980 research outputs found
Local Energy Gap in Deformed Carbon Nanotubes
The effects of graphite surface geometrical deformation on the dynamics of
conducting electrons are investigated theoretically. The analysis is performed
within the framework of a deformation-induced gauge field and corresponding
deformation-induced magnetic field. It is shown that the latter gives a local
energy gap along the axis of a deformed nanotube. We compare our energy gap
results with experimental data on energy gaps in nanotubes and peapods. We also
discuss the mixing of two Fermi points and construct a general model of low
energy dynamics, including a short-range deformation of the graphite sheet.
This model is equivalent to the Weyl equation in {\it U}(1) Abelian and {\it
SU}(2) non-Abelian deformation-induced gauge fields.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, corrected typos, added references, improved
presentation (v4, published version
Statics and dynamics of phase segregation in multicomponent fermion gas
We investigate the statics and dynamics of spatial phase segregation process
of a mixture of fermion atoms in a harmonic trap using the density functional
theory. The kinetic energy of the fermion gas is written in terms of the
density and its gradients. Several cases have been studied by neglecting the
gradient terms (the Thomas-Fermi limit) which are then compared with the
Monte-Carlo results using the full gradient corrected kinetic energy. A linear
instability analysis has been performed using the random-phase approximation.
Near the onset of instability, the fastest unstable mode for spinodal
decomposition is found to occur at . However, in the strong coupling
limit, many more modes with decay with comparable time scales.Comment: 14 figure
Controlling edge states of zigzag carbon nanotubes by the Aharonov-Bohm flux
It has been known theoretically that localized states exist around zigzag
edges of a graphite ribbon and of a carbon nanotube, whose energy eigenvalues
are located between conduction and valence bands. We found that in metallic
single-walled zigzag carbon nanotubes two of the localized states become
critical, and that their localization length is sensitive to the mean curvature
of a tube and can be controlled by the Aharonov-Bohm flux. The curvature
induced mini-gap closes by the relatively weak magnetic field. Conductance
measurement in the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm flux can give information
about the curvature effect and the critical states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Ferroelectric Phase Transitions in Ultra-thin Films of BaTiO3
We present molecular dynamics simulations of a realistic model of an
ultrathin film of BaTiO sandwiched between short-circuited electrodes to
determine and understand effects of film thickness, epitaxial strain and the
nature of electrodes on its ferroelectric phase transitions as a function of
temperature. We determine a full epitaxial strain-temperature phase diagram in
the presence of perfect electrodes. Even with the vanishing depolarization
field, we find that ferroelectric phase transitions to states with in-plane and
out-of-plane components of polarization exhibit dependence on thickness; it
arises from the interactions of local dipoles with their electrostatic images
in the presence of electrodes. Secondly, in the presence of relatively bad
metal electrodes which only partly compensate the surface charges and
depolarization field, a qualitatively different phase with stripe-like domains
is stabilized at low temperature
Stability and Reactivity of C60 Studied by All-Electron Mixed-Basis Molecular-Dynamics Simulations at Finite Temperatures
Usia remaja dipandang sebagai usia bermasalah, karena pada masa ini remaja dihadapkan pada banyak persoalan dan cenderung dihadapi secara emosional. Pergolakan emosi yang terjadi pada remaja tidak terlepas dari bermacam pengaruh, seperti lingkungan tempat tinggal, keluarga, sekolah dan teman-teman sebaya. Tidak terpenuhinya tuntutan gejolak energinya, maka remaja seringkali meluapkan kelebihan energinya ke arah yang negatif (perilaku agresif). Dalam rangka menghadapi hal-hal negatif yang dapat merugikan remaja, remaja hendaknya memahami dan memiliki apa yang disebut kecerdasan emosional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk megetahui hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional dengan perilaku agresif remaja. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2009-Oktober 2010 di SMKN 5 Padang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara proposional random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 260 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang yang telah di uji dengan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Hasil dari uji coba kuesioner didapatkan Reliabilitas skala kecerdasan emosional sebesar 0,938. Untuk skala perilaku agresif, diadopsi dari kuesioner agresi yang di susun oleh Buss, & Perry. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan analisa univariat dan bivariat dengan uji hipotesis Spearman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, 55,8% siswa mempunyai kecerdasan emosional rendah, 61,9% siswa mempunyai prilaku agresif yang tinggi. Dari hasil statistik diperoleh nilai korelasi Spearman sebesar -0,666 dengan signifikasi sebesar 0,000 (p<0,05). Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin rendah kecerdasan emosional siswa maka semakin tinggi prilaku agresif siswa. Oleh karena itu perlu merealisasikan rencana pelatihan ESQ (Emotional Spiritual Quotient) sehingga siswa mampu mengendalikan dorongan emosinya dan dapat mengarahkan emosinya ke hal-hal yang positif. Kata kunci : Kecerdasan emosional, remaja, prilaku agresi
The Experimental plan of the 4m Resonant Sideband Extraction Prototype for The LCGT
The 4m Resonant Sideband Extraction (RSE) interferometer is a planned prototype of the LCGT interferometer. The aim of the experiment is to operate a powerrecycled Broadband RSE interferometer with suspended optics and to achieve diagonalization of length signals of the central part of the interferometer directly through the optical setup. Details of the 4m RSE interferometer control method as well as the design of the experimental setup will be presented
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