278 research outputs found

    Search for the hero: an investigation into the sports heroes of British sports fans

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    This is an initial study into British sports fans’ heroes. A questionnaire was sent to 95 students (average age ¼ 19.75) to identify their sporting hero, the hero’s sport and nationality and the reasons for this choice. Football was the most common source of sports heroes, identified by 49% of participants with a sporting hero. The majority (60%, N ¼ 48) of heroes chosen by participants were British, with David Beckham the most popular choice. Differences were observed between the gender of participants, gender of hero chosen and the reasons for choosing the hero. The most common reason for selecting a hero was a personal trait rather than skill, while in the questionnaire a category of Local Affiliation was added to those suggested by previous work. It was concluded that to become a hero athletes should combine skill with devotion to family, charity work and a place in popular culture

    Religious diversity, empathy, and God images : perspectives from the psychology of religion shaping a study among adolescents in the UK

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    Major religious traditions agree in advocating and promoting love of neighbour as well as love of God. Love of neighbour is reflected in altruistic behaviour and empathy stands as a key motivational factor underpinning altruism. This study employs the empathy scale from the Junior Eysenck Impulsiveness Questionnaire to assess the association between empathy and God images among a sample of 5993 religiously diverse adolescents (13–15 years old) attending state maintained schools in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and London. The key psychological theory being tested by these data concerns the linkage between God images and individual differences in empathy. The data demonstrate that religious identity (e.g. Christian, Muslim) and religious attendance are less important than the God images which young people hold. The image of God as a God of mercy is associated with higher empathy scores, while the image of God as a God of justice is associated with lower empathy scores

    Evaluacija inovativno digitalno kontroliranog Er:YAG lasera u liječenju leukoplakije - probno istraživanje

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    The use of lasers for treatment of oral leukoplakia has gained a lot of interest in the past years, however, data on the use of Er:YAG laser are scarce. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of Er:YAG laser and 1% topical isotretinoin in the treatment of 27 oral leukoplakia patients. Er:YAG laser (LightWalker AT, Fotona, Slovenia) was used in 27 patients with 27 leukoplakia lesions. Postoperative pain was assessed by use of visual analog scale (VAS), and the impact of laser treatment on the quality of life was assessed by the OHIP-14 questionnaire (Croatian version). Control group consisted of the same 27 patients previously treated with 1% topical isotretionin three times a day during the period of one year. No improvement in the size of leukoplakia lesions was observed after treatment with topical isotretinoin. There were significant differences between men and women according to leukoplakia localization, number of laser sessions and VAS (p<0.05). At follow-up after six months and one year, there was no recurrence of lesions. Er:YAG laser is a successful treatment for oral leukoplakia. Topical isotretionin treatment is unsuccessful in patients with oral leukoplakia.Posljednjih godina postoji veliko zanimanje za upotrebu lasera u liječenju oralne leukoplakije, ali su podatci o upotrebi Er:YAG lasera malobrojni. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je usporediti učinak Er:YAG lasera i 1%-tnog topikalnog izotretinoina u liječenju 27 bolesnika s oralnom leukoplakijom. Er:YAG laser (LightWalker AT, Fotona, Slovenia) je korišten u 27 bolesnika s 27 leukoplakičnih lezija. Poslijeoperacijska bol je određena uz pomoć vizualne analogne ljestvice (visual analog scale, VAS), a utjecaj na kvalitetu života mjeren je pomoću upitnika OHIP-14 (hrvatska verzija). Kontrolna skupina se sastojala od istih 27 bolesnika koji su prije toga liječeni 1%-tnim topikalnim izotretioninom tri puta na dan tijekom tri mjeseca. Nije bilo poboljšanja u veličini lezija leukoplakije nakon topikalno primijenjenog izotretinoina. Utvrđene su značajne razlike između muškaraca i žena s obzirom na lokalizaciju leukoplakije, broj laserskih zahvata i rezultata VAS (p<0,05). Šest mjeseci i godinu dana od laserskog zahvata nije bilo recidiva oralne leukoplakije. Er:YAG laser je uspješna terapija u liječenju oralne leukoplakije. Topikalna primjena izotretionina nije uspješna u liječenju oralne leukoplakije

    Noise parametric identification and whitening for LIGO 40-meter interferometer data

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    We report the analysis we made on data taken by Caltech 40-meter prototype interferometer to identify the noise power spectral density and to whiten the sequence of noise. We concentrate our study on data taken in November 1994, in particular we analyzed two frames of data: the 18nov94.2.frame and the 19nov94.2.frame. We show that it is possible to whiten these data, to a good degree of whiteness, using a high order whitening filter. Moreover we can choose to whiten only restricted band of frequencies around the region we are interested in, obtaining a higher level of whiteness.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication by Physical Review

    Lessons from the English auxiliary system

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    The English auxiliary system exhibits many lexical exceptions and subregularities, and considerable dialectal variation, all of which are frequently omitted from generative analyses and discussions. This paper presents a detailed, movement-free account of the English Auxiliary System within Sign-Based Construction Grammar (Sag 2010, Michaelis 2011, Boas & Sag 2012) that utilizes techniques of lexicalist and construction-based analysis. The resulting conception of linguistic knowledge involves constraints that license hierarchical structures directly (as in context-free grammar), rather than by appeal to mappings over such structures. This allows English auxiliaries to be modeled as a class of verbs whose behavior is governed by general and class-specific constraints. Central to this account is a novel use of the feature aux, which is set both constructionally and lexically, allowing for a complex interplay between various grammatical constraints that captures a wide range of exceptional patterns, most notably the vexing distribution of unstressed do, and the fact that Ellipsis can interact with other aspects of the analysis to produce the feeding and blocking relations that are needed to generate the complex facts of EAS. The present approach, superior both descriptively and theoretically to existing transformational approaches, also serves to undermine views of the biology of language and acquisition such as Berwick et al. (2011), which are centered on mappings that manipulate hierarchical phrase structures in a structure-dependent fashion

    Factors and expectations influencing concussion disclosure within NCAA Division I athletes: A mixed methodological approach

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    Background: Participation in sports is associated with many benefits to all aspects of health; however, it also comes with the risk of injury, particularly concussions. Self-disclosure and care seeking following a concussion are especially important because of the lack of outwardly visible signs and/or symptoms. Although recent research has explored factors affecting concussion disclosure, use of isolated methodologies limits the ability to contextualize how disclosure or nondisclosure occurs. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to describe the factors and expectations of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletes that may influence concussion disclosure. Methods: This mixed-methods convergent parallel research study included 25 NCAA Division I athletes representing 13 sports, all of whom completed a concussion-education session with pre-/post-test surveys and a semistructured interview. Eligible athletes were at least 18 years old and on an NCAA roster. The surveys focused on previous concussion-related disclosure behaviors, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, norms, and intentions about disclosing concussion. Interviews focused on the athletes’ experiences related to concussion disclosure. Survey data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney U tests. Interviews were analyzed using a Consensual Qualitative Research tradition. Results: Participants had good concussion knowledge (median = 46.0), positive attitudes (median = 38.0), strong beliefs (median = 13.0), and strong intentions to disclose concussion symptoms (median = 7.0). None of the constructs differed by participants’ gender. Although quantitative findings were mostly positive, interview data highlighted factors that may explain why some participants are successful in disclosing concussions and why others may find disclosure difficult. Educational efforts, sport culture, and medical professional presence were the primary facilitators discussed by participants. Stigma, pressure, and a lack of team support were perceived as disclosure barriers. Conclusion: The context in which concussion disclosure occurs or does not occur is vital to the success of educational interventions. Interventions must prioritize stakeholder- and team-based perspectives on concussion to establish a network supportive to disclosure

    Determinants of intention to disclose concussion symptoms in a population of U.S. military cadets

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    Objectives: Non-disclosure of concussion complicates concussion management, but almost nothing is known about non-disclosure in military settings. This study describes concussion disclosure-related knowledge, attitudes, perceived social norms, perceived control, and intention. Additionally, the study identifies determinants of high intention to disclose concussion symptoms. Design: Cross sectional survey. Methods: First-year service academy cadets completed a cross-sectional survey to assess perceptions of concussion disclosure. Independent variables included: gender, race, ethnicity, high school athlete status, NCAA athlete status, previous concussion history, previous concussion education, socioeconomic proxy, concussion-related knowledge, attitudes about concussion, perceived social norms (perceived peer/organizational support and actions), and perceived control over disclosure. Log-binomial regression was used to identify determinants of high intention to disclose concussion symptoms. Results: A total of 972 first-year military service academy cadets completed the survey [85% response; age = 18.4 ± 0.9 y]. In the simple models, previous concussion history was associated with lower intention to disclose concussion symptoms. High perceived control over disclosure, higher concussion knowledge, more favorable attitudes and social norms about concussion were associated with high intention to disclose. In the multivariable model, a 10% shift towards more favorable perceived social norms (PR = 1.28; p < 0.001) and attitudes (PR = 1.07; p = 0.05) about concussion were associated with high intention to disclose concussion symptoms. High perceived control over disclosure was associated with high intention to disclose concussion symptoms (PR = 1.39; p = 0.08). Conclusions: Concussion-related perceived social norms, attitudes, and perceived control are associated with intention to disclose. Organizationally appropriate intervention strategies can be developed from these data

    Perceived social norms and concussion-disclosure behaviours among first-year NCAA student-athletes: implications for concussion prevention and education

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    Timely disclosure and identification of concussion symptoms are essential to proper care. Perceived social norms are a potential driving factor in many health-related decisions. The study purpose was to describe concussion disclosure behaviours and identify the association between perceived social norms and these disclosure behaviours. First-year student-athletes (n = 391) at two NCAA institutions completed a cross-sectional survey about concussion disclosure and disclosure determinants. Log-binomial regression models identified factors associated with concussion disclosure behaviour prevalence for: higher intention to disclose symptoms, disclosed all at time of injury, eventually disclosed all, and never participated with concussion symptoms. More favourable perceived social norms were associated with higher prevalence of intention to disclose (PR = 1.34; 95%CI: 1.18, 1.53) and higher prevalence of never participating in sports with concussion symptoms (PR = 1.50; 95%CI: 1.07, 2.10). Clinicians, coaches, sports administrators, and healthcare practitioners should be mindful of the need to create supportive social environments to improve concussion symptom disclosure