrands of the resulting diagrams coincide with those of the N=4 D=4 SYM and obey the dual conformal invariance. Contrary to 4 dimensions, no IR divergences on mass shell appear. We calculate analytically the leading logarithmic asymptotics in all loops. Their summation leads to a Regge trajectory which is calculated exactly. The leading powers of s are calculated up to six loops. Their summation is performed numerically and leads to a smooth function of s. The leading UV divergences are calculated up to 5 loops. The result suggests the geometrical progression which ends up in a finite expression. This leads us to a radical point of view on nonrenormalizable theories.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, Late

    Difficulties of an Infrared Extension of Differential Renormalization

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    We investigate the possibility of generalizing differential renormalization of D.Z.Freedman, K.Johnson and J.I.Latorre in an invariant fashion to theories with infrared divergencies via an infrared R~\tilde{R} operation. Two-dimensional σ\sigma models and the four-dimensional ϕ4\phi^4 theory diagrams with exceptional momenta are used as examples, while dimensional renormalization serves as a test scheme for comparison. We write the basic differential identities of the method simultaneously in co-ordinate and momentum space, introducing two scales which remove ultraviolet and infrared singularities. The consistent set of Fourier-transformation formulae is derived. However, the values for tadpole-type Feynman integrals in higher orders of perturbation theory prove to be ambiguous, depending on the order of evaluation of the subgraphs. In two dimensions, even earlier than this ambiguity manifests itself, renormalization-group calculations based on infrared extension of differential renormalization lead to incorrect results. We conclude that the extended differential renormalization procedure does not perform the infrared R~\tilde{R} operation in a self-consistent way, as the original recipe does the ultraviolet RR operation.Comment: (minor changes have been made to make clear that no infrared problems occur in the original ultraviolet procedure of [1]; subsection 2.1 has been added to outline the ideas a simple example), 26 pages, LaTeX, JINR preprint E2-92-538, Dubna (Dec.1992

    Effective Action and Measure in Matrix Model of IIB Superstrings

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    We calculate an effective action and measure induced by the integration over the auxiliary field in the matrix model recently proposed to describe IIB superstrings. It is shown that the measure of integration over the auxiliary matrix is uniquely determined by locality and reparametrization invariance of the resulting effective action. The large--NN limit of the induced measure for string coordinates is discussed in detail. It is found to be ultralocal and, thus, possibly is irrelevant in the continuum limit. The model of the GKM type is considered in relation to the effective action problem.Comment: 9pp., Latex; v2: the discussion of the large N limit of the induced measure is substantially expande

    Quantum Fluctuations of a Coulomb Potential as a Source of Flicker Noise

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    The power spectrum of quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field produced by an elementary particle is determined. It is found that in a wide range of practically important frequencies the power spectrum of fluctuations exhibits an inverse frequency dependence. The magnitude of fluctuations produced by a conducting sample is shown to have a Gaussian distribution around its mean value, and its dependence on the sample geometry is determined. In particular, it is demonstrated that for geometrically similar samples the power spectrum is inversely proportional to the sample volume. It is argued also that the magnitude of fluctuations induced by external electric field is proportional to the field strength squared. A comparison with experimental data on flicker noise measurements in continuous metal films is made.Comment: 11 pages, substantially corrected and extende