16 research outputs found

    On the robustness of bucket brigade quantum RAM

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    We study the robustness of the bucket brigade quantum random access memory model introduced by Giovannetti, Lloyd, and Maccone [Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 160501 (2008)]. Due to a result of Regev and Schiff [ICALP '08 pp. 773], we show that for a class of error models the error rate per gate in the bucket brigade quantum memory has to be of order o(2n/2)o(2^{-n/2}) (where N=2nN=2^n is the size of the memory) whenever the memory is used as an oracle for the quantum searching problem. We conjecture that this is the case for any realistic error model that will be encountered in practice, and that for algorithms with super-polynomially many oracle queries the error rate must be super-polynomially small, which further motivates the need for quantum error correction. By contrast, for algorithms such as matrix inversion [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 150502 (2009)] or quantum machine learning [Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 130503 (2014)] that only require a polynomial number of queries, the error rate only needs to be polynomially small and quantum error correction may not be required. We introduce a circuit model for the quantum bucket brigade architecture and argue that quantum error correction for the circuit causes the quantum bucket brigade architecture to lose its primary advantage of a small number of "active" gates, since all components have to be actively error corrected.Comment: Replaced with the published version. 13 pages, 9 figure

    Optimal phase estimation in quantum networks

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    We address the problem of estimating the phase phi given N copies of the phase rotation u(phi) within an array of quantum operations in finite dimensions. We first consider the special case where the array consists of an arbitrary input state followed by any arrangement of the N phase rotations, and ending with a POVM. We optimise the POVM for a given input state and fixed arrangement. Then we also optimise the input state for some specific cost functions. In all cases, the optimal POVM is equivalent to a quantum Fourier transform in an appropriate basis. Examples and applications are given.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; this is an extended version of arXiv:quant-ph/0609160. v2: minor corrections in reference

    Approximating Fractional Time Quantum Evolution

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    An algorithm is presented for approximating arbitrary powers of a black box unitary operation, Ut\mathcal{U}^t, where tt is a real number, and U\mathcal{U} is a black box implementing an unknown unitary. The complexity of this algorithm is calculated in terms of the number of calls to the black box, the errors in the approximation, and a certain `gap' parameter. For general U\mathcal{U} and large tt, one should apply U\mathcal{U} a total of t\lfloor t \rfloor times followed by our procedure for approximating the fractional power Utt\mathcal{U}^{t-\lfloor t \rfloor}. An example is also given where for large integers tt this method is more efficient than direct application of tt copies of U\mathcal{U}. Further applications and related algorithms are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    The quantum speed up as advanced knowledge of the solution

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    With reference to a search in a database of size N, Grover states: "What is the reason that one would expect that a quantum mechanical scheme could accomplish the search in O(square root of N) steps? It would be insightful to have a simple two line argument for this without having to describe the details of the search algorithm". The answer provided in this work is: "because any quantum algorithm takes the time taken by a classical algorithm that knows in advance 50% of the information that specifies the solution of the problem". This empirical fact, unnoticed so far, holds for both quadratic and exponential speed ups and is theoretically justified in three steps: (i) once the physical representation is extended to the production of the problem on the part of the oracle and to the final measurement of the computer register, quantum computation is reduction on the solution of the problem under a relation representing problem-solution interdependence, (ii) the speed up is explained by a simple consideration of time symmetry, it is the gain of information about the solution due to backdating, to before running the algorithm, a time-symmetric part of the reduction on the solution; this advanced knowledge of the solution reduces the size of the solution space to be explored by the algorithm, (iii) if I is the information acquired by measuring the content of the computer register at the end of the algorithm, the quantum algorithm takes the time taken by a classical algorithm that knows in advance 50% of I, which brings us to the initial statement.Comment: 23 pages, to be published in IJT

    The 50% advanced information rule of the quantum algorithms

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    The oracle chooses a function out of a known set of functions and gives to the player a black box that, given an argument, evaluates the function. The player should find out a certain character of the function through function evaluation. This is the typical problem addressed by the quantum algorithms. In former theoretical work, we showed that a quantum algorithm requires the number of function evaluations of a classical algorithm that knows in advance 50% of the information that specifies the solution of the problem. Here we check that this 50% rule holds for the main quantum algorithms. In the structured problems, a classical algorithm with the advanced information, to identify the missing information should perform one function evaluation. The speed up is exponential since a classical algorithm without advanced information should perform an exponential number of function evaluations. In unstructured database search, a classical algorithm that knows in advance 50% of the n bits of the database location, to identify the n/2 missing bits should perform Order(2 power n/2) function evaluations. The speed up is quadratic since a classical algorithm without advanced information should perform Order(2 power n) function evaluations. The 50% rule identifies the problems solvable with a quantum sped up in an entirely classical way, in fact by comparing two classical algorithms, with and without the advanced information.Comment: 18 pages, submitted with minor changes to the International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Quantum algorithms for algebraic problems

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    Quantum computers can execute algorithms that dramatically outperform classical computation. As the best-known example, Shor discovered an efficient quantum algorithm for factoring integers, whereas factoring appears to be difficult for classical computers. Understanding what other computational problems can be solved significantly faster using quantum algorithms is one of the major challenges in the theory of quantum computation, and such algorithms motivate the formidable task of building a large-scale quantum computer. This article reviews the current state of quantum algorithms, focusing on algorithms with superpolynomial speedup over classical computation, and in particular, on problems with an algebraic flavor.Comment: 52 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Genome-wide Analyses Identify KIF5A as a Novel ALS Gene

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    To identify novel genes associated with ALS, we undertook two lines of investigation. We carried out a genome-wide association study comparing 20,806 ALS cases and 59,804 controls. Independently, we performed a rare variant burden analysis comparing 1,138 index familial ALS cases and 19,494 controls. Through both approaches, we identified kinesin family member 5A (KIF5A) as a novel gene associated with ALS. Interestingly, mutations predominantly in the N-terminal motor domain of KIF5A are causative for two neurodegenerative diseases: hereditary spastic paraplegia (SPG10) and Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2 (CMT2). In contrast, ALS-associated mutations are primarily located at the C-terminal cargo-binding tail domain and patients harboring loss-of-function mutations displayed an extended survival relative to typical ALS cases. Taken together, these results broaden the phenotype spectrum resulting from mutations in KIF5A and strengthen the role of cytoskeletal defects in the pathogenesis of ALS.Peer reviewe

    Grover’s Algorithm and Its Generalization

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