25 research outputs found

    Production and dilution of gravitinos by modulus decay

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    We study the cosmological consequences of generic scalar fields like moduli which decay only through gravitationally suppressed interactions. We consider a new production mechanism of gravitinos from moduli decay, which might be more effective than previously known mechanisms, and calculate the final gravitino-to-entropy ratio to compare with the constraints imposed by successful big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) etc., taking possible hadronic decays of gravitinos into account. We find the modulus mass smaller than ∌104\sim 10^4 TeV is excluded. On the other hand, inflation models with high reheating temperatures TR,inf∌1016T_{R,\rm inf} \sim 10^{16} GeV can be compatible with BBN thanks to the late-time entropy production from the moduli decay if model parameters are appropriately chosen.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Baryogenesis and Gravitino Dark Matter in Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry-Breaking Models

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    We discuss two cosmological issues in a generic gauge-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY)-breaking model, namely the Universe's baryon asymmetry and the gravitino dark-matter density. We show that both problems can be simultaneously solved if there exist extra matter multiplets of a SUSY-invariant mass of the order of the ``Ό\mu-term'', as suggested in several realistic SUSY grand-unified theories. We propose an attractive scenario in which the observed baryon asymmetry is produced in a way totally independent of the reheating temperature of inflation without causing any cosmological gravitino problem. Furthermore, in a relatively wide parameter space, we can also explain the present mass density of cold dark matter by the thermal relics of the gravitinos without an adjustment of the reheating temperature of inflation. We point out that there is an interesting relation between the baryon asymmetry and the dark-matter density.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Preheating and Affleck-Dine leptogenesis after thermal inflation

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    Previously, we proposed a model of low energy Affleck-Dine leptogenesis in the context of thermal inflation. The lepton asymmetry is generated at the end of thermal inflation, which occurs at a relatively low energy scale with the Hubble parameter somewhere in the range 1 \keV \lesssim H \lesssim 1 \MeV. Thus Hubble damping will be ineffective in bringing the Affleck-Dine field into the lepton conserving region near the origin, leaving the possibility that the lepton number could be washed out. Previously, we suggested that preheating could damp the amplitude of the Affleck-Dine field allowing conservation of the lepton number. In this paper, we demonstrate numerically that preheating does efficiently damp the amplitude of the Affleck-Dine field and that the lepton number is conserved as the result. In addition to demonstrating a crucial aspect of our model, it also opens the more general possibility of low energy Affleck-Dine baryogenesis.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figure

    Light Higgsino in Heavy Gravitino Scenario with Successful Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

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    We consider, in the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard model, the case where the gravitino weighs 10^6 GeV or more, which is preferred by various cosmological difficulties associated with unstable gravitinos. Despite the large Higgs mixing parameter B together with the little hierarchy to other soft supersymmetry breaking masses, a light higgsino with an electroweak scale mass leads to successful electroweak symmetry breaking, at the price of fine-tuning the higgsino mixing mu parameter. Furthermore the light higgsinos produced at the decays of gravitinos can constitute the dark matter of the universe. The heavy squark mass spectrum of O(10^4) GeV can increase the Higgs boson mass to about 125 GeV or higher.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures; v2: version to appear in JHE

    Affleck-Dine baryogenesis with modulated reheating

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    Modulated reheating scenario is one of the most attractive models that predict possible detections of not only the primordial non-Gaussianity but also the tensor fluctuation through future CMB observations such as the Planck satellite, the PolarBeaR and the LiteBIRD satellite experiments. We study the baryonic-isocurvature fluctuations in the Affleck-Dine baryogenesis with the modulated reheating scenario. We show that the Affleck-Dine baryogenesis can be consistent with the modulated reheating scenario with respect to the current observational constraint on the baryonic-isocurvature fluctuations.Comment: 7 page

    Leptogenesis from N~\widetilde{N}-dominated early universe

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    We investigate in detail the leptogenesis by the decay of coherent right-handed sneutrino N~\widetilde{N} having dominated the energy density of the early universe, which was originally proposed by HM and TY. Once the N~\widetilde{N} dominant universe is realized, the amount of the generated lepton asymmetry (and hence baryon asymmetry) is determined only by the properties of the right-handed neutrino, regardless of the history before it dominates the universe. Moreover, thanks to the entropy production by the decay of the right-handed sneutrino, thermally produced relics are sufficiently diluted. In particular, the cosmological gravitino problem can be avoided even when the reheating temperature of the inflation is higher than 10^{10}\GeV, in a wide range of the gravitino mass m_{3/2}\simeq 10\MeV--100\TeV. If the gravitino mass is in the range m_{3/2}\simeq 10\MeV--1\GeV as in the some gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking models, the dark matter in our universe can be dominantly composed of the gravitino. Quantum fluctuation of the N~\widetilde{N} during inflation causes an isocurvature fluctuation which may be detectable in the future.Comment: 16 page

    Non-thermal Leptogenesis and a Prediction of Inflaton Mass in a Supersymmetric SO(10) Model

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    The gravitino problem gives a severe constraint on the thermal leptogenesis scenario. This problem leads us to consider some alternatives to it if we try to keep the gravitino mass around the weak scale m3/2∌100m_{3/2} \sim 100 GeV. We consider, in this paper, the non-thermal leptogenesis scenario in the framework of a minimal supersymmetric SO(10) model. Even if we start with the same minimal SO(10) model, we have different predictions for low-energy phenomenologies dependent on the types of seesaw mechanism. This is the case for leptogenesis: it is shown that the type-I see-saw model gives a consistent scenario for the non-thermal leptogenesis but not for type-II. The predicted inflaton mass needed to produce the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe is found to be MI∌5×1011M_I \sim 5 \times 10^{11} GeV for the reheating temperature TR=106T_R = 10^6 GeV.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; the version to appear in JCA

    Radiative Decay of a Long-Lived Particle and Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    The effects of radiatively decaying, long-lived particles on big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) are discussed. If high-energy photons are emitted after BBN, they may change the abundances of the light elements through photodissociation processes, which may result in a significant discrepancy between the BBN theory and observation. We calculate the abundances of the light elements, including the effects of photodissociation induced by a radiatively decaying particle, but neglecting the hadronic branching ratio. Using these calculated abundances, we derive a constraint on such particles by comparing our theoretical results with observations. Taking into account the recent controversies regarding the observations of the light-element abundances, we derive constraints for various combinations of the measurements. We also discuss several models which predict such radiatively decaying particles, and we derive constraints on such models.Comment: Published version in Phys. Rev. D. Typos in figure captions correcte