11 research outputs found

    Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics

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    Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an important source of three‐dimensional volumetric data in clinical orthodontics. Due to the progress in the technology of CBCT, for orthodontic clinical diagnosis, treatment and follow‐up, CBCT supply much more reliable information compared to conventional radiography. The most justified indications for the use of CBCT in orthodontics are the existence of impacted and transposed teeth. For the management of the impacted teeth, CBCT enhances the ability to localize these teeth accurately and to assess root resorption of adjacent teeth. Patients with craniofacial anomalies like cleft palate cases, the abnormalities of the temporomandibular joint contributing malocclusion, evaluation of airway morphology in obstructive sleep apnea cases, patients needing maxillary expansion or planning orthognathic surgery in severe skeletal discrepancies are also listed among the indications of using CBCT in orthodontics. CBCT is useful in identifying optimal site location for temporary skeletal anchorage device. The use of CBCT for the assessment of treatment outcomes and evaluation of cervical vertebral maturation are still controversial issues. It should be kept in mind that before using CBCT, justification and evaluation of risks and benefits are needed. In order to minimize the radiation dose, the exam should include only the areas of interest

    Defining Dental Age for Chronological Age Determination

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    Dental age assessment is one of the most reliable methods of chronological age estimation used for criminal, forensic and anthropologic purposes. Visual, radiographic, chemical and histological techniques can be used for dental age estimation. Visual method is based on the sequence of eruption of the teeth and morphological changes that are caused due to function such as attrition, changes in color that are indicators of aging. Radiographs of the dentition can be used to determine the stage of dental development of the teeth from initial mineralization of a tooth, crown formation to root apex maturation. Histological methods require the preparation of the tissues for detailed microscopic examination. The chemical analysis of dental hard tissues determines alterations in ion levels with age, whereas the histological and chemical methods are invasive methods requiring extraction/sectioning of the tooth. In this chapter, the different techniques and considered studies were overviewed in conjunction with their advantages and disadvantages. It needs to be taken into consideration that rather than restricting on one age estimation technique, using the other available techniques additionally and performing repetitive measurements may be beneficial for accurate age estimation

    Treatment Effects and Posttreatment Follow-up of Miniscrew Anchorage-Supported Forsus FRD Appliance: Report of 2 Severe Class II Cases

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    This case report presents the treatment and posttreatment follow-up of 2 boys with severe skeletal Class II malocclusion with miniscrew anchorage-supported Forsus Fatigue Resistance Device (FRDMS). Miniscrews were inserted between the mandibular canine and first premolar root area bilaterally. The FRDMS treatment duration was 13 months in the first case and 11 months in the second case. The patients were treated with fixed orthodontic treatment afterward. The first patient was followed up for 1 year and 6 months and the second patient for 2 years and 8 months after fixed orthodontic treatment Essix retainers were worn fulltime for a period of 6 months and only at nighttime for the following 6 months in both cases after the fixed appliances. Lower incisor proclination was observed in both cases, although lower dentition anchorage was reinforced with miniscrews during Forsus FRD treatment. Favorable sagittal movement of the mandible was achieved in only 1 case. Overjet and molar correction were mainly at the dentoalveolar level in the other case. Occlusion was stable in the long-term

    The Influence of Abnormalities in the Profile and Overjet on Psychological Well-Being

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    Objective:This study aimed to comparatively evaluate the psychological well-being and health-related quality of life of subjects having either a convex or concave profile and abnormal overjet, with subjects having a straight profile and normal overjet.Methods: In this study, 163 children and their parents who applied to the Faculty of Dentistry were classified into 3 groups: Group 1: convex profile, Class II molar relationship, and increased overjet (n=62; 28 boys and 34 girls; mean age: 11.6 years); Group 2: concave profile, Class III molar relationship, and negative overjet (n=55; 32 boys and 23 girls; mean age: 11.2 years); and Group 3: straight profile, Class I molar relationship without crowding, and normal overjet (n=46; 24 boys and 22 girls; mean age: 11.0 years). The severity of malocclusion was evaluated using the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). Self-concept, depression, and state–trait anxiety were evaluated to determine the psychological well-being of the children.Results: No differences were found among the groups with respect to self-concept, depression levels, state–trait anxiety levels, and quality of life scores. No correlation was found between the IOTN scores and psychological well-being.Conclusion: Abnormalities in the facial profile and negative or increased overjet have no influence on children’s psychological well-being

    Orthopedic Treatment of Skeletal Class III Malocclusions With Maxillary Deficiency

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    Objective:The purpose of this study was to compare the treatment effects of a double-plate appliance (DPA) and a double-plate appliance and facemask combination (DPA-FM) in correcting Class III malocclusions.Materials and Methods:The material consisted of lateral cephalometric radiographs of 40 children with skeletal and dental Class III malocclusion. In the first treatment group, 13 patients (mean age: 10 years 3 months) were treated with DPA. In the second treatment group, 15 patients (mean age: 10 years 9 months) were treated with DPA-FM. In the third group, 12 patients (mean age: 10 years 6 months) were observed without treatment for 9 months. Statistical evaluation was made by ANOVA, Duncan, and paired t tests.Results:The increases in SNA and ANB angles were significantly greater in the DPA-FM group than in the DPA group. The proclination of upper incisors (U1/NA) and retroclination of lower incisors (L1/NB) were significantly greater in the DPA group than in the DPA-FM group. The retroclination of lower incisors (L1/NB) in the DPA group showed a significant difference compared with the control group. The increase in ANS-Me length was significantly greater in the DPA-FM group than in the control group.Conclusion:The DPA-FM treatment was more effective in sagittal correction of the maxilla than the DPA treatment. The dental contribution to Class III treatment seemed to be greater in the DPA group, but in this group vertical skeletal changes were more satisfying

    Farklı yapıştırma ajanları kullanılarak mine yüzeyine yapıştırılan seramik ortodontik braketlerin kesme-bağlanma kuvvetlerinin karşılaştırılması: in-vitro bir çalışma

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, konvansiyonel yapıştırıcı, rezin modifiye cam iyonomer siman ve yeni geliştirilen, flor salan kompozit bir rezinl

    A practical formula for determining growth.

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    We aimed to establish a practical method to evaluate skeletal age using cervical vertebrae

    Modifiye tandem traksiyon yüz arkı apareyinin hava yolu boyutuna etkisi

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    Amaç: Sınıf III maloklüzyon tedavisinde kullanılan modifiye tandem traksiyon yüz arkı (MTTYA) apareyinin faringeal hava yolu boyutları üzerine olan etkisini incelemekti. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmanın materyalini, iskeletsel ve dişsel Sınıf III maloklüzyona sahip, MTTYA apareyi ile tedavi edilmiş olan 20 bireyin (8 kadın ve 12 erkek; yaş ortalaması 10 yıl 1 ay) tedavi öncesi (T1) ve sonrası (T2) lateral sefalometrik radyografileri oluşturdu. MTTYA apareyinin üst plağından yüz arkına oklüzal düzlemle 35-40° açı yapacak şekilde 400-500 g. kuvvet uygulayan elastikler asıldı. Ortalama 12 aylık tedavi uygulandı. Faringeal havayolu boyut ve alan ölçümleri yapıldı. İstatistiksel analizde, Kolmogorov-Smirnov ve eşleştirilmiş t testleri kullanıldı ve p<0.05 değeri anlamlı olarak kabul edildi. Bulgular: Tedavi ile maksillada ileri yönde harekette (p<0.001) ve efektif maksilla ve mandibula boyutlarında anlamlı artışlar ortaya çıktı (p<0.001). Mandibular düzlem eğiminin artışı (p<0.001) ile mandibulada posterior rotasyon saptandı. Orofaringeal alanda (OA) anlamlı düzeyde (p<0.05) ve nazofaringeal alanda (NA) anlamlı olmayan düzeyde artışlar gözlendi. Hyoid kemik, anlamlı olmayan düzeyde öne ve aşağıya yer değiştirdi. Sonuç: Sınıf III malokluzyon tedavisinde kullanılan MTTYA apareyi uygulaması ile orofaringeal havayolu alanında olumlu yönde değişiklik gözlendi

    Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) Index as an Alternative for Orthodontic Treatment Need Decision in Relation to Angle Classification.

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    This study aimed to determine cut-off points for the Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) index in relation with Angle classification to use as an alternative index for the treatment need assessment