20 research outputs found

    Nerocila bivittata (Cymothidae, Isopoda) infestation on Syngnathid Fishes in the Eastern Black Sea

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    WOS: 000312681900003Fifty seahorses and 50 pipefish were sampled from 2010 to 2011, and examined for the presence of parasites. Unusual isopod infestations (Nerocila bivittata) were observed on pouch of Hippocampus guttulatus from 60 meters sea depth and on the skin of Sygnatus sp. from 10 meters depth

    Türkiye'nin Doğu Karadeniz bölgesinde bulunan bazı alabalık çiftliklerinin kuluçkahanelerinde bakteri kontaminasyonu ve bakterilerin antibiyotik direncinin belirlenmesi

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    This study was carried out to reveal bacterial contamination and antibiotic resistance profiles of isolated bacteria in the hatchery systems of trout farms located in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Inlet water, egg, alevin and fry samples of 11 different trout farms were examined in terms of bacterial contamination in four different basins. After sampling, isolated bacteria were identified by making phenotypic and genotypic analyses. The majority of a total of 43 strains belongs to the genera Aeromonas and Pseudomonas, but also Lelliottia sp., Bacillus sp. and Lactococcus lactis were isolated from hatchery systems. Considering all basins, except for the 2nd basin, the highest antibiotic resistance of bacteria was against Ampicillin. The lowest antibiotic resistance percentages were determined against gentamicin and enrofloxacin. As a result of the research, the detection of different bacteria in the samples taken from the inlet water of fish farms showed presence of different bacteria contaminating the hatchery water. It thereby stressed the need for improved hygiene measures in these farmsBu çalışma, Türkiye'nin Doğu Karadeniz bölgesinde bulunan alabalık çiftliklerinin kuluçkahane sistemlerinden izole edilen bakterilerin kontaminasyonu ve antibiyotik direnç profillerini ortaya çıkarmak için yapılmıştır. 11 farklı alabalık çiftliğinin giriş suyu, yumurta, alevin ve yavru örnekleri, dört farklı havzada bakteriyel kontaminasyon açısından incelenmiştir. Örneklemeden sonra izole edilen bakteriler fenotipik ve genotipik analizler yapılarak teşhis edilmiştir. Toplam 43 suşun çoğunluğu Aeromonas ve Pseudomonas cinsinlerine aittir, fakat aynı zamanda Lelliottia sp., Bacillus sp. ve Lactococcus lactis, kuluçka sistemlerinden izole edilmiştir. 2. havza hariç tüm havzalara bakıldığında bakterilerin en yüksek antibiyotik direnci Ampisiline karşı olmuştur. En düşük antibiyotik direnç yüzdeleri gentamisin ve enrofloksasine karşı belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, balık çiftliklerinin giriş sularından alınan örneklerde farklı bakterilerin tespiti, kuluçkahane suyunu farklı bakterilerin kontamine ettiğini göstermiştir. Böylelikle bu çiftliklerde hijyen önlemlerinin iyileştirilmesi ihtiyacı belirlenmiştir

    Vibrio vulnificus infection in horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) and its characteristic symptoms: An experimental study

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    In the present study, the mortality and characteristic symptoms (bilateral exophthalmia and skin lesions) associated with Vibrio vulnificus infection in horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) are presented from an experimental infection trial

    Effects of ceramic balls on trout welfare during their live transfer conditions

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    The effects of ceramic balls on live transfer conditions of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, (Walbaum,1792)) were determined by examining ammonia, pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature of water and gill histology of fish. Salt addition and various pH levels of water were also studied for comparison. The study was designed two different pH levels (high 7.98 +/- 0.2 and low 6.01 +/- 0.1), salt (6g/L), and ceramic ball (10g/l) addition and fish stock density to be 62.3 kg/m(3). The trial tanks were mounted on a vehicle to represent actual transport conditions. Fish were sampled every hour for gill histology. As a results, the lowest ammonia value was determined as 1.98 mg/L in the ceramic ball. The highest ammonia value in the high pH group was 2.83 mg/l. When the gill tissues of the fish were examined, the significant differences observed were oedema and epithelial lifting in the control and high pH groups. Hyperplasia, epithelial lifting, and multiple deformations were observed in all the experimental groups except the ceramic ball group. This study showed that based on the histological results of the gills and the stability of the pH levels of the water and the effect on the reduction of the ammonia value of the water, that the ceramic balls are particularly useful for the transport of live fish

    Ligula intestinalis infection in a native Leuciscid hybrid (Alburnus derjugini x Squalius orientalis) in the Kurtun Dam Lake, Northeast Anatolia

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    Taxonomic evaluations are needed to accurately determine the host selection of fish parasites. The present study is a multidisciplinary research in the field of basic and fish diseases sciences. The description of the hybrid species of Squalius orientalis and Alburnus derjugini and infection of Ligula intestinalis in these hybrid fish were reported for the first time from the Kurtun Dam Lake in northeast Turkey. A total of 450 fish were sampled in March, August, and October in 2020 using gillnets. Detailed morphological characteristics (n = 24) were compared to determine the difference among ancestors and hybrid species. The prevalence of L. intestinalis between the sampling periods and the size groups of fish (0 - 10, 11 - 15, and >= 16 cm in length) were examined. Moreover, the highest prevalence of the parasite was observed in October (78.94 %), with a size range of 0 - 10 cm in length (77.8 %). In addition, the total prevalence of the parasite was 48.44 %. The results revealed that most of the diagnostic metric and meristic features of hybrid fish were ranging between the data of S. orientalis and A. derjugini. According to previous reports, when hybrid individuals were compared with their ancestors in terms of prevalence, hybrid individuals were more susceptible to L. intestinalis infections. This study was unique as it provided the first record of L. intestinalis in a hybrid fish population.Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University FDK-2020-108

    Comparison of antibiotic resistance of bacteria isolated from different aquatic systems

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    Bu çalışmada Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde iki farklı sucul sistemde (deniz ve tatlı su) bazı balıklardan izole edilen bakterilerde antibiyotik dirençliliği karşılaştırılmıştır. Denizel ortamdan Rize sahillerinden örneklenen, denizatı (Hippocampus guttulatus), mezgit (Merlangius merlangus), levrek (Dicentrarchus labrax), istavrit (Trachurus mediterraneus), palamut (Sarda sarda), gökkuşağı alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) ve karides (Philocheras trispinosus) olmak üzere 7 farklı konaktan toplamda 15 bakteri izolatı kullanılmıştır. Tatlı su örnekleri olarak ise Artvin ilinde yer alan Deriner Baraj Gölü’nde, 6 farklı sazan türlerinden izole edilen toplam 32 adet bakteri izolatı kullanılmıştır. İzolatların, Ampisilin (AM10μg), Gentamisin (CN10μg), Oksitetrasiklin (T30μg), Amoksisilin- Klavulanik Asit (AMC10μg), Enrofloksasin (ENR5μg), Trimetoprim/Sulfametoksazol (SXT25μg), Florfenikol (FFC30μg), Sulfametoksazol (SMZ25μg), Eritromisin (E15μg) olmak kaydıyla 9 farklı antibiyotiğe karşı dirençlilik durumları disk difüzyon yöntemiyle belirlenmiştir. İzolatlar içerisinde Aeromonas ve Pseudomonas cinsi bakterilerin ayrıca antibiyotik dirençliliği irdelenmiştir (MAR). Farklı sucul sistemlerden izole edilen bakterilerin çoğul antibiyotik direnç indeksleri irdelendiğinde, tüm sistemlerde MAR indeksi eşik değer olan 0,2’den yüksek kaydedilmiştir. Denizel kökenli izolatlar Ampisilin ve Enrofloksasin dışında tüm antibiyotiklere karşı daha dirençli bulunmuştur

    Histopathology of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and sturgeon (acipenser baerii) exposed to sublethal concentrations of cement

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    KURTOGLU, ILKER ZEKI/0000-0002-4214-7997WOS: 000384966000026In the present study, histopathologic effects of the cement mixing with water in aquatic environment on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) has been examined. Both of the two fish species were exposed to 125 and 500 mg/l of concentrated cement for 96 hours. LC50 values were calculated 0.44 g/l for trout (O. mykiss) and 0.62 g/l for Siberian sturgeon (A. baerii) at the end of the experiment for 96-hour test period. No mortality was observed in control groups. Multiple deformations became remarkable in the gills of both species. However, some hyperplasia was observed on secondary lamellae of gills of both fish species. Hyperplasia rates were found to be much higher in the sturgeon individuals than the trout individuals. Also, lamellar fusion was another important pathology in the gills of the sturgeon individuals. Few necroses have been encountered on the lamellas of the trout gills. Multiple fat granules were observed in the trout liver tissue, melanomacrophage centers and necrosis on sturgeon liver tissue treated with 500 mg/l cement. As a result, this study expressly shows that both of the two species, Siberian sturgeon and rainbow trout, cannot tolerate cement-sourced contamination.RTEU BAPRecep Tayyip Erdogan University; Fisheries Research & Application Center DirectorateWe offer our gratitude to RTEU BAP Coordinatorship and Fisheries Research & Application Center Directorate, because of study finance and live material supply

    Analysis of Fish Health Status in Terms of Sustainability of Aquaculture in Turkey-A SWOT Analysis

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    The sustainability of activities for the production of food or other industrial products in natural areas all over the world is perhaps one of the most important problems. In order to ensure sustainability in the aquaculture sector, all components of the sector should be synchronized. In this review, fish health status, which is an important component of the aquaculture sector in Turkey has been analysed in terms of sustainability. The article primarily discusses a brief history of Turkey's aquaculture industry and also the diseases reported from fish in the country were mentioned. In addition, other components of aquaculture sector were announced except for fish health. In this first section, information about fish health related public and private stakeholders is given. In the second part of the article, a large SWOT analysis of fish health was performed. Finally, recommendations and measures for fish health managements were presented for the sustainability of aquaculture in Turkey

    Intensity and prevalence of some crustacean fish parasites in Turkey and their molecular identification

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    In the present study, intensity, prevalence, and some pathologic effects of Caligus minimus, Nerocila spp., and Livoneca punctata on fishes extending from the eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey were determined. In addition, besides morphological characters of parasites, diagnosis of the species was carried out by using a molecular method (polymerase chain reaction) in characterization. Caligus minimus was isolated for the first time from wild sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) from the eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey. Seasonal distribution of Nerocila spp. was determined. The highest prevalence rates of Nerocila were determined on snouted sole (Pegusa nasuta, syn. Solea nasuta) at 26.94%, wrasse or corkwing (Sy mphodus spp.) at 16.77%, rusty blenny (Parablennius sanguinolentus) at 11.76%, goby fishes (Gobius niger and Neogobius melanostomus) at 5.21%, and pipefish (Sy ngnathus sp.) at 3.44%. Conversely, Nerocila spp. were not isolated from whiting (Merlangius merlangus), horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus), Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda), sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Black Sea herring (Alosa immaculata), or picarel (Spicara smaris). Livoneca punctata was only isolated from Black Sea herring (Alosa immaculata). The most common pathological symptoms were mechanical injury on the skin and fins of the infested fish

    Acute toxicity of pozzolanic cement on two crustacean species, water flea (Daphnia magna) and gammarus komareki

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    This study was conducted to determining the values of LC50, mortality rates and DNA damages (Daphnia magna) of species exposed to pozzolanic cement concentrations of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 mg/L for 24 h. To compare the effect of increased pH value associated with the addition of cement, a NaOH group was also formed in Gammarus komareki individuals. As a result, the LC50 values in D. magna and G. komareki were calculated as 118.57 and 197.24 mg/L/24 h, respectively. It was observed that, unlike the G. komareki individuals, cement particles were accumulated on D. magna. In the comparison trial (NaOH) performed on G. komareki individuals, 60% mortality was determined. The number of deaths from cement and NaOH in the experimental groups with the same pH values were found similar. There was not statistically significant difference between control and experimental groups for DNA damage on D. magna. As a result, it has been determined that cement has a toxic effect on D. magna and G. komareki due to increasing the pH value of water